diff --git a/classes/privacy/provider.php b/classes/privacy/provider.php
index 40c0db8..537d3e3 100644
--- a/classes/privacy/provider.php
+++ b/classes/privacy/provider.php
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ class provider implements \core_privacy\local\metadata\null_provider {
* @return string
- public static function get_reason() : string {
+ public static function get_reason(): string {
return 'privacy:metadata';
diff --git a/lang/en/local_bulkenrol.php b/lang/en/local_bulkenrol.php
index c1ba815..5c01e28 100644
--- a/lang/en/local_bulkenrol.php
+++ b/lang/en/local_bulkenrol.php
@@ -26,50 +26,50 @@
$string['bulkenrol:enrolusers'] = 'Use user bulk enrolment';
$string['bulkenrol_form_intro'] = 'Here, you can bulk enrol users to your course. A user to be enrolled is identified by his e-mail address stored in his Moodle account.';
-$string['enrol_users_successful'] = 'User bulk enrolment successful';
$string['enrol_users'] = 'Enrol users';
+$string['enrol_users_successful'] = 'User bulk enrolment successful';
$string['enrolinfo_headline'] = 'Enrolment details';
$string['enrolplugin'] = 'Enrolment plugin';
$string['enrolplugin_desc'] = 'The enrolment method to be used to bulk enrol the users. If the configured enrolment method is not active / added in the course when the users are bulk-enrolled, it is automatically added / activated.';
+$string['error_check_is_already_member'] = 'Error checking if the user ({$a->email}) is already a member of group ({$a->groupname}). {$a->error}';
$string['error_empty_line'] = 'Line {$a->line} is empty and will be ignored.';
-$string['error_enrol_users'] = 'There was a problem when enrolling the users to the course.';
$string['error_enrol_user'] = 'There was a problem when enrolling the user with e-mail {$a->email} to the course.';
+$string['error_enrol_users'] = 'There was a problem when enrolling the users to the course.';
$string['error_exception_info'] = 'Exception information';
$string['error_getting_user_for_email'] = 'There was a problem when getting the user record for e-mail address {$a} from the database.';
-$string['error_group_add_members'] = 'There was a problem when adding the users to the course group(s).';
$string['error_group_add_member'] = 'There was a problem when adding the user with e-mail {$a->email} to the course group {$a->group}.';
+$string['error_group_add_members'] = 'There was a problem when adding the users to the course group(s).';
$string['error_invalid_email'] = 'Invalid e-mail address found in line {$a->row} ({$a->email}). This line will be ignored.';
$string['error_more_than_one_record_for_email'] = 'More than one existing Moodle user account with e-mail address {$a} found.
This line will be ignored, none of the existing Moodle users will be enrolled.';
$string['error_no_email'] = 'No e-mail address found in line {$a->line} ({$a->content}). This line will be ignored.';
-$string['error_no_valid_email_in_list'] = 'No valid e-mail address was found in the given list.
Please url}\'>go back and check your input.';
$string['error_no_record_found_for_email'] = 'No existing Moodle user account with e-mail address {$a}.
This line will be ignored, there won\'t be a Moodle user account created on-the-fly.';
+$string['error_no_valid_email_in_list'] = 'No valid e-mail address was found in the given list.
Please url}\'>go back and check your input.';
$string['error_usermails_empty'] = 'List of e-mail addresses is empty. Please add at least one e-mail address.';
-$string['error_check_is_already_member'] = 'Error checking if the user ({$a->email}) is already a member of group ({$a->groupname}). {$a->error}';
-$string['groupinfos_headline'] = 'Groups included in the list';
$string['group_name_headline'] = 'Group name';
$string['group_status_create'] = 'Group will be created';
$string['group_status_exists'] = 'Group already exists';
$string['group_status_headline'] = 'Group status';
+$string['groupinfos_headline'] = 'Groups included in the list';
$string['hints'] = 'Hints';
+$string['nav_both'] = 'Navigation node both in participants page jump menu and in course navigation';
+$string['nav_course'] = 'Navigation node in course navigation';
+$string['nav_participants'] = 'Navigation node in participants page jump menu';
+$string['navigation'] = 'Navigation node placement';
+$string['navigation_desc'] = 'The location where the navigation node for user bulk enrolment will be added within a course.';
+$string['parameter_empty'] = 'Parameter empty';
$string['pluginname'] = 'User bulk enrolment';
$string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The user bulk enrolment plugin acts as a tool to enrol users into courses, but does not store any personal data.';
$string['role'] = 'Role';
$string['role_assigned'] = 'Assigned role';
$string['role_description'] = 'The role to be used to bulk enrol the users.';
$string['row'] = 'Row';
-$string['usermails'] = 'List of e-mail addresses';
-$string['usermails_help'] = 'To enrol an existing Moodle user into this course, add his e-mail address to this form, one user / e-mail address per line.
Optionally, you are able to create groups and add the enrolled users to the groups. All you have to do is to add a heading line with a hash sign and the group\'s name, separating the list of users.
# Group 1
# Group 2
-$string['users_to_enrol_in_course'] = 'Users to be enrolled into the course';
+$string['type_enrol'] = 'Enrolment method';
$string['user_enroled'] = 'User enrolment';
-$string['user_enroled_yes'] = 'User will be enrolled';
$string['user_enroled_already'] = 'User is already enrolled';
+$string['user_enroled_yes'] = 'User will be enrolled';
$string['user_groups'] = 'Group membership';
-$string['user_groups_yes'] = 'User will be added to group';
$string['user_groups_already'] = 'User is already group member';
-$string['parameter_empty'] = 'Parameter empty';
-$string['type_enrol'] = 'Enrolment method';
-$string['navigation'] = 'Navigation node placement';
-$string['navigation_desc'] = 'The location where the navigation node for user bulk enrolment will be added within a course.';
-$string['nav_course'] = 'Navigation node in course navigation';
-$string['nav_participants'] = 'Navigation node in participants page jump menu';
-$string['nav_both'] = 'Navigation node both in participants page jump menu and in course navigation';
+$string['user_groups_yes'] = 'User will be added to group';
+$string['usermails'] = 'List of e-mail addresses';
+$string['usermails_help'] = 'To enrol an existing Moodle user into this course, add his e-mail address to this form, one user / e-mail address per line.
Optionally, you are able to create groups and add the enrolled users to the groups. All you have to do is to add a heading line with a hash sign and the group\'s name, separating the list of users.
# Group 1
# Group 2
+$string['users_to_enrol_in_course'] = 'Users to be enrolled into the course';
diff --git a/version.php b/version.php
index fe44b9a..8cb33e0 100644
--- a/version.php
+++ b/version.php
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see .
* Local plugin "bulkenrol" - Version information