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numeroteca edited this page May 11, 2014 · 48 revisions

This is the wiki for PageOneX. We'll use this to document everything related to the project.

Help us document the project!

We have divided this wiki in two sections:

PageOneX for users

Export data to a spreadsheet (.ods format)

From the display view it is possible to export to a multiple spreadsheet .ods file. Each of the sheets in the exported document contains the coverage per day per topic per newspaper. The first column of every sheet is a number. If you format the cell to "date format" it will render the date in human readable format.

Export thread to an image

From the display view it is possible to export to a jpg file. First you have to select the numbers of pixels you want for the width of your final image. To start with, 1200px is a good size, so just type "1200" without the ". You have two options:

  • .jpg, downloads an image (it is crashing for big images, so better use the .zip option)
  • .zip, downloads a zip folder with many files: two images per topic (just the areas and the areas an the front pages) + the composite image + just the newspaper images without the highlighted areas.

Use keyboard shortcuts to make some actions while coding:

  • ← = previous image
  • → = next image
  • n = nothing to code

Tutorial: How to use PageOneX

####Slides Tutorial PageOnex in Spanish

Tutorial in slides in Spanish about How to use PageOneX by Anibal Rossi (in Spanish).


Video tutorial PageOneX in Spanish

Video tutorial: How to use PageOneX (Spanish) | Cómo funciona PageOneX.

Video tutorial PageOneX in Spanish

Video tutorial: How to crete a thread in PageOneX | Cómo crear un hilo en PageOneX.

PageOneX for Developers

Installation guide

How to deploy PageOneX locally or in your own server.

Note: You will need to have postgresSQL installed for the development environment, and mySQL for production environment. You can avoid production environment by bundle --without production

  1. Manage ruby versions via RVM (ruby version manager):

  2. Use RVM to get ruby 1.9 and make it the default with RVM (

rvm install 1.9.3

  1. Install bundler for good package management (

gem install bundler

  1. Grab the PageOneX code from github:

git clone [email protected]:numeroteca/pageonex.git

It will generate a directory called 'pageonex'.

  1. Go to the directory you cloned the code into cd pageonex, and install all the gem dependencies listed in the Gemfile:

bundle install

  1. Set up the development sqlite database:

rake db:migrate

  1. Load the media (newspaper data) to the database:

    rake scraping:update_media

  2. Run the server:

rails server You should be able to hit http://localhost:3000 and see something.

To install make a Heroku install

You will need to add to these gems to the Gemfile:

gem 'rails_12factor'	# Heroku logging y servir assets (without this it doesn't serve images, css…)
gem 'thin'
gem 'nokogiri' 

Then you need to bundle install and push again to Heroku.

Install in Debian Squeeze

apt-get install ruby
apt-get install rubygems
apt-get install rails
apt-get install imagemagick
apt get install libmagick-dev
apt-get install libmagickwand-dev
apt-get install libxslt-dev libxml2-dev
apt-get install libpq-de
curl -L | bash -s stable
gem install bundler

Controlling pagination: number of threads in /threads index:

Change the value of self.per_page = 20 in app/models/threadx.rb

The pagination is made using will_paginate gem and the styling with 'bootstrap-will_paginate'.

How to update the list of newspapers available from

First you need to run the scraper, it will check all the newspapers available in and will write the new found ones in public/kiosko_media_list.csv

 rake scraping:update_media['public/kiosko_media_list.csv']

Then you need to update the list of newspapers into the data base:

rake scraping:update_media

Switch between embedding image files from or storing locally

Change value to false at config/initializers/application.rb:

Pageonex::Application.config.use_local_images = true

For Heroku: This is useful when the sever where the PageOneX is deployed has not much space. It will embed the images from

Granting admin privileges

From the console (replace [email protected] with the user's email). The console should be run in production mode.

RAILS_ENV="production" rails console

Once inside the console, run the following:

User.find_by_email('[email protected]').update_attribute :admin, true

Prevent certain user names from being used

To add invalid usernames, just modify the list in the ok_username method of app/models/user.rb.

Debugging Tips

If you want to try and get all the images for a thread again:

Threadx.find_by_thread_name([slug]).scrape_all_images true

Padding for grid of images in display

You can edit it in line 141 of the threadx model

Forcing to rescrape all the images for a thread

Open rails console:

 rails console production

And once inside:

 Threadx.find_by_thread_name([slug]).scrape_all_images true
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