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File metadata and controls

1719 lines (1189 loc) · 54.8 KB
author copyright license version min_python min_freecad date geometry
Frank David Martínez Muñoz
(c) 2024 Frank David Martínez Muñoz.
LGPL 2.1
2024-12-04 16:48:18.649528

FreeCAD Scripted Objects Modern API

generated 2024-12-04 16:48:18.657274
author Frank David Martínez Muñoz
copyright (c) 2024 Frank David Martínez Muñoz.
license LGPL 2.1
version 1.0.0-beta4
min_python 3.10
min_freecad 0.22




All of the following information is the result of my own research and usage of the FreeCAD's Python APIs along several years. It reflects my very own view, coding style and limited understanding of FreeCAD internals. All the content is based on official docs, forum discussions, development of my own extensions, reading code of existing extensions and FreeCAD sources.

This document does not cover 100% of the API yet because there are still some obscure methods that can be overridden from the Python Proxies but there is no enough documentation of them, I have never used them or I have not found usage examples. My goal is to cover all of the supported features but it will take time.


This is a technical document for developers of FreeCAD extensions commonly known as Feature Python Objects or more generally Scripted Objects.

General programming experience, some basic FreeCAD know-how and a minimalistic comprehension of Python are sufficient, as long as you can search the internet for a basic grasp of classes, functions, decorators, type hints, etc...;)

It is also expected that the readers are FreeCAD users, and have a good understanding of the basic usage of it.


  • The API must be developer friendly, consistent, maintainable and compatible with FC 0.21+
  • The API must be an overlay on top of the existing API, so no conflicts with existing code.
  • The API must be 100% documented.
  • Old code and new code can be mixed, so existing projects can be upgraded gradually if desired.
  • Include a tiny documentation generator to produce compact, nice and readable documentation of this API for developers.

Non Goals

  • It is not intended to replace anything in the existing FreeCAD APIs.
  • It is not intended to require any refactoring of existing python code.
  • It is not intended to require any refactoring of existing C/C++ code.
  • The documentation generator script is not for general use.


  • Declarative DataProxy (@proxy)
    • Observable explicit and well defined lifecycle
    • Serialization/Deserialization
    • Automatic Proxy-Object association
    • Declarative extensions
    • Extension lifecycle management
  • Properties
    • Declarative creation (Property*)
    • Proxy based read/write
    • Observable
  • Declarative ViewProxy (@view_proxy)
    • Display Modes
      • Declarative creation (DisplayMode)
      • Builder based creation of display modes
    • Drag and Drop support
  • Migrations (@migrations)
    • Declarative support
    • Redirect to different class
    • Automatic version management
    • upgrade/downgrade/redirect
  • Extensions
    • Declarative Extension support
  • Preferences
    • Proxy based read/write
    • Declarative listeners (@Preference.subscribe)
    • Automatic type handling
  • Documentation in markdown format.

General Scripted Object Architecture

Despite the widespread use of the name FeaturePythonObject, this is a concept and not a specific class in the Python API. Maybe a better name should be ScriptedObject. Every ScriptedObject has two main components: The Data component and the View component. Each main component is also divided in two parts: the FreeCAD object and the python Proxy object. All these 4 pieces conforms the ScriptedObject concept. It is more clear in the following diagram:

Scripted Object Overview diagram



So to develop your own ScriptedObject, you need to create at least one class for the DataProxy and optionally an additional class for the ViewProxy.


View component is optional and only required for GUI part of the object.


Document objects are classes that define the data, geometry and logic of the features in the document. These classes are internal FreeCAD C++ classes and are instantiated from python using document.addObject(...)


App::FeaturePython and Part::FeaturePython are the most common DocumentObject classes used to create custom objects in FreeCAD, but there are many more types supported:

Object type Description
App::FeaturePython Typical Scripted Object
Part::FeaturePython Typical Scripted object with Shape
PartDesign::FeatureAddSubPython Additive/Subtractive PD Shape
PartDesign::FeatureAdditivePython Additive PD Shape
PartDesign::FeaturePython Base PD Feature
PartDesign::FeatureSubtractivePython Subtractive PD Shape


There is an official class diagram, but it does not include scriptable objects apart from App::FeaturePython. See


ViewProviders are classes that define the way objects will look like in the tree view and the 3D view, and how they will interact with certain graphical actions such as selection.



This is a python class responsible for managing all the data logic of your ScriptedObject, it creates the data properties and executes the required code on document recompute. We will see the details later.

This class is also responsible for serializing/deserializing its own internal state from/to the document.

To define a DataProxy class, just define a class and decorate it with @proxy decorator.

from fpo import proxy, PropertyLength, print_log

class MyCustomObjectProxy:
    length = PropertyLength(default=5)

    def on_execute(self, obj):
        print_log("length=", self.length)

# -- usage
obj = MyCustomObjectProxy.create(name="MyThing")

The name of the class is irrelevant, but using Proxy as suffix looks like a good naming convention.


This is a python class responsible for managing all the presentation logic of your ScriptedObject, it creates the presentation properties and executes the required code to display the ScriptedObject in the Tree and in the 3D scene. We will see the details later.

This class is also responsible for serializing/deserializing is own internal state from/to the document.

To define a ViewProxy class just define a class and annotate it with @view_proxy decorator.

from fpo import view_proxy, DisplayMode

class MyCustomObjectViewProxy:
    wireframe = DisplayMode(name='Wireframe')
    shaded = DisplayMode(name='Shaded', is_default=True)

The name of the class is irrelevant, but using ViewProxy as suffix looks like a good naming convention.

To bind the Proxy and the ViewProxy together, you specify the ViewProxy as an argument of the @proxy decorator.

from fpo import proxy, view_proxy

class MyCustomViewProxy:

@proxy(view_proxy=MyCustomViewProxy)  # <-- associate DataProxy with ViewProxy
class MyCustomObjectProxy:

# -----
obj = MyCustomObjectProxy.create(name="MyThing")

Object creation and binding

Once the classes are defined, you can create your objects using the create static method.

def create(name: str = None, label: str = None, doc: Document = None)

The create method takes care of adding the DocumentObject to the Document and binding the proxies, view providers, etc...

Argument Type Description
name str Internal name of the object
label str Label of the object used in UI.
doc Document Document, if omitted, current document will be used, if there is not current document, a new one will be created.


obj = MyCustomObjectProxy.create(name="MyThing")

DataProxy Lifecycle

Every DataProxy object has a lifecycle. You can observe state changes using the appropriate event listeners to add your custom logic.

All possible states

State Description
NonExistent (virtual) the object does not exists
Creating (hidden) proxy instance exists but it is not initialized
Created Proxy is created, properties and extensions are initialized
Active Everything is initialized and the object is in consistent state. Objects and Proxies are bound together
Serialized (virtual) the object is passivated in the FCStd file.
Restoring (hidden) restoring everything from FCStd file.
Restored Object is fully restored and migrations are applied if any
Removed (virtual) object was removed from the document
Attaching (virtual) FreeCAD is creating and binding the objects
Migrating (virtual) Migration code is running


Virtual states are pure conceptual, they are not present in the code but helps to understand the lifecycle. Hidden states are not observable (there are no event handlers for them)

The following diagram shows the complete lifecycle:

Lifecycle diagram

Lifecycle Diagram

State event listeners

To listen to a specific state change event, you create an event handler for that specific event. That is a simple method in your class with the correct signature. All listeners are of course optional.

Using state change listeners you can inject any custom logic in the right place.


from fpo import proxy

class MyCustomObjectProxy:

    def on_create(self, fpo):
        print("My Object was created")

    def on_attach(self, fpo):
        print("My Object was attached to the document")

    def on_start(self, fpo):
        print("My Object is ready")

    def on_remove(self, fpo):
        print("My Object was removed")

    def on_restore(self, fpo):
        print("My Object was loaded from the file")



def on_attach(self: Proxy, fpo: DocumentObject) -> None

Called when the proxy is just bound to the DocumentObject and attached to the Document.


def on_create(self: Proxy, fpo: DocumentObject) -> None

Called when the object is created and after all properties are created and all migrations are applied.


def on_start(self: Proxy, fpo: DocumentObject) -> None

Called after the object is created the first time or after restored from the document. Usually any custom initialization logic must be done here.


def on_remove(self: Proxy, fpo: DocumentObject) -> None

Called before the object is removed from the Document


def on_restore(self: Proxy, fpo: DocumentObject) -> None

Called when the object is restored from the FCStd file

Persistence events listeners

FreeCAD is responsible for managing the persistence of the DocumentObjects and ViewProviders but your Proxy classes are responsible for persisting/loading its own internal state from/to the document.


def on_serialize(self: Proxy, state: Dict[str, Any]) -> None

This method is called to collect data from your object and store it in the document, all that you have to do is include your state into the state dictionary.

from fpo import proxy

class MyCustomObjectProxy:
    var1: str
    var2: int

    def __init__(self, fp):
        self.var1 = 'Hello'
        self.var2 = 5

    def on_serialize(self, state: Dict[str. Any]):
        state['my_value_1'] = self.var1
        state['my_value_1'] = self.var2



def on_deserialize(self: Proxy, state: Dict[str, Any]) -> None

This method is called to give you data from the document, all that you have to do is read the values from the state dict.

from fpo import proxy

class MyCustomObjectProxy:
    var1: str
    var2: int

    def on_deserialize(self, state: Dict[str, Any]):
        self.var1 = state.get('my_value_1', '')
        self.var2 = state.get('my_value_2', 0)


Active event handlers

When your ScriptedObject is Active, all your work is performed in on_execute and on_change event listeners.


def on_execute(self: Proxy, fpo: DocumentObject) -> None

This method is where you place the main scripting code of your ScriptedObject, this is called on document recompute if the object is marked as dirty (changed).

from fpo import proxy, PropertyLength
import Part

class CustomBoxProxy:
    width = PropertyLength(default=5.0, description='Width of the box')
    length = PropertyLength(default=5.0, description='Length of the box')
    height = PropertyLength(default=5.0, description='Height of the box')

    def on_execute(self, fpo):
        # Your magic happens here
        fpo.Shape = Part.makeBox(self.length, self.width, self.height)


# -----
obj = CustomBoxProxy.create(name='box1')


def on_change(self: Proxy, fpo: DocumentObject,
              prop_name: str, new_value: Any, old_value: Any) -> None

Called after any property has changed.


def on_before_change(self: Proxy, fpo: DocumentObject,
              prop_name: str, old_value: Any) -> None

Called when a property change will be performed.

Direct property change listeners

You can listen to changes on specific properties using the @{prop}.observer decorator:

class CustomBoxProxy:
    width = PropertyFloat(default=5.0, description='Width of the box')
    length = PropertyFloat(default=5.0, description='Length of the box')
    height = PropertyFloat(default=5.0, description='Height of the box')

    # Your magic happens here
    def on_execute(self, fpo):
        fpo.Shape = Part.makeBox(self.length, self.width, self.height)
    def length_changed(self, fp, new_value, old_value):
        print(f"Hey! length has changed from {old_Value} to {new_value}")

Other listeners


def on_extension(self: Proxy, fpo: DocumentObject, extension: str) -> None

Called when an extension is added to the object. Extensions add predefined behaviors to the DocumentObject, making it behave like a group, link, attachable, etc... see: extensions


More optional methods called by FreeCAD to get some info from the Proxy


def can_link_properties(self) -> bool

Return true to cause PropertyView to show linked object's property


def is_dirty(self) -> bool

Return True if your DataProxy in a state that requires recompute


The main interaction between your ScriptedObject and the user is by managing property values, the user sets the property values and you do something useful with that.

Properties are declared using special property constructors, there is one constructor per property type.

For a reference of all property types, check the official docs:

Declaring properties

Each property can be declared with a proxy attribute.

For example, to create an Integer property:

class MyMagicProxy:
    my_property = PropertyInteger(section="Basic", default=5)

    # Optional listener
    def my_property_obs(self, fp, new_value, old_value):
        print(f"my_property has changed from {old_value} to {new_value}")

Property constructors

def Property{__property_type__}(
        name: str = None,
        section: str = 'Data',
        default: Any = None,
        description: str = '',
        mode: PropertyMode = PropertyMode.Default,
        observer_func: Callable = None,
        link_property: str = None,
        enum: Enum = None,
        options: Callable[[], List[str]] = None)
argument description
name Name of the property, deduced from the attribute if missing
section Sub section in the property editor
default Default value of the property
description Tooltip text
mode A combination of PropertyMode flags
enum Only valid for PropertyEnumeration. The enum type.
options Only valid for PropertyOptions. A function that returns the list of options
link_property Key of the Link property (see extensions) App::LinkExtensionPython
observer_func Function to listen for property changes. You can also use the observer decorator.


from fpo import PropertyInteger, PropertyLength, PropertyAngle, proxy

class MyProxy:
    x = PropertyInteger(default=5)
    y = PropertyLength(default=0)
    w = PropertyAngle(default=30)

Property modes

On property declaration, you can specify a mode or a combination of them. Supported modes are the following:

Mode Description
PropertyMode.Default No special property type
PropertyMode.ReadOnly Property is read-only in the editor
PropertyMode.Transient Property won't be saved to file
PropertyMode.Hidden Property won't appear in the editor
PropertyMode.Output Modified property doesn't touch its parent container
PropertyMode.NoRecompute Modified property doesn't touch its container for recompute
PropertyMode.NoPersist Property won't be saved to file at all

Property Editor modes

Editor modes for properties are different than actual property modes and are transient:

Mode Description
PropertyEditorMode.Default read/write access in the editor
PropertyEditorMode.ReadOnly Property is read-only in the editor
PropertyEditorMode.Hidden Property won't appear in the editor

Property change listener

Any function can be subscribed to the property to listen for change events. The arguments of the property listener are all optional

class MyMagicProxy
    my_prop1 = PropertyInteger(section="Basic", default=5)
    my_prop2 = PropertyInteger(section="Basic", default=5)
    my_prop3 = PropertyInteger(section="Basic", default=5)
    def listener1(self, fp, new_value, old_value):
        print(f"my_property1 has changed from {old_value} to {new_value}")
    def listener2(self, fp, new_value):
        print(f"my_property2 has changed {new_value}")
    def listener3(self, fp):
        print(f"my_property3 has changed")


Only one observer (listener) method can be attached to each property.

Property access

All properties can be accessed from the Proxy object using the declared property name. It is internally proxyfied to the actual DocumentObject.

class MyMagicProxy
    my_property1 = PropertyInteger(section="Basic", default=5)

    def on_execute(self, fp):

        # Transparently access the property from the remote object
        x = self.my_property1

        # Transparently update the property from the remote object
        self.my_property1 = 10


Properties are only proxies of the actual properties in the internal FreeCAD object (DocumentObject). So persistence is managed by FreeCAD. additional state of your proxy object must be serialized/deserialized by you in on_serialize / on_deserialize listeners.

Creating properties programmatically

It is also possible to create properties programmatically using the direct API, but in that case you manage them directly from the object.

class MyMagicProxy

    def on_start(self, fp):
        if not hasattr(fp, 'Length'):
                "Length", "Box", "Length of the box").Length = 1.0

    def on_execute(self, fp):
        # read
        x = fp.Length
        # write
        fp.Length = 10

ViewProxy listeners

ViewProxy has a lightly lifecycle compared to DataProxy but has a lot of listeners and methods to interface with FreeCAD GUI.


def on_attach(self, vp: ViewObject) -> None

Called when the ViewObject is attached to the Document. Usually init logic is here.


def on_start(self, vp: ViewObject) -> None

Called when the ViewObject is attached to the Document and all declared properties are created and all declared Display Modes are created.


def on_edit_start(self, vp: ViewObject, mode: EditMode = EditMode.Default) -> None

Called when the user request edit. See edit modes


def on_edit_end(self, vp: ViewObject, mode: EditMode = EditMode.Default) -> None

Called when the user terminates editing. See edit modes


def on_dbl_click(self, vp: ViewObject) -> bool

Called when the user double clicks the Tree Node. Return True to tell the core system that you handled the action already.


def on_context_menu(self, vp: ViewObject, menu: QMenu) -> None

Called to populate the context menu. You can add actions to the menu object:

def on_context_menu(self, vp, menu):


def on_delete(self, vp: ViewObject, sub_elements) -> None

Called when the ViewObject is deleted. Usually to re-expose the child nodes.


def on_claim_children(self) -> List[DocumentObject]

Returns a list of Document Objects that need to be shown as child nodes of this ScriptedObject.


def on_drag_object(self, vp: ViewObject, obj: DocumentObject) -> None

Called if the obj was allowed to be dragged. You perform the drag logic here.


def on_drop_object(self, vp: ViewObject, obj: DocumentObject) -> None

Called if the dropped obj was accepted. You perform the drop logic here.


def on_object_change(self, fp: DocumentObject, prop_name: str) -> None

Called when a property changes on the associated DocumentObject (Not the ViewObject).

ViewProxy hooks


def can_drag_objects(self) -> bool

Returns True if this VP accepts dragging of sub-elements


def can_drop_objects(self) -> bool

Returns True if this VP accepts dropping of sub-elements


def can_drag_object(self, obj: DocumentObject) -> bool

Returns True if this VP accepts dragging of the dragged obj


def can_drop_object(self, obj: DocumentObject) -> bool

Returns True if this VP accepts dropping of the incoming obj


def icon(self) -> str

Returns the path of the icon (Tree Node Icon). If the returned value is prefixed with 'self:' the path will be resolved relatively to the file where the class is declared.

Edit Modes

Mode Description
Default(0) The object will be edited using the mode defined internally to be the most appropriate for the object type
Transform(1) The object will have its placement editable with the Std TransformManip command
Cutting(2) This edit mode is implemented as available but currently does not seem to be used by any object
Color(3) The object will have the color of its individual faces editable with the Part FaceColors command

Main Decorators

There are two entry points for the API, the DataProxy and the ViewProxy. Both of them are created decorating a class with the corresponding decorators @proxy and @view_proxy respectively.


    object_type: str = 'App::FeaturePython',
    subtype: str = None,
    view_proxy: ViewProxy = None,
    extensions: Iterable[str] = None,
    view_provider_name_override: str = None,
    version: int = 1)

Converts a user defined class into a full blown DataProxy with all of the lifecycle management, versioning, proxyfied properties, extensions, etc...

Argument Description
object_type * One of the supported Python feature types. This will be used to create the FC Object using addObject(...). by default it is App::FeaturePython
subtype The handler name of your ScriptedObject, by default it is the name of your class. Saved as Proxy.Type
view_proxy A reference to the view proxy class
extensions * A list of extensions to be added to the ScriptedObject
version Current version of the class. (Used by migrations)
view_provider_name_override Forced ViewProvider name


Converts a user defined class into a full blown ViewProxy with all of the lifecycle management, proxyfied properties, extensions, display mode builders, etc...

    view_provider_name_override: str = None,
    extensions: Iterable[str] = None,
    icon: str = None)
Argument Description
view_provider_name_override ViewProvider internal type name, empty by default so FreeCAD will decide the value
icon Path of the icon for the Tree. If prefixed with 'self:' the path is relative to the file where the class is declared. i.e. 'self:my_icon.svg' will be resolved in the same folder as the file that declares your class.
extensions * A list of extensions to be added to the VP

Display Modes

Display modes are named zones in the 3D view that have specific presentation attributes. So objects placed in each zone are rendered with the zone's attributes.

Display modes are implemented by FreeCAD using coin objects, usually SoGroup or SoSeparator. Each display mode has a name, an optional method builder that builds the coin object and optionally can be marked as default mode.

Function: DisplayMode

Signature / DisplayMode

def DisplayMode(name: str=None, is_default: bool=False, builder: Callable=None): ...

Docs / DisplayMode

Argument Type Description
name str Name of the display mode
is_default bool Configure the DM as default, defaults to False
builder Callable[[ViewObject], coin.SoGroup] Method to build the coin object if required

Declarator of Display Modes, allows to configure a mode and optionally a builder method to create and register the coin object.


class MyViewProxy:
    wireframe_plus = DisplayMode(name="WireframePlus", is_default=True)
    shaded = DisplayMode(name="Shaded")

    def wireframe_plus_builder(self, vp):
        return SoSeparator()


Extensions are predefined behaviors that can be added to the DocumentObject or ViewObject to add functionality.

Available Object Extensions

  • App::GeoFeatureGroupExtensionPython
  • App::GroupExtensionPython
  • App::LinkBaseExtensionPython
    • App::LinkExtensionPython (ref)
  • App::OriginGroupExtensionPython
  • App::SuppressibleExtensionPython
  • Part::AttachExtensionPython
  • TechDraw::CosmeticExtensionPython

Available View extensions

  • Gui::ViewProviderSuppressibleExtensionPython
  • Gui::ViewProviderExtensionPython
  • Gui::ViewProviderGeoFeatureGroupExtensionPython
  • Gui::ViewProviderGroupExtensionPython
  • Gui::ViewProviderOriginGroupExtensionPython
  • PartGui::ViewProviderAttachExtensionPython
  • PartGui::ViewProviderSplineExtensionPython


Migrating old versions of your ScriptedObject to maintain backwards compatibility with old files is a complex topic. You can read all the low level details in this extensive official wiki:

In this API, migrations are way more simple as you only have to add the migrations decorator and implement the corresponding methods

Migrations using the same DataProxy Class

class FpoClass:

    def on_migrate_complete(self, version, obj):
        # Called after all migrations are applied

    def on_migrate_upgrade(self, version, fp):
        # Called if version is less than current version
        # Do any required migration code here

    def on_migrate_downgrade(self, version, fp):
        # Called if version is greater than current version
        # Do any required migration code here

    def on_migrate_error(self, version, fp):
        # Called if migration fails


Migrations using a different DataProxy class

Some times you refactor your code and move the file that declares your DataProxy class, in this scenario FreeCAD fails to find your class as its old module is persisted in the FCStd file. In this situation you need to do a redirection from the old file to the new one.

Suppose that your old DataProxy was defined as a class named OriginalFpo in a file named and you decided to move it to a file named and renamed your class to BetterFpo. You need to redirect calls from the old file/class to the new one, and also apply some migration logic to convert the old version into the new version.

In your new file you have your new class, nothing special is required there.

# file:

class BetterFpoViewProvider:
    # ....

class BetterFpo:
    # All the new stuff

Now you have to redirect old calls from the old file to the new one. So just create a class with the old name but make it into a migration, the migration will take care of calling your logic and redirecting to the new class after it.

# file:

from fpo import migrations, proxy
from better import BetterFpo, BetterFpoViewProvider

class OriginalFpo:

    def on_migrate_class(self, version, fp):
        # Perform any migration logic here ....

        # Then rebind to the new class
        BetterFpo.rebind(fp) # Reinitialize fp as the new Fpo

@migrations decorator

Function: migrations

Signature / migrations

def migrations(current: type=None): ...

Docs / migrations

Argument Type Description
current ProxyClass most recent class, if omitted, the same class is used.

Install migrations management into the class.


class MyScriptedObjectClass:

FreeCAD Preferences

You can read and write FreeCAD preferences from your code using a simple API. Use it to save/load configurations.

In FreeCAD, preferences are saved in a Tree of groups/entries like this:

└── User parameter:BaseApp/
    └── MyExtension/
        └── My Group/
            ├── My Param X = 0.5
            ├── My Param Y = 10
            └── My Param Z = 100
  • Every Group is under a root parent, in the example above the root is BaseApp
  • Every Entry is under a Group, in the example above the group is MyExtension/My Group
  • Every Entry has one value of type int, float, str, bool

To access them for read/write, you just need to create a proxy for the preference:

# file:
#  Declare preferences wherever you want,
#  but usually in some `` module
#  so you can reuse from everywhere.
from fpo import Preference
config_x = Preference(group="MyExtension/My Group", name="My Param X", default=10)
config_y = Preference(group="MyExtension/My Group", name="My Param Y", default=10)
config_z = Preference(group="MyExtension/My Group", name="My Param Z", default=10)

# file:
import preferences as pref

# read values
print(f"X = {pref.config_x()}")
print(f"Y = {pref.config_y()}")
print(f"Z = {pref.config_z()}")

# write values

# subscribe/observe to changes in preferences with listeners
from fpo import Preference

@Preference.subscribe(group="MyExtension/My Group")
def on_preference_change(group, value_type, name, value):
    print(f"Preference changed: {group}, {value_type}, {name}, {value}")

Preferences API


Preference(group:str, name:str, default:Any=None, value_type:type=str, root:str="BaseApp")
Argument Description
group Group path
name Entry name
default Default value returned if Entry does not exists
value_type Type of the value, if not provided, type(default) is used, if no default. str is used
root Tree root, default is BaseApp


@Preference.subscribe(group:str, root="BaseApp")

Creates and attach a preference listener, you can observe changes in a group.

Argument Description
group Group path to observe
root Tree root, default is BaseApp
from fpo import Preference

@Preference.subscribe(group="MyExtension/My Group")
def on_preference_change(group, value_type, name, value):
    print(f"Preference changed: {group}, {value_type}, {name}, {value}")

# You can remove the observer subscription later:

Utility functions reference

There are also few global functions that are frequently used in ScriptedObject development. So I included them here for quick reference because they are used in the examples.

Global functions in fpo module

Function: get_selection

Signature / get_selection

def get_selection(*args) -> tuple: ...

Docs / get_selection

Return type Description
List[DocumentObject] If no arguments are supplied, the list of selected objects
bool, *List[DocumentObject] If arguments are supplied, the first element returned says if the selection matches the patterns, the rest are the selected objects in order
Argument Type Description
*args *[str|re.Pattern] List of patterns

Returns current selection in specific order and matching specific types.

case 1: no args, just returns selection as list:

sel = get_selection()

case 2: args are the required selection types:

ok, axis, obj = get_selection('PartDesign::Line'. '*')
if ok:

regex are supported for type matching and '*' is a general wildcard:

ok, axis, part, other = get_selection('PartDesign::Line', re.compile('Part::.*'), '*')
if ok:

this will parse selection for three elements, first one must be a PartDesign::Line, second one must be any object from the Part namespace, the last one can be anything. The user can select them in any order but they will be returned in the specified order. Take into account that wildcards will match anything so it is better to specify patterns from more specific to least specific.

In this invocation schema, the first element of the returned tuple is a boolean that indicate if the selection matches the patterns.

Function: set_immutable_prop

Signature / set_immutable_prop

def set_immutable_prop(obj: ObjectRef, name: str, value: Any) -> None: ...

Docs / set_immutable_prop

Argument Type Description
obj ObjectRef remote FreeCAD object
name str property
value Any the value

Force update a property with Immutable status. It temporarily removes the immutable flag, sets the value and restore the flag if required.

Function: message_box

Signature / message_box

def message_box(message: str, title: str='Message', details: str=None): ...

Docs / message_box

Argument Type Description
message str summary
title str box title, defaults to "Message"
details str expandable text, defaults to None

Shows a basic message dialog (modal) if App.GuiUp is True, else prints to the console.

Function: confirm_box

Signature / confirm_box

def confirm_box(message: str, title: str='Message', details: str=None) -> bool: ...

Docs / confirm_box

Return type Description
bool True if user accepts
Argument Type Description
message str summary
title str box title, defaults to "Message"
details str expandable text, defaults to None

Ask for a confirmation with a basic dialog. Requires App.GuiUp == True

Function: print_log

Signature / print_log

def print_log(*args): ...

Docs / print_log

Print into the FreeCAD console with info level.

Function: print_err

Signature / print_err

def print_err(*args): ...

Docs / print_err

Print into the FreeCAD console with error level.

Function: get_pd_active_body

Signature / get_pd_active_body

def get_pd_active_body(): ...

Docs / get_pd_active_body

Return type Description
PartDesign.Body Active Body

Retrieve the active PartDesign Body if any

Function: set_pd_shape

Signature / set_pd_shape

def set_pd_shape(fp: DocumentObject, shape: Shape) -> None: ...

Docs / set_pd_shape

Prepare the shape for usage in PartDesign and sets Shape and AddSubShape

Compatibility notes

Serialization and deserialization

State serialization process used to be managed by methods named __getstate__ / __setstate__ in older versions of FreeCAD but they were renamed to dumps / loads in recent versions due to conflicts with python 3.11+.

This backwards compatibility issue is transparently managed by this API, but it also was fixed in master recently:

Official documentation sources:

Code examples

There are some basic examples in the examples folder. The examples are numbered in order to imply increasing complexity, I do not repeat comments that were already present in previous examples.

script Description Image example with one property part example with one Shape part example with one Shape part example with one attachable Shape Object with Link behavior Object with Link array behavior Using a ViewProxy to setup the icon Using a ViewProxy to setup display modes Basic migration Object compatible with PartDesign Transactional undo/redo aware code Group behavior Custom sketch object

Quick setup

The only required file to use this API is, the key point is where to put it as it is not a FreeCAD core thing by now.

Usage from a Workbench

Put in your Workbench folder and use it. It is supposed that this API is used for Workbench developers so no other special configuration is required for that case.

As is not part of the core FreeCAD distribution, it is possible that other Workbenches already include the file. So it is a good precaution to rename your copy or put it in your internal module.

Remember that the recommended layout for workbenches is to put the code into a module of the freecad package.

└── FreeCAD Config Dir/
    └── Mod/
        └── YourWorkbench/
            └── freecad/
                └── your_module/
                    └── ...

Usage from Macros

It is better to not define your proxy classes directly in Macros because FreeCAD will have have a hard time finding them when reloading the objects from saved documents.

What you can do in this case is putting the file directly in the FreeCAD's Macros directory, then create your proxy classes in its own file in Macros dir, then import them from your macros. That way FreeCAD will find the Proxies next time you open your Documents.

Quick and dirty setup

Another easy way if you don't want to develop a Workbench is to fake one, To do that simply create a folder inside FreeCAD's Mod directory and put and your other python files there. This will make fpo and your modules visible and importable from to FreeCAD.

Examples setup

Copy and examples/* (the files, not the directory) into FreeCAD's Macro dir. then you can run the examples from the FreeCAD's python console:

import ex3_spring as ex3

import ex10_part_design as ex10



Copy in only one place to avoid name conflicts.