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c981c9d · Jun 25, 2018


This branch is 16 commits behind petrnohejl/alfonz:master.


Alfonz - Utility Module

Bunch of miscellaneous utilities.

How to use ContentUtility

ContentUtility is for getting a file path from a Uri which identifies data in the ContentProvider.

Uri uri = Uri.parse(getActivity().getIntent().getDataString());
String path = ContentUtility.getPath(getContext(), uri);

How to use DateConvertor

DateConvertor is for converting between different date formats.

String string = DateConvertor.dateToString(date, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
Date date = DateConvertor.stringToDate(string, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
Calendar calendar = DateConvertor.dateToCalendar(date);
Date date = DateConvertor.calendarToDate(calendar);
Calendar calendar = DateConvertor.stringToCalendar(string, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
String string = DateConvertor.calendarToString(calendar, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");

How to use DeviceUuidFactory

DeviceUuidFactory returns a unique UUID for the current Android device.

DeviceUuidFactory deviceUuidFactory = new DeviceUuidFactory(getContext());
UUID uuid = deviceUuidFactory.getDeviceUUID();

How to use DimensionUtility

DimensionUtility is for converting between different dimension units.

float px = DimensionUtility.dp2px(getContext(), dp);
float px = DimensionUtility.sp2px(getContext(), sp);
float dp = DimensionUtility.px2dp(getContext(), px);
float sp = DimensionUtility.px2sp(getContext(), px);

How to use DownloadUtility

DownloadUtility downloads a remote file using DownloadManager. Note that it requires WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission.

DownloadUtility.downloadFile(getActivity(), url, fileName);

How to use HashUtility

HashUtility is for generating MD5 and SHA1 hashes.

String hash = HashUtility.getMd5(data);
String hash = HashUtility.getSha1(data);

How to use IntentUtility

IntentUtility simplifies starting implicit intents.

IntentUtility.startWebActivity(getContext(), uri);
IntentUtility.startShareActivity(getContext(), subject, text, chooserTitle);
IntentUtility.startEmailActivity(getContext(), email, subject, text);
IntentUtility.startSmsActivity(getContext(), phoneNumber, text);
IntentUtility.startCallActivity(getContext(), phoneNumber);
IntentUtility.startMapCoordinatesActivity(getContext(), lat, lon, zoom, label);
IntentUtility.startMapSearchActivity(getContext(), query);
IntentUtility.startNavigationActivity(getContext(), lat, lon);
IntentUtility.startCalendarActivity(getContext(), title, description, beginTime, endTime);
boolean callable = IntentUtility.isCallable(getContext(), intent);

How to use KeyboardUtility

KeyboardUtility is for showing/hiding a system keyboard.


How to use Logcat

Logcat is a logging utility. Log message can show a code location - class, method, line and current thread. Logs can be easily disabled which is recommended for release builds. Logcat has to be initialized in Application class.

public class ExampleApplication extends Application {
	public void onCreate() {
		Logcat.init(BuildConfig.LOGS, "EXAMPLE");

How to use NetworkUtility

NetworkUtility provides info about active network. Note that it requires ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE permission.

boolean online = NetworkUtility.isOnline(getContext());
int networkType = NetworkUtility.getType(getContext());
String networkName = NetworkUtility.getTypeName(getContext());

How to use PermissionManager

PermissionManager is for checking permissions and showing rationale in a Fragment or an Activity.

First implement RationaleHandler. Define a rationale message and rationale UI.

public class PermissionRationaleHandler implements PermissionManager.RationaleHandler {
	public String getRationaleMessage(@NonNull String permission) {
		int resId;
		switch (permission) {
			case Manifest.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE:
				resId = R.string.permission_read_external_storage;
			case Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE:
				resId = R.string.permission_write_external_storage;
				resId = R.string.permission_unknown;
		return HelloWorldApplication.getContext().getString(resId);

	public void showRationale(@NonNull View rootView, @NonNull String rationaleMessage, @NonNull PermissionManager.ConfirmAction confirmAction) {
		Snackbar.make(rootView, rationaleMessage, Snackbar.LENGTH_INDEFINITE)
				.setAction(android.R.string.ok, view ->

Now you can use the PermissionManager in your Fragment or Activity to manage permission requests. It is recommended to define it in ViewModel so permission callback can survive orientation changes. You can easily access the manager from Fragment or Activity if you define it as a public final attribute.

public final PermissionManager permissionManager = new PermissionManager(new PermissionRationaleHandler());

Override onRequestPermissionsResult() as follows.

public void onRequestPermissionsResult(int requestCode, @NonNull String[] permissions, @NonNull int[] grantResults) {
	getViewModel().permissionManager.onRequestPermissionsResult(this, requestCode, permissions, grantResults);

Call check method to check if permission(s) have been granted or denied. Call request method to check and eventually request permission(s) to be granted to the app.

boolean granted = PermissionManager.check(getContext(), Manifest.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE);
		requestable -> requestable.handlePermissionGranted(),
		requestable -> requestable.handlePermissionDenied(),
		requestable -> requestable.handlePermissionBlocked());
		new String[]{Manifest.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE},
		(requestable, permissionsResult) -> requestable.handlePermissions(permissionsResult));

Requestable variable in the lambda expression represents current instance of Fragment or Activity which has been passed in onRequestPermissionsResult() method.

How to use ResourcesUtility

ResourcesUtility is for retrieving resource values of style attributes.

int value = ResourcesUtility.getValueOfAttribute(getContext(), R.attr.colorPrimary);
int color = ResourcesUtility.getColorValueOfAttribute(getContext(), R.attr.colorPrimary);
float dimen = ResourcesUtility.getDimensionValueOfAttribute(getContext(), R.attr.actionBarSize);
int dimen = ResourcesUtility.getDimensionPixelSizeValueOfAttribute(getContext(), R.attr.actionBarSize);
Drawable drawable = ResourcesUtility.getDrawableValueOfAttribute(getContext(), R.attr.icon);

How to use ServiceUtility

ServiceUtility provides methods for working with Service.

boolean running = ServiceUtility.isRunning(getContext(), ExampleService.class);

How to use StorageUtility

StorageUtility provides methods for getting paths to files, system directories or mounted storages. Note that some methods require READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission.

boolean available = StorageUtility.isAvailable();
boolean writable = StorageUtility.isWritable();
File storageDir = StorageUtility.getStorageDirectory();
File picturesStorageDir = StorageUtility.getStorageDirectory(Environment.DIRECTORY_PICTURES);
File secondaryStorageDir = StorageUtility.getSecondaryStorageDirectory();
File picturesSecondaryStorageDir = StorageUtility.getSecondaryStorageDirectory(Environment.DIRECTORY_PICTURES);
File cacheDir = StorageUtility.getApplicationCacheDirectory(getContext());
File picturesFilesDir = StorageUtility.getApplicationFilesDirectory(getContext(), Environment.DIRECTORY_PICTURES);
List<File> files = StorageUtility.getFiles(directory, true);
List<File> images = StorageUtility.getFiles(directory, true, Pattern.compile("(.+(\\.(?i)(jpg|jpeg))$)"), null);
Set<String> mounts = StorageUtility.getExternalMounts();

How to use StringConvertor

StringConvertor provides methods for string operations.

String capitalized = StringConvertor.capitalize(text);

How to use ValidationUtility

ValidationUtility is for validating different input data.

boolean valid = ValidationUtility.isEmailValid(email);
boolean valid = ValidationUtility.isDateValid(date, format);

How to use VersionUtility

VersionUtility provides info about app version.

String name = VersionUtility.getVersionName(getContext());
int code = VersionUtility.getVersionCode(getContext());
boolean glEs2 = VersionUtility.isSupportedOpenGlEs2(getContext());
int comparison = VersionUtility.compareVersions(lastVersion, newVersion);

How to use ZipUtility

ZipUtility provides methods for working with ZIP file. Note that it requires WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission.

boolean success = ZipUtility.unpackZip(path, zipname);


  • Android Support Library

Samples and download

See the main README file.