The system consists of 3 parts: Client, Server, and Data Storage
It's a Command Line Interface (CLI) between a user and server that provides the following:
- A Unix-like terminal that gets commands from the user
- Send the user's commands to the server and receive and show the server's responses
- Symmetric and Asymmetric encryption and decryption
- Key generation and management
An Honest but curious module that provides:
- User Authentication and Authorization
- Validate requests and send appropriate responses
- Put/Get files to/from Data Storage
An untrusted module that stores users' files.
Users can create accounts and access the file system by providing their username and password.
The server validates the user's request for files and paths with Discretionary Access Control (DAC).
Supported commands are as follows (Paths can be absolute or relative):
- mkdir
- touch
- cd
- ls
- rm
- mv
Users can view and edit their file contents by providing the vim
All data (files, directories, users' information, etc.) stored on the server side is encrypted.
Users can share their own files with other users in two modes: readable (r) or readable and writable (rw). The following commands are provided for this purpose:
share <file_name> <username> <mode>
revoke <file_name> [username]
The following features have been provided to make the file system secure:
- An attacker with full access to Data Storage isn't able to find out anything about the user's information or files (like the number of total users of the system or the number of files/directories each user has).
- An attacker with full access to the server's Access Control mechanism isn't able to reach the user's file contents.
- Any malicious change (Add, remove, or modify) of Data storage files is recognizable by the server.
- Server is not able to read or change users' file contents.
- Every file is encrypted with a distinct key.
- Lack of need to re-encrypt a file with a different key after revoking some user's access to a file.
To run the file system, run the following commands:
docker build -t file-system:1.0 .
docker run -it file-system:1.0