###iOS Geocoding Services A suite of Objective-C hooks for Google's location APIs.
- MJGeocoder: uses the Google Gecoding API to search for addresses and translate them into latitude and longitude coordinates.
- MJReverseGeocoder: uses the Google Reverse Geocoding API to translate latitude and longitude into a readable address.
- MJPlacesFinder: searches the Google Places for businesses that match a given query. (requires a Google dev API key which can be generated here: http://code.google.com/apis/console)
Provides forward geocoding in iOS versions before 5.0.
Provides Google places search
Also previously: to avoid a long-standing, random failure condition in MKReverseGeocoder, possibly due to usage of old APIs, or hitting a usage limit imposed by Google. A google search will bring up many documented cases of the issue, such as...
"MKErrorDomain error 4 iPhone" - Stack Overflow http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3926164/mkerrordomain-error-4-iphone
"MKReverseGeoCoder error 4" - iPhone Dev SDK Forum http://www.iphonedevsdk.com/forum/iphone-sdk-development/63047-mkreversegeocoder-error-4-a.html
###License Everything is released under the BSD License, all code is free to use in any projects (check out the files for more details)
###Other Notes
Any comments regarding the services, suggestions, notes on bugs or comments on the MKReverseGeocoder failure issue are welcome.
The services rely on the open source Objective-C JSON framework (http://code.google.com/p/json-framework/) it's only been tested with the version included with the project.