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01e3748 · Aug 18, 2023




DNP3 Plugin Code

Where possible, the Caldera for OT plugins leverage open-source libraries and payloads, unifying their exposure through the Caldera Adversary Emulation framework.

  • The DNP3 plugin is written in C++ using the open-source OpenDNP3 library - version 3.1.2, which is also the final release of the project.

  • A custom command-line interface was developed to unify exposure of DNP3 protocol functionality (using the OpenDNP3 project source code) for threat emulation execution as Caldera Ability commands.

Specific Code Modifications

The Caldera for OT DNP3 Plugin payload source code is contained in this repository, which is divided as follows:

  • bin - Contains built executables for Windows
  • deps - Project build dependencies, including from the OpenDNP3 library. For example, the files in include.
  • docs - An example .json for VSCode, used as part of the build process
  • src - Contains C++ code and necessary files to compile dnp3-actions, dnp3-poll, and dnp3-server executables.
    • dnp3-actions and corresponding files represent a custom created CLI interface to expose select DNP3 protocol functions.
    • dnp3-poll modifies the OpenDNP3 library's master example, to allow for genericized paramters at run time.
    • dnp3-server is a non-modified outstation example provided for convenience.
  • utils - Contains Clang .cmake files and a utility to copy built binaries into bin

in addition to the CMakeLists.txt (also see Reproducing Builds).

The OpenDNP3 project falls under the Apache License 2.0. The Copyright statement is included in the files under src as appropiate; code following this inclusions marks that it is leveraged from OpenDNP3 examples.

The source code contained in this repository is specific to building the three binaries described above. dnp3-actions specifically corresponds to the payload used to execute the DNP3 plugin abilities.

The primary files for dnp3-actions are:

  • dnp3_actions.cpp - contains DNP3 protocol function code called by the CLI, aligns with the functions in the corresponding .h file. As indicated in the source file, some of the code is taken from pre-existing the OpenDNP3 examples.
  • dnp3_cli.cpp - defines a CLI that handles the following commands:
    • Read
    • Integrity Poll
    • Cold Restart
    • Warm Restart
    • Disable Unsolicited Messages
    • Enable Unsolicited Messages
    • Select-before-Operate (SBO)
    • Direct Operate (DO)
    • and other sub-command variations for SBO and DO actions.

Reproducing Builds

How to compile the binaries present in the plugin’s payloads folder. It is highly advised to review all relevant instructions before proceeding to build.

See the included CMakeLists.txt for technical details. Due to unknown deployment environments, we want to statically link as much as possible.

Building has been tested on Windows 10 64-bit using VSCode as described here. The compiler used is Mingw-w64 installed via MSYS2, as described here.

An example settings.json file can be found in docs/example_vscode_settings.json which should be placed as .vscode/settings.json in this project's directory.

There are three build targets:

  • dnp3-actions: This has all the dnp3 threat emulation actions.
  • dnp3-poll: This is a test polling (master) app.
  • dnp3-server: This is a test server (outstation) app.


For Windows 10 x84_64:

Item Version Note
VSCode 1.67.1
C/C++ Ext 1.15.4 VSCode extension
CMake Tools Ext 1.14.31 VSCode extension
MSYS2 20220603
GCC 13.1.0 Installed via MSYS2
CMake 3.26.4 Separate download

Build Tips

As you follow the steps in Reproducing Builds, this may be helpful:

  1. Install VSCode
    • Install the following extensions:
      • C/C++
      • CMake
      • CMake Tools
    • It also works if you have CMake installed on your system
  2. Follow the VSCode instructions for mingw
  3. Follow the above instructions, to the MSYS2 Installer step
    • Follow the install instructions on the website
    • Notes:
      • Depending on version, MSYS, not UCRT64 is opened immediately
        • You can find and open UCRT64 and open yourself
        • Proceed with the pacman command
    • May need to run pacman -Suy on MSYS at the end
      • i.e. "Step 9", the auto-update may not occur
  4. Return to the VSCode instructions
    • Follow "Step 5" on MSYS
      • This should result in the binaries being installed in /bin
    • Complete setup guide, ensuring tools are installed
  5. If it does not exist, create .vscode in your project directory
    • Copy and modify the example_vscode_settings.json as described above
    • If not prompted by CMakeTools
      • ctrl + shift + p and search for CMake: Select a Kit
        • Select your toolkit as appropriate, ensure settings.json matches


  • If issues occur, it may help to delete the build
    • Double check settings
  • Run to copy the newly generated .exe to /bin


./dnp3actions.exe -h