Releases: mirko93s/Chill
8.3 Cumulative Update
This is a cumulative update, a lot of things have been added, fixed, optimized.
Check the spoilers below (I might forgot things in the changelog)
6.5 bug fixes
.showconfig now warns you if there is a missing key
fixed typo in the music temp role causing it to not work
fixed music temp role checking for instead
fixed song-requesst channel checking for instead
7.0 autovocal update
NEW auto-vocal channels (do .help customcommand to know how to use it)
added .autovocal .autovocallock .autovocalinvite commands
8.0 custom commands update
NEW Custom commands
added .customcommand .customcommandremove .customcommandlist
added pm2 metrics for users and guilds counters
8.0.x custom command fixes
fixed .customcommandlist if no custom command has been set yet
fixed role on join error if it is not found, in guildmemberadd event
.customcommandlist now show only the commands (no reponses) due to the 2k characters limit on embed descriptions
.customcommandlist accept an optional arguments to check the response of a certain custom command
added command message autodeletion to custom commands
fixed custom commands to be lower case
fixed an error in message event if a guild has not been set any custom command yet
8.1 command enable/disable per guild
NEW .command enable/disable to enable or disable commands in a guild
fixed .customcommand and .customcommandremove no args check
changed music channel only warn message to last for 10 seconds instead 5
fixed mute command error, it was not checking for missing reason argument
removed .musicchannelonly command because it was redundant, you could already set it with .setconfig
.help command has now inline fields to compact the overall length of the message
moved databases setup on start to functions.js
added 2 functions to .showconfig to compact and clean the code
8.2 event handler
NEW Event handler (it was finally time)
moved "ready" console.log in the ready event
counters in console.log are now an ascii-table
updated dependencies
fixed custom command loader in message event checking for guild that didn't exist
fixed .remindme it was not tagging users
cleaner ping command code
8.3 optimization
way better fancyNumber function in functions.js (used to format large numbers with K-M-B-T suffixes)
fixed an error in .instagram if no profile was found
cleaned and improved code in .instagram command
.instagram error messages now use embeds like in any other command
moved command autodeletion to message event, previously it was in any single command and so redundant
.percentage removed some unused embeds
.broadcast now checks for title and description max length
.broadcast cleaner code
.giveaway now checks for message max length
.poll now checks for message max length
.coinflip sligthly changed to be more discord rate limit friendly
.slotmachine cleaner code
.avatar cleaner code
.serverinfo doesn't auto delete the response after a given time anymore
.botinfo doesn't auto delete the response after a given time anymore
cleaned and shrinked a lot of commands
v6.4.3 minor fixes & improvements
moved user/channel counter in function.js
converted xp database to use enmap instead better-sqlite3
moved settings and xp databases in separate folders in ./databases
create databases folders at start if they don't exist
xp points and user counter numbers are now short formatted using K for thousands and M for millions (created a function for this)
added client.settings.ensure to guildmemberadd and voicestateupdate (it was crashing if a guild joined while the bot was offline)
fixed typo to in chill.js regarding music channel only mode.
fixed user counter showing NaN if a guild was offline/unavailable (in .botinfo command too)
fixed roles counter in .serverinfo command
updated dependencies to latest version
v6.4.1 fix
changed and update instructions sent to guild owner on join (explained the new reworked setup and config)
ticket channels were not negating permissions to @ everyone
little embed in ticket channel + mentioning the user who opened the ticket
v6.4 Improved Guild Config
moved welcome message to functions.js
giveaway autoupdate has been increased from 5s to 30s to be more discord rate limit friendly
mention user in welcome message
update users counter in bot activity when a guild joins (and every 30 mins like before)
reworked guild config (check below)
created ticket channels, negate permissions to @ everyone
fixed/changed ticket delete
added check for tickets if no ticket category is found
addchannel check if inputted name is shorter than 100 characters (discord limit)
random welcome messages
blast command, to send a dm to all guild owners
vote command, to vote the bot on
bot will now automatically create the default channels and roles it needs when it joins a new guild
updated dependencies to latest version
Guild Config
all channels and roles are now saved and bind to their id, this means you can now easily rename them
.setconfig now requires id for channel and roles, so you can change them to whatever channel or role you desire
.resetconfig now doesn't reset channels and roles anymore
.setup now saves channel and roles ids
.showconfig has been improved, it checks if channels or role are missing
If you delete a bot channel or role by mistake just do .setup again
v6.3 Minor Tweaks
ship command restyle
new proper poll command (with multiple choices and random emojis)
moved dm to owner when new guild joins to functions.js
removed respawn command due to discord rate limit
mute command has now a duration/time argument (user will be unmuted after a given time)
welcome message now mentions the user
fixed and updated images in .botinfo and .serverinfo to discordjs v12
fixed a console error with giveaway command, if no answer was given in time
toggle autodeletion of commands, can be set in .setconfig command
updated dependencies to latest version
v6.2 Code Optimization
moved bot mention checks for setup from chill.js to a new function in functions.js
moved xp stuff/code from chill.js to a new function in functions.js
there is now only 1 message event (previously there were 3, for xp/mention/commands)
renamed all remainingargs
to uniform the code
removed unnecessary code in playskip command
using 360p thumbnails instead 720p ones, not every video is 720p or more
-------(previously only 720p+ videos were showing thumbnails)
-------(this doesn't affect the audio quality and 360p thumbnails are more than enough for embeds)
moved a bunch of stuff in config.json (channel and user ids, links, mcstat default ip)
bot now ignores dms in message event (it was causing crashes)
fixed a bug in play/playskip not displaying the correct thumbnail
fixed playskip to work with command handler
guilds command (list all guilds in the console, bot owner only)
v6.0 Update to Discord.js v12
Everything has been updated and tested to discordjs v12
translator has been removed, yandex doesn't provide a free api key anymore, google doesn't have free api key too
wouldyourather has been removed, api no no longer exists
6.0_b2 changelog
2nd discord.js v12 beta
Updated kick and ban commands to discordjs v12
Known bugs:
translator command has been temporarily disabled, yandex doesn't provide free api keys anymore (will switch to google in the next release)
wouldyourather command is still disabled, I couldn't find any other API, it will probably be removed in the stable 6.0 release
6.0_b1 changelog
Known bugs:
ban and kick commands are untested, they might not work in this release (they will in the next release)
translator command has been temporarily disabled, yandex doesn't provide free api keys anymore (will switch to google in the next release)
wouldyourather command is still disabled, I couldn't find any other API, it will probably be removed in the stable 6.0 release
fixed addrole and removerole
fixed user counter, it was counting only the cached users
Updated to latest discord.js v12.5.1
Updated to latest node.js v14.15.1 LTS
moved from node-opus to @discordjd/opus (due to deprecation)
moved from snekfetch to node-fetch (due to deprecation)
updated other dependencies to latest version
2nd discord.js v12 beta
Updated kick and ban commands to discordjs v12
Known bugs:
translator command has been temporarily disabled, yandex doesn't provide free api keys anymore (will switch to google in the next release)
wouldyourather command is still disabled, I couldn't find any other API, it will probably be removed in the stable 6.0 release