usage: ragout [-h] [-o output_dir] [-s {sibelia,maf,hal}] [--refine]
[--solid-scaffolds] [--overwrite] [--repeats] [--debug]
[-t THREADS] [--version]
Chromosome assembly with multiple references
positional arguments:
recipe_file path to recipe file
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o output_dir, --outdir output_dir
output directory (default: ragout-out)
-s {sibelia,maf,hal}, --synteny {sibelia,maf,hal}
backend for synteny block decomposition (default:
--refine enable refinement with assembly graph (default: False)
--solid-scaffolds do not break input sequences - disables chimera
detection module (default: False)
--overwrite overwrite results from the previous run (default:
--repeats enable repeat resolution algorithm (default: False)
--debug enable debug output (default: False)
-t THREADS, --threads THREADS
number of threads for synteny backend (default: 1)
--version show program's version number and exit
You can try Ragout on the provided ready-to-use examples:
bin/ragout examples/E.Coli/ecoli.rcp --outdir examples/E.Coli/out/ --refine
bin/ragout examples/H.Pylori/helicobacter.rcp --outdir examples/H.Pylori/out/ --refine
bin/ragout examples/S.Aureus/aureus.rcp --outdir examples/S.Aureus/out/ --refine
bin/ragout examples/V.Cholerae/cholerae.rcp --outdir examples/V.Cholerae/out/ --refine
Ragout first uses Sibelia or HAL/MAF alignment for to decompose the input genomes into the sequences of synteny blocks -- this step is usually the most time-consuming.
Using the synteny information, Ragout infers the phylogenetic tree of the input genomes (if it is not given as input). Next, Ragout constructs the breakpoint graph (which reflects adjacencies between the synteny blocks in the input genomes) and recovers the missing adjacencies in the target genome (as it is fragmented, some adjacencies are missing). Then, assembly fragments are joined into scaffolds. The final chromosomes are constructed as a consensus of scaffolds built with different synteny block scales.
Finally, an optional refinement step is performed. Ragout reconstructs assembly (overlap) graph from the assembly fragments and uses this graph to insert very short/repetitive fragments into the assembly.
Ragout needs as input:
- Reference genomes [in FASTA format]
- Target assembly in [in FASTA format]
- Optionally, a phylogenetic tree with the reference and target genomes
Alternatively, to process larger genomes (>100Mb) you will need to use HAL/MAF alignment produced by Cactus.
All input parameters are be described in a single configuration file (see below)
After running Ragout, the output directory will contain (where "target" is the name of your target genome).
- target_scaffolds.fasta: assembled scaffolds
- target_unplaced.fasta: unplaced input fragments
- target_scaffolds.links: the order and orientation of the input fragments in assembled scaffolds
- target_scaffolds.agp: same as above, but in NCBI AGP format
A recipe file describes the Ragout run configuration. Here is an explicit example (some parameters are optional):
#reference and target genome names (required)
.references = rf123,col,jkd,n315
.target = usa
#phylogenetic tree for all genomes (optional)
.tree = (rf122:0.02,(((usa:0.01,col:0.01):0.01,jkd:0.04):0.005,n315:0.01):0.01);
#paths to genome fasta files (required for Sibelia)
col.fasta = references/COL.fasta
jkd.fasta = references/JKD6008.fasta
rf122.fasta = references/RF122.fasta
n315.fasta = references/N315.fasta
usa.fasta = usa300_contigs.fasta
#synteny blocks scale (optional)
.blocks = small
#reference to use for scaffold naming (optional)
.naming_ref = rf122
if using HAL as input:
.references = miranda,simulans,melanogaster
.target = yakuba
#HAL alignment input. Sequences will be extracted from the alignment
.hal = genomes/alignment.hal
or, using MAF as input:
.references = miranda,simulans,melanogaster
.target = yakuba
.maf = alignment.maf
miranda.fasta = references/miranda.fasta
simulans.fasta = references/simulans.fasta
melanogaster.fasta = references/melanogaster.fasta
yakuba.fasta = yakuba.fasta
Each configuration parameter could be "global" (related to the run) or "genomic" (for a particular genome). Global parameters start from dot:
.global_param_name = value
To set a genomic parameter, use:
genome_name.param_name = value
- references: comma-separated list of reference names [required]
- target: target genome name [required]
- tree: phylogenetic tree in NEWICK format
- blocks: synteny blocks scale
- hal: path to the alignment in HAL format
- maf: path to the alignment in MAF format
- naming_ref: reference to use for output scaffolds naming
If you do not specify phylogenetic tree or synteny block scale, they will be inferred automatically.
- fasta: path to FASTA [default = not set]
- draft: indicates that reference is in a draft form (not chromosomes) [default = false]
Paths to FASTA/HAL/MAF can be absolute or relative to the recipe file.
If you use Sibelia for synteny blocks decomposition you must specify FASTA for each input genome. If you use HAL, sequnces will be extracted from the alignment.
Sibelia requires all FASTA sequence identifiers (">gi...") within ALL files to be unique.
You can use wildcards to set the genomic parameters. For instance, if all input references except one are in a draft form:
*.draft = true
complete_ref.draft = false
Ragout algorithm requires a phylogenetic tree as input. If the tree if not provided, if will be inferred automatically from the breakpoint configuration of the input genomes. The automatic inference generally produces a good approximation of a real phylogeny and is therefore recommended for the most runs.
The assembly is performed in multiple iterations with different synteny block scales. Intuitively, the algorithm initially considers only long and reliable synteny blocks and then use the shorter ones to fill gaps in final scaffolds.
There are two pre-defined block sets: "small" and "large". We recommend "small" for relatively short genomes (bacterial) and "large" otherwise (>100Mb). If the parameter is not set, it is automatically inferred based on the sizes of input genomes. You may also use custom set of block sizes, for example:
.blocks = 50000,5000
Ragout can use an incomplete assembly (contigs/scaffolds) as a reference. In this case you should set the corresponding parameter in the recipe file as shown above.
Output scaffolds will be named according to homology to one of the input references ("naming reference"). This reference can be set with the corresponding recipe parameter, otherwise it will be chosen as the closest reference in the phylogenetic tree.
The naming rule is as follows. If a scaffold is homologous to a single reference chromosome "A", it will be named as "chr_A". If there are multiple homologous chromosomes, for example "A" and "B" (in case of chromosomal fusion), it will be named "chr_A_B". If there are multiple scaffolds with a same name, the longest one would be chosen as primary, while all other will get "unlocalized" suffix.
Ragout has two different options for synteny block decomposition:
- Decomposition with Sibelia
- HAL/MAF alignment produced by Cactus
You can choose between backends by specifying --synteny (-s) option.
Sibelia is the default option and recommended for bacterial and small eukaryotic genomes. Ragout automatically runs Sibelia in the beginning.
Alternatively, Ragout can use HAL whole genome alignment for synteny blocks decomposition. This option is recommended for larger (over 100Mb) genomes, which Sibelia can not process. This alignment first should be done using Cactus aligner []. Afterwards, run Ragout with the produced HAL file ("HAL tools" package should be installed in your system).
If you are having troubles with coupling Ragout and HAL tools,
you can manually convert HAL to MAF, and use the MAF alignment
as input for Ragout (using -s maf
option). In this case,
you should always specify paths to FASTA files for each genome
(as in case of using Sibelia).
As the main Ragout algorithm works only with unique synteny blocks, we filter all repetitive blocks before building the breakpoint graph. Therefore, some target sequences (generally, short and repetitive contigs) will be ignored (some of them could be put back during the refinement step below).
To incorporate these repetitive fragments into the final assembly, you can use the optional repeat resolution algorithm ('--repeats' option). Depending on the dataset, you may get a significant increase in the assembly coverage, therefore decreasing scaffolds gaps. However, if there are copy number variations between the reference and target genomes, the algorithm could make some false insertions.
Ragout detects chimeric adjacencies inside the input sequences and brakes them. By default, an adjacency which is not supported by references is considered chimeric, unless there is a clear evidence of a rearrangement in the target genome (from breakpoint analysis). Sometimes, due to the fragmentation of the target genome, the breakpoint support is missing. If you have high quality contigs/scaffolds, you may choose to turn chimera detection off by specifying '--solid-scaffolds' option.
Ragout optionally uses assembly (overlap) graph to incorporate very short / repetitive contigs into the assembly ('--refine' option). First, this graph is reconstructed by overlapping input contigs/scaffolds. Then current Ragout scaffolds are "threaded" through this graph to find the true "genome path". This procedure increases number of contigs in output scaffolds and also improves the scaffold gaps estimates. Sometimes assembly graphs are not very accurate, which may lead to incorrectly inserted contigs. However, for the most bacterial assemblies the fraction of errors should be minor. This procedure is generally recommended for bacterial assemblies, however, the effect is usually minor for large genomes because of complications with assembly graph reconstruction.
Ragout outputs information about generated adjacencies in ".links" file. It is organized as a table for each scaffold with the values below:
- sequence : input fragment's name, strand and coordinates (see below)
- start : fragment's position in the scaffold
- length : fragment's length
- gap : gap size between the current and the next fragment
- support : reference support for the corresponding adjacency
Input fragments are described in a form:
The sign corresponds to the fragment's strand. The [start:end] structure is omitted if the full fragment is used. A symbol "~>" in support field corresponds to support from the assembly graph.
Scripts are located in "scripts" directory
Tests the correctness of the inferred contigs order if a "true" reference is available. First, contigs should be mapped on that reference using nucmer software:
nucmer --maxmatch --coords reference contigs
Then run the script with the obtained "coords" file:
scripts/ nucmer_coords ord_file