Revised: 2019-07-01
- Produce reference-quality genome assemblies for various Bordetella species.
- Look for rearrangement in genomes of other Bordetella species.
- Predict all possible symmetric inversions based on IS element content.
Repeat content (IS481) determines frequency/extent of genome rearrangment in Bordetella species. -- But does this explain very high rearrangement in B. pertussis specifically? or perhaps reflects (diversifying) selection pressure?
- Assemble genomes of various species
- B. bronchiseptica: 12
- B. parapertussis: 15
- B. holmesii: 14
- B. hinzii: 3
- B. avium: 0
- B. trematum: 2
- B. pertussis: All CDC available (n=469)
- Phylogeny
- Genus: mash + mashtree (NJ)
- Within species: kSNP3. Compare pairwise SNP distributions within each species
- Whole-genome alignment within each species.
- progressiveMauve (sw=16, hmm=0.85)
- Identify rearrangements.
- Yes/no, genes at boundaries, etc.
- Circos plots
- Repeat content within genomes.
- k-mer frequency distribution (jellyfish)
- ortholog frequency (cdhit-est)
- match ISE stability among genomes?