New features and components should follow the following accessibility implementation guidelines: To test your changes use the [Accessibility Insights browser extension]( 1. Use the Accesibility Insights extension to perform a FastPass scan to detect major issues. 1. Attempt to use the component with only a keyboard. All interactions available to a user with a mouse should be available when using only a keyboard. 1. Focus accessibility testing on the MGT components and not on the Storybook shell. ## Accessibility guidelines Where possible use a native html element or corresponding fluent web component for buttons or links. A div with a click handler requires more work than a button to be accessible. Html elements have semantic meaning, use this whenever possible to convey intent. e.g. don't use an anchor tag as a button. If you are unsure about the accessibility of a feature or change, ask a maintainer for guidance. ### HTML attribute checklist - [ ] uses `aria-label` correctly | *string*: "Login Button", "Megan Bowen" | - meaningful text should provide identifiable labels for screen readers when additional context is needed over the default content *example call button in mgt-person-card:* ```html ${getSvg(SvgIcon.Call)} ``` > An aria-label should not be used if it has the same content as already provided, e.g. a button with only text ```html Sign out Sign out ``` - [ ] uses `tab-index/focus` correctly | *string*: "0", "-1" | - components that are interactive should be navigable by `tab` key control and provide visual focus indicators. Where possible use html elements that provide focus and interactivity by default, e.g. button and a tags. The base styles for mgt components provide a default `:focus-visible` selector, you should verify that it is visible and if necessary provide some overrides. *example a list-item:* ```html
  • this.handleItemSelect(item, e)}> ${this.renderItem(item)}
  • ``` ```css .list-item:focus-within{ outline-style: dashed; outline-offset: -12px; } ``` > **Note**: if an element has a tab index then it should probably have a click handler. - [ ] provides `alt` text information | *string*: "person icon" | - any `` tag should contain `alt` text as well. Alt text should be descriptive and may need to be composed using data from Microsoft Graph and a fix string to provide additional context *example (mgt-person):* ```html ${`${this.strings.photoFor} (this._isInvalidImageSrc = true)} /> ```