Releases: microsoftgraph/microsoft-graph-toolkit
We're excited to announce our v2.7.0 release of the Microsoft Graph Toolkit 🦒! In this patch release, we did 1 enhancement and fixed 5 bugs. We also improved our 2 areas of our documentation!
Updating your application
To update your application to use the newest version of Microsoft Graph Toolkit, navigate to your project directory and run:
npm i @microsoft/mgt@latest
If you’re using the Toolkit via mgt-loader, your application will be automatically updated to the newest version.
🐞 Fixes
- Fixing endpoints used in getGroupImage functions by @kon-iro in #1883
- Removes assumption that local time is aligned with the calendar time. Closes #1886 by @waldekmastykarz in #1903
- Show the dropdown when you focus on the people picker with tab key by @musale in #1902
- Fix for people picker selected people close button a11y by @patmoo in #1912
- Removes null people from the result when no fallback details specified. Closes #1885 by @waldekmastykarz in #1901
🎨 Enhancements
📝 Documentation
- Docs/update unpkg links by @gavinbarron in #1906
- Documentation to use the Developer Portal for teams by @musale in #1872
🎉 Celebrating our contributors
- @kon-iro made their first contribution in #1883
- @patmoo made their first contribution in #1912
- @waldekmastykarz made a contribution in #1901
The full changelog is available here
We're excited to announce our v2.6.2 release of the Microsoft Graph Toolkit 🦒! In this patch release, we did 8 enhancements and fixed 9 bugs.
Updating your application
To update your application to use the newest version of Microsoft Graph Toolkit, navigate to your project directory and run:
npm i @microsoft/mgt@latest
If you’re using the Toolkit via mgt-loader, your application will be automatically updated to the newest version.
🐞 Fixes
- fix: correct css overrides for contrast issues by @gavinbarron in #1814
- fix: Allow display and searching of people supplied in attributes by @musale in #1839
- fix: include ImageNotFound error code to avoid unnecessary refetching by @ortegarenzy in #1854
- fix: Use optional chaining for null user object by @musale in #1856
- Fix: People picker deletion by @Onokaev in #1877
- chore: update to typescript v4 by @gavinbarron in #1818
- chore: bump spfx deps to 1.15.2 by @gavinbarron in #1822
- chore: update owin dependencies by @gavinbarron in #1827
- update: Lock responselike package resolutions to v2.0.0 by @musale in #1843
🎨 Enhancements
- update: Set child element roles to listitem when parent role is list by @musale in #1841
- update: Remove unused id attribute causing id conflicts by @musale in #1842
- update: Focus on the heading link once in the storybook playground by @musale in #1849
- #1753 people search to include all users in tenant by @HiltonGiesenow in #1784
- [teamsfx-provider] Update teamsfx peer dependency to 2.x.x by @SLdragon in #1859
- update: add keyboard focus on storybook canvas and overview copy buttons by @Mnickii in #1855
- update: links to by @musale in #1874
- update: remove overflow focus on people component by @Mnickii in #1865
🎉 Celebrating our contributors
- @ortegarenzy made their first contribution in #1854
- @Onokaev made their first contribution in #1877
The full changelog is available here
We're excited to announce our v2.6.1 release of the Microsoft Graph Toolkit 🦒! In this patch release, we have implemented two community proposals and fixed four bugs.
Updating your application
To update your application to use the newest version of Microsoft Graph Toolkit, navigate to your project directory and run:
npm i @microsoft/mgt@latest
If you’re using the Toolkit via mgt-loader, your application will be automatically updated to the newest version.
🐞 Fixes
- fix: email resolution on paste for people picker by @gavinbarron in #1791
- fix: rework parameter passing to click events in contact card section by @gavinbarron in #1809
- Revert move of getUsers by @AndersSahlin in #1798
- People picker - Remove indefinite caching of flyout menu contents by @AndersSahlin in #1799
🎨 Enhancements
- mgt sp fx package title and name change by @HiltonGiesenow in #1771
- Update sp-webpart sample to use SPFx 1.15. by @gavinbarron in #1776
🎉 Celebrating our contributors
- @AndersSahlin made their first contribution in #1798
The full changelog is available here
We're excited to announce our v2.6.0 release of the Microsoft Graph Toolkit 🦒! In this release, we delivered a lot of accessibility-related enhancements, improvements to existing components and bug fixes for some of our components. We also released a new capability on the mgt-people-picker
component to allow limiting the scope of the available results based on specified groups! This was a real teamwork, with 9 contributors, including 1 from the community!
🧑💻 Updating your application
To update your application to use the newest version of Microsoft Graph Toolkit, navigate to your project directory and run:
npm i @microsoft/mgt@latest
If you’re using the Toolkit via mgt-loader
, your application will be automatically updated to the newest version.
✨ New features
🎨 Enhancements
- [mgt-teamsfx-provider] update peer dependency to support teamsfx sdk 1.x.x by @SLdragon in #1722
- Adding TeamsFx to the Overview page by @sebastienlevert in #1738
- Updates mgt-spfx to [email protected] by @waldekmastykarz in #1742
- chore(deps): update sample angular app dependencies by @gavinbarron in #1762
- Update TeamsFx Provider by @SLdragon in #1755
- docs: fix proxy provider sample readme by @gavinbarron in #1759
🐞 Fixes
- Enable text spacing on all the components of by @musale in #1692
- Set the aria-label text for the buttons by @musale in #1708
- [Person] fixed issue 1579 by @wuxiaojun514 in #1682
- Allow tab navigation to be lockable within the person-card by @musale in #1726
- [accessibility] fix keyboard controls in localization by @Mnickii in #1720
- [mgt-person-card] Accessibility, zoom or window height minimums for content by @vogtn in #1731
- Update aria-role to 'searchbox' by @ElinorW in #1757
- Update aria-roles and add aria-labels by @ElinorW in #1761
- Fix freezing tabs on Safari by @musale in #1770
🎉 Celebrating our contributors
- @wuxiaojun514 made their first contribution in #1682
- @ElinorW made their first contribution in #1757
- @gavinbarron made their first contribution in #1762
The full changelog is available here
We're excited to announce our v2.5.2 release of the Microsoft Graph Toolkit 🦒! In this minor release, we are reverting some of the changes we made to our mgt-loader
to fix live issues reported by customers. We apologize for this issue!
Updating your application
To update your application to use the newest version of Microsoft Graph Toolkit, navigate to your project directory and run:
npm i @microsoft/mgt@latest
If you’re using the Toolkit via mgt-loader
, your application will be automatically updated to the newest version.
🐞 Fixes
- Revert loader to writing to the document directly by @musale in #1703
- Fix outerHTML reference for the tag by @musale in #1704
The full changelog is available here
We're excited to announce our v2.5.1 release of the Microsoft Graph Toolkit 🦒! In this minor release, we added accessibility changes to the storybook and a bug fix for the mgt-loader
Updating your application
To update your application to use the newest version of Microsoft Graph Toolkit, navigate to your project directory and run:
npm i @microsoft/mgt@latest
If you’re using the Toolkit via mgt-loader
, your application will be automatically updated to the newest version.
🐞 Fixes
The full changelog is available here
We're excited to announce our v2.5.0 release of the Microsoft Graph Toolkit 🦒! In this release, we delivered a lot of styling-related issues, improvements to existing components and bug fixes for some of our authentication providers! We also released a brand new authentication provider supporting TeamsFx, empowering developers to build Teams applications with the help of the Microsoft Graph Toolkit! This was a real teamwork, with 9 contributors, including 3 from the community!
Updating your application
To update your application to use the newest version of Microsoft Graph Toolkit, navigate to your project directory and run:
npm i @microsoft/mgt@latest
If you’re using the Toolkit via mgt-loader
, your application will be automatically updated to the newest version.
✨ New features
- Adding support for TeamsFx by @sebastienlevert and @SLdragon #1480
🎨 Enhancements
- Updates mgt-spfx to [email protected] by @waldekmastykarz in #1691
🐞 Fixes
- [security]override the sabotaged version of node-ipc by @Mnickii in #1616
- Set scripts without getting the HTML from the DOM by @musale in #1656
- mgt-people-picker: fix for issue #1651 by @stniemin in #1653
- [people-picker] Fix setting the filterQuery value for complete request URL paths. by @musale in #1667
- Add allowed roles for elements with aria attributes by @musale in #1654
- Add updates for zooming and screen resize CSS by @musale in #1613
- Announce nested controls when searching for a component and viewing components by @musale in #1646
- Add alt-text for file-icon image by @musale in #1643
- Call all the methods required in window.onload once by @musale in #1683
- Enable viewing the storybook and components in high contrast by @musale in #1623
- [accessibility] fix contrast in foreground and background colors by @Mnickii in #1680
- Update the aria-label value for the expand/collapse button on the navigation menu by @musale in #1684
🎉 Celebrating our contributors
- @jocsch made their first contribution (#1609)
- @stniemin made their first contribution (#1653)
- @estruyf made their first contribution (#1674)
The full changelog is available here
We're excited to announce our v2.4.0 release of the Microsoft Graph Toolkit 🦒! In this release, we delivered a lot of styling-related issues, improvements to existing components and bug fixes for some of our authentication providers! This was a real teamwork, with 8 contributors, including 3 from the community!
Updating your application
To update your application to use the newest version of Microsoft Graph Toolkit, navigate to your project directory and run:
npm i @microsoft/mgt@latest
If you’re using the Toolkit via mgt-loader
, your application will be automatically updated to the newest version.
If you were affected by #1491, it might require clearing the cookies for the affected devises as
has changed some internals in their latest v2.22.0.
✨ New features
- #1561 MGT PeoplePicker - Add optional disableImages prop to allow disable retrieving user photos by @NathZ1
- #1572 Added the ability to add filters of users, people or group properties by @musale
- #1562 MGT Person - Disable attempt to get user photo when using userId/personQuery and fetchImage=false by @NathZ1
- #1550 Added manifest, icons, and service worker to by @nmetulev
- #1581 Adding a new story supporting mgt-samples repo by @sebastienlevert
🎨 Enhancements
- #1587 Fix regex to avoid Polynomial time and fix security alert by @musale
- #1570 Update the designs of various components to current guidelines by @musale
- #1564 Adding the spec and a proposal for the solution for disabling incremental consent by @sebastienlevert
- #1574 Update the msaljs-browser version to v2.22.0 by @musale
- #1527 Fixing h1 and alt on images by @sebastienlevert
🐞 Fixes
- #1578 Fix for Intermittent Teams 2 provider failure by @PaulMcManus23
🎉 Celebrating our contributors
- @PaulMcManus23 made their first contribution (#1578)
- @NathZ1 made 2 contributions (#1561, #1562)
- @SLdragon made 1 contribution (#1546)
The full changelog is available here
We're excited to announce our v2.3.2 release of the Microsoft Graph Toolkit 🦒! In this release, we release a lot of accessibility improvements and tackled lots of issues that were reported by the community!
Updating your application
To update your application to use the newest version of Microsoft Graph Toolkit, navigate to your project directory and run:
npm i @microsoft/mgt@latest
If you’re using the Toolkit via mgt-loader
, your application will be automatically updated to the newest version.
✨ New features
None for this release
🎨 Enhancements
- #1439 Add ac11y support for the people-picker to narrate selected people by @musale
- #1450 [people-picker] fix for selected people focusable area, removing from normal mgt-person by @vogtn
- #1473 Support narration of the names of selected people in people-picker by @musale
- #1414 makes mgt-person screen-readable by @jobala
- #1437 [person] non-fluent focus indicator/tabindex for person person-card login, and other iterations by @vogtn
- #1430 [person-card] Update contact links for contrast by @vogtn
- #1435 [person-card] Removes sections when there's no data by @Mnickii
- #1334 Add mgt-picker spec by @elisenyang
- #1392 Updates mgt-spfx to [email protected] by @waldekmastykarz
- #1424 hides shortcut button by @jobala
- #1411 updates storybook to 6.4.4 by @jobala
- #1286 Added support for using real accessTokens in by @nmetulev
- #1436 updates storybook theme by @jobala
- #1434 [accessibility] storybook by @jobala
- #1445 fixes h1 tag styling by @jobala
- #1477 Adding the storybook auto deployment by @sebastienlevert
- #1489 Adding the storybook auto deployment by @sebastienlevert
- #1483 Storybook adjustments by @sebastienlevert
- #1508 Storybook: update deprecated code in v6+ by @musale
🐞 Fixes
- #1487 [person] Fixes image load while using person-image by @Mnickii
- #1479 Catch and silently throw the errors when the user ID for a person does not exist in Azure AD by @musale
- #1426 fix incorrect contact hyperlinks by @Mnickii
- #1409 [person]fix for person-details while signed out by @Mnickii
- #1506 [person-card] Fixes inherit-details functionality by @Mnickii
🎉 New Contributors
Full Changelog: v2.3.1...v2.3.2
- Added fallback details property/attribute - #1339
- Fixed default scopes for fetching teams - #1386
- Added
template - #1388 (thanks @waldekmastykarz)
- Added