diff --git a/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/de-DE/Resources.resw b/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/de-DE/Resources.resw
index d689f8541c39..b000d8bd89b6 100644
--- a/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/de-DE/Resources.resw
+++ b/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/de-DE/Resources.resw
@@ -1957,4 +1957,40 @@
Zeigt ein Schild in der Titelleiste an, wenn Windows Terminal als Administrator ausgeführt wird.
Header for a control to toggle displaying a shield in the title bar of the app. "Admin" refers to elevated sessions like "run as Admin"
+ Pfadübersetzung
+ Name for a control to select how file and directory paths are translated.
+ Pfadübersetzung
+ Name for a control to select how file and directory paths are translated.
+ Keine
+ An option to choose from for the "path translation" setting.
+ WSL (C:\ -> /mnt/c)
+ {Locked="WSL","C:\","/mnt/c"} An option to choose from for the "path translation" setting.
+ Cygwin (C:\ -> /cygdrive/c)
+ {Locked="Cygwin","C:\","/cygdrive/c"} An option to choose from for the "path translation" setting.
+ MSYS2 (C:\ -> /c)
+ {Locked="MSYS2","C:\","/c"} An option to choose from for the "path translation" setting.
+ Profil wird nicht mehr erkannt
+ Dieses automatisch erkannte Profil wurde anscheinend deinstalliert. Änderungen, die Sie daran vorgenommen haben, bleiben erhalten, können aber erst verwendet werden, nachdem sie neu installiert wurde.
+ Ursprüngliche Quelle
+ Gibt die Software an, die dieses Profil ursprünglich erstellt hat.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/es-ES/Resources.resw b/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/es-ES/Resources.resw
index 5dd2efc99586..b3a07bbc663a 100644
--- a/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/es-ES/Resources.resw
+++ b/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/es-ES/Resources.resw
@@ -1957,4 +1957,44 @@
Mostrar un escudo en la barra de título cuando Terminal Windows se ejecute como administrador
Header for a control to toggle displaying a shield in the title bar of the app. "Admin" refers to elevated sessions like "run as Admin"
+ Traducción de ruta de acceso
+ Name for a control to select how file and directory paths are translated.
+ Traducción de ruta de acceso
+ Name for a control to select how file and directory paths are translated.
+ Controla cómo se traducen las rutas de acceso de archivos y directorios durante las operaciones de arrastrar y colocar.
+ A description for what the "path translation" setting does. Presented near "Profile_PathTranslationStyle.Header".
+ Ninguno
+ An option to choose from for the "path translation" setting.
+ WSL (C:\ -> /mnt/c)
+ {Locked="WSL","C:\","/mnt/c"} An option to choose from for the "path translation" setting.
+ Cygwin (C:\ -> /cygdrive/c)
+ {Locked="Cygwin","C:\","/cygdrive/c"} An option to choose from for the "path translation" setting.
+ MSYS2 (C:\ -> /c)
+ {Locked="MSYS2","C:\","/c"} An option to choose from for the "path translation" setting.
+ El perfil ya no se ha detectado
+ Parece que este perfil detectado automáticamente se ha desinstalado. Los cambios realizados en él se conservan, pero no se pueden usar hasta que se haya reinstalado.
+ Origen original
+ Indica el software que creó originalmente este perfil.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/fr-FR/Resources.resw b/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/fr-FR/Resources.resw
index cc1fb26915fe..3d21eb966ee6 100644
--- a/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/fr-FR/Resources.resw
+++ b/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/fr-FR/Resources.resw
@@ -1957,4 +1957,44 @@
Afficher un bouclier dans la barre de titre lorsque Terminal Windows s’exécute en tant qu’administrateur
Header for a control to toggle displaying a shield in the title bar of the app. "Admin" refers to elevated sessions like "run as Admin"
+ Traduction du chemin d’accès
+ Name for a control to select how file and directory paths are translated.
+ Traduction du chemin d’accès
+ Name for a control to select how file and directory paths are translated.
+ Contrôle la façon dont les chemins d’accès aux fichiers et aux répertoires sont traduits pendant les opérations de glisser-déplacer.
+ A description for what the "path translation" setting does. Presented near "Profile_PathTranslationStyle.Header".
+ Aucun
+ An option to choose from for the "path translation" setting.
+ WSL (C :\ -> /mnt/c)
+ {Locked="WSL","C:\","/mnt/c"} An option to choose from for the "path translation" setting.
+ Cygwin (C :\ -> /cygdrive/c)
+ {Locked="Cygwin","C:\","/cygdrive/c"} An option to choose from for the "path translation" setting.
+ MSYS2 (C:\ -> /c)
+ {Locked="MSYS2","C:\","/c"} An option to choose from for the "path translation" setting.
+ Le profil n’est plus détecté
+ Ce profil détecté automatiquement semble avoir été désinstallé. Les modifications que vous lui avez apportées sont conservées, mais ne peuvent pas être utilisées tant qu’elle n’a pas été réinstallée.
+ Source d’origine
+ Indique le logiciel qui a créé ce profil à l’origine.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/it-IT/Resources.resw b/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/it-IT/Resources.resw
index 7d27c22b9bba..62ca9bbc2c6d 100644
--- a/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/it-IT/Resources.resw
+++ b/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/it-IT/Resources.resw
@@ -1957,4 +1957,44 @@
Visualizza uno scudo nella barra del titolo quando Terminale Windows viene eseguito come amministratore
Header for a control to toggle displaying a shield in the title bar of the app. "Admin" refers to elevated sessions like "run as Admin"
+ Traduzione percorso
+ Name for a control to select how file and directory paths are translated.
+ Traduzione percorso
+ Name for a control to select how file and directory paths are translated.
+ Controlla la modalità di traduzione dei percorsi di file e directory durante le operazioni di trascinamento della selezione.
+ A description for what the "path translation" setting does. Presented near "Profile_PathTranslationStyle.Header".
+ Nessuno
+ An option to choose from for the "path translation" setting.
+ WSL (C:\ -> /mnt/c)
+ {Locked="WSL","C:\","/mnt/c"} An option to choose from for the "path translation" setting.
+ Cygwin (C:\ -> /cygdrive/c)
+ {Locked="Cygwin","C:\","/cygdrive/c"} An option to choose from for the "path translation" setting.
+ MSYS2 (C:\ -> /c)
+ {Locked="MSYS2","C:\","/c"} An option to choose from for the "path translation" setting.
+ Profilo non più rilevato
+ Sembra che questo profilo rilevato automaticamente sia stato disinstallato. Le modifiche apportate verranno mantenute, ma non potranno essere utilizzate finché non viene reinstallato.
+ Origine originale
+ Indica il software che ha creato originariamente questo profilo.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/ja-JP/Resources.resw b/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/ja-JP/Resources.resw
index 81d98f5981cc..e802f35d28a0 100644
--- a/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/ja-JP/Resources.resw
+++ b/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/ja-JP/Resources.resw
@@ -1957,4 +1957,44 @@
Windows ターミナルが管理者として実行されているときにタイトル バーにシールドを表示する
Header for a control to toggle displaying a shield in the title bar of the app. "Admin" refers to elevated sessions like "run as Admin"
+ パスの変換
+ Name for a control to select how file and directory paths are translated.
+ パスの変換
+ Name for a control to select how file and directory paths are translated.
+ ドラッグ アンド ドロップ操作中にファイルパスとディレクトリ パスを変換する方法を制御します。
+ A description for what the "path translation" setting does. Presented near "Profile_PathTranslationStyle.Header".
+ なし
+ An option to choose from for the "path translation" setting.
+ WSL (C:\ -> /mnt/c)
+ {Locked="WSL","C:\","/mnt/c"} An option to choose from for the "path translation" setting.
+ Cygwin (C:\ -> /cygdrive/c)
+ {Locked="Cygwin","C:\","/cygdrive/c"} An option to choose from for the "path translation" setting.
+ MSYS2 (C:\ -> /c)
+ {Locked="MSYS2","C:\","/c"} An option to choose from for the "path translation" setting.
+ プロファイルは検出されなくなりました
+ この自動的に検出されたプロファイルはアンインストールされた可能性があります。行った変更は保存されますが、再インストールされるまでは使用できません。
+ 元のソース
+ このプロファイルを最初に作成したソフトウェアを示します。
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/ko-KR/Resources.resw b/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/ko-KR/Resources.resw
index 1f9bd27dcdd7..6fff21ae59b9 100644
--- a/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/ko-KR/Resources.resw
+++ b/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/ko-KR/Resources.resw
@@ -1957,4 +1957,44 @@
Windows 터미널 관리자 권한으로 실행 중일 때 제목 표시줄에 실드 표시
Header for a control to toggle displaying a shield in the title bar of the app. "Admin" refers to elevated sessions like "run as Admin"
+ 경로 변환
+ Name for a control to select how file and directory paths are translated.
+ 경로 변환
+ Name for a control to select how file and directory paths are translated.
+ 끌어서 놓기 작업 중에 파일 및 디렉터리 경로를 변환하는 방법을 제어합니다.
+ A description for what the "path translation" setting does. Presented near "Profile_PathTranslationStyle.Header".
+ 없음
+ An option to choose from for the "path translation" setting.
+ WSL(C:\ -> /mnt/c)
+ {Locked="WSL","C:\","/mnt/c"} An option to choose from for the "path translation" setting.
+ Cygwin(C:\ -> /cygdrive/c)
+ {Locked="Cygwin","C:\","/cygdrive/c"} An option to choose from for the "path translation" setting.
+ MSYS2(C:\ -> /c)
+ {Locked="MSYS2","C:\","/c"} An option to choose from for the "path translation" setting.
+ 프로필이 더 이상 검색되지 않음
+ 자동으로 검색된 이 프로필은 제거된 것 같습니다. 변경한 내용은 유지되지만 다시 설치할 때까지 사용할 수 없습니다.
+ 원본 소스
+ 이 프로필을 원래 만든 소프트웨어를 나타냅니다.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/pt-BR/Resources.resw b/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/pt-BR/Resources.resw
index 97805450f865..2f225ef84ada 100644
--- a/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/pt-BR/Resources.resw
+++ b/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/pt-BR/Resources.resw
@@ -1957,4 +1957,44 @@
Exibir um escudo na barra de título quando o Terminal do Windows estiver sendo executado como Administrador
Header for a control to toggle displaying a shield in the title bar of the app. "Admin" refers to elevated sessions like "run as Admin"
+ Tradução de caminho
+ Name for a control to select how file and directory paths are translated.
+ Tradução de caminho
+ Name for a control to select how file and directory paths are translated.
+ Controla como os caminhos de arquivo e diretório são traduzidos durante operações de arrastar e soltar.
+ A description for what the "path translation" setting does. Presented near "Profile_PathTranslationStyle.Header".
+ Nenhum
+ An option to choose from for the "path translation" setting.
+ WSL (C:\ -> /mnt/c)
+ {Locked="WSL","C:\","/mnt/c"} An option to choose from for the "path translation" setting.
+ Cygwin (C:\ -> /cygdrive/c)
+ {Locked="Cygwin","C:\","/cygdrive/c"} An option to choose from for the "path translation" setting.
+ MSYS2 (C:\ -> /c)
+ {Locked="MSYS2","C:\","/c"} An option to choose from for the "path translation" setting.
+ Perfil não detectado
+ Este perfil detectado automaticamente parece ter sido desinstalado. As alterações feitas nela são preservadas, mas não podem ser usadas até que sejam reinstaladas.
+ Fonte Original
+ Indica o software que criou originalmente este perfil.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/qps-ploc/Resources.resw b/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/qps-ploc/Resources.resw
index 64e26d80008f..e39502881346 100644
--- a/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/qps-ploc/Resources.resw
+++ b/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/qps-ploc/Resources.resw
@@ -1961,4 +1961,44 @@
Đįŝрļãу ã ŝħĭěļð ίπ ŧђê ţîťłë ъãѓ щћэπ Ẅīήđθщş Ţĕřмïńāľ ίѕ ŕůπʼnïηģ åš Àδмιήίŝтяàтοґ !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!!
Header for a control to toggle displaying a shield in the title bar of the app. "Admin" refers to elevated sessions like "run as Admin"
\ No newline at end of file
+ Ρǻţħ τґãñşĺαŧîσй !!! !
+ Name for a control to select how file and directory paths are translated.
+ Ρäŧћ тѓαпѕļāţíóи !!! !
+ Name for a control to select how file and directory paths are translated.
+ Čоñťřøľş ћòẁ ƒΐĺέ āиð ďìřē¢ŧбѓŷ рατĥś äѓê τŕāńşĺаτ℮ď δûґĭπġ ďяąĝ-åňđ-ďяòρ σφ℮ѓąťїθήş. !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !
+ A description for what the "path translation" setting does. Presented near "Profile_PathTranslationStyle.Header".
+ Пôʼnę !
+ An option to choose from for the "path translation" setting.
+ WSL (C:\ -> /mnt/c) !!! !!!
+ {Locked="WSL","C:\","/mnt/c"} An option to choose from for the "path translation" setting.
+ Cygwin (C:\ -> /cygdrive/c) !!! !!! !!
+ {Locked="Cygwin","C:\","/cygdrive/c"} An option to choose from for the "path translation" setting.
+ MSYS2 (C:\ -> /c) !!! !!
+ {Locked="MSYS2","C:\","/c"} An option to choose from for the "path translation" setting.
+ Ρřσƒīŀē ⁿο łøňġèя ðёτęςτęď !!! !!! !
+ Ŧћΐŝ дûŧômăτϊĉāľļŷ-ďзţєςтēδ φяοƒĭľė ªφрëάřѕ тő ђäνё ъзéп ųήϊņѕτåℓłęđ. Сђаηĝėѕ ÿοú нãνè маđė ŧθ īť âґè ρґęѕěřνέδ, вűţ іť ĉáņήõţ вé υśёδ ůⁿŧïľ ϊţ нāѕ вεéň яёιʼnśтαℓĺёđ. !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !
+ Ǿřīĝĭňáł Šôüřčз !!! !
+ Ĭиđĩ¢ãťēš тĥě šôƒтшǻŗέ τнăť ŏŗįģĭйάłℓў ćяэάтэð ŧћïš рŕøƒĩľє. !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!!
diff --git a/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/qps-ploca/Resources.resw b/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/qps-ploca/Resources.resw
index 64e26d80008f..e39502881346 100644
--- a/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/qps-ploca/Resources.resw
+++ b/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/qps-ploca/Resources.resw
@@ -1961,4 +1961,44 @@
Đįŝрļãу ã ŝħĭěļð ίπ ŧђê ţîťłë ъãѓ щћэπ Ẅīήđθщş Ţĕřмïńāľ ίѕ ŕůπʼnïηģ åš Àδмιήίŝтяàтοґ !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!!
Header for a control to toggle displaying a shield in the title bar of the app. "Admin" refers to elevated sessions like "run as Admin"
\ No newline at end of file
+ Ρǻţħ τґãñşĺαŧîσй !!! !
+ Name for a control to select how file and directory paths are translated.
+ Ρäŧћ тѓαпѕļāţíóи !!! !
+ Name for a control to select how file and directory paths are translated.
+ Čоñťřøľş ћòẁ ƒΐĺέ āиð ďìřē¢ŧбѓŷ рατĥś äѓê τŕāńşĺаτ℮ď δûґĭπġ ďяąĝ-åňđ-ďяòρ σφ℮ѓąťїθήş. !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !
+ A description for what the "path translation" setting does. Presented near "Profile_PathTranslationStyle.Header".
+ Пôʼnę !
+ An option to choose from for the "path translation" setting.
+ WSL (C:\ -> /mnt/c) !!! !!!
+ {Locked="WSL","C:\","/mnt/c"} An option to choose from for the "path translation" setting.
+ Cygwin (C:\ -> /cygdrive/c) !!! !!! !!
+ {Locked="Cygwin","C:\","/cygdrive/c"} An option to choose from for the "path translation" setting.
+ MSYS2 (C:\ -> /c) !!! !!
+ {Locked="MSYS2","C:\","/c"} An option to choose from for the "path translation" setting.
+ Ρřσƒīŀē ⁿο łøňġèя ðёτęςτęď !!! !!! !
+ Ŧћΐŝ дûŧômăτϊĉāľļŷ-ďзţєςтēδ φяοƒĭľė ªφрëάřѕ тő ђäνё ъзéп ųήϊņѕτåℓłęđ. Сђаηĝėѕ ÿοú нãνè маđė ŧθ īť âґè ρґęѕěřνέδ, вűţ іť ĉáņήõţ вé υśёδ ůⁿŧïľ ϊţ нāѕ вεéň яёιʼnśтαℓĺёđ. !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !
+ Ǿřīĝĭňáł Šôüřčз !!! !
+ Ĭиđĩ¢ãťēš тĥě šôƒтшǻŗέ τнăť ŏŗįģĭйάłℓў ćяэάтэð ŧћïš рŕøƒĩľє. !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!!
diff --git a/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/qps-plocm/Resources.resw b/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/qps-plocm/Resources.resw
index 64e26d80008f..e39502881346 100644
--- a/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/qps-plocm/Resources.resw
+++ b/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/qps-plocm/Resources.resw
@@ -1961,4 +1961,44 @@
Đįŝрļãу ã ŝħĭěļð ίπ ŧђê ţîťłë ъãѓ щћэπ Ẅīήđθщş Ţĕřмïńāľ ίѕ ŕůπʼnïηģ åš Àδмιήίŝтяàтοґ !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!!
Header for a control to toggle displaying a shield in the title bar of the app. "Admin" refers to elevated sessions like "run as Admin"
\ No newline at end of file
+ Ρǻţħ τґãñşĺαŧîσй !!! !
+ Name for a control to select how file and directory paths are translated.
+ Ρäŧћ тѓαпѕļāţíóи !!! !
+ Name for a control to select how file and directory paths are translated.
+ Čоñťřøľş ћòẁ ƒΐĺέ āиð ďìřē¢ŧбѓŷ рατĥś äѓê τŕāńşĺаτ℮ď δûґĭπġ ďяąĝ-åňđ-ďяòρ σφ℮ѓąťїθήş. !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !
+ A description for what the "path translation" setting does. Presented near "Profile_PathTranslationStyle.Header".
+ Пôʼnę !
+ An option to choose from for the "path translation" setting.
+ WSL (C:\ -> /mnt/c) !!! !!!
+ {Locked="WSL","C:\","/mnt/c"} An option to choose from for the "path translation" setting.
+ Cygwin (C:\ -> /cygdrive/c) !!! !!! !!
+ {Locked="Cygwin","C:\","/cygdrive/c"} An option to choose from for the "path translation" setting.
+ MSYS2 (C:\ -> /c) !!! !!
+ {Locked="MSYS2","C:\","/c"} An option to choose from for the "path translation" setting.
+ Ρřσƒīŀē ⁿο łøňġèя ðёτęςτęď !!! !!! !
+ Ŧћΐŝ дûŧômăτϊĉāľļŷ-ďзţєςтēδ φяοƒĭľė ªφрëάřѕ тő ђäνё ъзéп ųήϊņѕτåℓłęđ. Сђаηĝėѕ ÿοú нãνè маđė ŧθ īť âґè ρґęѕěřνέδ, вűţ іť ĉáņήõţ вé υśёδ ůⁿŧïľ ϊţ нāѕ вεéň яёιʼnśтαℓĺёđ. !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !
+ Ǿřīĝĭňáł Šôüřčз !!! !
+ Ĭиđĩ¢ãťēš тĥě šôƒтшǻŗέ τнăť ŏŗįģĭйάłℓў ćяэάтэð ŧћïš рŕøƒĩľє. !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! !!!
diff --git a/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/ru-RU/Resources.resw b/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/ru-RU/Resources.resw
index 4d85c29a38a7..dafd0223b28a 100644
--- a/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/ru-RU/Resources.resw
+++ b/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/ru-RU/Resources.resw
@@ -1957,4 +1957,44 @@
Отображать экран в заголовке, когда Терминал Windows от имени администратора
Header for a control to toggle displaying a shield in the title bar of the app. "Admin" refers to elevated sessions like "run as Admin"
+ Преобразование пути
+ Name for a control to select how file and directory paths are translated.
+ Преобразование пути
+ Name for a control to select how file and directory paths are translated.
+ Управляет преобразованием путей к файлам и каталогам во время операций перетаскивания.
+ A description for what the "path translation" setting does. Presented near "Profile_PathTranslationStyle.Header".
+ Нет
+ An option to choose from for the "path translation" setting.
+ WSL (C:\ -> /mnt/c)
+ {Locked="WSL","C:\","/mnt/c"} An option to choose from for the "path translation" setting.
+ Cygwin (C:\ -> /cygdrive/c)
+ {Locked="Cygwin","C:\","/cygdrive/c"} An option to choose from for the "path translation" setting.
+ MSYS2 (C:\ -> /c)
+ {Locked="MSYS2","C:\","/c"} An option to choose from for the "path translation" setting.
+ Профиль больше не обнаруживается
+ Похоже, этот автоматически обнаруженный профиль удален. Внесенные вами изменения сохранены, но их нельзя использовать до переустановки.
+ Первоисточник
+ Указывает программное обеспечение, которое изначально создало этот профиль.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/zh-CN/Resources.resw b/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/zh-CN/Resources.resw
index 3fed75c87bce..fe3119fedd69 100644
--- a/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/zh-CN/Resources.resw
+++ b/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/zh-CN/Resources.resw
@@ -1957,4 +1957,44 @@
当 Windows 终端以管理员身份运行时,在标题栏中显示一个盾牌图标
Header for a control to toggle displaying a shield in the title bar of the app. "Admin" refers to elevated sessions like "run as Admin"
+ 路径转换
+ Name for a control to select how file and directory paths are translated.
+ 路径转换
+ Name for a control to select how file and directory paths are translated.
+ 控制在拖放操作期间如何转换文件和目录路径。
+ A description for what the "path translation" setting does. Presented near "Profile_PathTranslationStyle.Header".
+ 无
+ An option to choose from for the "path translation" setting.
+ WSL (C:\ -> /mnt/c)
+ {Locked="WSL","C:\","/mnt/c"} An option to choose from for the "path translation" setting.
+ Cygwin (C:\ -> /cygdrive/c)
+ {Locked="Cygwin","C:\","/cygdrive/c"} An option to choose from for the "path translation" setting.
+ MSYS2 (C:\ -> /c)
+ {Locked="MSYS2","C:\","/c"} An option to choose from for the "path translation" setting.
+ 不再检测到配置文件
+ 此自动检测到的配置文件似乎已被卸载。你对其所做的更改将被保留,但在重新安装之前无法使用。
+ 原始源
+ 指示最初创建此配置文件的软件。
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diff --git a/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/zh-TW/Resources.resw b/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/zh-TW/Resources.resw
index aa90fd34096e..7ec7e50e1e6e 100644
--- a/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/zh-TW/Resources.resw
+++ b/src/cascadia/TerminalSettingsEditor/Resources/zh-TW/Resources.resw
@@ -1957,4 +1957,44 @@
當 Windows 終端機 以系統管理員身分執行時,在標題欄中顯示遮罩
Header for a control to toggle displaying a shield in the title bar of the app. "Admin" refers to elevated sessions like "run as Admin"
+ 路徑翻譯
+ Name for a control to select how file and directory paths are translated.
+ 路徑翻譯
+ Name for a control to select how file and directory paths are translated.
+ 控制在拖放操作期間如何翻譯檔案和目錄路徑。
+ A description for what the "path translation" setting does. Presented near "Profile_PathTranslationStyle.Header".
+ 無
+ An option to choose from for the "path translation" setting.
+ WSL (C:\ -> /mnt/c)
+ {Locked="WSL","C:\","/mnt/c"} An option to choose from for the "path translation" setting.
+ Cygwin (C:\ -> /cygdrive/c)
+ {Locked="Cygwin","C:\","/cygdrive/c"} An option to choose from for the "path translation" setting.
+ MSYS2 (C:\ -> /c)
+ {Locked="MSYS2","C:\","/c"} An option to choose from for the "path translation" setting.
+ 已不再偵測到設定檔
+ 這個自動偵測到的配置檔似乎已卸載。您對它的變更會被保留,但是在重新安裝之前無法使用。
+ 原始來源
+ 指示原始建立此配置檔的軟體。
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