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Brian Kircher edited this page Jun 13, 2019 · 27 revisions

Cache<TKey, TValue>

Cache class for dynamic types.

public class Microsoft.Maps.Unity.Cache<TKey, TValue>


Type Name Summary
Int32 Generation The generation is incremented each time there is a change to the cache, i.e. an item is added or removed.
Boolean IsWeakCacheEnabled Gets a value indicating whether this cache supports weak reference cache.


Type Name Summary
EventHandler<TKey> ItemEvicted


Type Name Summary
void Add(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean isPinned = False) Adds the specified key and value to the cache.
void Clear() Removes all entries from the cache.
void Clear(List1&` values) Removes all entries from the cache.
Boolean ContainsKey(TKey key) Returns true if the key is contained in the Cache. If IsWeakCacheEnabled = true, this checks weak reference cache and promote to _cache if alive.
TValue Get(TKey key) Gets the value for the associated key. Returns null if the value does not exist in the cache.
TValue[] GetAll() Returns all values in the cache.
Boolean TryGet(TKey key, TValue& value) Gets the value for the associated key.


Represents a cluster of MapPins at the specified level of detail.

public class Microsoft.Maps.Unity.ClusterMapPin
    : Pinnable


Type Name Summary
Int16 LevelOfDetail The level of detail represented by this cluster.
LatLon Location The location of the MapPin.
Int32 Size The number of pins in this cluster.


The style of the font.

public enum Microsoft.Maps.Unity.FontStyle
    : Enum, IComparable, IFormattable, IConvertible


Value Name Summary
0 Normal Default font style.
1 Italic Slanted font style.


The weight of the font.

public enum Microsoft.Maps.Unity.FontWeight
    : Enum, IComparable, IFormattable, IConvertible


Value Name Summary
0 Normal Default weight.
1 Bold Thick stroked font weight.


Helpers to do intersection tests.

public static class Microsoft.Maps.Unity.Intersection

Static Methods

Type Name Summary
Boolean Intersect(Ray& ray, Vector3& v0, Vector3& v1, Vector3& v2, Single& distanceAlongRayToIntersection) Intersects a ray and triangle.
Boolean Intersect(Vector3& linePoint, Vector3& lineDirection, Vector3& planeNormal, Vector3& planePoint, Vector3& intersection, Single& length) Intersects a ray and triangle.


Serializable wrapper class for a LatLon.

public struct Microsoft.Maps.Unity.LatLonWrapper


Type Name Summary
Double Latitude Gets the latitude in degrees.
Double Longitude Gets the longitude in degrees.


Type Name Summary
LatLon ToLatLon() Converts to a LatLon. Wraps longitude so that values always are between -180 and +180.
String ToString() String representation of the LatLonWrapper.


Utility map constant values.

public class Microsoft.Maps.Unity.MapConstants

Static Fields

Type Name Summary
Int32 MaximumZoomLevel Highest zoom level for the map.
Int32 MinimumZoomLevel Lowest zoom level for the map.


This component is used to transfer labeling information to a GameObject.

public class Microsoft.Maps.Unity.MapLabel
    : Pinnable


Type Name Summary
Style Style Gets or sets the recommended styling information for this label.
String Text Gets or sets the test of the label.


This MapLayer can be added to a MapRenderer GameObject to enable labeling of the map. Only one MapLabelLayer is allowed on a given GameObject. Also, in order for the MapLabelLayer to function properly, a LabelPrefab must be set before the first Update().

public class Microsoft.Maps.Unity.MapLabelLayer
    : MapLayer


Type Name Summary
MapLabel MapLabelPrefab The GameObject used to replicate labels into the map.


Base class for any type of MapLayer. A MapLayer instance can only be associated with a single MapRenderer.

public abstract class Microsoft.Maps.Unity.MapLayer
    : MonoBehaviour


Type Name Summary
String LayerName The name of the MapLayer. This may be useful for disambiguating multiple layers on the same GameObject.


A MapPin can be used to pin a GameObject to the map at a specified coordinate.

public class Microsoft.Maps.Unity.MapPin
    : Pinnable


Type Name Summary
Double Altitude The altitude above the specified Microsoft.Maps.Unity.MapPin.AltitudeReference.
AltitudeReference AltitudeReference The altitude reference to use for the location. By default, uses a Surface altitude reference. If unsure what altitude reference to use, stick with the default. If data is known to be in a specific reference system, e.g. Ellipsoid, then this value must be updated accordingly.
Action<MapPin, LatLon> LocationChanged Action that is invoked when the Location of the MapPin is changed.


Type Name Summary
LatLon Location The location of the MapPin.


Maintains a collection of MapPins. Supports clustering. This layer is queried by the associated MapRenderer to get the MapPins or clusters in the map's current view.

public class Microsoft.Maps.Unity.MapPinLayer
    : MapLayer


Type Name Summary
ClusterMapPin ClusterMapPinPrefab The prefab to use for clusters.
Int32 ClusterThreshold If the number of pins in a spatial region exceed the ClusterThreshold, a single cluster MapPin will be rendered instead.
Boolean IsClusteringEnabled True if the MapPins in this data source should be clustered. Note, if this is set to true, it is expected that a prefab has been provided to ClusterMapPinPrefab.
ObservableList<MapPin> MapPins All MapPins associated with this MapPinLayer.


The MapRenderer component can be applied to a GameObject to manage streaming and rendering of map data.

public class Microsoft.Maps.Unity.MapRenderer
    : MonoBehaviour


Type Name Summary
Vector2 LocalMapDimension The width and length of the map object in its local coordinate system before any transforms are applied.


Type Name Summary
IReadOnlyList<MapPin> ActiveMapPins Array of MapPins currently visible within the Bounds of the map.
String BingMapsKey The key used to enable Bing maps services. Must be set to a valid key before the MapRenderer is usable.
GeoBoundingBox Bounds The LatLon bounds of the current map view.
LatLon Center Center of the map.
String Copyright The copyrights and attribution text, which may change based on the current view of the MapRenderer. This string must be displayed near the associated MapRenderer.
Double ElevationBaseline The altitude in WGS84 meters in which the map's terrain surface has been negatively offset.
Single LocalMapHeight The height of the map object in its local coordinate system before any transforms are applied.
Vector2 MapDimension The width and length of the map object with global scale applied.
Color MapEdgeColor The color of the map edge.
Single MapEdgeColorFadeDistance Starting at the map edge, this value is the distance normalized from the map dimension over which the edge color is faded.
Single MapHeight The height of the map with global scale applied, i.e. LocalMapHeight * transform.lossyScale.y.
IReadOnlyList<MapLayer> MapLayers The MapLayers associated with this MapRenderer.
Single MaximumZoomLevel The maximum zoom level to enforce on the map. 1.0 is the smallest possible zoom level value, and 20.0 is the largest.
Single MinimumZoomLevel The minimum zoom level to enforce on the map. 1.0 is the smallest possible zoom level value, and 20.0 is the largest.
Boolean ShowMapDataInEditor If true, during edit mode shows map data. Data usage in the editor will apply to the specified Bing maps key.
Single ZoomLevel Zoom level. Lower values are more zoomed out. Higher values are more zoomed in.


Type Name Summary
Boolean Raycast(Ray ray, MapRendererRaycastHit& hitInfo) Casts a ray against the map and returns detailed information about the hitpoint.
Boolean Raycast(Ray ray, MapRendererRaycastHit& hitInfo, Single maxDistance) Casts a ray against the map and returns detailed information about the hitpoint.
Boolean Raycast(Vector3 origin, Vector3 rayDirection, MapRendererRaycastHit& hitInfo) Casts a ray against the map and returns detailed information about the hitpoint.
Boolean Raycast(Vector3 origin, Vector3 rayDirection, MapRendererRaycastHit& hitInfo, Single maxDistance) Casts a ray against the map and returns detailed information about the hitpoint.
WaitForMapSceneAnimation SetMapScene(MapScene mapScene, MapSceneAnimationKind mapSceneAnimationKind = Bow) Sets the MapRenderer's view to reflect the new MapScene. A MapSceneAnimationKind may also be specified.


Structure used to get information back form a raycast of a MapRenderer.

public struct Microsoft.Maps.Unity.MapRendererRaycastHit


Type Name Summary
Single Distance Distance to the hit point from the origin of the raycast.
LatLonAlt Location The geographic location where the ray hit the MapRenderer.
Vector3 Normal The normal vector of the triangle that was hit.
Vector3 Point The impact point in world space where the ray hit the MapRenderer.


MapScene is used for changing and animating the map view.

public abstract class Microsoft.Maps.Unity.MapScene


Type Name Summary
void GetLocationAndZoomLevel(LatLon& location, Double& zoomLevel) Returns the location and zoom level for the MapScene.


Specifies the animation to use when setting a MapScene.

public enum Microsoft.Maps.Unity.MapSceneAnimationKind
    : Enum, IComparable, IFormattable, IConvertible


Value Name Summary
0 None No animation.
1 Linear A linear animation.
2 Bow A parabolic animation.


MapScene positioned on a MapLabel and a zoom level.

public class Microsoft.Maps.Unity.MapSceneOfLabelAndZoomLevel
    : MapScene


Type Name Summary
MapLabel MapLabel The MapLabel.
Single ZoomLevel The final zoom level.


Type Name Summary
void GetLocationAndZoomLevel(LatLon& location, Double& zoomLevel)


A list with notifications for add and remove.

public class Microsoft.Maps.Unity.ObservableList<T>
    : IList<T>, ICollection<T>, IEnumerable<T>, IEnumerable


Type Name Summary
Action<T> OnItemAdded Action that handles a single item being added to the last.
Action<T> OnItemRemoved Action that handles a single item being removed from the list.
Action<IEnumerable<T>> OnRangeAdded Action that handles a range of items being added to the list.
Action<IEnumerable<T>> OnRangeRemoved Action that handles a range of items being removed from the list.


Type Name Summary
Int32 Count
Boolean IsReadOnly
T Item


Type Name Summary
void Add(T item)
void AddRange(IEnumerable<T> items)
void Clear()
Boolean Contains(T item)
void CopyTo(T[] array, Int32 arrayIndex)
IEnumerator<T> GetEnumerator()
Int32 IndexOf(T item)
void Insert(Int32 index, T item)
Boolean Remove(T item)
void RemoveAt(Int32 index)


Encapsulates a Unity component that can be positioned on a map. This should not be derived from directly. Use MapPin instead.

public abstract class Microsoft.Maps.Unity.Pinnable
    : MonoBehaviour


Type Name Summary
AnimationCurve ScaleCurve The scale of the Pinnable relative to ZoomLevel.
Boolean UseRealWorldScale If true, the ScaleCurve is relative to the real-world scale at a given zoom level. As the map zooms out, size falls off exponentially. If false, the ScaleCurve represents the direct scale of the MapPin at a given zoom level.


Encapsulate recommended styling information about a label.

public class Microsoft.Maps.Unity.Style


Type Name Summary
Color Color Gets the recommended color of the label.
FontStyle FontStyle Gets the recommended style of the the label.
FontWeight FontWeight Gets the recommended weight of the label.
Int32 Rank Gets the recommended ranking of the label which can be used to determine label size.


Suspends coroutine execution once the associated MapScene animation has been completed or cancelled.

public class Microsoft.Maps.Unity.WaitForMapSceneAnimation
    : CustomYieldInstruction, IEnumerator


Type Name Summary
Boolean keepWaiting Returns false once the animation has been completed or cancelled.

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