- Removed Modules, Startable as redundand with Asp.NetCore
- ReloadOnChange for file configurations
- CodeBase refreshed, many minor and major changes
- PR#11 reload on change for placeholders from @i00lii
- minor changes
- CreateDirectory for LogsPath was removed from startup because it's not cloud ready
- netstandard bumped to netstandard 2.1
- MicroElements.Reflection.Sources replaced internal reflection stuff
- PR#9 recursive ${include} from @i00lii
- PlaceholdersConfigurationProvider now ignores case for property search
- PlaceholdersConfigurationSource do not caches configuration (rebuilds on each build)
- Breaking: Changed IEvaluator interface to support recursion in context dependent evaluators
- Breaking: Added IEvaluator.EvaluatorInfo property instead Name
- Ordering evaluators
- If evaluator skips value (returns the same value) then next evaluators take chance
- Breaking: Added key to IEvaluator to support evaluators with context knowlege
- Fixed parse recursion whem close bracket not found
- Change: configurationValue evaluator does not replaces dots
- ${include} only if path is not null or empty after resolve
- Microsoft.Extensions updated to 3.1.3
- IsSecretConfigurationKey added to StartupConfiguration
- ILogger and ILoggerFactory added to IBuildContext
- Evaluators can be set to ConfigurationBuilder.Properties for using in include blocks
- Limited support of placeholders for ${include}
- ${include} can be an array of pathes or single path
- Some unused code removed and simplified
- Recursive evaluations
- Property evaluation fixed
- IPropertyEvaluator interface changed
- All merged to one package MicroElements
- Microsoft.Extensions updated to 3.1.0
- Development started