- switched all projects to dotnet 8, netstandard removed
- removed reflection based dDI configuration
- removed obsolete MicroElements.Functional dependency
- MicroElements.Functional dependency removed
- MicroElements.Diagnostics extracted
- ISchema, IProperty, IPropertyValue, IPropertyCalculator become covariant
- OneOf initial support
- Base58 hash for SchemaDigest
- Added
- IParserRuleProvider: search methods added, search implementation moved to ParserRuleProvider
- Added CachedParserRuleProvider
- XmlParserContext: ParserCache changed to ParserRuleProvider (cached)
- CollectionParser supports recursing with IParserRuleProvider
- WriteSchemaToPropertyName removed from MetadataJsonSerializationOptions
- PropertyContainerWithMetadataTypesConverter removed
- Change:
renamed toGetComponents
. Added extensionGetComponents
- Change:
- removed new constraint. It can use default constructor or constructor with all optional parameters - Added:
that bound components and metadata toType
and can be accessed without type instantiation GetFriendlyName
method replaced with ME.Reflection.Sources implementation
- Added ICloneable with default implementation
- Added: IComposite, ICompositeBuilder, IConfigurableBuilder
- Added: FormatterBuilder that can create non static recursive formatters
- Change: CollectionFormatter can use optional configuration
- Change: CollectionFormatter can be configured with Configure
- Change: KeyValuePairFormatter, ValueTuplePairFormatter can use optional format string
SchemaBuilder functionality allows to use varios WithXXX methods in generic way
MessageBuilder used for reducing memory allocations
IPropertyValue.ValueUntyped should return 'null' if Source is NotDefined
NotDefined fix for DynamicContainer, Json serialization
Added 'defaultValue' param to 'PropertyContainer.GetValue' and 'MutablePropertyContainer.GetValue' to have the same signature as common 'GetValue'
Added 'allowMapUndefined' param to PropertyExtensions.Map
Added: SetValueIfNotDefault, WithValueIfNotDefault for IMutablePropertyContainer
Change: Property.WithDefaultValue methods replaced with SchemaBuilder methods
BREAKING CHANGE: Property.DefaultValue become optional. Default value for property should be defined explicitly.
Added: IExamples component. Property uses IExamples.
Change: IDefaultValue become covariant
Change: 'IStaticSchema' now implements 'IStaticPropertySet'
Change: ISchema become covariant
Experimental release that extends parsing with conditinal logic
- IParserBehavior initial
- IPropertyParserCondition, IPropertyParserNotifier extensions for IPropertyParser initial
- IParserProviderWithDiscriminator
- OnlyAllowedValuesRule more detailed message
- Validation messages uses 'null' placeholder instead of null value
- Added FilterByProperties extension method for IPropertyContainer
- Added DefaultSourceValue to IPropertyParser to allow set source value before parsing and mapping to target property
- ParseRowUntyped precise control for absent or null values
- MapToObject more diagnostics, more safe
- ValidateBySchema methods family
- ParseResult implicit conversion from value and from Message
- ParseResult.Map and ParseResult.Bind methods now transfers error to the next result
- ParseResult nullable declarations instead attributes
- Added ParserProvider.Source override with ParseResult function
- 7.9.1: Added MapAndValidateRows
- 7.9.2: ParseRowUntyped precise control for absent value
- Added WithValue extensions for ReadOnly containers (PropertyContainer and PropertyContainer)
- Added MetadataGlobalCache.GetOrCreateInstanceMetadata
- Added MetadataProvider.CreateMutableContainer
- Change: ToPropertyContainerOfType throws exceptions if output type is not property container and when conversion can not be done
- PropertyContainerSchemaFilter: GenerateKnownSchemasAsRefs uses for properties with separate schema
- PropertyContainerSchemaFilter: Uses AspNetJsonSerializerOptions to reuse AspNet JsonSerializerOptions
- Added extension method SetMetadataFrom to copy metadata from source object
- Added ISchemaBuilder to allow create copies of schema components;
- Added ISchemaBuilder extension WithDescription that creates schema component copy with desired description
- Added ISchemaComponent to allow more precise control on schema building
- 7.7.1: IAllowedValues, INumericInterval, IProperties, IStringFormat, IStringMaxLength, IStringMinLength, IStringPattern, INullability become ISchemaComponent
- 7.7.1: PropertyContainerSchemaFilter all ISchemaComponent support
- 7.7.1: JsonTypeMapper returns types with format
- IAllowedValues: added IEqualityComparer
- NumericInterval extension methods returns the same type where possible
- Required validation rule extended with SearchOptions and assertValueIsNull argument, added IRequiredPropertyValidationRule marker interface
- ExtractValidateMap initial functionality
- MapToTuple extensions methods
- 7.6.4: SetAllowedValuesFromEnum for string schemas ignores case by default
- 7.6.4: JsonSchemaGenerator initial, added option: MetadataJsonSerializationOptions.UseJsonSchema
- Added Property Clone method
- Added IPropertyContainer extensions: CloneAsMutable and CloneAsReadOnly
- ToPropertyContainerOfType: added arg returnTheSameIfNoNeedToConvert
- Swagger: added GenerateKnownSchemasAsRefs to PropertyContainerSchemaFilterOptions to generates known types as separate definitions
Schema serialization and utility release
- Added IMetadataSchemaProvider
- NewtonsoftJson: Added MetadataSchemaProviderConverter that allows to use common schema section in json document
- ConfigureJsonForPropertyContainers: added action to configure MetadataJsonSerializationOptions
- MetadataJsonSerializationOptions: added options: TypeMapper, UseSchemasRoot, SchemasRootName, WriteSchemaOnceForKnownTypes
- Removed IEnumeration interface from IPropertySet
- Removed PropertyContainerWithMetadataTypesConverter
- Many other usability improvements
- 7.4.1: added default value to GetValue extension
- 7.4.3: PropertyContainerMapper moves to MicroElements.Metadata.Mapping and becomes more flexible
- Added PropertyContainerMapper with methods ToPropertyContainerOfType, ToPropertyContainer and ToObject
- PropertyContainerConverters (SystemTextJson and NewtonsoftJson) uses common method ToPropertyContainerOfType and supports typed PropertyContainers
- 7.3.2: PropertyComparers types ends with PropertyComparer (was EqualityComparer), ByTypeAndNamePropertyComparer can compare types ignoring Nullable wrapper
- 7.3.3: ByNameOrAliasPropertyComparer GetHashCode fix
- 7.3.3: MetadataSchema.AppendAbsentProperties fix
- 7.3.3: PropertyContainerMapper.ToObject nullable and enum support
- 7.3.4: Added HierarchicalContainer that merges two hierarchies
- 7.3.4: GetMetadata can get metadata from attached ISchema (see 'searchInSchema' arg)
- 7.3.4: Added GetSchemaMetadata that always uses GetMetadata with searchInSchema: true
- 7.3.4: More metadata types that can be set to ISchema (not only IProperty): IAllowedValues, INumericInterval
- 7.3.4: PropertyContainerMapper more customization
- PropertyContainerConverter becomes generic and supports collections
- DateTimeOffsetFormatter added to DefaultFormatProvider
- MicroElements.Metadata.AspNetCore: Swashbuckle updated to 6.1.3
- MicroElements.Metadata: Schema metadata more close to JsonSchema
- Big release. Main features: XmlParsing, Performance, ExcelBuilder performance, Schema featurea and validations. See release notes for release candidates
- OpenXml: CellReferences optimizations
- Some minor optimizations
- IMetadataProvider changed API: added GetMetadata, SetMetadata
- Reflection optimization
- Performance optimization for metadata search
- Performance optimization for excel building
- Complex value Formatting based on IValueFormatter
- IPropertyValueFactory, CachedPropertyValueFactory
- CachedStringParser and InternedStringParser
- XmlParser: IPropertyValueFactory added to IXmlParserSettings
- XmlParser: GC optimizations
- ExcelReportBuilder: Caches, GC optimizations, Performance optimizations
- ExcelReportBuilder: added parameter fillCellReferences to AddReportSheet
- ExcelReportBuilder: Cell.DataType omits if cell value is null
- IHasSchema cache
- Cached expression for PropertyValue creation
- Validation for XmlParser
- ConfigureMetadata now supports thread safe ReadOnly metadata creation and configuration
- Many useful PropertyContainerExtensions: Merge, MergeProperties, GetListItems, GetListItemsEnriched
- ISchema added to IXmlParserContext
- Added GetPropertiesNotFromSchema that works with IXmlParserContext
- IValueParser moved to ParseResult instead of Option because Option doesnot support valid null values and error message
- Nullable enums supported
- Added IXmlParserSettings reference to IXmlParserContext
- Added SchemaCache to IXmlParserContext
- IHasSchema now can create new schema instances
- Added GetPropertiesNotFromSchema recursive search in children schemas
- AllowedValues from enum
- IXmlParserContext extracted
- Parser cache added
- Parsers moved to Parsers namespace
- Added Validation messages to IXmlParserSettings
- XmlParser API extended
- Added XmlParser using ISchema
- Added Parsers for types and properties
- Added XmlParserSettings.ParserRules and PropertyComparer
- Added ability to attach validation rules to IProperty
- IStringMinLength and IStringMaxLength metadata and validations
- Validation default message format optionality
- XmlParser usability improved
- Performance optimizations in some hot pathes (property creation, searching)
- Added IStaticPropertySet and StaticPropertySet that has auto implemented GetProperties
- Added ISchema that extends IPropertySet (subject for future changes)
- Added IHasSchema metadata that can be attached to properties and property containers
- Added IMetadata interface
- Added XmlParser that parses xml to IPropertyContainer (new package MicroElements.Metadata.Xml)
- Fix Render dates as serial for null value
- Fix SetFormat render for null value
- MetadataSchemaCompact
- Json serializers unified
- Json formating arrays in one string
- OpenXml: Excel Serial Date support for reports
- OpenXml: Big refactoring
- OpenXml: Styling extensions refactored and added many useful methods
- Added FreezeMetadata and FreezeInstanceMetadata.
- IPropertyContainer.ParentSource makes nullable, and read only. SetParentPropertySource is removed
- Added GetHierarchy, Flatten methods for IPropertyContainer
- ToReadOnly by default flattens input container
- Optimization: Search uses internal property cache for some searches.
- Added ThreadSafe ConcurrentMutablePropertyContainer, GetInstanceMetadata uses ConcurrentMutablePropertyContainer by default
- OpenXml: GetOrAddSharedString optimized
- Added ReflectionDependencyInjectionExtensions to allow configure AspNetCore from netstandard package
- Added DependencyInjectionExtensions.AddMetadata - all in one registration (json serialization, swagger customization)
- Added sample of using it in AspNetCore application
- Added MetadataGlobalCache.AsMetadataProvider that converts any object to IMetadataProvider. It uses new MetadataProviderWrapper
- Property.Description simplified to string (was LocalizableString)
- MetadataProviderExtensions.CopyMetadataTo now can copy metadata from any object to any other object (not only IMetadataProvider)
- MutablePropertyContainer became ThreadSafe, old implementation became MutablePropertyContainerNoLock
- IPropertyContainer simplified: implements IReadOnlyCollection instead of IReadOnlyList, Properties also is IReadOnlyCollection
- Added interface IKnownPropertySet<> to describe what properties can be in a property container
- Added IAllowNull and IAllowedValues property metadata
- Added validation rule OnlyAllowedValues
- Added 'Or' validation rules
- PropertyContainerSchemaFilter can get IPropertySet from IKnownPropertySet<>
- PropertyContainerSchemaFilter uses optional IAllowNull and IAllowedValues to generate schema
- Added PropertyAddMode to WithValues extension method
- OpenXml: Added DocumentContext extensions: AddNumberingFormat, GetNumberingFormatIndex, GetNumberingFormatId
- Added new package MicroElements.Metadata.AspNetCore that contains swagger extensions and json serialization for IPropertyContainer
- Package MicroElements.Metadata.Json renamed to MicroElements.Metadata.SystemTextJson
- Json read fixed
- Default metadata search changed to ignore case
- Added extensions AsReadOnly, AsMutable, CopyMetadataTo for metadata providers
- Added Metadata Serialization
- Added package MicroElements.Metadata.Json
- Added package MicroElements.Metadata.NewtonsoftJson
- Added package MicroElements.Metadata.All
- MicroElements.Functional updated to version 1.10.0
- MicroElements.Functional updated to version 1.6.0
- TypeCheck methods replaced with methods from MicroElements.Functional
- Breaking: IProperyContainerMapper renamed to IModelMapper
- Breaking: Removed unused IPropertyMapper
- Added: IMetadataMapper that is combination of IModelMapper and IPropertySet
- Fixed: ExcelExtensions GetRows and FillCellReferences for absent sheet
- PropertyValue.Create fix to correctly work with nullable structs
- Added RowContext.RowSource to access source property container for row
- ConfigureCell and ConfigureRow search propagation
- Removed obsolete Flatten method
- Change: Fills cell references in AddReportSheet
- Added Row customization with ExcelSheetMetadata.ConfigureRow
- Added ConfigureCell, ConfigureHeaderCell, ConficureColumn, ConfigureRow configuration extensions
- Added ToMutable, ToReadOnly extensions
- Added Excel styling extensions
- Change: GetValue returned to PropertyContainer and MutablePropertyContainer as protected method to use in derived classes
- Added more nullability asserts and markup
- SetFormat fixed: now for null input values it returns NullValue
- Excel: FillCellReferences now checks whether it should fill cell references
- SearchExtensions unified and documented
- Added Search.Algorithm with global access to optionate search
- Added some documentation to README
- IPropertyCalculator now accepts SearchOptions provided by user
- Map function now accepts configureSearch function instead of SearchOptions so it uses user provided SearchOptions
- SearchOptions argument removed from Nullify, DeNullify, UseDefaultForUndefined
- IPropertyRenderer.Configure now returns IPropertyRenderer to allow chaining
- New: Added AsUntyped extension for IPropertyRenderer and ConfigureTyped for IPropertyRenderer
- Change: SetTargetName, SetSearchOptions, SetFormat, SetNullValue, SetNameFromAlias bacame extension methods for untyped IPropertyRenderer
- Nullability enabled, Most API annotated with nullability attributes
- Property immutability
- IPropertyContainer: added SearchOptions property
- IPropertyContainer: removed GetValue and GetValueUntyped
- Search became external to IPropertyContainer
- Added ISearchAlgorithm with base search methods, SearchExtensions uses ISearchAlgorithm
- IReportRenderer interface extracted from IReportProvider
- IReportProvider: Added GetReportRows to provide report rows
- Added IPropertyRenderer.Configure to allow configure untyped IPropertyRenderer
- [Excel] ExcelReportBuilder: old AddReportSheet accepts IReportRenderer and rows
- [Excel] ExcelReportBuilder: added AddReportSheet that accepts IReportProvider
- Added extension ValidateAndFilter to select validated items with callback for not valid items
- MicroElements.Functional updated to version 1.3.0
- ExcelExtensions.GetCellValue now tries to parse date types as strings than as double
- Added PropertySetAttribute to attach IPropertySet to IPropertyContainer in compile time
- Added PropertySetEvaluator to search IPropertySet in runtime by PropertySetAttribute
- MicroElements.Functional updated to version 1.2.0
- PropertyRenderer configurer to allow configure untyped IPropertyRenderer
- Added ToRenderers extension to convert IEnumerable to IEnumerable with renderers customization
- Duplicate FormatAsTuple removed in favor of MicroElements.Functional version
- MicroElements.Functional updated to version 1.1.0
- Now IMetadataProvider.GetInstanceMetadata by default creates metadata with searchOptions ByNameAndTypeComparer instead Default
- Added AddRenderer and AddRenderers to ReportProvider
- MicroElements.Functional updated to version 1.0.0
- WithValue now returns the same container type as input
- WithCombinedConfigure takes configure action and combines action with new action
- [Excel] ConfigureCell now uses CellContext
- [Excel] Customuze actions renamed to Configure
- Property Map for PropertyValue fix
- Excel: FillCellReferences, MapRows
- Nullify and DeNullify mapper extensions for properties
- Added Map extension with extended map functor
- PropertyCalculator that also returns ValueSource
- Old Calculate func removed from IProperty
- New Map method that covers old other MapXX methods, old methods removed
- DeNull method that allows to convert Nullable property to NotNullable
- Excel: fixed selected tab
- Excel: More wide columns in transposed mode
- Breaking Change: OpenXml reporting and parsing moved to MicroElements.Metadata.OpenXml
- Property search redesigned and unified
- Property search allows to know whether property exists, not exists or exists with undefined value
- Search API became more consistent and customizable
- PropertyContainer and MutablePropertyContainer can accept custom SearchOptions
- Added predefined search modes: Default, ExistingOnly, ExistingOnlyWithParent
- Added GetValueAsOption and SetValue extensions with functional Option support
- New validation rules: Exists, Required
- IValidationRule now implements IMetadataProvider
- Added generic IValidationRule for holding typed property
- Rich rule building with combine support
- Validation message customization moved to ValidationMessageOptions and linked to IValidationRule as metadata
- Validation customization for last rule in chain
- ExcelReader: GetRowsAs supports factory function
- ExcelReportBuilder support for SharedStrings
- PropertyRenderer: supports SearchOptions
- Added GetValueAsOption and SetValue extensions with functional Option support
- ExcelReader: GetRowsAs supports factory function
- PropertyRenderer: supports SearchOptions
- minor changes
- ExcelReportBuilder support for SharedStrings
- Fixed broken copy and paste in generated excel
- Validation customization for last rule in chain
- NotNull for Nullable struct
- Added predefined search modes: Default, ExistingOnly, ExistingOnlyWithParent
- Search clean up.
- Property search redesigned and unified
- Search API became more consistent and customizable
- PropertyContainer and MutablePropertyContainer can accept custom SearchOptions
- Property search allows to know whether property exists, not exists or exists with undefined value
- New validation rules: Exists, Required
- IValidationRule now implements IMetadataProvider
- Added generic IValidationRule for holding typed property
- Rich rule building with combine support
- IConfigurableValidationRule removed
- Validation message customization moved to ValidationMessageOptions and linked to IValidationRule as metadata
- IParserProvider: convert Parsers property to GetParsers method to be more functional
- Added PropertyParser extensions to create property parsers in fluent parser providers
- Added CachedParserProvider and Cached extension
- ValidationResult became readonly struct
- Added CachedValidator and Cached extension
- ValidationResult became generic
- ValidationResult.IsValid moved to extension methods
- ToValidationResult and ToValidationResults extensions
- ExcelReader added
- Validation added
- Extensions for easy excel styling
- Document customization fixed (was not applyed)
- ExcelReportBuilder sheet customizization after adding data
- FreezeTopRow moved to extension methods
- ExcelReportBuilder customize for document, sheet, column, cell
- Property Map now can be used for classes and structs
- GetPropertyValue method added new argument: useDefaultValue. So it can return null now
- ExcelMetadata moved to property model for easy extend
- Excel generator: added Transpose for Sheets
- Unified Property methods with prefixes Set, SetUntyped, With
- EnumerableReportProvider
- Property Map methods to convert property to property of other type with func
- Property WithName extension method
- IReportProvider is now IMetadataProvider
- ExcelMetadata hierarchy
- CsvReportBuilder
- ExcelReportBuilder
- ExcelMetadata for document, sheet, column, cell
- PropertyRenderer by default renders in Invariant culture.
- ValueSource converted to class instead of enum to extend on client side.
- SetValueUntyped and WithValueUntyped extensions instead of WithValue and SetValue to reduce type errors
- Added PropertySetEnumerable and PropertySetBase
- IProperty, IPropertySet implements IEnumerable
- LocalizableString implements IEnumerable
- IPropertySet, IPropertyContainerMapper
- Added CustomizeMetadata extension for IMetadataPrivider
- Added AddRange extension for IMutablePropertyContainer
- Now returns null for DynamicContainer is property was not found
- GetDynamicMemberNames implemented for DynamicContainer
- Default value for GetMetadata
- Options for AsDynamic and DynamicContainer
- Many methods for untyped work
- Builders for properties
- Dynamic wrapper
- Added PropertyMapper
- Added initial table impl
- IMetadataProvider changed
- PropertyList removed in favor of PropertyContainer
- Initial version
Full release notes can be found at: https://github.com/micro-elements/MicroElements.MetadataModel.git/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md