- Practice the concepts
- Prep exercises
- Homework exercises
- Your personal brand
- Extra: Challenges (Optional)
Before we head into the homework exercises, it might be nice to do some interactive exercises first! In the following resource you'll find some exercises that'll teach you all about higher order and array functions!
Prep exercises are exercises that you should work on before the session on Sunday. These are a little more difficult or show an important concept and as such are a great exercise to talk about with your class and your Q&A mentor. Have a solution ready by Sunday as you may be asked to show what you did.
Inside your JavaScript
fork, go to the folder Week4
. Inside of that folder, navigate to /prep-exercises
. For each exercise, you will find a separate folder. The README
explains what needs to be done. There will also be some questions at the bottom to think about. Go through them before the session on Sunday as it will be covered then.
This week we expect you to do the exercises in the corresponding module/week folder (JavaScript / Week 4). Have a look at the homework guide to see how to hand in your homework.
NOTE: do NOT forget to checkout the main branch before creating the branch for this week. Otherwise your previous homework will be a part of the PR
This week is the deadline to submit your CV with links to your updated GitHub and LinkedIn profiles. To submit your CV, be sure to follow the guidelines given here. We strongly suggest you make use of the provided templates! They have all the important sections and together with the info in the repo, they will help you end up with a great personal brand, crucial to find an internship or job as a developer.
Have a look at the challenges folder in this repository to try some harder problems. We expect these to be hard, so take your time to try and solve them yourself. If you really can't figure it out then have a look at the solutions, but it usually sticks better if you find the solution yourself.
So you think you are a JavaScript superstar now huh? 😉
Once you have finished the homework there are a couple of things you can keep doing to improve your JavaScript and problem solving skills. Have a look at the following and come back to them later in the curriculum, it is never bad to do these exercises!
- JavaScript questions - This is a repo that tests your knowledge of the underlying workings of JavaScript. Try to answer the questions and see how your knowledge matches up.
- Code Wars - Code wars is a website where you can solve exercises and rank up! When signing up, only choose JavaScript to really focus the problems on learning to solve problems in it. You can later change it to other technologies when you get more familiar.
- JSChallenger - JSChallenger is a nice website with a set of challenges for you to solve, from the Basics, to using Dates and Sets. Skip the Javascript DOM section for now, we are going to learn about that in the next module.
- Project Euler - Project Euler defines problems that you can use your new JavaScript knowledge to find solutions for. These start off doable with the knowledge you have now and will get more and more difficult. You can come back to it later if you get stuck, or ask your classmates! Whenever you have some time or want to practice problem solving this is a good place to go.