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aws-s3-audio-pii-guardian πŸ”’

Description 🏁

This is an open source project that allows you to provision the necessary infrastructure to enable you to detect PII (Personal Identifiable Information) in audio voice recordings stored in S3.

You have the option to automatically run PII detection jobs when a new audio file is inserted in S3, or automatically, trigger PII analysis jobs using HTTP API for existing objects.

We leverage on AWS Transcribe service to handle the detection of PII information. We also use Amazon Comprehend to analyze the call sentiment which can be retrieved by calling the analyze API endpoint. Sentiment analisis is disabled by default, and would need to be enabled on your settings.

If PII is detected, a process will redact and mute the PII information in the original audio file using FFmpeg. You can optionally turn this feature off in the settings.

Demo Video 🎬

Watch the following video to see the process in action and how to deploy into your own AWS Account.

PII Supported Detection Types πŸ•΅οΈ

Below are the types of information that AWS Transcribe can detect:

  • NAME
  • PIN
  • SSN

You can optionally configure the data you want to detect and redact in

Architecture πŸ—οΈ

Services Used

  • AWS S3 (storage)
  • AWS Lambda (backend)
  • AWS Transcribe (transcriptions + PII detection)

Use Case 1: Automatic Detection on New Objects in S3

Screenshot 2024-10-13 at 9 31 19β€―PM

Use Case 2: Manual Trigger on Existing S3 Objects using API

Screenshot 2024-10-13 at 9 31 33β€―PM

Automatic Analysis

Steps: Insert audio audio recording in S3 bucket.


You must specify the audio file extension in Default value is .wav.


Head over to to see all options before you deploy. You can use default values, or modify them per your needs.

Deployment πŸš€

This is a Terraform project that you can use and test out on your own.

Be sure to have Terraform and AWS CLI installed.

Deploy Using a Terraform Module

The easiest way to deploy this project is to use our Public Terraform Module, and optionally pass any configurations:

module "s3-audio-pii-guardian" {
  source  = "michael-ortiz/s3-audio-pii-guardian/aws"
  version = "~> 1.0.0"

  # Change this to your audio file format:
  media_format = "wav"

  audio_bucket_name                   = "audio-bucket"
  transcriptions_bucket_name          = "transcriptions-bucket"
  auto_transcribe_on_s3_put           = true
  auto_transcribe_probability_percent = 100
  redact_audio                        = true
  overwrite_original_audio            = false
  default_language_code               = "en-US"
  transcriptions_file_suffix          = ".json"
  notification_webhook_url            = ""
  slack_notification_webhook_url      = ""
  pii_entities = [
  create_api_endpoint    = true
  api_authorization_type = "NONE"
  sentiment_analysis     = false

Standard Deployment

Clone the the repository:

git clone

Next, open the repository folder in your favorite IDE. Configure your settings in, and specially make sure that media_format matches the file extension you will be uploading.

To deploy infrastructure, execute the following commands:

terraform init
terraform apply

Wait for everything to deploy.

Testing Project πŸ§ͺ

To test that the project is working, upload an audio recording with any of the PII entities that you would like to detact and redact to the S3 Audio bucket audio-bucket-{AWS_ACCOUNT_ID}. Wait some seconds or minutes while AWS Transcribes the job. Next refresh the bucket and you should see a {AUDIO_FILE_NAME}-redacted.${EXTENSION} file with the redacted audio. You can optionally configure to redact the original audio in the variables. If you want to take a look at analysis result, use the API /analyze endpoint.

Modifying Lambdas πŸ“

You can optionally modify the lambdas to your needs. Simply make a change to the codebase, and Terraform will detect these changes and make a new build automtically.

terraform apply

API πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»

Get API urls from Terraform Output.

Transcribe Existing Audio Recording in S3 and Identify + Redact PII

Method: POST

URL: Get actual URL from Terraform Output.




  "s3ObjectKeys": [
  languageCode: "en-US", // Optionally, overwrite default language


    "startedJobs": [
            "jobId": "34def188-a1b8-4ed7-9822-4f1bf763bfd0",
            "s3ObjectKey": "{AUDIO_FILE_NAME}.wav",
            "s3Uri": "s3://audio-recordings-bucket-####/{AUDIO_FILE_NAME}.wav"
    "jobErrors": []

Check for PII in Audio Recording in S3

Method: GET

URL: Get actual URL from Terraform Output.




  "message": "PII detected in call recording.",
  "containsPII": true,
  "redactOriginalAudio": true,
  "audioUri": "s3://audio-bucket-####/{S3_OBJECT_KEY}",
  "transcriptUri": "s3://audio-transcriptions-bucket-####/{S3_OBJECT_KEY}",
  "transcriptText": "Hello, my name is [PII]. Uh This is a test uh testing uh test card information. My credit card number is [PII] [PII]. My social security is [PII]. This is test data.",
  "piiDetections": [
      "type": "[PII]",
      "start_time": "2.43",
      "end_time": "2.93",
      "redactions": [
          "confidence": "1.0",
          "type": "NAME",
          "category": "PII"
      "type": "[PII]",
      "start_time": "11.55",
      "end_time": "13.569",
      "redactions": [
          "confidence": "0.9994",
          "type": "CREDIT_DEBIT_NUMBER",
          "category": "PII"
      "type": "[PII]",
      "start_time": "14.439",
      "end_time": "19.729",
      "redactions": [
          "confidence": "0.9994",
          "type": "CREDIT_DEBIT_NUMBER",
          "category": "PII"
      "type": "[PII]",
      "start_time": "22.36",
      "end_time": "27.129",
      "redactions": [
          "confidence": "0.9999",
          "type": "SSN",
          "category": "PII"
  "intelligence": {
    "sentiment": "NEUTRAL",
    "sentimentScore": {
      "Mixed": 0.000010112761628988665,
      "Negative": 0.00010839156311703846,
      "Neutral": 0.9996304512023926,
      "Positive": 0.00025106221437454224

Cost of Usage πŸ’°

Pricing varies based on usage and is based on pay-as-you-go model. Be sure you understand the pricing before you use the services at scale.

AWS Transcribe Pricing

As of October 13, 2024 for us-east-1.

See Amazon Transcribe Pricing for most up to date pricing.

Since we will transcribe calls to text and also redact / identify PII, both Standard an PII Redaction pricings will apply.

Standard Pricing

Screenshot 2024-10-14 at 11 37 24β€―AM

PII Redaction Pricing

Screenshot 2024-10-13 at 9 38 59β€―PM

AWS S3 Pricing

See AWS S3 Pricing

Lambda Pricing

See AWS Lambda Pricing