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This is a full stack application that includes a public landing page for your links in bio, and an authenticated console to manage everything about you page.

Infrastructure Stack

This application is meant to run on AWS.

These are the services used to run the application:

  • S3 for static website hosting
  • Lambda for backend APIs (Node.js Express + Dynamoose)
  • DynamoDB for database
  • Cognito for user creations and authentication
  • Cloudfront for CDN
  • Route53 for DNS management
  • SSM Paramstore for secrets (Social Federetion Credentials: ex Google)

Run Application



This will install a local environment to run some AWS Services. Specifically we will use S3 and DynamoDB.

brew install localstack/tap/localstack-cli


Used to create S3 Bucket for profile images when starting the application.

pip install awscli-local

or if using pip3

pip3 install awscli-local

Local Run Steps

To run this application, first go to director cd ./lambda-api and run:

npm install
npm start:local

This will start the backend on port 3500 and create the s3 bucket for profile images if not already created.

Next, open a new terminal tab, and go to cd ./react and run:

npm install
npm run dev:local

Next, open http://localhost:5173 in your browser and use the application.


Authentication is disabled for local development.

If you would like to connect to our actual backend, you can do so by running:

npm run dev

This will connect to the lambda in AWS and will require Cognito for authentication.

Deploy to AWS

The whole infrastructure is located in the terraform folder.


The backend in Terraform expects that you use a valid domain name from Route 53. If you rather not use a domain, you will need to remove references from Terraform to not use a Route53 record, and cloudfront.

You will need to change the following local variables to use your own domain in

locals {
  domain_name = "YOUR_DOMAIN_NAME"

If you have not configured an OIDC role for GitHub Actions, you can do so by enabling the following flag in the github-actions-oidc module.

create_oidc_provider = true

If you already created it, set the value to false

Once you deploy this, in react app .env files, update the VITE_API_URL to your lambda API url. Then, you can use GitHub Actions to build and deploy your application.

In GitHub actions secrets and variables, set a new repository variable AWS_ACCOUNT_ID with the AWS account ID that you want to deploy into.

Next, in the on_release.yaml workflow under .github/, update the linkifybio references to your domain name used in terraform. This will ensure that you can deploy to your already created resources in terraform.

In the react app, there are references to / linkifybio that are used for Cognito redirects and branding purposes. I recommend searching for this keyword and changing any references to your domain name throughout the app.

Push your changes, and wait for the workflow to run and deploy your application.

If you have any problems, please open an issue and I will try to answer as soon as possible!
