Empowering Stories: Exploring Lived Experiences through Asset Co-Creation Workshop
In a recent workshop held by Enable India, Design Beku facilitated a workshop for partners of the Disability NGO Alliance to explore the power of storytelling and co-create knowledge assets that would shape a knowledge infrastructure for the work of the disability community in India. The workshop, conducted primarily in Kannada with occasional English translations, aimed to engage participants in sharing their unique perspectives and experiences through narratives.
The workshop began with Antony, who provided a recap of the previous day's activities and set the tone by playing the "Garv Se" song, known as the "dignity anthem" in the disability sector. Led by Bhanu, the workshop delved into the significance of record-keeping, archiving, and the cultural importance of building a legacy. Bhanu introduced the concept of a digital asset using the metaphor of a bond paper, symbolizing its importance and preservation for future generations. Participants were encouraged to write down important memories, experiences, or practices from their lives, highlighting the significance of each instance.
The core activity of the workshop involved participants writing their own stories, followed by annotating and discussing narratives from their peers. Each participant chose an envelope containing a bond sheet and a blank paper. Their task was to annotate the stories they received, adding their observations and understanding of the narratives. The purpose was to foster a sense of shared knowledge and understanding among the GSC officers.
Throughout the workshop, the Design Beku and Enable India team facilitated group discussions, provided guidance, and documented the generated content. The activities not only resulted in a rich collection of narratives but also offered valuable insights into the challenges and aspirations of the participants. The diversity of experiences shared during the workshop provided a glimpse into the potential structure of an asset library for future innovation and the creation of livelihood services.
The workshop concluded with reflections on the success of the asset co-creation exercise and the potential for future initiatives. The workshop's outcomes extended beyond the immediate session, as the outcomes of the co-creation resulted in
- new metadata fields
- opportunities to see where the documented experiences could become a part of their daily workflow
- a buy-in for the partners to the idea of their knowledge as their asset.