ideaSubmitFormInstruction | startDate | votingAllowed | newCampaign | status | commentCount | challenge-id | moderatorAdminOnlyIdeasEnabled | funnelId | ideaFromUnauthorizedMemberAllowed | tagline | groupName | hideIdeaAuthor | template | campaignAttributes | attributes | total-prize-awarded-cash | external-url | submission-end | why-use-prizes | submission-start | fiscal-year | public-voting-end-date | budget-and-resources | total-prize-offered-cash | campaign-owner | public-voting-start-date | legal-authority | total-number-of-prizes-awarded | evaluation-of-submissions | agency-id | solicitation-of-submissions | total-submission-received | total-number-of-participant | show-winners-instead-of-prizes | estimated-value-of-partner-contributions | non-monetary-incentives-awarded | partner-agencies-federal | judging-end-date | solicitation-methods | advancing-the-agency-mission | rules | submission-start-date-1 | hide-challenge-timeline | judging-start-date | winners-announced-date | cash-prizes-and-non-cash-prize-awards | campaign-owner-email | solution-type | partner-agencies-non-federal | original-post-id | total-number-of-winners-awarded | hosting | hide-challenge-funnel | type-of-challenge | participation-requirements | number-of-phases | how-to-enter | partnerships | groupAttributes | judging-criteria-description-0 | judging-criteria-percentage-0 | judging-criteria-0 | judging-criteria-description-1 | judging-criteria-percentage-1 | judging-criteria-1 | judging-criteria-description-10 | judging-criteria-percentage-10 | judging-criteria-10 | judging-criteria-description-11 | judging-criteria-percentage-11 | judging-criteria-11 | judging-criteria-description-12 | judging-criteria-12 | judging-criteria-percentage-12 | judging-criteria-description-13 | judging-criteria-13 | judging-criteria-percentage-13 | judging-criteria-percentage-14 | judging-criteria-14 | judging-criteria-description-14 | judging-criteria-percentage-15 | judging-criteria-15 | 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winner-solution-description-7 | winner-solution-description-8 | winner-solution-link-8 | winner-name-8 | winner-solution-title-8 | winner-solution-link-9 | winner-solution-description-9 | winner-name-9 | winner-solution-title-9 | memberIdeaSubmissionAllowed | showTitle | description | campaignStatusName | templateId | stageStatistics | summaryEnabled | voteCount | ideaTabEnabledForChallenge | moderatorAdminOnlyIdeasNotificationEnabled | hideCommentAuthor | authorizedGroupIds | userSubscriptionAllowed | bannerImage | groupId | showTagline | challenge-title | privateCampaign | ideaCount | memberIdeaAttachmentAllowed | authorEdit | permalink | layout |
Go to <a href=""></a> and register to enter. There is no entry fee for solvers to participate. |
2018-11-26T06:50:01 |
false |
false |
closed |
0 |
587 |
false |
4 |
true |
Help us count food for critical fish species |
Department of the Interior - Bureau of Reclamation |
false |
ideation |
11/16/2015 11:59 PM |
10/07/2015 12:00 AM |
FY16 |
$30,000 |
Connie Svoboda, Chuck Hennig |
America COMPETES |
2542 |
No |
No |
U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, NOAA-National Marine Fisheries Service, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers |
88351 |
Hosted on this platform |
Yes |
Ideas |
Go to <a href=""></a> and register to enter. There is no entry fee for solvers to participate. |
The Seeker has a total prize pool budget of $30,000 to pay the top three submission(s) that meet or exceed the technical requirements with an award of $10,000 each. No awards are guaranteed unless they meet or exceed criteria, and more than one award is not guaranteed. If only a single submission meets or exceeds the criteria, the prize award may be as high as $15,000. |
30000 |
false |
true |
<strong>We are seeking a way to economically detect, count, and identify food resources available to critical fish species targeted for recovery and protection in river and estuary systems. </strong> <strong>Enter the competition: <a href=""></a></strong> <p> Habitat restoration, improvement, and creation in rivers, streams, and estuaries are key elements for the recovery of salmon, trout, and other critical fish species in the United States. Millions of dollars are spent annually on activities such as manipulating flow regimes, adding structural elements such as wood or rock, reconnecting rivers with their floodplains, and restoring wetlands. A critical aspect in evaluating the effectiveness of these habitat manipulations is understanding how they influence the food resources available to critical fish species targeted for recovery and protection. Yet despite its importance, quantification of food resources has proven difficult. </p><p> The Bureau of Reclamation, in collaboration with other federal agencies (NOAA-National Marine Fisheries Service, U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers) is seeking a way to economically detect, count, and identify zooplankton and drift invertebrates in river and estuary systems. Problems identified that prevent the simple transfer of oceanographic techniques to rivers and streams are higher water velocities, turbidity, higher surface/depth ratio, and costs (time and money).</p> <p>This is a Theoretical Challenge that requires only a written proposal to be submitted.</p> |
Launched |
0 |
false |
0 |
true |
false |
false |
false |
109 |
true |
Quantifying Drift Invertebrates in River and Estuary Systems |
true |
0 |
false |
false |
/challenge/quantifying-drift-invertebrates-in-river-and-estuary-systems/ |
json-page |