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2017-07-27T00:00:00 |
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911 |
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4 |
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Office of Director of National Intelligence - Intelligence Advanced Research Project Activity |
false |
ideation |
09/20/2017 09:00 PM |
07/27/2017 12:00 AM |
FY17 |
Rebecca Allegar |
Other |
4901 |
No |
No |
Software and apps |
163730 |
Externally |
Yes |
Scientific |
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Imagine if there was a way to identify an unknown substance in real-time, by simply pointing a scanner at the surface in which the substance is located. Chemicals, or areas containing potential chemical residues, could be scanned at standoff range and the substance identified on the spot. Such a development would enable expedited results in time sensitive situations and “one hundred percent” screening for security or process control. The Modeling of Reflectance Given Only Transmission of High-concentration Spectra for Chemical Recognition Over Widely-varying Environments (MORGOTH’S CROWN) Challenge seeks development of algorithms that would help accomplish just that! This summer, Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) is excited to conduct the MORGOTH’S CROWN Challenge. The challenge invites participants from around the world to develop algorithms to predict changes in a chemical’s infrared (IR) spectrum caused by changes in its molecular environment. Participants will join a global community working to benchmark research and foster innovation in IR spectral prediction through crowdsourcing. The MORGOTH’S CROWN Challenge is related to our Standoff Illuminator for Measuring Absorbance and Reflectance Infrared Light Signatures <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">(SILMARILS)</a> program, which works to improve real-time methods for standoff detection and identification of chemical residues on surfaces using active infrared spectroscopy with spectral, physical, and chemical information to yield hardware and software models that are fast and accurate. |
Launched |
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/challenge/iarpa-morgoths-crown/ |
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