ideaSubmitFormInstruction | startDate | votingAllowed | newCampaign | status | commentCount | challenge-id | moderatorAdminOnlyIdeasEnabled | funnelId | ideaFromUnauthorizedMemberAllowed | tagline | groupName | hideIdeaAuthor | template | campaignAttributes | attributes | total-prize-awarded-cash | external-url | submission-end | why-use-prizes | submission-start | fiscal-year | public-voting-end-date | budget-and-resources | total-prize-offered-cash | public-voting-start-date | legal-authority | total-number-of-prizes-awarded | evaluation-of-submissions | agency-id | solicitation-of-submissions | total-submission-received | total-number-of-participant | show-winners-instead-of-prizes | estimated-value-of-partner-contributions | non-monetary-incentives-awarded | partner-agencies-federal | judging-end-date | solicitation-methods | advancing-the-agency-mission | rules | submission-start-date-1 | hide-challenge-timeline | judging-start-date | winners-announced-date | cash-prizes-and-non-cash-prize-awards | solution-type | partner-agencies-non-federal | original-post-id | total-number-of-winners-awarded | hosting | hide-challenge-funnel | type-of-challenge | participation-requirements | number-of-phases | how-to-enter | partnerships | groupAttributes | judging-criteria-description-0 | judging-criteria-percentage-0 | judging-criteria-0 | judging-criteria-description-1 | judging-criteria-percentage-1 | judging-criteria-1 | judging-criteria-description-2 | judging-criteria-2 | judging-criteria-percentage-2 | judging-criteria-description-3 | judging-criteria-3 | judging-criteria-percentage-3 | judging-criteria-percentage-4 | judging-criteria-4 | judging-criteria-description-4 | judging-criteria-percentage-5 | judging-criteria-5 | judging-criteria-description-5 | judging-criteria-6 | judging-criteria-percentage-6 | judging-criteria-description-6 | judging-criteria-7 | judging-criteria-percentage-7 | judging-criteria-description-7 | prize-description-0 | prize-cash-amount-0 | prize-name-0 | prize-description-1 | prize-cash-amount-1 | prize-name-1 | prize-cash-amount-10 | prize-name-10 | prize-description-10 | prize-cash-amount-11 | prize-name-11 | prize-description-11 | prize-name-12 | prize-cash-amount-12 | prize-description-12 | prize-name-13 | prize-cash-amount-13 | prize-description-13 | prize-description-14 | prize-cash-amount-14 | prize-name-14 | prize-description-15 | prize-cash-amount-15 | prize-name-15 | prize-description-16 | prize-name-16 | prize-cash-amount-16 | prize-description-17 | prize-name-17 | prize-cash-amount-17 | prize-cash-amount-18 | prize-name-18 | prize-description-18 | prize-description-2 | prize-name-2 | prize-cash-amount-2 | prize-description-3 | prize-name-3 | prize-cash-amount-3 | prize-cash-amount-4 | prize-name-4 | prize-description-4 | prize-cash-amount-5 | prize-name-5 | prize-description-5 | prize-name-6 | prize-cash-amount-6 | prize-description-6 | prize-name-7 | prize-cash-amount-7 | prize-description-7 | prize-description-8 | prize-cash-amount-8 | prize-name-8 | prize-description-9 | prize-cash-amount-9 | prize-name-9 | winner-solution-description-0 | winner-solution-link-0 | winner-name-0 | winner-solution-title-0 | winner-solution-link-1 | winner-solution-description-1 | winner-name-1 | winner-solution-title-1 | memberIdeaSubmissionAllowed | showTitle | description | campaignStatusName | templateId | stageStatistics | summaryEnabled | voteCount | ideaTabEnabledForChallenge | moderatorAdminOnlyIdeasNotificationEnabled | hideCommentAuthor | authorizedGroupIds | userSubscriptionAllowed | bannerImage | groupId | showTagline | challenge-title | privateCampaign | ideaCount | memberIdeaAttachmentAllowed | authorEdit | permalink | layout |
2019-03-01T12:11:43 |
false |
false |
closed |
0 |
1005 |
true |
4 |
false |
Detect, locate, and characterize radiological sources hidden along urban streets. |
Department of Energy - National Nuclear Security Administration |
false |
ideation |
04/19/2019 09:00 PM |
03/08/2019 09:00 PM |
FY19 |
Other |
No |
National Nuclear Security Administration, NASA |
<p><a href="">See Topcoder site</a> for details.</p> |
No |
Analytics, visualizations, algorithms |
Los Alamos National Laboratory, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
Hybrid(Challenge details will be visible on this platform but submissions will be happened in external url) |
Yes |
Analytics, visualizations, algorithms |
<p><a href="">See Topcoder site</a> for details.</p> |
<p>1st: $25,000</p>
<p>2nd: $18,000</p>
<p>3rd: $15,000</p>
<p>4th: $12,000</p>
<p>5th: $7,500</p>
<p>6th: $6,500</p>
<p>7th: $5,500</p>
<p>8th: $4,500</p>
<p>9th: $3,500</p>
<p>10th: $2,500</p> |
100000 |
Prize Distribution |
false |
true |
<p>Our goals are to spur new, innovative thinking in radiation detection algorithms by engaging a broader community. For this competition, we have used radiation transport simulations to create thousands of data sets resembling typical radiological search data collected on urban streets in a mid-sized U.S. city. Each data set – called a run – simulates the detection events received by a standard thallium-doped sodium iodide detector driving along several city street blocks in a search vehicle. All of the runs contain data on radiation-detector interaction events from the natural background sources (roadway, sidewalks, and buildings), and some of the runs also contain data arising from non-natural extraneous radiation sources. Your task is to determine whether there’s a source present on the street, and if so where and what kind it is.</p> |
Launched |
0 |
false |
0 |
false |
true |
false |
true |
57 |
true |
Detecting Radiological Threats in Urban Areas |
true |
0 |
false |
true |
/challenge/detecting-radiological-threats-in-urban-areas/ |
json-page |