ideaSubmitFormInstruction | startDate | votingAllowed | newCampaign | status | commentCount | challenge-id | moderatorAdminOnlyIdeasEnabled | funnelId | ideaFromUnauthorizedMemberAllowed | tagline | groupName | hideIdeaAuthor | template | campaignAttributes | attributes | total-prize-awarded-cash | external-url | submission-end | why-use-prizes | submission-start | fiscal-year | public-voting-end-date | budget-and-resources | total-prize-offered-cash | campaign-owner | public-voting-start-date | legal-authority | total-number-of-prizes-awarded | evaluation-of-submissions | agency-id | solicitation-of-submissions | total-submission-received | total-number-of-participant | show-winners-instead-of-prizes | estimated-value-of-partner-contributions | non-monetary-incentives-awarded | partner-agencies-federal | judging-end-date | solicitation-methods | advancing-the-agency-mission | rules | submission-start-date-1 | hide-challenge-timeline | judging-start-date | winners-announced-date | cash-prizes-and-non-cash-prize-awards | campaign-owner-email | solution-type | partner-agencies-non-federal | original-post-id | total-number-of-winners-awarded | hosting | hide-challenge-funnel | type-of-challenge | participation-requirements | number-of-phases | how-to-enter | partnerships | groupAttributes | judging-criteria-description-0 | judging-criteria-percentage-0 | judging-criteria-0 | judging-criteria-description-1 | judging-criteria-percentage-1 | judging-criteria-1 | judging-criteria-description-10 | judging-criteria-percentage-10 | judging-criteria-10 | judging-criteria-description-11 | judging-criteria-percentage-11 | judging-criteria-11 | judging-criteria-description-12 | judging-criteria-12 | judging-criteria-percentage-12 | judging-criteria-description-13 | judging-criteria-13 | judging-criteria-percentage-13 | judging-criteria-percentage-14 | judging-criteria-14 | judging-criteria-description-14 | judging-criteria-percentage-15 | judging-criteria-15 | judging-criteria-description-15 | judging-criteria-16 | judging-criteria-percentage-16 | judging-criteria-description-16 | judging-criteria-17 | judging-criteria-percentage-17 | judging-criteria-description-17 | judging-criteria-description-18 | judging-criteria-percentage-18 | judging-criteria-18 | judging-criteria-description-19 | judging-criteria-percentage-19 | judging-criteria-19 | judging-criteria-description-2 | judging-criteria-2 | judging-criteria-percentage-2 | judging-criteria-description-3 | judging-criteria-3 | judging-criteria-percentage-3 | judging-criteria-percentage-4 | judging-criteria-4 | judging-criteria-description-4 | judging-criteria-percentage-5 | judging-criteria-5 | judging-criteria-description-5 | judging-criteria-6 | judging-criteria-percentage-6 | judging-criteria-description-6 | judging-criteria-7 | judging-criteria-percentage-7 | judging-criteria-description-7 | judging-criteria-description-8 | judging-criteria-percentage-8 | judging-criteria-8 | judging-criteria-description-9 | judging-criteria-percentage-9 | judging-criteria-9 | prize-description-0 | prize-cash-amount-0 | prize-name-0 | prize-description-1 | prize-cash-amount-1 | prize-name-1 | prize-cash-amount-10 | prize-name-10 | prize-description-10 | prize-cash-amount-11 | prize-name-11 | prize-description-11 | prize-name-12 | prize-cash-amount-12 | prize-description-12 | prize-name-13 | prize-cash-amount-13 | prize-description-13 | prize-description-14 | prize-cash-amount-14 | prize-name-14 | prize-description-15 | prize-cash-amount-15 | prize-name-15 | prize-description-16 | prize-name-16 | prize-cash-amount-16 | prize-description-17 | prize-name-17 | prize-cash-amount-17 | prize-cash-amount-18 | prize-name-18 | prize-description-18 | prize-description-2 | prize-name-2 | prize-cash-amount-2 | prize-description-3 | prize-name-3 | prize-cash-amount-3 | prize-cash-amount-4 | prize-name-4 | prize-description-4 | prize-cash-amount-5 | prize-name-5 | prize-description-5 | prize-name-6 | prize-cash-amount-6 | prize-description-6 | prize-name-7 | prize-cash-amount-7 | prize-description-7 | prize-description-8 | prize-cash-amount-8 | prize-name-8 | prize-description-9 | prize-cash-amount-9 | prize-name-9 | winner-solution-description-0 | winner-solution-link-0 | winner-name-0 | winner-solution-title-0 | winner-solution-link-1 | winner-solution-description-1 | winner-name-1 | winner-solution-title-1 | winner-solution-description-2 | winner-solution-link-2 | winner-solution-title-2 | winner-name-2 | winner-solution-link-3 | winner-solution-description-3 | winner-solution-title-3 | winner-name-3 | winner-name-4 | winner-solution-title-4 | winner-solution-description-4 | winner-solution-link-4 | winner-name-5 | winner-solution-title-5 | winner-solution-link-5 | winner-solution-description-5 | winner-solution-title-6 | winner-name-6 | winner-solution-description-6 | winner-solution-link-6 | winner-solution-title-7 | winner-name-7 | winner-solution-link-7 | winner-solution-description-7 | winner-solution-description-8 | winner-solution-link-8 | winner-name-8 | winner-solution-title-8 | winner-solution-link-9 | winner-solution-description-9 | winner-name-9 | winner-solution-title-9 | memberIdeaSubmissionAllowed | showTitle | description | campaignStatusName | templateId | stageStatistics | summaryEnabled | voteCount | ideaTabEnabledForChallenge | moderatorAdminOnlyIdeasNotificationEnabled | hideCommentAuthor | authorizedGroupIds | userSubscriptionAllowed | bannerImage | groupId | showTagline | challenge-title | privateCampaign | ideaCount | memberIdeaAttachmentAllowed | authorEdit | permalink | layout |
LC will accept submissions only through <a href=""></a>. See Rules for more details. |
2018-11-26T07:12:51 |
false |
false |
closed |
0 |
927 |
false |
4 |
true |
Create an application, website, visualization, or other digital creation that helps analyze Congressional data. |
Legislative Branch - Library of Congress |
false |
ideation |
04/02/2018 11:59 PM |
10/19/2017 12:00 AM |
FY18 |
$6,000 |
Stephen Dagadakis |
Necessary Expense Doctrine |
3712 |
No |
05/18/2018 12:00 AM |
<strong>Introduction</strong> The Library of Congress sponsors this legislative data challenge to advance the discovery, use, and exploration of the collection of legislative information the Library offers to the nation and the world through the website Presented in cooperation with the United States Congress and the Government Publishing Office, offers the public a rich collection of documents about the legislative process of the United States, including bills and laws, Congressional rules, calendars and journals, and records of Congressional hearings and meetings. <strong>The purpose of this challenge is to encourage the development of tools, methods, and materials that help American citizens and the rest of the world discover, access, and analyze information in new ways.</strong> Increased exploration of the collection will benefit students of all ages, the business, scientific, and academic communities, historians, and anyone interested in American government, law, and policy-making. The lessons learned from identifying innovative ways to deliver large amounts of data via the web will benefit the Library as the steward of a universal collection intended to document the history and culture of America and the world. Having constituents who are engaged in the legislative process and informed about policy choices will benefit Members of Congress in their representative function. <ol> <li><strong>Sponsor. </strong>The challenge is sponsored by the Library of Congress, 101 Independence Avenue, S.E., Washington, DC 20540. In these Official Rules, “we” and “our” refer to the Library.</li> <li><strong>Brief Description. </strong>A variety of legislative data is available on the website. We are sponsoring a challenge to enhance the use and analysis of this legislative data. The challenge is to create a new application, website, visualization, or other digital creation that helps discover, access, or analyze the legislative data available on in new ways.</li> <li><strong>Eligibility.</strong> <ol> <li>You may participate in the challenge if you are: <ol> <li>At least 18 years old at the time of entry, or if you are under the age 18, you are able to submit a release signed by your parent or guardian</li> <li>A team of individuals where each team member is at least 18 years old at the time of entry, or if under the age of 18 the team member is able to submit a release signed by the member’s parent or guardian. A team must appoint a representative to act on its behalf.</li> <li>Any for-profit or non-profit organization. An organization must appoint a representative to act on its behalf.</li> </ol> </li> <li>You may not participate in the challenge if you: <ol> <li>Are an employee of the Library of Congress, the Congress, or another U.S. federal entity; or share a household with, or are the spouse, or child of such an employee</li> <li>Will work on the challenge using federal funds or federal resources or federal facilities not available to all participants, or</li> <li>Are an individual involved with the development or judging of the challenge or the spouse or child of such an individual</li> </ol> </li> <li>You will not be eligible to win if: <ol> <li>You do not comply with these rules throughout the challenge and judging period</li> <li>We cannot contact you by May 28, 2018</li> <li>You do not sign and return the affidavit of eligibility or a similar verification document and liability and publicity releases within ten business days after receiving them, or</li> <li>Either you (including a member of a team or organization) or your entry is disqualified for any reason</li> </ol> </li> <li>You may submit multiple entries, but you (or your group) will be eligible to win only one prize.</li> <li>We will not provide you with a computer, an internet connection, or any other items that may be necessary to enter the challenge.</li> </ol> </li> <li><strong>Prize. </strong>We will award a cash prize of $5,000 USD for the winning entry. We will award an additional cash prize of $1,000 USD for the best entry submitted by a grade-school student (i.e., either an individual that is or team of individuals that are all either under the age of 18 or enrolled in a secondary school). In addition to the cash prizes, we may invite the winners of the competition to Washington, D.C. to present their work. Subject to our own discretion and the availability of funds, we may provide some financial assistance to help with your travel expenses. If we choose to provide financial assistance, we may reimburse travel expenses for only one person from the team. <ol> <li>Subject to our own discretion and the availability of funds, we may award honorable mentions in the following categories: <ol> <li>Best tracking of legislative status</li> <li>Best data visualization</li> <li>Best data mashup (i.e., incorporating an additional data source beyond</li> </ol> </li> <li>If a team or organization submits the winning entry, we will contact the representative.</li> <li>If you are or your entry is determined ineligible or disqualified for any reason, we may award the prize to the entry with the next highest score.</li> <li>If your employer has a policy that prohibits acceptance of the cash prize, we may award the cash prize to the entry with the next highest score.</li> <li>If you accept the cash prize, all payments to you will be subject to 1099-MISC reporting to the Internal Revenue Service, and you are responsible for paying all applicable federal, state, and local taxes.</li> <li>If you win, you will, in consideration of the prize to be awarded, grant to us an irrevocable, fully paid-up, royalty-free, nonexclusive worldwide license to reproduce, distribute, copy, display, create derivative works, and publicly post, link to, and share, the winning design or parts thereof, for the purpose of the competition and for any other purpose.</li> </ol> </li> <li><strong>Challenge Requirements</strong>. <ol> <li><strong>Objective</strong>. The challenge is to create an application, website, visualization, or other digital creation that helps discover, access, or analyze the legislative data available on in new ways.</li> <li><strong>Requirements.</strong> <ol> <li>You must submit your creation through</li> <li>You must use at least one congressional data set from, You may access the data directly from or though the Government Publishing Office, which, in partnership with the Library of Congress, the Office of the Clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives, and the Office of the Secretary of the Senate, hosts bulk data from for download. <ol> <li>About bulk data <a href=""></a></li> <li>User guide for bill status XML bulk data <a href=""></a></li> <li>Bulk data for bills, bill status, and bill summaries <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a> See the GPO Developer Hub for further details (<a href=""></a>)</li> <li> search downloads (<a href=""></a></li> <li>Congressional Record <a href=""></a></li> </ol> </li> <li>You may integrate data from any additional data set, except that you may only use publicly-available information. You may not use any data that: <ol> <li>Is only available for commercial purchase</li> <li>Uses or requires others to use copyright-protected content in a way that violates copyright laws or regulations</li> <li>Contains personally-identifiable information (such as individuals’ names, residential addresses, email addresses, phone numbers, and social security numbers)</li> </ol> </li> <li>You must submit a link to a video as described in these rules below. Please contact the contest administrators if you are an individual with a disability and require assistance in meeting this requirement.</li> <li>You must publish the source code of your creation, publish it under a CC0 1.0 universal license, and make it available through a publicly-accessible URL. <ol> <li>You may use open-source libraries in your submission. If the license of that open-source library requires using a license other than CC0, this will not disqualify your submission. Where there is a choice available, use the most permissive license (i.e., the one allowing the broadest unconditioned use. Please avoid viral licenses such as GPL.). Please include a short note explaining this in your essay.</li> </ol> </li> <li>You must submit an essay describing your creation in 500 words or less.</li> </ol> </li> <li><strong>Additional Government Data Sets. </strong>You may also be interested in the following government data sets: <ol> <li>Our digital collections (<a href=""></a>). Information about machine-readable access is available on our LC Labs website <a href=""></a>. ** Note that not all Library digital collections are in the public domain.</li> <li>Census Data <a href=""></a></li> <li>GPO’s Federal Digital System <a href=""></a></li> <li>GPO’s govinfo<a href=""></a></li> <li>Office of the Law Revision Counsel U.S. Code<a href=""></a></li> <li>Federal Register Bulk Data and API<a href=""></a><a href=""></a></li> <li>U.S. House of Representatives Document Repository <a href=""></a></li> <li>U.S. House of Representatives Floor Proceedings <a href=""></a></li> <li>U.S. House of Representatives Roll Call Votes<a href=""></a></li> <li> XML Sources<a href=""></a></li> <li>U.S. Senate Roll Call Vote Lists and Votes Vote Lists: (Sample: 111th Cong., 2nd Sess.) <a href=""></a> Votes: (Sample: 111th Cong., 2nd Sess., Roll Call Vote No. 1) <a href=""></a></li> </ol> </li> <li><strong>Examples. </strong>Here are a few examples of possible projects: <ol> <li>A tool to display Library prints and photographs digital collection items that relate to current legislative activity</li> <li>A tool that improves the accessibility of legislative data</li> <li>A visualization of how the legislative process works using legislative data</li> <li>A tool that could be embedded on Congressional and public websites</li> <li>A tool that, based on bill text, identifies Members of Congress with legislative interests that are similar to the user’s, or to the legislative interests of other Members of Congress</li> </ol> </li> <li><strong>Resources.</strong> The winners of the Chronicling America competition may provide you with inspiration on how innovators of all ages have proposed analyzing data in new ways.</li> <li><strong>Video</strong>. Final submission will include a link to a 2-minute video demonstrating use of the creation, and explaining the data sources used and how it helps Congress and the public. <ol> <li>The video must: <ol> <li>Clearly describe the creation, data sources, and public benefit;</li> <li>Be no longer than two minutes (any part of a video exceeding two minutes will be ignored), and;</li> <li>Not include music or other copyrighted material unless you have written permission from the copyright owner to use such material</li> </ol> </li> <li>Your video may be displayed publicly on the challenge and our websites. Do not include proprietary information in your video.</li> <li>You must obtain consent from anyone appearing in your video to post the video online. If a minor appears in your video, you must obtain written consent in advance from the minor’s parent or legal guardian.</li> </ol> </li> </ol> </li> <li style="list-style-type: none;"></li> <li><strong>Entry Requirements. </strong>Your entry must comply with the following general requirements. <ol> <li>You may revise your entry before the entry period closes, but not after.</li> <li>You may submit more than one entry. However, each entry must be unique. If you submit entries that are substantially similar, we may disqualify the later entries or require you to choose one entry to enter into the challenge.</li> <li>By submitting an entry, you warrant that it is your original work. You further warrant that your entry does not violate any intellectual property right (including any statutory or common law trademark, copyright or patent) any privacy right, or any other person’s or entity’s rights.</li> <li>Your entry may not contain any material that is unlawful in any way.</li> <li>Your entry may not contain materials that are inappropriate, indecent, obscene, hateful, defamatory, or in any way disparaging.</li> <li>Your entry must be free of malware or other security threats. We may test your entry to confirm this.</li> </ol> </li> <li><strong>Display of Entries.</strong> <ol> <li>We may post your video, entry, and source code on the challenge or our website <u>after the entry period is closed</u>, and after we have screened your materials for basic functionality, accuracy of messaging, security, and appropriateness of content. Your video, entry, and source code will be made publicly available.</li> <li>You understand and agree that if we select your entry as a winner, we may modify or alter it, in our sole discretion, as deemed appropriate or necessary.</li> <li>Posting your entry does not mean we have determined that it eligible and meets the challenge requirements.</li> </ol> </li> <li><strong>Judging.</strong> <ol> <li><strong>Judging Panel.</strong> We will select a panel of outside experts, based on their congressional and technical expertise, to judge the challenge entries and recommend winners. We will choose the winning entries. Judges will remain fair and impartial. A judge will not evaluate an entry if we determine that doing so would be a conflict of interest or would otherwise be inappropriate.</li> <li><strong>Evaluation Criteria. </strong>We will evaluate the essay and video components of your entry using the criteria below. Submissions that do not comply with the rules will be disqualified. <ol> <li><u>Usefulness</u>. Judges will evaluate the degree to which the submission is useful to the public or target audience.</li> <li><u>Creativity</u>. Submissions should take a novel approach to analyzing or visualizing Congressional data or improve an existing method.</li> <li><u>Design</u>. Because we will promote winning entries to showcase the many uses of Congressional data, projects should be easy to use and well designed.</li> </ol> </li> </ol> </li> <li><strong>Schedule</strong> <ol> <li><strong>Entry Period.</strong> You may submit an entry between October 19, 2017 and April 2, 2018. Our computer is the official time keeping device for the challenge.</li> <li><strong>Judging Period.</strong> We will judge the entries from April 2, 2018 to May 18, 2018.</li> <li>We will announce the results of the challenge on June 11, 2018.</li> </ol> </li> <li><strong>How to Participate.</strong> <ol> <li><strong>Register and enter your submission via</strong> <ol> <li>Visit (the “website”) and click “Sign Up” to create an account, or click “Log In” and log in with an existing account. There is no charge for creating an account. You may sign up beginning October 19, 2017.</li> <li>On the website, click the button indicating that you have read and accept the challenge terms and conditions.</li> <li>After you sign up, the website will send a confirmation email to the email address you provided. Use the confirmation email to verify your email address. As a registered user, you will then be able to enter the competition by submitting an application that conforms to the requirements in these rules.</li> </ol> </li> <li><strong>Verification of Potential Winners.</strong> <ol> <li>All potential challenge winners are subject to verification of identity, qualifications, and role in the creation of the solution.</li> <li>In order to receive the prize, you will be required to sign an affidavit of eligibility and liability and publicity releases on your (and your team’s behalf) within ten business days. If you fail to complete the affidavit and releases within the time period, we may consider you ineligible and award the prize to the submission with the next highest score.</li> </ol> </li> <li><strong>Acceptance of Official Rules.</strong> Participation constitutes your (and your team’s) full and unconditional agreement to these Official Rules and to our decisions, which are final and binding in all matters related to the challenge.</li> <li><strong>Entry Conditions and Release. </strong>By submitting an entry, you agree to: <ol> <li>Comply with our decisions and the judges’ decisions, and</li> <li>Allow us to use your name and likeness to promote the challenge</li> </ol> </li> </ol> </li> <li><strong>General Conditions.</strong> <ol> <li>The challenge is subject to all applicable laws and regulations and is void where prohibited.</li> <li>We reserve the right to cancel or modify the challenge or the rules at any time for any reason. We also reserve the right to disqualify you at any time for any reason.</li> <li>The rules are the definitive authority on the terms of the challenge. If any part of the rules is illegal or unenforceable, all of the other rules remain valid. Our failure to enforce any of the rules does not waive our ability to enforce that rule.</li> <li>We are not responsible for incomplete, late, misdirected, damaged, lost, illegible, or incomprehensible entries or for changes in your address or email. Proof that you sent or submitted your entry will not be deemed to be proof that we received it.</li> <li><strong>Disputes. </strong>You agree that: <ol> <li>You will resolve any claims or lawsuits about this challenge individually, and not as part of a class action</li> <li>Any claims or lawsuits about this challenge will be resolved pursuant to U.S. Federal law, and</li> <li>You will not claim any punitive, incidental, or consequential damages</li> </ol> </li> </ol> </li> </ol> <ol start="12"> <li><strong>Acknowledgments. </strong>We are grateful to all of those who helped shape this contest, especially the National Endowment for the Humanities following its successful <a href="">Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers Data Challenge</a>; the United States Government Publishing Office’s <a href="">Federal Digital System</a> / <a href="">govinfo </a>team; and the Internet Education Foundation, coordinator of the <a href="">Congressional App Challenge.</a></li> </ol> |
No |
04/03/2018 12:00 AM |
06/20/2018 12:00 AM |
Software and apps |
In collaboration with the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on House Administration |
163933 |
Hosted on this platform |
Yes |
Software and apps |
LC will accept submissions only through <a href=""></a>. See Rules for more details. |
5000 |
First Prize |
1000 |
Best High School Project |
Honorable Mention: Best tracking of legislative status |
Honorable mention: Best data visualization |
Honorable mention: Best data mashup |
false |
true |
<strong>What new insights can come from Congressional data?</strong> A variety of Congressional publications and data sets are available on The Library of Congress (LC) invites you to leverage that data to create new meaning or tools to help members of Congress and the public explore it in new ways. <strong>What are we looking for?</strong> LC would like to inspire creative use of technology to analyze digital Congressional information from This could take the form of interactive visualizations, mobile or desktop applications, a website, or other digital creation. <strong>Submission Criteria</strong> Final submission will include a 2-minute demonstration video explaining a product, the data sources used, and its benefits. Source code is required to be published and licensed as <a href="">CC0.</a> <strong>Prizes</strong> LC will award $5,000 for first prize and $1,000 for the best high-school project. Honorable mentions may be awarded for: <ul> <li>Best tracking of legislative status</li> <li>Best data visualization, and</li> <li>Best data mashup</li> </ul> To get you thinking, we offer a few example projects: <ul> <li>A visualization of how the legislative process works using legislative data</li> <li>Tools that could be embedded on Congressional and public websites</li> <li>Legislative matching service, to identify Members with similar legislative interests</li> <li>Tools to improve accessibility of legislative data, and</li> <li>A tool that, based on bill text, identifies Members of Congress with legislative interests that are similar to the user’s, or to the legislative interests of other Members of Congress</li> </ul> Solvers may want to review the winners of the <a href="">Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers Data Challenge</a> for inspiration in how innovators of all ages have looked at data in different ways. <strong>Acknowledgements</strong> Thanks to all of those who helped shape this contest, especially the National Endowment for the Humanities following its successful <a href="">Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers Data Challenge</a>; the United States Government Publishing Office’s <a href="">Federal Digital System</a> / <a href="">govinfo</a> team; and the Internet Education Foundation, coordinator of the <a href="">Congressional App Challenge.</a> |
Launched |
0 |
false |
0 |
true |
false |
false |
false |
226 |
true |
Congressional Data Competition |
true |
0 |
false |
false |
/challenge/congressional-data-competition/ |
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