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ideaSubmitFormInstruction startDate votingAllowed newCampaign status commentCount challenge-id moderatorAdminOnlyIdeasEnabled funnelId ideaFromUnauthorizedMemberAllowed tagline groupName hideIdeaAuthor template campaignAttributes attributes total-prize-awarded-cash external-url submission-end why-use-prizes submission-start fiscal-year public-voting-end-date budget-and-resources total-prize-offered-cash campaign-owner public-voting-start-date legal-authority total-number-of-prizes-awarded evaluation-of-submissions agency-id solicitation-of-submissions total-submission-received total-number-of-participant show-winners-instead-of-prizes estimated-value-of-partner-contributions non-monetary-incentives-awarded partner-agencies-federal judging-end-date solicitation-methods advancing-the-agency-mission rules submission-start-date-1 hide-challenge-timeline judging-start-date winners-announced-date cash-prizes-and-non-cash-prize-awards campaign-owner-email solution-type partner-agencies-non-federal original-post-id total-number-of-winners-awarded hosting hide-challenge-funnel type-of-challenge participation-requirements number-of-phases how-to-enter partnerships groupAttributes judging-criteria-description-0 judging-criteria-percentage-0 judging-criteria-0 judging-criteria-description-1 judging-criteria-percentage-1 judging-criteria-1 judging-criteria-description-10 judging-criteria-percentage-10 judging-criteria-10 judging-criteria-description-11 judging-criteria-percentage-11 judging-criteria-11 judging-criteria-description-12 judging-criteria-12 judging-criteria-percentage-12 judging-criteria-description-13 judging-criteria-13 judging-criteria-percentage-13 judging-criteria-percentage-14 judging-criteria-14 judging-criteria-description-14 judging-criteria-percentage-15 judging-criteria-15 judging-criteria-description-15 judging-criteria-16 judging-criteria-percentage-16 judging-criteria-description-16 judging-criteria-17 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winner-solution-link-1 winner-solution-description-1 winner-name-1 winner-solution-title-1 winner-solution-description-2 winner-solution-link-2 winner-solution-title-2 winner-name-2 winner-solution-link-3 winner-solution-description-3 winner-solution-title-3 winner-name-3 winner-name-4 winner-solution-title-4 winner-solution-description-4 winner-solution-link-4 winner-name-5 winner-solution-title-5 winner-solution-link-5 winner-solution-description-5 winner-solution-title-6 winner-name-6 winner-solution-description-6 winner-solution-link-6 winner-solution-title-7 winner-name-7 winner-solution-link-7 winner-solution-description-7 winner-solution-description-8 winner-solution-link-8 winner-name-8 winner-solution-title-8 winner-solution-link-9 winner-solution-description-9 winner-name-9 winner-solution-title-9 memberIdeaSubmissionAllowed showTitle description campaignStatusName templateId stageStatistics summaryEnabled voteCount ideaTabEnabledForChallenge moderatorAdminOnlyIdeasNotificationEnabled hideCommentAuthor authorizedGroupIds userSubscriptionAllowed bannerImage groupId showTagline challenge-title privateCampaign ideaCount memberIdeaAttachmentAllowed authorEdit permalink layout
<strong>Submit your solution in 3 easy steps:</strong> <ol> <li>Get <a href="">Census Developer Key </a> and explore the City SDK features</li> <li>Fill out all  fields of Submission Tab including external link to working demo</li> <li>(Optional) Submit a Value proposition summary no more than 3 pages in PDF format that briefly describes: <ul> <li>Description of the problem being tackled and solution</li> <li>Who will benefit from your solution</li> <li>How easy/difficult it was to work with open government data</li> </ul> </li> </ol>
Create a web tool/app prototype to help your city use open data to improve local economy, environment, housing, education, social justice conditions
Department of Commerce - Bureau of the Census
08/03/2015 12:00 PM
06/06/2015 09:00 AM
Alexander Cohen
Dept of Commerce, Labor, EPA, Dept of Energy, NOAA, Dept of Interior, USDA, EAI, HUD
08/04/2015 05:00 PM
<strong>MUST Haves to participate in the Challenge and to be selected for our Virtual Demo Day:</strong> <ol> <li>Use the U.S. Census Bureau City SDK</li> <li>Use at least 1 city dataset</li> <li>Submit your project(s)</li> </ol> <strong>Nice to Have (Optional): </strong> <ul> <li>Common code pushed to <a href="">Census SDK github</a></li> <li>Provide a brief summary in PDF format that briefly describes: <ol> <li>The problem being tackled and solution</li> <li>Who would benefit from your solution?</li> <li>How easy/difficult it was to work with open government data?</li> </ol> </li> </ul> <strong>Must NOT Have:  </strong> <ul> <li>No profanity/insulting language to any community</li> <li>No inappropriate/illegal use of proprietary, privileged, etc. information and/or materials</li> </ul> <strong>Important Dates for Challenge </strong> <ul> <li>Challenge opens: June 6<sup>th</sup></li> <li><strong>Challenge closes: August 3rd noon EST (new date extension!!!) </strong></li> <li>Challenge Virtual Demo Day: August 13th at 2pm EST</li> </ul>
08/08/2015 05:00 PM
Hosted on this platform
Software and apps
<strong>Submit your solution in 3 easy steps:</strong> <ol> <li>Get <a href="">Census Developer Key </a> and explore the City SDK features</li> <li>Fill out all  fields of Submission Tab including external link to working demo</li> <li>(Optional) Submit a Value proposition summary no more than 3 pages in PDF format that briefly describes: <ul> <li>Description of the problem being tackled and solution</li> <li>Who will benefit from your solution</li> <li>How easy/difficult it was to work with open government data</li> </ul> </li> </ol>
Solution strives for real world feasibility (prove through demo)
Shows breadth and/or depth of impact for community
Uniqueness of the submission, in relation to existing identified needs, offerings, or solutions
1. Use the U.S. Census Bureau City SDK 2. Use at least 1 city dataset
Supports Census SDK and open data
Watch Demo Day 8/13 2-3pm EST Selected submissions will demo their prototype to the US Department of Commerce Chief Data Officer, Ian Kalin and U.S. Census Bureau Chief Technology Office, Avi Bender in addition to a national audience via a webinar.
Demo your prototype to National Open Data Leaders!
The following 5 submissions were selected for National Demo Day! Together they are representing Chicago, Austin, Minneapolis, and DC innovations! Vote for your favorite demo day presentation: · Austin Equity Parks: A visualization approach to increase equitable park access by using user-friendly maps to show how Austin’s park resources are distributed throughout the City of Austin. The application uses data from the US Census Bureau and City of Austin Parks and Recreation Department. · Disabled Accessibility Score: An application that aims to help people with disabilities to easily find a place to live or travel in the state of Minnesota and satisfies the specific accessibility needs of this population group · CivicSpaces: An AirBnb meets Yelp open source solution for civic tech leaders and entrepreneurs to easily find free or low-cost spaces in their local communities to meet, teach, and innovate. · HyperLocal: An app to leverage real time Twitter feeds and neighborhood boundary data to help Food Truck operators without a lottery parking spot find customers by locating people tweeting · Purshables: A mobile app that will help reduce waste, increase grocer’s profit, and offer the shopper high quality food at a fraction of the cost
<p><strong>CHALLENGE CLOSED - TUNE TO LIVE DEMO DAY WEBINAR:</strong></p> <p><strong>Watch #CitySDK selected submissions demonstrate how #opendata delivers solutions for cities, counties and states across the country. Register to watch National Demo Day webinar, hosted by @Challengegov, and tune in: 2 p.m. EST, Thursday, Aug. 13. OPEN TO ALL <a href=""></a></strong></p> <p>The following 5 submissions were selected for National Demo Day! Together they are representing Chicago, Austin, Minneapolis, and DC innovations! Vote for your favorite demo day presentation:</p><p> · Austin Equity Parks: A visualization approach to increase equitable park access by using user-friendly maps to show how Austin’s park resources are distributed throughout the City of Austin. The application uses data from the US Census Bureau and City of Austin Parks and Recreation Department.</p><p> · Disabled Accessibility Score: An application that aims to help people with disabilities to easily find a place to live or travel in the state of Minnesota and satisfies the specific accessibility needs of this population group</p><p> · CivicSpaces: An AirBnb meets Yelp open source solution for civic tech leaders and entrepreneurs to easily find free or low-cost spaces in their local communities to meet, teach, and innovate. · HyperLocal: An app to leverage real time Twitter feeds and neighborhood boundary data to help Food Truck operators without a lottery parking spot find customers by locating people tweeting</p><p> · Purshables: A mobile app that will help reduce waste, increase grocer’s profit, and offer the shopper high quality food at a fraction of the cost &nbsp; </p><p> <strong>Challenge Question: How may your city use open data to improve local economy, environment, housing, education, or even social justice conditions? <em>Create an open data tool or app prototype tackling one of your city’s biggest economic, environmental, housing, education, cultural, social problems to increase the overall sustainability of your community.</em></strong> </p><p>The <a title="City SDK" href="" target="_blank">U.S. Census Bureau has developed an open data software development kit (SDK) </a>to enable a community, public, or private sector individuals and organizations to more easily extract value from Census data through user-friendly Application Program Interfaces (APIs).  Through the City SDK we are aiming to provide a user friendly “Toolbox” for civic hackers to connect local and national public data U.S. Census Bureau in order to bring forth innovative solutions in our communities.</p><p>The U.S. Census Bureau is calling all urbanists, civic hackers, government staff, developers, designers, community organizers, and anyone with the passion to make their city better to develop solutions (web, mobile applications and tool prototypes) using the City SDK platform. We encourage you to apply multiple open data sets to explore your city’s most pressing sustainability issues across economic, environmental, social, cultural, and housing factors. Examples of integrated sustainability problems could be: <ul> <li>How can I help my community find green spaces for outdoor activities via Google, Bing maps?</li> <li>How do I help my community better understand the impact of commercial economic development on affordable housing?</li> <li>How can I help my community identify local sustainable job opportunities?</li> </ul> <strong>To learn more visit <a href=""></a></strong> <strong>Don't forget to share with your community by tweeting at @uscensusbureau #citySDK #hackforchange</strong></p>
City Software Development Kit (SDK) Data Solutions Challenge