title | challenge-title | layout | permalink | challenge-id | status | sidenav | card-image | agency-logo | tagline | agency | partners-non-federal | external-url | total-prize-offered-cash | type-of-challenge | submission-start | submission-end | fiscal-year | legal-authority | challenge-manager | challenge-manager-email | point-of-contact | |||
Machine Learning Prediction of Internal Building Structures |
Machine Learning Prediction of Internal Building Structures |
front-matter-data-markdownify-content |
/challenge/machine-learning-prediction-of-internal-building-structures/ |
1275 |
open |
false |
/assets/netlify-uploads/machinelearningchallenge_341x160.jpg |
/assets/netlify-uploads/dod_seal.jpg |
The goal of this challenge is to predict the internal structural configuration of structures using external satellite photographs. |
Air Force Research Laboratory |
National Security Innovation Network, Wright Brothers Institute, Doolittle Institute, IN3 |
$1,000,000 |
2021/09/01 12:00 PM |
2021/10/15 11:59 PM |
FY21, FY22 |
Other Transaction Authority |
Kirk Vanden (gov sponsor); Derek Leiter (primary POC) |