title | challenge-title | layout | permalink | challenge-id | status | sidenav | card-image | agency-logo | tagline | agency | partner-agencies-federal | partners-non-federal | type-of-challenge | submission-start | submission-end | fiscal-year | legal-authority | challenge-manager | challenge-manager-email | point-of-contact | description | prizes | rules | judging | how-to-enter | |
COVID-19 3D Maker Challenge |
COVID-19 3D Maker Challenge |
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Teams of subject-matter experts will develop innovative solutions to challenges frontline essential workers encounter in their fight against COVID-19. |
Department of Veterans Affairs |
VHA Innovation Ecosystem |
Challenge America, America Makes, Carahsoft, Salesforce, Balance Innovation and Design, Medallia, UHS, BioEnterprise, Acumen Solutions, Fix8, AMVETS |
05/04/2020 05:00 PM |
06/07/2020 05:00 PM |
FY20 |
Agency specific prize authority |
Dallas Blaney |
#### Challenge Winners
The five Maker Challenges focused on addressing the immediate needs of different subsets of the essential workforce - first responders, custodial services, nursing home staff, caregivers, and disaster relief workers. Teams of subject matter experts worked directly with these end users to create innovative products designed to help them cope with the challenges of the pandemic. The iEX 2020 COVID-19 Maker Challenge winners included:
* Open Source N95 Respirator & "Virtual Fit" AR Mobile App
* Tessellation Sanitation Station
* Volynt
* Rural In-home Telehealth
* Pandemi Vent 800
#### Challenge Overview
Teams will design and develop innovative solutions to address challenges arising from the COVID-19 pandemic. Teams will collaborate virtually using tools like Zoom and Quip over the course of one week to evaluate the challenge. During the two-day make-a-thon event, the teams will work to design and fabricate working prototypes of their solutions that are suitable for rapid manufacturing. |
The team with the best overall design - VHA iEx Design Award - will have the opportunity to present their design at the Fall 2020 VHA Innovation Experience (VHA iEx) in Washington, DC, an annual celebration of innovative thinking and design at VHA. |
Participants are required to attend three main virtual events – the Kickoff, Make-a-thon Launch, and Closing Ceremony - and participate in as many team meetings as possible throughout the week.
To learn more and to register, go to [www.covid19makerchallenge.com](https://www.covid19makerchallenge.com/). |
The composition of the judging panel changes with each event, but generally consists of subject matter experts from the VA Innovators Network, healthcare industry, and rapid manufacturing sectors.
The judging criteria include the following:
* BUSINESS VALUE - solving the problem while aligning with business goals
* USER EXPERIENCE/DESIGN - usefulness and usability of the product
* FEASIBILITY– potential for the product to meet the current need on the ground
* INNOVATION - Novelty and "wow" factor of the approach to solving the problem
The VHA iEx Design Award is determined based on the evaluation of each design using these four categories. |
To learn more and to register, go to [www.covid19makerchallenge.com](https://www.covid19makerchallenge.com/). |
The five Maker Challenges focused on addressing the immediate needs of different subsets of the essential workforce - first responders, custodial services, nursing home staff, caregivers, and disaster relief workers. Teams of subject matter experts worked directly with these end users to create innovative products designed to help them cope with the challenges of the pandemic. The iEX 2020 COVID-19 Maker Challenge winners included:
- Open Source N95 Respirator & "Virtual Fit" AR Mobile App
- Tessellation Sanitation Station
- Volynt
- Rural In-home Telehealth
- Pandemi Vent 800
Teams will design and develop innovative solutions to address challenges arising from the COVID-19 pandemic. Teams will collaborate virtually using tools like Zoom and Quip over the course of one week to evaluate the challenge. During the two-day make-a-thon event, the teams will work to design and fabricate working prototypes of their solutions that are suitable for rapid manufacturing.
The team with the best overall design - VHA iEx Design Award - will have the opportunity to present their design at the Fall 2020 VHA Innovation Experience (VHA iEx) in Washington, DC, an annual celebration of innovative thinking and design at VHA.
Participants are required to attend three main virtual events – the Kickoff, Make-a-thon Launch, and Closing Ceremony - and participate in as many team meetings as possible throughout the week.
To learn more and to register, go to www.covid19makerchallenge.com.
The composition of the judging panel changes with each event, but generally consists of subject matter experts from the VA Innovators Network, healthcare industry, and rapid manufacturing sectors.
The judging criteria include the following:
- BUSINESS VALUE - solving the problem while aligning with business goals
- USER EXPERIENCE/DESIGN - usefulness and usability of the product
- FEASIBILITY– potential for the product to meet the current need on the ground
- INNOVATION - Novelty and "wow" factor of the approach to solving the problem
The VHA iEx Design Award is determined based on the evaluation of each design using these four categories.
To learn more and to register, go to www.covid19makerchallenge.com.