title | challenge-title | layout | permalink | challenge-id | status | sidenav | card-image | agency-logo | tagline | agency | partner-agencies-federal | total-prize-offered-cash | type-of-challenge | submission-start | submission-end | fiscal-year | legal-authority | challenge-manager | challenge-manager-email | point-of-contact | description | prizes | rules | judging | how-to-enter | |||
Lithium Battery Man Portable Hazard Containment Challenge |
Lithium Battery Man Portable Hazard Containment Challenge |
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Naval Surface Warfare Center – Crane, Division (NSWC-CR) is seeking ideas and best practices for a technology development for a method that suitably mitigates inherent hazards with transporting small quantities (~1200Wh) of lithium batteries. |
Department of Defense - U.S. Navy |
Office of Naval Research |
$750,000 |
04/02/2020 02:00 PM |
05/07/2020 02:00 PM |
FY20, FY21 |
Agency specific prize authority |
Marissa Wagler |
The three (3) winners of the Lithium Battery Man Portable Containment Phase III Challenge are:
* 1st Place: Mistral, Inc.
* 2nd Place: Zarges, Inc.
* 3rd Place: Fire Containment Concepts
Five (5) participants were selected to participate in Phase II of the Lithium Battery Man Portable Hazard Containment Prize Challenge. Participant names are listed below in alphabetical order:
1. Americase, LLC
2. Fire Containment Concepts
3. Mistral, Inc.
4. Texas Research Institute – Austin
5. Zarges Inc.
Earlier, fourteen (14) participants were invited to provide a virtual presentation of their submitted white paper concept to the Lithium Battery Man Portable Hazard Containment Prize Challenge judging panel. Invited participant names are listed below in alphabetical order:
1. ADA Technologies, Inc.
2. Americase, LLC
3. Cornerstone Research Group, Inc.
4. Energy Storage Safety Products International, LLC
5. Fire Containment Concepts
6. KULR Technology Corp.
7. Mistral, Inc.
8. Proycon Alpha Squared, Inc.
9. Purdue University
10. Scimitar Technologies
11. StatDiagnostics
12. Texas Research Institute - Austin
13. ViPER (Purdue University)
14. Zarges Inc.
Lithium batteries’ benefits of increased capabilities at a reduced weight outweigh their inherent risks in many industrial, commercial and some military applications. However, these benefits do not outweigh the inherent risk of transporting the batteries. For example, most commercial passenger airlines do not allow lithium batteries to be packed inside checked luggage due to the inherent fire hazard in a cargo hold, which represents an unacceptable risk. Likewise, military (and other users) transportation of lithium batteries represents risks that are also sometimes unacceptable. A solution that develops a containment system to carry batteries that suitably mitigates the inherent hazards is desired to allow more applications, commercial and military, to benefit from the use of rechargeable (called “secondary”) and non-rechargeable (called “primary”) lithium batteries.
The objective for this Lithium Battery Man Portable Containment Challenge is to demonstrate a method to transport military-qualified lithium primary and secondary batteries that mitigates hazards generated during a thermal runaway event. Since some lithium batteries are more reactive than other types, a proposed solution does not have to accommodate all types of current military lithium batteries, but a solution that does accommodate more lithium battery types is more valuable for the purposes of this challenge. Man portable can be defined as a single person carry up to 50 Lbs, which will include up to 12.5 Lbs of batteries. The challenge assumes no battery charging or discharging will occur during transportation of lithium batteries.
Additional threshold parameters include:
* Contain or extinguish all fire and large (greater than 5 micrometers diameter) particulates generated during a thermal runaway event
* Limit and neutralize (reduce combustibility and/or toxicity) all released gases from the container
* Be stackable with secure attachment points for carrying straps, handles, tie-down
* Securely immobilize the contained batteries
* Provide a degree of shock and vibration isolation for the batteries contained
* Provide a degree of water and moisture protection for the batteries contained
* Physical dimension must have a single side that is less than 36” in circumference and 11.5” in radius
Additional stretch objectives parameters include:
* Be capable of containing all vent gases
* Be capable of reducing the hazards of released toxic vent gases
* Ability to convey externally that a hazardous event has occurred inside the container
* Ability to suppress or extinguish the thermal runaway event internal to the container
* Reduction in physical dimension and/or weight to improve portability
The challenge will be completed via a four Phased approach. Phase I objective is to provide a concept “white paper” from which a Virtual Presentation of White Paper Concept may be invited. Phase II objective is to design a detailed solution and demonstrate a limited Proof-of-Concept (POC). Phase III objective is to fabricate and demonstrate a Technology Development Prototype. Phase IV will include any potential follow-on award(s). The Government may, at its discretion, award follow-on(s) for the continuous development of the technology development. The Government does not currently have funding for follow-on award(s).
Detailed solution is defined as a technical illustration or Computer aided Design (CAD) model of the proposed solution with consideration to threshold parameters. POC is defined as a small project created to test whether a certain idea or theory about the product can be implemented. Technology Development Prototype is defined as a product that is capable to be tested to successfully demonstrate the ability to meet the challenge objectives.
Phase I objective is to “virtually” (e.g. via a phone or video conference) present your concept. Phase I will be conducted in two phases: Initial submission of White Paper Concept followed by an invitation to provide a Virtual Presentation of White Paper Concept. The White Paper Concept shall describe in detail the Challenge objectives your solution will address, how your proposed solution would achieve those objectives, how if selected for Phase II you intend to design your solution, what POC will be developed and evaluated and describe your plans for how you would intend for your solution to be manufactured and sold.
The Government will select up to fifteen (15) White Paper Concepts for invitation for a Virtual Presentation of their proposed concept to a panel of judges. The Virtual Presentation shall provide a summary of the white paper contents and include detail on how you intend to accomplish phase II objectives, provide a notional schedule, and a list of any concerns, clarifications or other questions you have regarding resources or information you need technical assistance with to accomplish the challenge. Up to five (5) winners will be selected to participate in Phase II.
Phase II objective is to design a detailed solution and demonstrate any Proof-of-Concept (POC) needed to provide confidence in the design. Results from the detailed design and POC testing will be provided to the Government team via another Virtual Presentation. Presentation should also include data supporting effectiveness of design along with identification of what design attributes will be considered vendor versus government purpose rights. Up to three (3) winners will be selected to participate in Phase III.
Phase III objective is to demonstrate a Technology Development Prototype. The Technology Development Prototype will be required to demonstrate the capability of withstanding the thermal runaway event of four lithium-ion military BB-2590 Bren-Tronics BT-70791CG or similar ~300 Wh Li-ion batteries. A single center-located battery should be triggered artificially by means of thermal abuse (e.g. via heat tape or some other suitable method). The technology development prototype should demonstrate the capability at ambient temperature to contain the thermal event without releasing flame, sparks or large particles while maintaining a surface temperature that would not trigger the combustion of adjacent materials. The container should also limit and preferably neutralize (reduce combustibility and/or toxicity) all released gases. Note that this type of testing is inherently hazardous, and Government personnel will consult with you on the safe execution of this POC in advance. All three winners may be selected to participate in Phase IV.
Phase IV the Government may choose to award follow-on FAR-based procurement contract, an Other Transaction Authority (OTA) award (under 10 U.S.C. 2371 or 2371b), a procurement contract for experimental purposes (10 U.S.C 2373), or a combination of awards under those authorities to any chosen participant in this prize challenge.
Initial submission of the White Paper Concept shall not exceed five pages and required to be in the following format.
a. Text size shall be no smaller than what is equivalent to Microsoft Word, Times New Roman, 10 point, uncompressed font.
b. Pages shall be single sided, one and one half line spaced, with a minimum of one inch margins on all sides. Pages shall be dated and numbered sequentially.
c. Legible tables, charts, graphs and figures shall be used when necessary to depict organizations, data, drawings, systems and layout, implementation schedules, plans, etc. For tables, charts, graphs, and figures, the text shall be no smaller than 8 point, Times New Roman. These items WILL be included in the page count.
d. Electronic files shall be formatted for Microsoft Windows Office 2010: text shall be prepared using Microsoft Word compatible formats; spreadsheets, worksheets, or workbooks shall be prepared using Microsoft Excel compatible formats, and presentations prepared using PowerPoint compatible formats. All schedules shall be prepared in Microsoft Project 2010 compatible applications.
e. A glossary shall be included of all abbreviations and acronyms used with an explanation for each that will NOT be included in the page count.
f. A cover sheet should be include with the following information:
* Challenge Title
* Name(s) of company(ies) and POC individual(s)
* Address(es)
* If a company, CAGE or DUNS Code
* Point of Contact Telephone and Email address
* State if the participant is a U.S. Company (an entity incorporated in and maintaining a primary place of business in the United States) or a U.S. citizen?
* If applicable, provide verification that the individual currently maintains a DoD security clearance or the company has a Facilities Clearance (per DoD 5220.22-M, 28 Feb 2006)
* A description of the participant’s previous experience and expertise with lithium batteries
* A description of the participant’s experience in collaborating with other companies to design, manufacture, and field relevant products.
The cover sheet will NOT be included in the page count for each volume.
**Phase I** **Initial submission of White Paper Concept Due*:** 05/07/2020 02:00 PM ET
\*The submission deadline for White Paper Concepts has been extended by fourteen (14) Calendar Days to 05/07/2020. Participants that have already submitted solutions prior to the announcement of this extension can submit revisions to their White Paper Concepts to the Challenge Manager prior to the revised closing date.
The Government estimates the following timeline for the completion of the prize challenge.
Phase I Virtual Presentation of White Paper Concept.
* Initial submission of White Paper Concept – 35 Calendar Days
* Evaluation by Judges and selection distributed– 14 Calendar Days
* Follow on submission of Virtual Presentation – 7 Calendar Days
* Virtual Presentation – 7 Calendar Days
* Selection of Phase I winners – 7 Calendar Days
Phase II Detailed Design and Proof-of-Concept (POC)
* Design and POC submission – 49 Calendar Days
* Evaluation by Judges – 7 Calendar Days
* Prize pool of $300,000 disbursed to winner(s) – 14 Calendar Days
Phase III Technology Development Prototype
* Technology Development Prototype submission – 84 Calendar Days (Extended by 28 Calendar Days on November 2, 2020)
* Evaluation by Judges – 7 Calendar Days
* Prize pool of $450,000 disbursed to winner(s) – 14 Calendar Days
Phase IV Follow-on Award – To be determined
Total estimated time from Challenge.gov posting to Phase IV is 217 Calendar Days.
**Winners Announced:**
For the purposes of this prize challenge, “Participant” refers to individuals and entities that apply to the prize challenge and “Winner” refers to individuals selected to receive a cash prize under this prize challenge.
The Prize Challenge winner(s) will be notified via email by the challenge manager of their selection for each phase. An announcement of the winner(s) will be posted on both the Challenge.gov webpage and <https://beta.sam.gov>.
#### Questions & Answers
Official responses to questions that have come in:
Question: Can the Challenge be extended by two weeks?
* *Answer: We understand that COVID-19 has created unique challenges that all companies and the Government have had to innovate around. This effort, as with all Government projects, has its own set of deadlines and metrics that we must meet independent of the COVID-19 impacts. Our position is that the additional two-week extension that was given to extend the submission deadline to 07 May 2020 is sufficient for interested organizations to develop the minimalistic white paper submission required for Phase I. We do not intend at this time to provide any additional extensions to this initial phase of this challenge.*
Question: While carefully reading the threshold parameters, we came across “Physical dimension must have a single side that is less than 36” in circumference and 11.5” in radius”. It looks like that you are assuming the cylindrical object to hold four batteries and not rectangular. However, in order to have 36” circumference, is the 11.5” is radius or diameter. If its diameter, the calculations for circumference C (36”) = 2PI r = 2x3.14x5.75 would make sense. Please clarify.
* *Answer: The requirement is that one orientation of the containment system must have a maximum diameter of 23”. This containment system does not have to have a side that is round.*
Question: Please clarify the dimension requirements and in particular this: “Physical dimension must have a single side that is less than 36” in circumference and 11.5” in radius”. For a rectangular enclosure of dimensions 14.5” x 13.5” x 5.5”, how would you calculate the sides circumference and radius for such enclosure? Would it meet your requirements?
* *Answer: The requirement is that one orientation of the containment system must have a maximum diameter of 23”. This containment system does not have to have a side that is round.*
Question: Are the cells used in the BB-2590 Bren-Tronics BT-70791CG military battery cylindrical cells (i.e. 18650 or similar dimension) ; or are they polymer flat cells?
a. If they are cylindrical cells, how many cells comprise the battery? What is the composition of the cells and at what percentages? (i.e. Li-Cobalt, Li-Nickel, etc.)
b. If they are polymer flat cells, how many cells comprise the battery? What is the composition of the cells and at what percentages?
* *Answer: The BB-2590 batteries use the cylindrical format 18650 Li-ion cells configured as two series sets, each with 3 parallel strings of 4 cells in series, for 24 cells total in each BB-2590.*
*a. For the answers, you may refer to the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) provided by the BB-2590 manufacturer for details on chemistry and composition of the cells used in the battery. As for cell count, you can obtain the number of cells based on the cell chemistry characteristics, case dimensions, battery overall capacity and voltage.*
*b. Not applicable.*
Question: Can a company that is currently producing similar products and selling them modify a product to specifications set forth, or does the USN desire a prototype developed strictly for their use?
* *Answer: As stated in the challenge, either a BB-2590 Bren-Tronics BT-70791CG or similar approximately 300 Wh Li-ion battery may be used. If you produce a battery that can be proposed for the challenge as “similar” to the BB-2590 (meaning sufficiently close in Wh, voltage range, packaging and dimensions), that would be acceptable. You may submit details of your proposed substitute and we can give you a more definitive answer as to the suitability for the purposes of the challenge.*
Question: What type of battery case is used for these batteries? E.g., metal and type of metal, plastic and type of plastic as well as thickness of plastic, other case materials?
* *Answer: For details on the construction of the BB-2590 type batteries referenced in the challenge, please refer to the “military performance specification” document that specifies attributes of this type of battery. You may download this document, MIL-PRF-32052/1, from the web. The case is plastic, with an approximate thickness of 1/16th inch. Other case materials are listed generically in the manufacturers Safety Data Sheet document.*
Question: Are there vents or other pressure relief mechanisms on the battery cases?
* *Answer: For details on the construction of the BB-2590 type batteries (including the case vent) referenced in the challenge, please refer to the “military performance specification” document that specifies attributes of this type of battery. You may download this document, MIL-PRF-32052/1, from the web.*
Question: What is the Wh rating of the individual cells in these batteries at 100% State of Charge (SOC)?
* *Answer: For the Wh rating of the individual cells, you may refer to the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) provided by the BB-2590 manufacturer for details on chemistry and composition of the cells used in the battery you chose. It is possible to estimate the cell-level Wh rating for the specific cells being used in the BB-2590 you are considering using. The Wh estimate can be calculated from the number of cells in the battery (24 total for BB-2590, configured as two series sets, each with 3 parallel strings of 4 cells in series), the cell chemistry characteristics, and, battery overall capacity and voltage.*
Question: Will NSWC assist us in sourcing the military versions of these batteries from the manufacturer(s) and authorized distributors?
* *Answer: Given the time and resources it would take to acquire and distribute these batteries and the process involved with re-selling or otherwise supplying “government furnished materials,” NSWC Crane will not be able to provide batteries to participants. The BB-2590 type battery referred to in the challenge can be readily purchased from multiple sources.*
Question: Alternatively, would NSWC be willing to purchase the military versions of these batteries in bulk for participants in the challenge and sell them to participants at cost?
* *Answer: Given the time and resources it would take to acquire and distribute these batteries and the process involved with re-selling or otherwise supplying “government furnished materials,” NSWC Crane will not be able to provide batteries to participants. The BB-2590 type battery referred to in the challenge can be readily purchased from multiple sources.*
Question: We currently produce a containment system that has been tested to similar standards. Can we modify that product for the challenge or does the USN want a completely new product?
* *Answer: Yes, you can modify your current containment product to meet the goals of the challenge. Note that the judging criteria rewards innovation in proposed solutions over existing products. Modifications to existing products would still be regarded positively if the innovation substantially enhanced the existing product's performance.*
Question: For the Proof of Concept testing at what state of charge (SOC) is required of the battery during testing?
* *Answer: All batteries are required to be at 100% SOC.*
Question: Does the "references" section (i.e., the bibliography of references used to prepare the white paper) at the end of the white paper count toward the five-page limit? The NSWC-CR document provided in Challenge.gov does not talk about this although the document does state that the cover sheets at the beginning of the white paper concept will not be counted toward the five-page limit.
* *Answer: The references page is not included the page count limitation.* |
**Total Cash Prize Pool**
The total prize purse is up to $750,000.
**Prize Breakdown**
Phase I White paper and Virtual Presentation of White Paper Concept – N/A
Phase II Detailed Design and Proof-of-Concept (POC) – Prize pool of $300,000 will be disbursed equally among up to five winner(s)
Phase III Technology Development Prototype – Prize pool of $450,000 is disbursed to winner(s): One (1) winner will be selected to win first place prize of $250,000, second place prize of $125,000, and third place prize of $75,000. If there is less than three winners the second and/or third place prize will be equally disbursed among the winners.
Phase IV Follow-on Award – N/A |
Eligibility Requirements. Eligibility is subject to verification by the Government before cash prizes are awarded. Participants (residents or entities) who are designated by the United States Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control are not eligible to receive any cash prize in the Challenge. Participants who are listed, or become listed, on the Excluded Parties List found on www.sam.gov or have any active exclusions may not eligible to receive any cash prize in the Challenge.
Only U.S. citizens and entities incorporated in and maintaining a primary place of business in the United States are eligible to receive cash prizes in this Challenge.
Federal employees, including NSWC-CR employees, and NSWC-CR support contractors acting within the scope of their employment are not eligible to participate in the challenge. Likewise, members of their immediate family (spouses, children, step-children, siblings, step-siblings, parents, step-parents), and persons living in the same household, whether or not related, are not eligible to participate in any portion of this Challenge. Federal employees and contractors acting outside the scope of their employment should consult their ethics official and appropriate management before participating in the Challenge.
Individuals and organizations that are funded by NSWC-CR, but not limited to, any Federally Funded Research and Development Centers and University Affiliated Research Centers (UARCs), or private-sector personnel whose scope of work includes NSWC-CR development or administrative support are not eligible to participate in the challenge.
**Terms and Conditions**
These terms and conditions apply to all participants in the Challenge.
Agreement to Terms. By responding to this announcement, the participant agrees to comply with and be bound by the rules (including these terms and conditions) of this prize challenge and the decisions of the Government, which rules and decisions are binding and final in all matters relating to this challenge. The final scores and final determination of Winner, is final and binding on all Participants. The final scores of the Judging Panel and the final determination of Winner may not be challenged by the Participants.
Security Requirements. By responding to this announcement, the participant agrees to comply with the DoDM 5200.01 (all volumes) and any revisions to this manual.
Participation by Government Support Contractors. Government support contractors will assist in the review of any data provided by participants. A non-disclosure agreement (NDA) has been signed by the support contractors with the Government that precludes them from disclosing any proprietary data outside of the Government. If participants desire a separate NDA with the Government support contractors, participants should submit a NDA form, along with instructions, with their initial qualification application.
Follow-On Acquisition. At the Government’s discretion, the Government may choose to award a FAR-base procurement contract, Other Transaction Authority (OTA) award (under 10 U.S.C 2371 or 2371b) or a procurement contract for experimental purposes (10 U.S.C. 2373) or a combination of awards under those authorizes to any chosen participant in this prize challenge.
Malware. Each participant warrants that any submission is virus free and free of malware.
Data Rights and Marking. All data submitted under the Prize Challenge will be made available to NSWC-CR and parties authorized to act on behalf of the NSWC-CR. By accepting these Terms and Conditions, the Participant consents to the use of data submitted to NSWC-CR. Any materials submitted to NSWC-CR as part of a prize challenge submission become NSWC-CR records and will not be returned.
The use of protective markings such as “Do Not Publicly Release – Trade Secret” or “Do Not Publicly Release – Confidential Proprietary Business Information” in the Header or Footer of the Submission is strongly encouraged where appropriate. However, Participants should be aware that the use of protective markings is not dispositive as to whether information will be released publicly pursuant to a request for records under the Freedom of Information Act, (FOIA) 5 U.S.C. §552, et. seq., as amended by the OPEN Government Act of 2007, Pub. L. No. 110-175. Any information received from the Participant is considered to be a federal agency record, and as such, subject to public release under FOIA. Decisions to disclose or withhold information received from a Participant are based on the applicability of one or more of the nine FOIA exemptions, not on the existence or nonexistence of protective markings. Only the agency’s designated FOIA Officer may determine if information sought under a FOIA request will be withheld pursuant to one or more of the nine FOIA exemptions. All FOIA requests received by NSWC-CR are processed in accordance with 10 C.F.R. Part 1004. Participants will be notified of any FOIA requests for their submissions in accordance with 29 C.F.R. § 70.26. Participants may then have the opportunity to review materials and work with a NSWC-CR FOIA representative prior to the release of materials.
By participating in this Challenge, each individual (whether participating singly or in a group) warrants and assures the Government that any data used for the purpose of submitting an entry for this Challenge, were obtained legally through authorized access to such data.
Upon submission, the Participant hereby represents and warrants that:
1) it is the sole author and copyright owner of the submission; that the submission is an original work of the Participant and that the Participant has sufficient rights to use and to authorize others, including NSWC-CR, to use the submission, as specified throughout the Official Rules; that the submission does not infringe upon any copyright or upon any other third party rights of which the Participant is aware; and that there are no known or pending patents on or related to the technology proposed within the submissions or, if there are known or pending patents, that the patent holder grants to the Government a fully paid, nonexclusive, irrevocable, worldwide license to use, or have used on the Government’s behalf, reproduce, prepare derivative works, distribute copies to the public, and perform and display publicly copyrightable works of the patented material. Except as provided above, any submission shall be accompanied by a statement delineating which intellectual property rights and licenses will not be extended to the government for this challenge.
2) the submission, and any use thereof by NSWC-CR is not defamatory or libelous in any manner; does not constitute or result in any misappropriation or other violation of the publicity rights or right of privacy of any person or entity, or infringe, misappropriate or otherwise violate any intellectual property rights, privacy rights or any other rights of any person or entity;
3) it is free to enter into this challenge without the consent of any third party and has the capability to fully perform its obligations as stipulated by the Prize rules;
4) there is no suit, proceeding, or any other claim pending or threatened against the Participant, nor does any circumstance exist, to its knowledge, which may be the basis of any such suit, proceeding, or other claim, that could limit or impair the Participant’s performance of its obligations pursuant to the Prize rules or Terms and Conditions;
5) it will not infringe, violate, or interfere with the intellectual property, publicity, privacy, contract or other right of any third party in the course of performance of this agreement or cause NSWC-CR to do any of the same;
By participating in this Challenge, each individual (whether participating singly or in a group) warrants and assures the Government that there are no known or pending patents on or related to the technology proposed within the submissions or, if there are known or pending patents, that the patent holder provides the Government a description of the patented material and its use in the proposed Challenge solution.
Relationship of the Parties. Nothing contained in these Terms and Conditions is intended to create or constitute a relationship between NSWC-CR with the Participants. Participation in the Prize Challenge does not imply any form of sanction, endorsement or support of the Participant by the NSWC-CR, nor does it grant either party any authority to act as agent, nor assume or create any obligation, on behalf of the other party. Participant may not use the NSWC-CR logo or official seal in their submission.
Taxes. Tax treatment of prizes will be handled in accordance with U.S. Internal Revenue Service guidelines. The winners must provide a U.S. taxpayer identification number (e.g. a social security number) to receive the cash prize.
Payment. Winner(s) agree to accept payment via electronic funds transfer. Participants selected as monetary prize winners must submit all required taxpayer identification and bank account information required to complete an electronic payment of the monetary prize. Failure to provide the Government required documents for electronic payment within 30 days of notification by the Government will result in a disqualification of the winning entry. Each Winner, will be required to sign and return to NSWC-CR, within 30 days of the date the notice is sent, a completed Standard Form 3881 (Automated Clearing House – Miscellaneous Payment Enrollment) showing bank routing number for payment purpose and a completed IRS Form W-9 (<https://www.irs.gov/pub/irspdf/fw9.pdf>). At the sole discretion of NSWC-CR, a winning participant will be disqualified from the challenge and receive no prize funds if:
i) the person/entity cannot be contacted
ii) the person/entity fails to sign and return the required documentation within the required time period;
iii) the notification is returned as undeliverable;
iv) the submission or person/entity is disqualified for any other reason.
Government Right to Cancel, Suspend or Modify Challenge. The Government reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to cancel, suspend or modify the Challenge. These rules may be changed without prior notice, and all participants should monitor [Challenge.gov](https://www.challenge.gov/) for the latest information. The Government further reserves the right to select no winners and award no prize money if the Government determines, in its sole discretion, that an award is not in the best interest of the Government.
Responsibility for Costs Incurred. Nothing in these rules, to include information on the websites publicizing the award, may be interpreted as authorizing the incurrence of any costs, or modifying the statement of work or authorizing work outside the terms and conditions of any existing agreements or contracts with the Government.
Participation in this prize challenge is at participant expense. The Government will not be responsible for any costs incurred by the participant, to include submission costs, travel costs, technology demonstration or development costs or any associated costs.
Release of Claims. The participant agrees to release and forever discharge any and all manner of claims, equitable adjustments, actions, suits, debts, appeals, and all other obligations of any kind, whether past or present, known or unknown, that have or may arise from, are related to or are in connection with, directly or indirectly, this prize challenge or the participant’s submission.
Liability. By participating in this challenge, the participant agrees to assume, and thereby has assumed, any and all risks of injury or loss in connection with, or in any way arising from participation in this challenge, or development of any submission. Based on the subject matter of the prize challenge, the type of work that it will require, as well as the unlikeliness of claims for death, bodily injury, property damage, or loss potentially arising from or related to participation in the prize challenge, no individual or entity participating in the prize challenge is required to obtain liability insurance.
Indemnification. The participant indemnifies the Government and its affiliates, directors, officers, employees against all liabilities, damages, losses, costs, fees (including legal fees), and expenses relating to any allegation or third-party legal proceeding to the extent arising from:
(A) the participant’s acts or omissions in relation to the Challenge (including the participant’s use or acceptance of any prize and the participant’s breach of these Terms); and
(B) the participant’s submissions violating any rights of any other person or entity or any obligation the participant may have with them.
Compliance with Laws. The participant agrees to follow and comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws, regulations and policies.
All content provided by the government is provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis. The government disclaims all representations and warranties (express or implied), including any warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The government is not responsible for any incomplete, failed, or delayed transmission of your application information or submissions due to the internet, including interruption or delays caused by equipment or software malfunction or other technical problems.
Reference herein to any specific commercial products, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the united states government.
Severability. If any term (or part of a term) of these terms or rules is invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the rest of the terms or rules will remain in effect.
Translations. In the event of any discrepancy between the English version of these terms and rules and a translated version, the English version will govern.
Governing Law. This prize challenge is subject to all applicable federal laws and regulations. ALL CLAIMS ARISING OUT OF OR RELATING TO THESE TERMS WILL BE GOVERNED BY THE FEDERAL LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
Availability of Funds. The Government’s obligation for prizes under 10 U.S.C. 2374a is subject to availability of appropriated funds from which payment for prize purposes can be made. No legal liability on the part of the Government for any payment of prizes may arise unless appropriated funds are available to the United States Navy for such purposes. |
**Judging Panel**
The Technology Presentation and Technology Demonstration Results will be presented to NSWC-CR.
**Judging Criteria**
A review panel will rate participant submissions on the degree to which the problem could be resolved/solved. The panel of judges will screen all submissions for compliance with the rules and terms and conditions detailed herein. Subjective ratings will be assessed for each Phase by the review panel based on the key areas as shown below.
**Phase I – Technical White Paper Review:**
*Rated on the Following Criteria*:
* Technical Approach (50% of Rating)
* *Participant(s) demonstrate an appropriate, realistic, innovative and cost effective solution to resolve the problem statement.*
* Innovation (20% of Rating)
* *Unique or novel solution that differs from current applications or common solutions.*
* Knowledge Base (20% of Rating)
* *Lead investigator and organization display sufficient knowledge base and resources in problem statement area.*
* Innovation Path (10% of rating)
* *Approach to develop the proposed concept is realistic and feasible*
**Phase I – Virtual Presentation and Demonstration:**
*Rated on the Following Criteria*:
* Technical Approach (25% of Rating)
* *Participant(s) demonstrate an appropriate, realistic, innovative and cost effective solution to resolve the problem statement*
* Team Background and Capabilities (20% of Rating)
* *Participant(s) has knowledge, resources and capacity to complete proposed work.*
* Proposal Viability (25% of Rating)
* *Proposal plan and deliverables answer the topic challenge and there is a path to a design and POC.*
* Risk Reduction (15% of Rating)
* *Risks/mitigation strategies to accommodate potential problems.*
* Proposal Plan (15% of Rating)
* *Description of design tasks and time needed to accomplish them can be realistically completed in 6 months.*
**Phase II – Detailed Design and Proof-of-Concept (POC):**
*Rated on the Following Criteria*:
* Technical Approach (30% of Rating)
* *Design and POC results demonstrate an appropriate, realistic, innovative and cost effective solution.*
* Proposal Viability (30% of Rating)
* *Submission plan and deliverables answer the topic challenge and a path from POC to Prototype is possible. Will also take into consideration how much of the design will be granted government purpose rights.*
* Risk Reduction (20% of Rating)
* *Risks/mitigation strategies.*
* Development Plan (20% of Rating)
* *Description of prototype fabrication and testing tasks, and time needed to accomplish them can be completed within 2 months.*
**Phase III – Technology Development Prototype:**
*Rated on the Following Criteria*:
* Technical Approach (40% of Rating)
* *Technology Development Prototype displayed viable and feasible test results in a cost effective solution to resolve the problem statement.*
* Transition Approach (25% of Rating)
* *Participant(s) provide a clear path forward to transitioning the prototype to pre-production level fielded system and is able to adequately communicate it with clarity to the panel. Participant(s) shows a knowledge of potential roadblocks and can provide suggestions resolutions. Will also take into consideration how much of the design will be granted government purpose rights.*
* Team Background and Capabilities (25% of Rating)
* *Participant(s) proposed can provide a clear plan of action to move Technology Development Prototype into production..*
* Demonstrated Level of Innovation (10% of Rating)
* *Uniqueness or novel prototype that differs from current applications or common solutions.*
If multiple technologies of similar type or category are submitted, the review panel may choose the most advantageous solution(s) within each type or category to continue competing in the prize challenge. The Government selection may be based on the highest scored participant solution that has the most innovative concept or unique capabilities for each type or category. In doing so, the Government may, at its discretion, select a participant that scored lower points than an unselected participant of a different type or category. The Prize Selection Decision will be a subjective evaluation of all entries for each phase at completion of this challenge. |
#### Submissions
Entries for Phase I must be submitted via email to Marissa Wagler at [[email protected]](<mailto: [email protected]>) by 02:00 Eastern Time on 07 May 2020 02:00 PM ET. Submissions received after the deadline may not be considered.
Submissions shall reference both the challenge name and participant name in the subject line in the following format:
*Lithium_Battery_Man_Portable_Hazard_Containment_Challenge_FirstName_LastName Phase I Submission*
Submissions including attachments shall use the following filename convention:
*Example: CompanyName_concept.pdf, FirstName_LastName_schematic.pdf*
#### Questions
For technical and challenge related questions, please send an email to [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) with “Lithium Battery Man Portable Hazard Containment Challenge_Questions” in the subject line. The deadline for prize challenge question submission is 2:00 PM Eastern Time on 30 April 2020 02:00 PM ET. After this date and time, the Government may not respond to questions received.
The Government will post all questions and responses on the Beta SAM website (<https://beta.sam.gov>).
Contestants should expect that their questions and the Government’s responses will be made available to all those accessing the <https://beta.sam.gov>.
NSWC-CR reserves the right to cancel, suspend, and/or modify the challenge, or any part of it, if any fraud, technical failures, or any other factor beyond NSWC-CR’s reasonable control impairs the integrity or proper functioning of the challenge, as determined by NSWC-CR in its sole discretion. NSWC-CD is not responsible for, nor is it required to accept, incomplete, late, misdirected, damaged, unlawful, or illicit submissions. |
The three (3) winners of the Lithium Battery Man Portable Containment Phase III Challenge are:
- 1st Place: Mistral, Inc.
- 2nd Place: Zarges, Inc.
- 3rd Place: Fire Containment Concepts
Five (5) participants were selected to participate in Phase II of the Lithium Battery Man Portable Hazard Containment Prize Challenge. Participant names are listed below in alphabetical order:
- Americase, LLC
- Fire Containment Concepts
- Mistral, Inc.
- Texas Research Institute – Austin
- Zarges Inc.
Earlier, fourteen (14) participants were invited to provide a virtual presentation of their submitted white paper concept to the Lithium Battery Man Portable Hazard Containment Prize Challenge judging panel. Invited participant names are listed below in alphabetical order:
- ADA Technologies, Inc.
- Americase, LLC
- Cornerstone Research Group, Inc.
- Energy Storage Safety Products International, LLC
- Fire Containment Concepts
- KULR Technology Corp.
- Mistral, Inc.
- Proycon Alpha Squared, Inc.
- Purdue University
- Scimitar Technologies
- StatDiagnostics
- Texas Research Institute - Austin
- ViPER (Purdue University)
- Zarges Inc.
Lithium batteries’ benefits of increased capabilities at a reduced weight outweigh their inherent risks in many industrial, commercial and some military applications. However, these benefits do not outweigh the inherent risk of transporting the batteries. For example, most commercial passenger airlines do not allow lithium batteries to be packed inside checked luggage due to the inherent fire hazard in a cargo hold, which represents an unacceptable risk. Likewise, military (and other users) transportation of lithium batteries represents risks that are also sometimes unacceptable. A solution that develops a containment system to carry batteries that suitably mitigates the inherent hazards is desired to allow more applications, commercial and military, to benefit from the use of rechargeable (called “secondary”) and non-rechargeable (called “primary”) lithium batteries.
The objective for this Lithium Battery Man Portable Containment Challenge is to demonstrate a method to transport military-qualified lithium primary and secondary batteries that mitigates hazards generated during a thermal runaway event. Since some lithium batteries are more reactive than other types, a proposed solution does not have to accommodate all types of current military lithium batteries, but a solution that does accommodate more lithium battery types is more valuable for the purposes of this challenge. Man portable can be defined as a single person carry up to 50 Lbs, which will include up to 12.5 Lbs of batteries. The challenge assumes no battery charging or discharging will occur during transportation of lithium batteries.
Additional threshold parameters include:
- Contain or extinguish all fire and large (greater than 5 micrometers diameter) particulates generated during a thermal runaway event
- Limit and neutralize (reduce combustibility and/or toxicity) all released gases from the container
- Be stackable with secure attachment points for carrying straps, handles, tie-down
- Securely immobilize the contained batteries
- Provide a degree of shock and vibration isolation for the batteries contained
- Provide a degree of water and moisture protection for the batteries contained
- Physical dimension must have a single side that is less than 36” in circumference and 11.5” in radius
Additional stretch objectives parameters include:
- Be capable of containing all vent gases
- Be capable of reducing the hazards of released toxic vent gases
- Ability to convey externally that a hazardous event has occurred inside the container
- Ability to suppress or extinguish the thermal runaway event internal to the container
- Reduction in physical dimension and/or weight to improve portability
The challenge will be completed via a four Phased approach. Phase I objective is to provide a concept “white paper” from which a Virtual Presentation of White Paper Concept may be invited. Phase II objective is to design a detailed solution and demonstrate a limited Proof-of-Concept (POC). Phase III objective is to fabricate and demonstrate a Technology Development Prototype. Phase IV will include any potential follow-on award(s). The Government may, at its discretion, award follow-on(s) for the continuous development of the technology development. The Government does not currently have funding for follow-on award(s).
Detailed solution is defined as a technical illustration or Computer aided Design (CAD) model of the proposed solution with consideration to threshold parameters. POC is defined as a small project created to test whether a certain idea or theory about the product can be implemented. Technology Development Prototype is defined as a product that is capable to be tested to successfully demonstrate the ability to meet the challenge objectives.
Phase I objective is to “virtually” (e.g. via a phone or video conference) present your concept. Phase I will be conducted in two phases: Initial submission of White Paper Concept followed by an invitation to provide a Virtual Presentation of White Paper Concept. The White Paper Concept shall describe in detail the Challenge objectives your solution will address, how your proposed solution would achieve those objectives, how if selected for Phase II you intend to design your solution, what POC will be developed and evaluated and describe your plans for how you would intend for your solution to be manufactured and sold.
The Government will select up to fifteen (15) White Paper Concepts for invitation for a Virtual Presentation of their proposed concept to a panel of judges. The Virtual Presentation shall provide a summary of the white paper contents and include detail on how you intend to accomplish phase II objectives, provide a notional schedule, and a list of any concerns, clarifications or other questions you have regarding resources or information you need technical assistance with to accomplish the challenge. Up to five (5) winners will be selected to participate in Phase II.
Phase II objective is to design a detailed solution and demonstrate any Proof-of-Concept (POC) needed to provide confidence in the design. Results from the detailed design and POC testing will be provided to the Government team via another Virtual Presentation. Presentation should also include data supporting effectiveness of design along with identification of what design attributes will be considered vendor versus government purpose rights. Up to three (3) winners will be selected to participate in Phase III.
Phase III objective is to demonstrate a Technology Development Prototype. The Technology Development Prototype will be required to demonstrate the capability of withstanding the thermal runaway event of four lithium-ion military BB-2590 Bren-Tronics BT-70791CG or similar ~300 Wh Li-ion batteries. A single center-located battery should be triggered artificially by means of thermal abuse (e.g. via heat tape or some other suitable method). The technology development prototype should demonstrate the capability at ambient temperature to contain the thermal event without releasing flame, sparks or large particles while maintaining a surface temperature that would not trigger the combustion of adjacent materials. The container should also limit and preferably neutralize (reduce combustibility and/or toxicity) all released gases. Note that this type of testing is inherently hazardous, and Government personnel will consult with you on the safe execution of this POC in advance. All three winners may be selected to participate in Phase IV.
Phase IV the Government may choose to award follow-on FAR-based procurement contract, an Other Transaction Authority (OTA) award (under 10 U.S.C. 2371 or 2371b), a procurement contract for experimental purposes (10 U.S.C 2373), or a combination of awards under those authorities to any chosen participant in this prize challenge.
Initial submission of the White Paper Concept shall not exceed five pages and required to be in the following format.
a. Text size shall be no smaller than what is equivalent to Microsoft Word, Times New Roman, 10 point, uncompressed font.
b. Pages shall be single sided, one and one half line spaced, with a minimum of one inch margins on all sides. Pages shall be dated and numbered sequentially.
c. Legible tables, charts, graphs and figures shall be used when necessary to depict organizations, data, drawings, systems and layout, implementation schedules, plans, etc. For tables, charts, graphs, and figures, the text shall be no smaller than 8 point, Times New Roman. These items WILL be included in the page count.
d. Electronic files shall be formatted for Microsoft Windows Office 2010: text shall be prepared using Microsoft Word compatible formats; spreadsheets, worksheets, or workbooks shall be prepared using Microsoft Excel compatible formats, and presentations prepared using PowerPoint compatible formats. All schedules shall be prepared in Microsoft Project 2010 compatible applications.
e. A glossary shall be included of all abbreviations and acronyms used with an explanation for each that will NOT be included in the page count.
f. A cover sheet should be include with the following information:
- Challenge Title
- Name(s) of company(ies) and POC individual(s)
- Address(es)
- If a company, CAGE or DUNS Code
- Point of Contact Telephone and Email address
- State if the participant is a U.S. Company (an entity incorporated in and maintaining a primary place of business in the United States) or a U.S. citizen?
- If applicable, provide verification that the individual currently maintains a DoD security clearance or the company has a Facilities Clearance (per DoD 5220.22-M, 28 Feb 2006)
- A description of the participant’s previous experience and expertise with lithium batteries
- A description of the participant’s experience in collaborating with other companies to design, manufacture, and field relevant products.
The cover sheet will NOT be included in the page count for each volume.
Phase I Initial submission of White Paper Concept Due:* 05/07/2020 02:00 PM ET
*The submission deadline for White Paper Concepts has been extended by fourteen (14) Calendar Days to 05/07/2020. Participants that have already submitted solutions prior to the announcement of this extension can submit revisions to their White Paper Concepts to the Challenge Manager prior to the revised closing date.
The Government estimates the following timeline for the completion of the prize challenge.
Phase I Virtual Presentation of White Paper Concept.
- Initial submission of White Paper Concept – 35 Calendar Days
- Evaluation by Judges and selection distributed– 14 Calendar Days
- Follow on submission of Virtual Presentation – 7 Calendar Days
- Virtual Presentation – 7 Calendar Days
- Selection of Phase I winners – 7 Calendar Days
Phase II Detailed Design and Proof-of-Concept (POC)
- Design and POC submission – 49 Calendar Days
- Evaluation by Judges – 7 Calendar Days
- Prize pool of $300,000 disbursed to winner(s) – 14 Calendar Days
Phase III Technology Development Prototype
- Technology Development Prototype submission – 84 Calendar Days (Extended by 28 Calendar Days on November 2, 2020)
- Evaluation by Judges – 7 Calendar Days
- Prize pool of $450,000 disbursed to winner(s) – 14 Calendar Days
Phase IV Follow-on Award – To be determined
Total estimated time from Challenge.gov posting to Phase IV is 217 Calendar Days.
Winners Announced:
For the purposes of this prize challenge, “Participant” refers to individuals and entities that apply to the prize challenge and “Winner” refers to individuals selected to receive a cash prize under this prize challenge.
The Prize Challenge winner(s) will be notified via email by the challenge manager of their selection for each phase. An announcement of the winner(s) will be posted on both the Challenge.gov webpage and https://beta.sam.gov.
Official responses to questions that have come in:
Question: Can the Challenge be extended by two weeks?
- Answer: We understand that COVID-19 has created unique challenges that all companies and the Government have had to innovate around. This effort, as with all Government projects, has its own set of deadlines and metrics that we must meet independent of the COVID-19 impacts. Our position is that the additional two-week extension that was given to extend the submission deadline to 07 May 2020 is sufficient for interested organizations to develop the minimalistic white paper submission required for Phase I. We do not intend at this time to provide any additional extensions to this initial phase of this challenge.
Question: While carefully reading the threshold parameters, we came across “Physical dimension must have a single side that is less than 36” in circumference and 11.5” in radius”. It looks like that you are assuming the cylindrical object to hold four batteries and not rectangular. However, in order to have 36” circumference, is the 11.5” is radius or diameter. If its diameter, the calculations for circumference C (36”) = 2PI r = 2x3.14x5.75 would make sense. Please clarify.
- Answer: The requirement is that one orientation of the containment system must have a maximum diameter of 23”. This containment system does not have to have a side that is round.
Question: Please clarify the dimension requirements and in particular this: “Physical dimension must have a single side that is less than 36” in circumference and 11.5” in radius”. For a rectangular enclosure of dimensions 14.5” x 13.5” x 5.5”, how would you calculate the sides circumference and radius for such enclosure? Would it meet your requirements?
- Answer: The requirement is that one orientation of the containment system must have a maximum diameter of 23”. This containment system does not have to have a side that is round.
Question: Are the cells used in the BB-2590 Bren-Tronics BT-70791CG military battery cylindrical cells (i.e. 18650 or similar dimension) ; or are they polymer flat cells?
a. If they are cylindrical cells, how many cells comprise the battery? What is the composition of the cells and at what percentages? (i.e. Li-Cobalt, Li-Nickel, etc.)
b. If they are polymer flat cells, how many cells comprise the battery? What is the composition of the cells and at what percentages?
Answer: The BB-2590 batteries use the cylindrical format 18650 Li-ion cells configured as two series sets, each with 3 parallel strings of 4 cells in series, for 24 cells total in each BB-2590.
a. For the answers, you may refer to the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) provided by the BB-2590 manufacturer for details on chemistry and composition of the cells used in the battery. As for cell count, you can obtain the number of cells based on the cell chemistry characteristics, case dimensions, battery overall capacity and voltage.
b. Not applicable.
Question: Can a company that is currently producing similar products and selling them modify a product to specifications set forth, or does the USN desire a prototype developed strictly for their use?
- Answer: As stated in the challenge, either a BB-2590 Bren-Tronics BT-70791CG or similar approximately 300 Wh Li-ion battery may be used. If you produce a battery that can be proposed for the challenge as “similar” to the BB-2590 (meaning sufficiently close in Wh, voltage range, packaging and dimensions), that would be acceptable. You may submit details of your proposed substitute and we can give you a more definitive answer as to the suitability for the purposes of the challenge.
Question: What type of battery case is used for these batteries? E.g., metal and type of metal, plastic and type of plastic as well as thickness of plastic, other case materials?
- Answer: For details on the construction of the BB-2590 type batteries referenced in the challenge, please refer to the “military performance specification” document that specifies attributes of this type of battery. You may download this document, MIL-PRF-32052/1, from the web. The case is plastic, with an approximate thickness of 1/16th inch. Other case materials are listed generically in the manufacturers Safety Data Sheet document.
Question: Are there vents or other pressure relief mechanisms on the battery cases?
- Answer: For details on the construction of the BB-2590 type batteries (including the case vent) referenced in the challenge, please refer to the “military performance specification” document that specifies attributes of this type of battery. You may download this document, MIL-PRF-32052/1, from the web.
Question: What is the Wh rating of the individual cells in these batteries at 100% State of Charge (SOC)?
- Answer: For the Wh rating of the individual cells, you may refer to the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) provided by the BB-2590 manufacturer for details on chemistry and composition of the cells used in the battery you chose. It is possible to estimate the cell-level Wh rating for the specific cells being used in the BB-2590 you are considering using. The Wh estimate can be calculated from the number of cells in the battery (24 total for BB-2590, configured as two series sets, each with 3 parallel strings of 4 cells in series), the cell chemistry characteristics, and, battery overall capacity and voltage.
Question: Will NSWC assist us in sourcing the military versions of these batteries from the manufacturer(s) and authorized distributors?
- Answer: Given the time and resources it would take to acquire and distribute these batteries and the process involved with re-selling or otherwise supplying “government furnished materials,” NSWC Crane will not be able to provide batteries to participants. The BB-2590 type battery referred to in the challenge can be readily purchased from multiple sources.
Question: Alternatively, would NSWC be willing to purchase the military versions of these batteries in bulk for participants in the challenge and sell them to participants at cost?
- Answer: Given the time and resources it would take to acquire and distribute these batteries and the process involved with re-selling or otherwise supplying “government furnished materials,” NSWC Crane will not be able to provide batteries to participants. The BB-2590 type battery referred to in the challenge can be readily purchased from multiple sources.
Question: We currently produce a containment system that has been tested to similar standards. Can we modify that product for the challenge or does the USN want a completely new product?
- Answer: Yes, you can modify your current containment product to meet the goals of the challenge. Note that the judging criteria rewards innovation in proposed solutions over existing products. Modifications to existing products would still be regarded positively if the innovation substantially enhanced the existing product's performance.
Question: For the Proof of Concept testing at what state of charge (SOC) is required of the battery during testing?
- Answer: All batteries are required to be at 100% SOC.
Question: Does the "references" section (i.e., the bibliography of references used to prepare the white paper) at the end of the white paper count toward the five-page limit? The NSWC-CR document provided in Challenge.gov does not talk about this although the document does state that the cover sheets at the beginning of the white paper concept will not be counted toward the five-page limit.
- Answer: The references page is not included the page count limitation.
Total Cash Prize Pool
The total prize purse is up to $750,000.
Prize Breakdown
Phase I White paper and Virtual Presentation of White Paper Concept – N/A
Phase II Detailed Design and Proof-of-Concept (POC) – Prize pool of $300,000 will be disbursed equally among up to five winner(s)
Phase III Technology Development Prototype – Prize pool of $450,000 is disbursed to winner(s): One (1) winner will be selected to win first place prize of $250,000, second place prize of $125,000, and third place prize of $75,000. If there is less than three winners the second and/or third place prize will be equally disbursed among the winners.
Phase IV Follow-on Award – N/A
Eligibility Requirements. Eligibility is subject to verification by the Government before cash prizes are awarded. Participants (residents or entities) who are designated by the United States Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control are not eligible to receive any cash prize in the Challenge. Participants who are listed, or become listed, on the Excluded Parties List found on www.sam.gov or have any active exclusions may not eligible to receive any cash prize in the Challenge.
Only U.S. citizens and entities incorporated in and maintaining a primary place of business in the United States are eligible to receive cash prizes in this Challenge.
Federal employees, including NSWC-CR employees, and NSWC-CR support contractors acting within the scope of their employment are not eligible to participate in the challenge. Likewise, members of their immediate family (spouses, children, step-children, siblings, step-siblings, parents, step-parents), and persons living in the same household, whether or not related, are not eligible to participate in any portion of this Challenge. Federal employees and contractors acting outside the scope of their employment should consult their ethics official and appropriate management before participating in the Challenge.
Individuals and organizations that are funded by NSWC-CR, but not limited to, any Federally Funded Research and Development Centers and University Affiliated Research Centers (UARCs), or private-sector personnel whose scope of work includes NSWC-CR development or administrative support are not eligible to participate in the challenge.
Terms and Conditions
These terms and conditions apply to all participants in the Challenge.
Agreement to Terms. By responding to this announcement, the participant agrees to comply with and be bound by the rules (including these terms and conditions) of this prize challenge and the decisions of the Government, which rules and decisions are binding and final in all matters relating to this challenge. The final scores and final determination of Winner, is final and binding on all Participants. The final scores of the Judging Panel and the final determination of Winner may not be challenged by the Participants.
Security Requirements. By responding to this announcement, the participant agrees to comply with the DoDM 5200.01 (all volumes) and any revisions to this manual.
Participation by Government Support Contractors. Government support contractors will assist in the review of any data provided by participants. A non-disclosure agreement (NDA) has been signed by the support contractors with the Government that precludes them from disclosing any proprietary data outside of the Government. If participants desire a separate NDA with the Government support contractors, participants should submit a NDA form, along with instructions, with their initial qualification application.
Follow-On Acquisition. At the Government’s discretion, the Government may choose to award a FAR-base procurement contract, Other Transaction Authority (OTA) award (under 10 U.S.C 2371 or 2371b) or a procurement contract for experimental purposes (10 U.S.C. 2373) or a combination of awards under those authorizes to any chosen participant in this prize challenge.
Malware. Each participant warrants that any submission is virus free and free of malware.
Data Rights and Marking. All data submitted under the Prize Challenge will be made available to NSWC-CR and parties authorized to act on behalf of the NSWC-CR. By accepting these Terms and Conditions, the Participant consents to the use of data submitted to NSWC-CR. Any materials submitted to NSWC-CR as part of a prize challenge submission become NSWC-CR records and will not be returned.
The use of protective markings such as “Do Not Publicly Release – Trade Secret” or “Do Not Publicly Release – Confidential Proprietary Business Information” in the Header or Footer of the Submission is strongly encouraged where appropriate. However, Participants should be aware that the use of protective markings is not dispositive as to whether information will be released publicly pursuant to a request for records under the Freedom of Information Act, (FOIA) 5 U.S.C. §552, et. seq., as amended by the OPEN Government Act of 2007, Pub. L. No. 110-175. Any information received from the Participant is considered to be a federal agency record, and as such, subject to public release under FOIA. Decisions to disclose or withhold information received from a Participant are based on the applicability of one or more of the nine FOIA exemptions, not on the existence or nonexistence of protective markings. Only the agency’s designated FOIA Officer may determine if information sought under a FOIA request will be withheld pursuant to one or more of the nine FOIA exemptions. All FOIA requests received by NSWC-CR are processed in accordance with 10 C.F.R. Part 1004. Participants will be notified of any FOIA requests for their submissions in accordance with 29 C.F.R. § 70.26. Participants may then have the opportunity to review materials and work with a NSWC-CR FOIA representative prior to the release of materials.
By participating in this Challenge, each individual (whether participating singly or in a group) warrants and assures the Government that any data used for the purpose of submitting an entry for this Challenge, were obtained legally through authorized access to such data.
Upon submission, the Participant hereby represents and warrants that:
- it is the sole author and copyright owner of the submission; that the submission is an original work of the Participant and that the Participant has sufficient rights to use and to authorize others, including NSWC-CR, to use the submission, as specified throughout the Official Rules; that the submission does not infringe upon any copyright or upon any other third party rights of which the Participant is aware; and that there are no known or pending patents on or related to the technology proposed within the submissions or, if there are known or pending patents, that the patent holder grants to the Government a fully paid, nonexclusive, irrevocable, worldwide license to use, or have used on the Government’s behalf, reproduce, prepare derivative works, distribute copies to the public, and perform and display publicly copyrightable works of the patented material. Except as provided above, any submission shall be accompanied by a statement delineating which intellectual property rights and licenses will not be extended to the government for this challenge.
- the submission, and any use thereof by NSWC-CR is not defamatory or libelous in any manner; does not constitute or result in any misappropriation or other violation of the publicity rights or right of privacy of any person or entity, or infringe, misappropriate or otherwise violate any intellectual property rights, privacy rights or any other rights of any person or entity;
- it is free to enter into this challenge without the consent of any third party and has the capability to fully perform its obligations as stipulated by the Prize rules;
- there is no suit, proceeding, or any other claim pending or threatened against the Participant, nor does any circumstance exist, to its knowledge, which may be the basis of any such suit, proceeding, or other claim, that could limit or impair the Participant’s performance of its obligations pursuant to the Prize rules or Terms and Conditions;
- it will not infringe, violate, or interfere with the intellectual property, publicity, privacy, contract or other right of any third party in the course of performance of this agreement or cause NSWC-CR to do any of the same;
By participating in this Challenge, each individual (whether participating singly or in a group) warrants and assures the Government that there are no known or pending patents on or related to the technology proposed within the submissions or, if there are known or pending patents, that the patent holder provides the Government a description of the patented material and its use in the proposed Challenge solution.
Relationship of the Parties. Nothing contained in these Terms and Conditions is intended to create or constitute a relationship between NSWC-CR with the Participants. Participation in the Prize Challenge does not imply any form of sanction, endorsement or support of the Participant by the NSWC-CR, nor does it grant either party any authority to act as agent, nor assume or create any obligation, on behalf of the other party. Participant may not use the NSWC-CR logo or official seal in their submission.
Taxes. Tax treatment of prizes will be handled in accordance with U.S. Internal Revenue Service guidelines. The winners must provide a U.S. taxpayer identification number (e.g. a social security number) to receive the cash prize.
Payment. Winner(s) agree to accept payment via electronic funds transfer. Participants selected as monetary prize winners must submit all required taxpayer identification and bank account information required to complete an electronic payment of the monetary prize. Failure to provide the Government required documents for electronic payment within 30 days of notification by the Government will result in a disqualification of the winning entry. Each Winner, will be required to sign and return to NSWC-CR, within 30 days of the date the notice is sent, a completed Standard Form 3881 (Automated Clearing House – Miscellaneous Payment Enrollment) showing bank routing number for payment purpose and a completed IRS Form W-9 (https://www.irs.gov/pub/irspdf/fw9.pdf). At the sole discretion of NSWC-CR, a winning participant will be disqualified from the challenge and receive no prize funds if:
i) the person/entity cannot be contacted
ii) the person/entity fails to sign and return the required documentation within the required time period;
iii) the notification is returned as undeliverable;
iv) the submission or person/entity is disqualified for any other reason.
Government Right to Cancel, Suspend or Modify Challenge. The Government reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to cancel, suspend or modify the Challenge. These rules may be changed without prior notice, and all participants should monitor Challenge.gov for the latest information. The Government further reserves the right to select no winners and award no prize money if the Government determines, in its sole discretion, that an award is not in the best interest of the Government.
Responsibility for Costs Incurred. Nothing in these rules, to include information on the websites publicizing the award, may be interpreted as authorizing the incurrence of any costs, or modifying the statement of work or authorizing work outside the terms and conditions of any existing agreements or contracts with the Government.
Participation in this prize challenge is at participant expense. The Government will not be responsible for any costs incurred by the participant, to include submission costs, travel costs, technology demonstration or development costs or any associated costs.
Release of Claims. The participant agrees to release and forever discharge any and all manner of claims, equitable adjustments, actions, suits, debts, appeals, and all other obligations of any kind, whether past or present, known or unknown, that have or may arise from, are related to or are in connection with, directly or indirectly, this prize challenge or the participant’s submission.
Liability. By participating in this challenge, the participant agrees to assume, and thereby has assumed, any and all risks of injury or loss in connection with, or in any way arising from participation in this challenge, or development of any submission. Based on the subject matter of the prize challenge, the type of work that it will require, as well as the unlikeliness of claims for death, bodily injury, property damage, or loss potentially arising from or related to participation in the prize challenge, no individual or entity participating in the prize challenge is required to obtain liability insurance.
Indemnification. The participant indemnifies the Government and its affiliates, directors, officers, employees against all liabilities, damages, losses, costs, fees (including legal fees), and expenses relating to any allegation or third-party legal proceeding to the extent arising from:
(A) the participant’s acts or omissions in relation to the Challenge (including the participant’s use or acceptance of any prize and the participant’s breach of these Terms); and
(B) the participant’s submissions violating any rights of any other person or entity or any obligation the participant may have with them.
Compliance with Laws. The participant agrees to follow and comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws, regulations and policies.
All content provided by the government is provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis. The government disclaims all representations and warranties (express or implied), including any warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The government is not responsible for any incomplete, failed, or delayed transmission of your application information or submissions due to the internet, including interruption or delays caused by equipment or software malfunction or other technical problems.
Reference herein to any specific commercial products, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the united states government.
Severability. If any term (or part of a term) of these terms or rules is invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the rest of the terms or rules will remain in effect.
Translations. In the event of any discrepancy between the English version of these terms and rules and a translated version, the English version will govern.
Governing Law. This prize challenge is subject to all applicable federal laws and regulations. ALL CLAIMS ARISING OUT OF OR RELATING TO THESE TERMS WILL BE GOVERNED BY THE FEDERAL LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
Availability of Funds. The Government’s obligation for prizes under 10 U.S.C. 2374a is subject to availability of appropriated funds from which payment for prize purposes can be made. No legal liability on the part of the Government for any payment of prizes may arise unless appropriated funds are available to the United States Navy for such purposes.
Judging Panel
The Technology Presentation and Technology Demonstration Results will be presented to NSWC-CR.
Judging Criteria
A review panel will rate participant submissions on the degree to which the problem could be resolved/solved. The panel of judges will screen all submissions for compliance with the rules and terms and conditions detailed herein. Subjective ratings will be assessed for each Phase by the review panel based on the key areas as shown below.
Phase I – Technical White Paper Review:
Rated on the Following Criteria:
Technical Approach (50% of Rating)
- Participant(s) demonstrate an appropriate, realistic, innovative and cost effective solution to resolve the problem statement.
Innovation (20% of Rating)
- Unique or novel solution that differs from current applications or common solutions.
Knowledge Base (20% of Rating)
- Lead investigator and organization display sufficient knowledge base and resources in problem statement area.
Innovation Path (10% of rating)
- Approach to develop the proposed concept is realistic and feasible
Phase I – Virtual Presentation and Demonstration:
Rated on the Following Criteria:
Technical Approach (25% of Rating)
- Participant(s) demonstrate an appropriate, realistic, innovative and cost effective solution to resolve the problem statement
Team Background and Capabilities (20% of Rating)
- Participant(s) has knowledge, resources and capacity to complete proposed work.
Proposal Viability (25% of Rating)
- Proposal plan and deliverables answer the topic challenge and there is a path to a design and POC.
Risk Reduction (15% of Rating)
- Risks/mitigation strategies to accommodate potential problems.
Proposal Plan (15% of Rating)
- Description of design tasks and time needed to accomplish them can be realistically completed in 6 months.
Phase II – Detailed Design and Proof-of-Concept (POC):
Rated on the Following Criteria:
Technical Approach (30% of Rating)
- Design and POC results demonstrate an appropriate, realistic, innovative and cost effective solution.
Proposal Viability (30% of Rating)
- Submission plan and deliverables answer the topic challenge and a path from POC to Prototype is possible. Will also take into consideration how much of the design will be granted government purpose rights.
Risk Reduction (20% of Rating)
- Risks/mitigation strategies.
Development Plan (20% of Rating)
- Description of prototype fabrication and testing tasks, and time needed to accomplish them can be completed within 2 months.
Phase III – Technology Development Prototype:
Rated on the Following Criteria:
Technical Approach (40% of Rating)
- Technology Development Prototype displayed viable and feasible test results in a cost effective solution to resolve the problem statement.
Transition Approach (25% of Rating)
- Participant(s) provide a clear path forward to transitioning the prototype to pre-production level fielded system and is able to adequately communicate it with clarity to the panel. Participant(s) shows a knowledge of potential roadblocks and can provide suggestions resolutions. Will also take into consideration how much of the design will be granted government purpose rights.
Team Background and Capabilities (25% of Rating)
- Participant(s) proposed can provide a clear plan of action to move Technology Development Prototype into production..
Demonstrated Level of Innovation (10% of Rating)
- Uniqueness or novel prototype that differs from current applications or common solutions.
If multiple technologies of similar type or category are submitted, the review panel may choose the most advantageous solution(s) within each type or category to continue competing in the prize challenge. The Government selection may be based on the highest scored participant solution that has the most innovative concept or unique capabilities for each type or category. In doing so, the Government may, at its discretion, select a participant that scored lower points than an unselected participant of a different type or category. The Prize Selection Decision will be a subjective evaluation of all entries for each phase at completion of this challenge.
Entries for Phase I must be submitted via email to Marissa Wagler at [email protected] by 02:00 Eastern Time on 07 May 2020 02:00 PM ET. Submissions received after the deadline may not be considered.
Submissions shall reference both the challenge name and participant name in the subject line in the following format:
Lithium_Battery_Man_Portable_Hazard_Containment_Challenge_FirstName_LastName Phase I Submission
Submissions including attachments shall use the following filename convention:
Example: CompanyName_concept.pdf, FirstName_LastName_schematic.pdf
For technical and challenge related questions, please send an email to [email protected] with “Lithium Battery Man Portable Hazard Containment Challenge_Questions” in the subject line. The deadline for prize challenge question submission is 2:00 PM Eastern Time on 30 April 2020 02:00 PM ET. After this date and time, the Government may not respond to questions received.
The Government will post all questions and responses on the Beta SAM website (https://beta.sam.gov).
Contestants should expect that their questions and the Government’s responses will be made available to all those accessing the https://beta.sam.gov.
NSWC-CR reserves the right to cancel, suspend, and/or modify the challenge, or any part of it, if any fraud, technical failures, or any other factor beyond NSWC-CR’s reasonable control impairs the integrity or proper functioning of the challenge, as determined by NSWC-CR in its sole discretion. NSWC-CR is not responsible for, nor is it required to accept, incomplete, late, misdirected, damaged, unlawful, or illicit submissions.