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CLI Arguments

M. H. Golkar edited this page Jan 23, 2025 · 4 revisions

Arrow executable accepts following command-line arguments:

  • --manual

    Shows a brief manual similar to this document.

  • --config-dir

    Arrow keeps user preferences in a file named .arrow.config. It is auto-generated and looked for in res:// or user:// directory, depending on a few factors such as file access permission.

    This argument can change where Arrow prioritizes to save or load a configuration file, for example:

    $ Arrow --config-dir '/home/USER/.config/'

    Absolute paths and Godot relative paths (starting with res:// or user://) are valid and supported.

    Arrow will create a default config file if it does not exist, but will not create the directory. Arrow uses default (hardcoded) configurations, if no config file is found or could be created.

    Arrow config file's format and name has changed in different major releases. Trying to re-cycle a configuration file created by older generations (e.g. renaming a v2.x config.arrow to a v3.x .arrow.config) will cause unexpected behavior.

  • --sandbox

    The editor runs with default configurations in sandbox mode, and no .arrow.config file will be generated automatically.

  • --work-dir

    Arrow's convention is to consider each work directory a project divided to multiple .arrow chapter documents. In other words Arrow editor only uses one particular directory at a time to save and reload .arrow files. By default the directory is user://; but it can be changed from preferences panel or using this argument.

    $ Arrow --work-dir '/home/USER/my_arrow_adventures'

    Absolute paths and Godot relative paths (starting with res:// or user://) are valid.

    Arrow will not create the directory if it doesn't exist.

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