Instructions Compatibility: v1
The following instructions apply to systems set up under v1 of my installation instructions. v1 instructions were written for Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. Systems installed before July 19, 2022 were likely set up using v1 instructions. Instructions for v2 installations are available here.
These instructions are only directly applicable if you followed a pre-July 19, 2022 version of my instructions to set up a Prysm/Geth staking system. If you are configuring a new mainnet, merge-ready staking system from scratch, please use the current version of my full staking instructions and not these merge update instructions. File locations, configuration locations, and service names may not match between the older versions of my instructions and the newer merge versions.
The following changes are required to prepare Prysm/Geth for the merge:
- Create a Shared Secret File for Prysm and Geth
- After the merge, Prysm and Geth will use a secret to authenticate each other.
- Update Geth Command Line Arguments
- Add
to define the hosts allowed to connect - Add
to define the location of the secret
- Add
- Update Prysm Configuration
- Add
to Prysm Beacon Chain configuration to provide a fallback address to which fees/tips should be sent. - Add
to Prysm Beacon Chain configuration to define the location of the secret - Replace
and port 8545 with port 8551 in the Prysm Beacon Chain configuration. - Add
to Prysm Validator configuration to provide an address to which fees/tips should be sent.
- Add
- Update and Restart Services
- Monitor Clients for Additional Updates Prior to the Merge
- Keep Geth and Prysm updated to the latest official releases
After the merge, Consensus Layer and Execution Layer clients will authenticate with one another using a shared secret.
First, we create a new user group called ethereum
. We are going to add the geth
and beacon
user accounts as members of the ethereum
sudo groupadd ethereum
sudo usermod -a -G ethereum beacon
sudo usermod -a -G ethereum geth
Next, we will create a folder in which we will put the secret.
sudo mkdir -p /srv/ethereum/secrets
Then we make the the ethereum and secrets directories owned by the ethereum group with permissions to only be read by root or members of the ethereum group.
sudo chgrp -R ethereum /srv/ethereum/ /srv/ethereum/secrets
sudo chmod 750 /srv/ethereum /srv/ethereum/secrets
Now create a secret.
sudo openssl rand -hex -out /srv/ethereum/secrets/jwtsecret 32
Change the jwtsecret
file so that it owned by the ethereum group with permissions to only be read by root or members of the ethereum group.
sudo chown root:ethereum /srv/ethereum/secrets/jwtsecret
sudo chmod 640 /srv/ethereum/secrets/jwtsecret
Edit the Geth serviced file and add --authrpc.jwtsecret=/srv/ethereum/secrets/jwtsecret --authrpc.vhosts="*"
to the command line arguments for Geth.
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/geth.service
Add --authrpc.jwtsecret=/srv/ethereum/secrets/jwtsecret --authrpc.vhosts="*"
to the end of the ExecStart
line. Afterward, your ExecStart
line might look like the following
ExecStart=/usr/bin/geth --http --http.addr --authrpc.jwtsecret=/srv/ethereum/secrets/jwtsecret --authrpc.vhosts="*"
- The
value can be modified to suit your security needs.
Edit the Prysm Beacon configuration file...
sudo nano /home/beacon/prysm-beacon.yaml
...and add the following lines...
jwt-secret: "/srv/ethereum/secrets/jwtsecret"
execution-endpoint: ""
- Replace
with an Ethereum address at which you will receive tips/fees.
Remove the following line, because http-web3provider
has been replaced with execution-endpoint
inserted above, and port 8545 has been replaced with port 8551.
http-web3provider: ""
Edit the Prysm Validator configuration file...
sudo nano /home/validator/prysm-validator.yaml
...and add the following line...
- Replace
with an Ethereum address at which you will receive tips/fees.
Your Prysm installation should update on its own after restarting using the following commands. Review logs for errors.
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart beacon-chain ; sudo journalctl -fu beacon-chain
sudo systemctl restart validator ; sudo journalctl -fu validator
To update Geth:
sudo apt-get update
sudo systemctl stop geth
sudo apt-get upgrade ethereum
sudo systemctl start geth
Monitor Geth logs for errors and warnings:
sudo journalctl -fu geth
If you have completed all of these steps, you should be merge-ready!
Please keep up to date on Geth and Prysm releases prior to the merge in case there are any bug releases. Use the following commands to update software as needed.
To update Geth:
sudo apt-get update
sudo systemctl stop geth
sudo apt-get upgrade ethereum
sudo systemctl start geth
Monitor Geth logs for errors and warnings:
sudo journalctl -fu geth
To update Prysm and view the logs:
sudo systemctl restart beacon-chain ; sudo journalctl -fu beacon-chain
sudo systemctl restart validator ; sudo journalctl -fu validator
Restart the Prysm beacon and monitor logs for any trouble connecting to Geth.