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Analyzers, Tokenizers, and Filters

The first step in creating an index over any sort of text data is the "tokenization" process. At a high level, this simply means converting your individual text documents into sparse vectors of counts of terms---these sparse vectors are then typically consumed by an indexer to output an inverted_index over your corpus.

MeTA structures this text analysis process into several layers in order to give you as much power and control over the way your text is analyzed as possible. The important components are

  • analyzers, which take documents from the corpus and convert their content into sparse vectors of counts;
  • tokenizers, which take a document's content and split it into a stream of tokens; and
  • filters, which take a stream of tokens, perform operations on them (like stemming, filtering, and other mutations), and also produce a stream of tokens.

An analyzer, in most cases, will take a "filter chain" that is used to generate the final tokens for its tokenization process: the filter chains are always defined as a specific tokenizer class followed by a sequence of 0 or more filter classes, each of which reads from the previous class's output. For example, here is a simple filter chain that lowercases all tokens and only keeps tokens with a certain length:

icu_tokenizer -> lowercase_filter -> length_filter

Using the Default Filter Chain

MeTA defines a "sane default" filter chain that you are encouraged to use for general text analysis in the absence of any specific requirements. To use it, you should specify the following in your configuration file:

{% highlight toml %} [[analyzers]] method = "ngram-word" ngram = 1 filter = "default-unigram-chain" {% endhighlight %}

This configures your text analysis process to consider unigrams of words generated by running each of your documents through the default filter chain. This filter chain should work well for most languages, as all of its operations (including but not limited to tokenization and sentence boundary detection) are defined in terms of the Unicode standard wherever possible.

To consider both unigrams and bigrams, your configuration file should look like the following:

{% highlight toml %} [[analyzers]] method = "ngram-word" ngram = 1 filter = "default-unigram-chain"

[[analyzers]] method = "ngram-word" ngram = 2 filter = "default-chain" {% endhighlight %}

Each [[analyzers]] block defines a single analyzer and its corresponding filter chain: you can use as many as you would like---the tokens generated by each analyzer you specified will be counted and placed in a single sparse vector of counts. This is useful for combining multiple different kinds of features together into your document representation. For example, the following configuration would combine unigram words, bigram part-of-speech tags, tree skeleton features, and subtree features.

{% highlight toml %} [[analyzers]] method = "ngram-word" ngram = 1 filter = "default-unigram-chain"

[[analyzers]] method = "ngram-pos" ngram = 2 filter = [{type = "icu-tokenizer"}, {type = "ptb-normalizer"}] crf-prefix = "path/to/crf/model"

[[analyzers]] method = "tree" filter = [{type = "icu-tokenizer"}, {type = "ptb-normalizer"}] features = ["skel", "subtree"] tagger = "path/to/greedy-tagger/model" parser = "path/to/sr-parser/model" {% endhighlight %}

The path to the models in the tree and ngram-pos analyzers is wherever you put the files downloaded from the current release.

Getting Creative: Specifying Your Own Filter Chain

If your application requires specific text analysis operations, you can specify directly what your filter chain should look like by modifying your configuration file. Instead of filter being a string parameter as above, we will change filter to look very much like the [[analyzers]] blocks: each analyzer will have a series of [[analyzers.filter]] blocks, each of which defines a step in the filter chain. All filter chains must start with a tokenizer. Here is an example filter chain for unigram words like the one at the beginning of this tutorial:

{% highlight toml %} [[analyzers]] method = "ngram-word" ngram = 1 [[analyzers.filter]] type = "icu-tokenizer"

type = "lowercase"

type = "length"
min = 2
max = 35

{% endhighlight %}

MeTA provides many different classes to support building filter chains. Please look at the API documentation for more information. In particular, the analyzers::tokenizers namespace and the analyzers::filters namespace should give you a good idea of the capabilities---the static public attribute id for a given class is the string you need to use for the "type" in the configuration file.

Extending MeTA With Your Own Filters

In certain situations, you may want to do more complex text analysis by defining your own components to plug into the filter chain. To do this, you should first determine what kind of component you want to add.

  • Add an analyzer if you want to define an entirely new kind of token (e.g., tree features).
  • Add a tokenizer if you want to change the way that tokens are generated directly using the document's plain-text content.
  • Add a filter if you want to mutate, remove, or inject tokens into an existing stream of tokens.

Adding an Analyzer

To define your own analyzer is to specify your own mechanism for document tokenization entirely. This is typically done in cases where analyzing the text of a document directly is not sufficient (or not meaningful). A good example of the need for a new analyzer is the existing tree_analyzer, which tokenizes documents based on counts of parse tree features.

Adding your own analyzer is relatively straightforward: you should subclass from analyzer to start. There is one slight caveat, however: analyzers are required to be clonable by the internal implementation. This is easily solved by adapting your subclassing specification from

{% highlight cpp %} class my_analyzer : public meta::analyzers::analyzer { /* things */ }; {% endhighlight %}


{% highlight cpp %} class my_analyzer : public meta::util::clonable<meta::analyzers::analyzer, my_analyzer> { /* things */ }; {% endhighlight %}

and providing a valid copy constructor. The polymorphic cloning facility is taken care of by the base analyzer combined with the util::clonable mixin.

Most of the work will take place in the tokenize(const corpus::document&, featurizer&) function, which is responsible for taking the content of the document and inserting feature identifiers and their values into the featurizer given. Feature identifiers are unique strings, and you should interact with the featurizer instance by using its operator() (see the Doxygen for featurizer).

Your analyzer object will be a thread-local instance during indexing, so be aware that member variables are not shared across threads, and that access to any static member variables should be properly synchronized. We strongly encourage state-less analyzers (that is, analyzers that are capable of operating on a single document at a time without keeping context information).

To be able to use your analyzer by specifying it in a configuration file, it must be registered with the toolkit. You can do this by calling the following function in main() somewhere before you create your index:

{% highlight cpp %} meta::analyzers::register_analyzer<my_analyzer>(); {% endhighlight %}

The class my_analyzer should also have a static util::string_view member id that specifies the string that should be used to identify that analyzer to the factory---this id must be unique.

If you require special construction behavior (beyond default construction), you should specialize the make_analyzer() function for your specific analyzer class to extract additional information from the configuration file: that specialization would look something like this:

{% highlight cpp %} namespace meta { namespace analyzers { template <> std::unique_ptr make_analyzer<my_analyzer>(const cpptoml::table& global, const cpptoml::table& local); } } {% endhighlight %}

The first parameter to make_analyzer() is the configuration group for the entire configuration file, and the second parameter is the local configuration group for your analyzer block. Generally, you will only use the local configuration group unless you need to read some global paths from the main configuration file.

Adding a Tokenizer

To define your own tokenizer is to specify a new mechanism for initially separating the textual content of a document into a series of discrete "tokens". These tokens may be modified later via filters (they may be split, removed, or otherwise modified), but a tokenizer's job is to do this initial separation work. Creating a new tokenizer should be a relatively rare occurrence, as the existing icu_tokenizer should perform well for most languages due to its adherence to the Unicode standard (and its related annexes).

Adding your own tokenizer is very similar to adding an analyzer: you need to subclass token_stream now, and the same clonable caveat remains, so your declaration should look something like this:

{% highlight cpp %} class my_tokenizer : public meta::util::clonable<token_stream, my_tokenizer> { /* things */ }; {% endhighlight %}

Remember to provide a valid copy constructor!

Your tokenizer class should implement the virtual methods of the token_stream class.

  • next() obtains the next token in the sequence
  • set_content() changes the underlying content being tokenized
  • operator bool() determines if there are more tokens left in your token stream

To be able to use your tokenizer by specifying it in a configuration file, it must be registered with the factory. You can do this by calling the following function in main() somewhere before you create your index:

{% highlight cpp %} meta::analyzers::register_tokenizer<my_tokenizer>(); {% endhighlight %}

The class my_tokenizer should also have a static member id that specifies the string to be used to identify that tokenizer to the factory---this id must be unique.

If you require special construction behavior (beyond default construction), you may specialize the make_tokenizer() function for your specific tokenizer class to extract additional information from the configuration file: that specialization would look something like this:

{% highlight cpp %} namespace meta { namespace analyzers { namespace tokenizers { template <> std::unique_ptr<token_stream> make_tokenizer<my_tokenizer>(const cpptoml::table& config); } } } {% endhighlight %}

The configuration group passed to this function is the configuration block for your tokenizer.

Adding a Filter

To add a filter is to specify a new mechanism for transforming existing token streams after they have been created from a document. This should be the most common occurrence, as it's also the most general and encompasses things like lexical analysis, filtering, stop word removal, stemming, and so on.

Creating a new filter is nearly identical to creating a new tokenizer class: you will subclass token_stream (using the util::clonable mixin) and implement the virtual functions of token_stream. The major difference is that a filter class's constructor takes as its first parameter the token_stream to read from (this is passed as a std::unique_ptr<token_stream> to signify that your filter class should take ownership of that source).

Registration of a new filter class is done as follows:

{% highlight cpp %} meta::analyzers::filters::register_filter<my_filter>(); {% endhighlight %}

And the following is the specialization of the make_tokenizer() function that would be required if you need special construction behavior:

{% highlight cpp %} namespace meta { namespace analyzers { namespace filters { template <> std::unique_ptr<token_stream> make_fitler<my_filter>(std::unique_ptr<token_stream> source, const cpptoml::table& config); } } } {% endhighlight %}