Label | Address | Notes |
Mento Deployer | 0x56fD3F2bEE130e9867942D0F463a16fBE49B8d81 | Used for contract creation on all environments |
Mento Reserve Spender | 0x87647780180B8f55980C7D3fFeFe08a9B29e9aE1 | Used with the Reserve to move funds between reserve adresses |
{% tabs %} {% tab title="Celo Mainnet" %}
{% endtab %}
{% tab title="Alfajores" %}
*Bridged USDC/EUROC are Mock ERC20 tokens that we use on testnets as a surrogate for the bridged USDC/EUROC that will be used in pools Celo Mainnet.
*MockNativeUSDT is a Mock ERC20 token that we use on testnets as a surrogate for the USDT that will be used in pools {% endtab %}
{% tab title="Baklava" %}
*Bridged USDC/EUROC are Mock ERC20 tokens that we use on testnets as a surrogate for the bridged USDC/EUROC that will be used in pools Celo Mainnet.
*mockNative USDC/USDT are Mock ERC20 tokens that we use on Baklava as a surrogate for the native USDC/USDT tokens. {% endtab %} {% endtabs %}
You can use our verification flow to check the addresses listed above.