Releases: megel/powerapps-helper
Releases · megel/powerapps-helper
- Improved tooltips for tree nodes.
- Improved usability, when updating OAuth settings.
- New setting, which allows to specify Custom Connector authentication settings for environments.
- Solution import asks now for update OAuth settings for all Custom Connectors of the solution.
- Command "Update OAuth Settings" is now available for a solution to update all Custom Connectors (OAuth) of the solution. This makes a solution import much more comfortable.
- Command "Publish Customizations" call now the Crm action
- Fix: Wrong cached client secret was used, when the client id changed during input of Update OAuth Settings
- Refresh clear now the cached information
- Solution Import allows now to specify the import version
- Solution Import allows now to specify the import type: managed or unmanaged
- Binaries of PowerApps-Language-Tooling are now included in extension.
v0.3.2: fix(PASopa.exe not found):
- Documentation regarding dependency of PowerApps-Language-Tooling improved.
- Error message added, when PowerApps-Language-Tooling
cannot be found.
v0.3.0: publish workflow changed
- Solution Management added
- New source folder structure, based on a unpacked solution.
- View PowerApps changed into "Power Apps Environments" with nodes for:
- "Solutions" contains the Crm solutions of related environment.
- "Canvas Apps" contains Canvas Apps included in related solution
- "Flows" contains modern Workflows included in related solution
- "Connectors" contains Connectors included in related solution
- "Canvas Apps" contains all Crm Canvas Apps of the environment
- "Flows" contains all Crm modern Workflows of the environment
- "Connectors" contains all Connectors of the environment
- "Power Apps" from Power Apps for Makers of the environment. Note: These Power Apps are not part of solutions or Crm.
- "Power Apps APIs" from Power Apps for Admins of the environment. Note: These are your Custom APIs from related Power Apps environment.
- "Solutions" contains the Crm solutions of related environment.
- New and changed commands:
- New command "Download and Unpack Solution", which download and extract the solution into "source folder"
- New command "Pack Solution", which creates a Solution-Zip ready for import in the "output folder"
- New command "Pack and Upload Solution", which import the solution into a Crm Environment
- Command "Download and Unpack Power App" extract the Downloaded App in the folder