Source Code:
Raw Data API
is a set of high-performant APIs for transforming and exporting OpenStreetMap (OSM) data in different GIS file formats.
Fast: Built on top of FastAPI
OAUTH 2.0 Authentication with OpenStreetMap(OSM)
Multiple GIS formats support via GDAL's ogr2ogr - see table below for currently supported formats. Out of which , GeoJSON Follows Own Raw Data API conversion script
Formats Status Esri Shapefile ✔️ KML ✔️ Mbtiles ✔️ FlatGeoBuf ✔️ CSV ✔️ GeoPackage ✔️ PGDUMP ✔️ GeoJSON ✔️
To setup Backend Follow Backend_Installation
Raw Data API can be installed through docker
or locally on your computer.
- To install with docker see docker installation.
- To install locally, continue below.
NOTE: The installation guide below is only tested to work on Ubuntu, we recommend using docker for other operating systems.
- Install GDAL on your computer using the command below:
sudo apt-get update && \
sudo apt-get -y install gdal-bin python3-gdal && \
sudo apt-get -y autoremove && \
sudo apt-get clean
- Install redis on your computer using the command below:
sudo apt-get -y install redis
sudo apt-get -y install redis-tools # For client
- Confirm Redis Installation
Type ping
it should return pong
If redis is not running check out its documentation
- Clone the Raw Data API repository on your computer
git clone
- Navigate to the repository directory
cd raw-data-api
- Install the python dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
Setup the necessary configurations for Raw Data API from configurations.
Setup config.txt in project root.
uvicorn API.main:app --reload
You should be able to start celery worker by running following command on different shell
celery --app API.api_worker worker --loglevel=INFO
Raw Data API uses flower for monitoring the Celery distributed queue. Run this command on a different shell , if you are running redis on same machine your broker could be redis://localhost:6379//
celery --broker=redis://redis:6379// --app API.api_worker flower --port=5000
After sucessfully starting the server, visit on your browser to view the API docs.
Flower dashboard should be available on port 5000
on your localhost.
Confirm that Authetication works
- Hit the
endpoint - Hit the
returned on the response - You will get an
- You can use the
in all endpoints that requires authentication. - To check token pass token in /auth/me/. It should return your OpenStreetMap (OSM) profile
- Hit the
Try extracting some data:
You can use the
endpoint with the following input to check both authentication, database connection and download the export:
curl -d '{"geometry":{"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[83.96919250488281,28.194446860487773],[83.99751663208006,28.194446860487773], [83.99751663208006,28.214869548073377],[83.96919250488281,28.214869548073377],[83.96919250488281,28.194446860487773]]]}}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
- Raw Data API uses pytest for tests, navigate to the root directory and install package in editable mode:
pip install -e .
- At this point you should have PostgreSQL + PostGIS extension enabled on your computer, now run Pytest:
py.test -v -s
- Running individual tests
py.test -k test function name