Releases: mdolab/dafoam
- Added a flag (ENV: DAFOAM_NO_WARNINGS) to suppress warnings such that one can see build error on the screen (no need to use
to redirect the errors/warnings) e043da9 - Printed the objective function when solving the adjoint equation d72aef6
- Added a new objective function (propeller power) 81bb716
- Improved the code coverage
- Allowed using the actuator thrust as the design variable 7d32447
- Increased the default adjPCLag to 1000 0cdfcf1
- Improved the field inversion interface 8c7d091
Dependency update
- Updated the pyGeo version to 1.12.2
Backward-incompatible changes
- One needs to update the FFD file interface for all v3 The old
argument is deprecated, and one needs to use a more general argumentfile
and prescribe the DVGeotype
, e.g.,OM_DVGEOCOMP(file="FFD/", type="ffd")
This release added a few new features and fixed bugs.
- Coupled propeller movement in aerostructral cases fc34405
- Fixed the adjPCLag option f73b8da
- Updated field inversion functionality 8fc11d8
- Added Tensor flow C API fa1e928
- Changed the getForces function's default to designSurfaceFamily instead of allWallsFamily 8bc5696
- Fixed the Codecov badge issue 3222738
Dependency updates
- Updated the dependency versions for pyGeo, mphys, openmdao, tacs, and funtofem. Use the latest installation guide from here
Backward-incompatible changes
This major release integrated DAFoam and OpenMDAO for multidisciplinary design optimization through the Mphys interface.
- Developed an interface (mphys/ to Mphys and OpenMDAO for multidisciplinary design optimization. (6d24104)
- Update the dependencies' version. Check the new installation guide from here
- Add a findFeasibleDesign function to find the initial design variables to produce a feasible design before the optimization. This is an extension of the solveCL function and can handle more than one design variable and constraint (1889f5f)
- Fixed a bug in the mesh quality function. Now we can do optimization with a mesh quality constraint to avoid having poor mesh quality during the optimization. (995a580)
- Made the setOption more flexible in setting dicts. Now we can set the value in a dict one wants to update using the setOption function, without the need to use the entire dict. (995a580)
- Added an option to run low order primal for computing the Krylov solver preconditioner. (6d83cf6)
This release added new features and fixes bugs.
- Added aerostructure optimization features, e.g., getForces, add structDisp. c6c328e 8127c87
- Added a new objective function to compute center of pressure. f97dcbd
- Added unsteady FSI solver pimpleDymFoam. Only work for analysis. cda4e29
- Added the FI capability. df56b67
- Added a feature to output minor iterations for debugging. 5ada9f7
- Added a feature to running multiple cases independently. c3f6198
- Added the capability to use MRF speed as design variables e49c736 and changing viscosity during simulations. b8595db
- Added fvOptions back to a few solvers (not fully tested). d94d83f
- Fixed an issue in DAOption such that it will not destroy its data when updating values. 17d5ff1
This release improved the performance and upgraded the dependencies.
- Added the support for Ubuntu 20.04 and Python 3.7
- Used the reverse-mode AD as the default. Adjoint is now machine precision accurate in parallel. Refer to a recent update in OpenFOAM-v1812-AD
- Fixed the regression tests such that they are more compatible for various platforms.
- Fixed a bug in global indexing with field derivative and meshWaveFrozen Make files e63aa44
This release re-organized the code structure, added new features, and fixed bugs
Enabled the forward mode AD for verifying adjoint derivative accuracy #154
Re-organized the libraries structures such that we can easily switch between the forward and reverse mode libraries in Python 9df421e
Changed the way OpenFOAM-v1812-AD is built. Now the reverse mode AD version of OpenFOAM is called OpenFOAM-v1812-ADR, and the forward mode is called OpenFOAM-v1812-ADF.
Enabled functionObject library such that we can use the OpenFOAM's built-in functions in controlDict, e.g., computed averaged field, sampling the time series 9344cdf
Added a few postProcessing utilities 95dceca
Added the mesh quality metrics as the objective function such that we can constrain them during optimization abfbc0a
Added an option to ignore incorrectly oriented mesh faces during mesh check 7279bfc
This release fixed bugs and added new features.
Fixed bugs for the actuatorDisk and actuatorLine models. db39fc4 3cb219d
Added a few transient solvers, i.e., DAPimpleFoam, DALaplacianFoam, and DAScalarTransportFoam
Enabled the JacobianFree option for the hybrid adjoint
Implemented the time accurate adjoint, but the derivatives were not accurate yet
Fixed the missing ddtCorr term for DAPisoFoam 916d7f7
Change the DAOption interfaces for hybrid and time accurate adjoints
Fixed a minor issue for the mean-field computation for unsteady solvers abe1afa
Relaxed the tolerance for regression tests 1eff9ad
Renamed objFuncHist.txt to objFuncTimeSeries.txt 672f8bf
This release contains the following bug fixes and new features:
Added a new objective function variableVolSum 256ecd3
Added an option to dynamically adjust the actuatorDisk thrust during flow simulations d490303
Added an option to write sensitivity maps during optimization c1c3ea1
Added an option to write deformed FFDs during optimization 24cce9c
Added Python scripts to transform STL and Plot3D files 25dc418 0c4812c
Added the alphaPorosity term for DASimpleTFoam 9b0f251
This release contains the following bug fixes and new features:
Implemented the AD calculation for ACT (da004e5), AOA (203496b), and BC (37ee24f) derivatives.
Changed the solveCL function in (1cdcbe8). Now, solveCL can be automatically run before optimization (DAFoam/tutorials@7a15199).
Exposed more functions from the DASolver class such that it can be called externally.
Added a feature to write the design variables to a JSON file during optimization (c5e213b)
Added a Python script ( to scale plot3D files (28a53dc)
Fixed an issue that the wallHeatFlux variable was not written to disk (0b6fffd)