Attendees: Brian (@bsmth), Vadim (@pepelsbey), Dipika (@dipikabh), Anuja (@AnujaRajput727), Florian D (@fiji-flo), Konstantina (@couci), Florian S (@Elchi3), Jean-Yves (@teoli2003), Chris (@chrisdavidmills), Onkar (@OnkarRuikar), Owen, Christine (@CBID2)
Host: Brian (@bsmth)
Taking notes: Dipika (@dipikabh)
(Brian) Welcome, let's wait for everyone to join in. As a reminder, please use the Zoom chat or raise your hand to ask any questions.
- We have a position open for an Open Source Community Manager. It is an exciting role. Please share with your networks.
- There's a new post on the MDN Blog about technical writing by Dipika.
- Ruth is organizing a content workshop for sometime in March, where we'll assess the Learn area and related docs. This exercise will also be important after the introduction of the MDN Curriculum.
- The MDN Curriculum is ready for launch tomorrow, February 27th.
- For those who haven't heard, it will serve as a canonical blueprint to base courses on, a roadmap for learners, and a guide to design certifications.
- (Sharing screen to show a pre-launch preview) A walthrough of the three modules: Getting started, Core, and Extensions.
- Anuja has done a fabulous job with the design work for the MDN Curriculum.
- The MDN Curriculum is launching tomorrow and there'll be a blog post from Hermina as well.
- Let us know if you have any questions when you start using the MDN Curriculum.
- The blog post will link to the curriculum repository where folks will be able to give feedback.
Question from Brian: Is there any guidance or expectation on how much time a learner would take when proceeding from one module to the next? Chris: We had considered this aspect but timing ideas are vague and very subjective. The circumstances and backgrounds of learners are pretty varied. We decided not to include any time guidance for now but based on feedback, we could consider it in the future.
- Most of the folks in this call are already aware but for the benefit of those new to the project, I'd like to provide a brief overview of how you can contribute to MDN, where to look for docs, and how to chat with us or ask for help.
Contributing to MDN
What's MDN Web Docs? 12,000 pages (as of 2024) Web platform docs: HTML, CSS, JS, Web APIs
Mozilla content people writing docs and reviewing: Dipika Bhattacharya (@dipikabh) Brian Smith (@bsmth) Vadim Makeev (@pepelsbey) Ruth John (@rumyra)
We also work with: Dave Letorey (@dletorey) Hamish Willee (@hamishwillee) Vinyl Da.i'gyu-Kazotetsu (@queengooborg)
MDN Engineering: Claas Augner (@caugner) Leo McArdle (@leomca) Andi Pieper (@argl) Florian Dieminger (@fijiflo)
MDN Product who work on MDN Plus and other features: Anuja Rajput (UX) Miruna Curtean (QA) Sonal Sood (Product Manager) Hermina Condei (Director)
Open Web Docs also adding / reviewing content: Estelle Weyl (@estelle) Will Bamberg (@wbamberg) Florian Scholz (@elchi3) Jean-Yves Perrier (@teoli2003) Also featuring! Vinyl Da.i'gyu-Kazotetsu (@queengooborg)
We live on GitHub. MDN used to be maintained as a wiki and was always accepting > contributions, but was a little hidden. Moved to GitHub in 2020 and since then, mdn/content top 30 projects on > GitHub (last time we checked). Almost 21,500 commits to mdn/content main branch, and 12,000 pages > means 12,000 markdown files.
We work on:
- Firefox release notes & related doc updates, projects like > documenting features in Interop23
- reviewing pull requests, triaging issues (needs triage label)
- Org maintenance
- Automation / CI / dependencies
- Blog
OSS maintainance: 400 PRs per month in content repo In the last 2 weeks, there's been 2,700 clones per week (CI?) 10,000 unique repo visitors - mdn/content
(Where the code lives, an overview of our repositories.)
Looking for something to work on? Check existing issues, they're usually labeled per technology category. Good first issue / accepting PR are great. Ask us about larger work in one of our communications channels (GitHub > Discussions / Discord) Talk to us!
Getting started:
- Look for Things that are the same for all repos:
- Git and GitHub setup is same for all repos
- Opening a pull request For hints on this, the MDN contribution docs are thorough with > guidance on incorporating feedback from reviews. Check results of tests, there are automated suggestions to fix issues. Please look at the open source etiquette guide. Stuck --> Talk to us!
Good PRs:
- Add a description for the PR (fill out the template)
- Add "Fixes #123" if you fix an issue
- Link related PRs, Examples / similar changes
- incorporate feedback during review
- Have kind communication, also when there are disagreements.
Get in touch in our communication channels. On Discord or Matrix -> say hello, talk about your work, ask for help > getting your changes live. GitHub Discussions -> something needs decision or further… discussion Sensitive communications? [email protected]
More resources at