diff --git a/code/modules/atmospherics/machinery/datum_pipeline.dm b/code/modules/atmospherics/machinery/datum_pipeline.dm index 5cc51832562c..1df193e72a0e 100644 --- a/code/modules/atmospherics/machinery/datum_pipeline.dm +++ b/code/modules/atmospherics/machinery/datum_pipeline.dm @@ -1,6 +1,3 @@ -/// BLUEMOON ADDED. Uncomment when "smth has one or more null gas mixtures" shit appears -#define ATMOS_DEBUG_MIXTURES 1 - /datum/pipeline var/datum/gas_mixture/air var/list/datum/gas_mixture/other_airs @@ -207,27 +204,9 @@ /datum/pipeline/proc/return_air() . = other_airs + air -// BLUEMOON EDIT START - additional debug info -#ifdef ATMOS_DEBUG_MIXTURES - if(null in .) - listclearnulls(.) - var/debug_info = "Members: " - for(var/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/member in members) - debug_info += "[member.name]([REF(member)]), " - debug_info += " || Other Atmos Machinery: " - for(var/obj/machinery/atmospherics/components/atmosmch in other_atmosmch) - debug_info += "[atmosmch.name]([REF(atmosmch)]), " - if(null in other_airs) - debug_info += "|| NULL WAS IN OTHER_AIRS " - if(null in air) - debug_info += "|| NULL WAS IN AIR" - stack_trace("[src]([REF(src)]) has one or more null gas mixtures, which may cause bugs. Null mixtures will not be considered in reconcile_air(). | DEBUG INFO: [debug_info]") -#else if(null in .) listclearnulls(.) - stack_trace("[src]([REF(src)]) has one or more null gas mixtures, which may cause bugs. Null mixtures will not be considered in reconcile_air(). | Enable ATMOS_DEBUG_MIXTURES in code/modules/atmospherics/machinery/datum_pipeline.dm if more debug info is required.") -#endif -// BLUEMOON EDIT END + stack_trace("[src]([REF(src)]) has one or more null gas mixtures, which may cause bugs. Null mixtures will not be considered in reconcile_air().") /datum/pipeline/proc/empty() for(var/datum/gas_mixture/GM in get_all_connected_airs())