Progress tracker for the project. Helps us understand where we are now and what we are still missing.
To do sometime in the future:
- Start implementing the actual PageRank algorithm (mathematically and programmatically)
- Start deploying this thing and exposing it to the outside world
- Think of security mechanisms that are going to have to be in place for us to deploy this safely
- Clean everything up, add some documentation
Research Elasticsearch (huh) and figure out the schema, the queries we will have to send both from the crawling and from the backend sides.
Look into whether we can transfer HTML parsing to Elasticsearch from crawlers.
Figure out a smart system of giving out the URLs to the crawling workers, custom round-robin algorithms and error re-attempts.
See what we can do right now to improve our later cloud deployment (devopsy things)
Implement proper pagination for the backend.
Look into better full text parsing for Rust crawlers.
Implement the main functionality of the website backend in Rust (the main page, error handling, user query handling)
Transfer the python crawler to a multiprocessor architecture.
Start laying out the final architecture of the project - the way all these systems are going to interact with each other.
Implement repeated attempts policy for sites that error out when we try to scrape them. Number of attempts, time between them should be configurable.
Figure out whether we should put our database queries in transactions to maintain data integrity
Think of database schemas and implementation details for a functional PageRank algorithm
Develop a protocol for communication between the backend and the database, which endpoints it should query, whether it's going to be a GET/POST request, etc.
Pick a library for language detection (both for a user's request and webpage's content). We've decided to make a separate module that is going to be used both for the backend and for the crawlers (since both work in Rust and we've found a Rust library for language detection it should be fine!)
Implement the database with the Python and Rust backends for it.
Update crawlers to connect them to the database.
Connect all of the containers into a single docker-compose project.
Figure out how to work with queries in different languages, + Ukrainian language tokenization.
Simple (but parallel) crawlers for structured data. Taking an input file with links and outputting collected structured data in another file. Taking a simple configuration with where to look for the files, how many threads to use, how many websites to crawl etc.
Docker images for crawlers, with minimal dependencies and sizes. Also a simple docker-compose file.
Figure out how to work with the database, does it support our languages (currently English and Ukrainian), which tables and columns we need etc.
A simple frontend prototype. Documented query format from the frontend to the database