diff --git a/README.rdoc b/README.rdoc
index 779cde7..79bc834 100644
--- a/README.rdoc
+++ b/README.rdoc
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ in order to access the functionality.
 === Try it now!
-I am hosting an instance of Neo4j (1.2) at neography.org for you to try out.
+I am hosting an instance of Neo4j (1.3M04) at neography.org for you to try out.
 You can see the administration at: {Neo4j Web Admin}[http://neography.org]
@@ -99,11 +99,15 @@ To Use:
   @neo.create_node_index(name, type, provider)               # creates an index, defaults are "exact" and "lucene"
   @neo.add_node_to_index(index, key, value, node1)           # adds a node to the index with the given key/value pair
   @neo.remove_node_from_index(index, key, value, node1)      # removes a node from the index with the given key/value pair
+  @neo.remove_node_from_index(index, key, node1)             # removes a node from the index with the given key
+  @neo.remove_node_from_index(index, node1)                  # removes a node from the index
   @neo.get_node_index(index, key, value)                     # queries the index with the given key/value pair
   @neo.list_relationship_indexes                             # gives names and query templates for relationship indices
   @neo.create_relationship_index(name, "fulltext", provider) # creates a relationship index with "fulltext" option
   @neo.add_relationship_to_index(index, key, value, rel1)    # adds a relationship to the index with the given key/value pair
   @neo.remove_relationship_from_index(index, key, value, rel1) # removes a relationship from the index with the given key/value pair
+  @neo.remove_relationship_from_index(index, key, rel1)      # removes a relationship from the index with the given key
+  @neo.remove_relationship_from_index(index, rel1)           # removes a relationship from the index
   @neo.get_relationship_index(index, key, value)             # queries the relationship index with the given key/value pair
diff --git a/lib/neography/rest.rb b/lib/neography/rest.rb
index 9048913..3b31b2c 100644
--- a/lib/neography/rest.rb
+++ b/lib/neography/rest.rb
@@ -248,8 +248,12 @@ def add_node_to_index(index, key, value, id)
         post("/index/node/#{index}/#{key}/#{value}", options)
-      def remove_node_from_index(index, key, value, id)
-        delete("/index/node/#{index}/#{key}/#{value}/#{get_id(id)}")
+      def remove_node_from_index(*args)
+        case args.size
+          when 4 then delete("/index/node/#{args[0]}/#{args[1]}/#{args[2]}/#{get_id(args[3])}")
+          when 3 then delete("/index/node/#{args[0]}/#{args[1]}/#{get_id(args[2])}")
+          when 2 then delete("/index/node/#{args[0]}/#{get_id(args[1])}")
+        end
       def get_node_index(index, key, value)
@@ -277,8 +281,12 @@ def add_relationship_to_index(index, key, value, id)
         post("/index/relationship/#{index}/#{key}/#{value}", options)
-      def remove_relationship_from_index(index, key, value, id)
-        delete("/index/relationship/#{index}/#{key}/#{value}/#{get_id(id)}")
+      def remove_relationship_from_index(*args)
+        case args.size
+          when 4 then delete("/index/relationship/#{args[0]}/#{args[1]}/#{args[2]}/#{get_id(args[3])}")
+          when 3 then delete("/index/relationship/#{args[0]}/#{args[1]}/#{get_id(args[2])}")
+          when 2 then delete("/index/relationship/#{args[0]}/#{get_id(args[1])}")
+        end
       def get_relationship_index(index, key, value)
diff --git a/spec/integration/rest_index_spec.rb b/spec/integration/rest_index_spec.rb
index 4ba24c6..5e8247e 100644
--- a/spec/integration/rest_index_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/integration/rest_index_spec.rb
@@ -102,6 +102,30 @@
       new_index.should be_nil
+    it "can remove a node from an index without supplying value" do
+      new_node = @neo.create_node
+      key = generate_text(6)
+      value = generate_text
+      @neo.add_node_to_index("test_index", key, value, new_node) 
+      new_index = @neo.get_node_index("test_index", key, value) 
+      new_index.should_not be_nil
+      @neo.remove_node_from_index("test_index", key, new_node) 
+      new_index = @neo.get_node_index("test_index", key, value) 
+      new_index.should be_nil
+    end
+    it "can remove a node from an index without supplying key nor value" do
+      new_node = @neo.create_node
+      key = generate_text(6)
+      value = generate_text
+      @neo.add_node_to_index("test_index", key, value, new_node) 
+      new_index = @neo.get_node_index("test_index", key, value) 
+      new_index.should_not be_nil
+      @neo.remove_node_from_index("test_index", new_node) 
+      new_index = @neo.get_node_index("test_index", key, value) 
+      new_index.should be_nil
+    end
     it "can remove a relationshp from an index" do
       new_node1 = @neo.create_node
       new_node2 = @neo.create_node
@@ -115,6 +139,34 @@
       new_index = @neo.get_relationship_index("test_index", key, value) 
       new_index.should be_nil
+    it "can remove a relationshp from an index without supplying value" do
+      new_node1 = @neo.create_node
+      new_node2 = @neo.create_node
+      new_relationship = @neo.create_relationship("friends", new_node1, new_node2)
+      key = generate_text(6)
+      value = generate_text
+      @neo.add_relationship_to_index("test_index", key, value, new_relationship) 
+      new_index = @neo.get_relationship_index("test_index", key, value) 
+      new_index.should_not be_nil
+      @neo.remove_relationship_from_index("test_index", key, new_relationship) 
+      new_index = @neo.get_relationship_index("test_index", key, value) 
+      new_index.should be_nil
+    end
+    it "can remove a relationshp from an index without supplying key nor value" do
+      new_node1 = @neo.create_node
+      new_node2 = @neo.create_node
+      new_relationship = @neo.create_relationship("friends", new_node1, new_node2)
+      key = generate_text(6)
+      value = generate_text
+      @neo.add_relationship_to_index("test_index", key, value, new_relationship) 
+      new_index = @neo.get_relationship_index("test_index", key, value) 
+      new_index.should_not be_nil
+      @neo.remove_relationship_from_index("test_index", new_relationship) 
+      new_index = @neo.get_relationship_index("test_index", key, value) 
+      new_index.should be_nil
+    end
   describe "get index" do