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The original Colour Maximite is a small and versatile single chip computer running a full featured BASIC interpreter with 128K of working memory and eight colours on a VGA monitor. It will work with a standard PC keyboard and because the Maximite has its own built in SD memory card and BASIC language you need nothing more to start writing and running BASIC programs.
It also has 40 input/output lines including an Arduino compatible connector. These I/Os can be independently configured as analog inputs, digital inputs or digital outputs. You can measure voltage, frequencies, detect switch closure, etc and respond by turning on lights, closing relays, etc - all under control of your BASIC program.
The design and the firmware including the BASIC interpreter is free to download and use. And all this is powered by a single chip which costs just $9.58.
- Geoff's Projects - The Original Colour Maximite
- The Back Shed - Introducing the Maximite
- Maximite - 8-bit nostalgia with a soldering iron by Alexander Demin
- The Colour Maximite microcomputer by Alexander Demin
- MMBasic - A full featured BASIC interpreter for 32 bit microcontrollers
- Port of z80sim 1.17 to PIC32
- The Back Shed - BASIC Speed Benchmark Tests
- See also Colour Maximite
- Duinomite
- Olimex - Duinomite
- Olimex - Duinomite-MEGA
- Olimex - Duinomite-eMEGA
- Olimex - Duinomite - Firmware Update
- Olimex - DuinoMite on GitHub
- Olimex - MaxiMiteFirmware
- Olimex - MPIDE
- Olimex Blog - Duinomite - retro Snake game written in BASIC
- Olimex Blog - Duinomite with Gameduino shield
- The Back Shed - Reflash DuinoMite Mini