diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index ce6a92a..97163d7 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ Some of my chief complaints with Meteor | Routing | [FlowRouter](https://github.com/kadirahq/flow-router) | [react-router-redux](https://github.com/reactjs/react-router-redux) | stick the route in the state, react-router SSR, async routes | | Server | Node 0.10.41 | Node 5 | Faster, maintained, not a dinosaur... | | -##Installation +## Installation - `brew install rethinkdb` - make sure you are using webpack@2.x (not a v1 installed globally) - `rethinkdb` (in second terminal window) @@ -45,14 +45,14 @@ Some of my chief complaints with Meteor - `npm install` - `npm run quickstart` -##Client-side development +## Client-side development - `npm start` - http://localhost:3000 Rebuilds the client code in-memory & uses hot module reload so you can develop super fast! On my 2013 MBA an initial build takes about 8 seconds and updates usually take 800ms -##Server-side development +## Server-side development - `npm run prod` - http://localhost:3000 - If you edit any client or universal files, run `npm run bs` to rebuild & serve the bundle @@ -60,35 +60,35 @@ On my 2013 MBA an initial build takes about 8 seconds and updates usually take 8 This mode is great because you can make changes to the server ***without having to recompile the client code*** That means you only wait for the server to restart! GAME CHANGER! -##Database development +## Database development - http://localhost:8080 for RethinkDB - All tables are managed in `./src/server/setupDB.js`. Just add your tables & indices to that file and rerun - A standard ORM would check for tables & ensure indices at least once per build, doing it this way keeps your build times down - http://localhost:3000/graphql for testing out new queries/mutations -##Webpack configs -####Development config +## Webpack configs +#### Development config When the page is opened, a basic HTML layout is sent to the client along with a stringified redux store and a request for the common chunk of the JS. The client then injects the redux store & router to create the page. The redux devtools & logger are also loaded so you track your every state-changing action. The routes are loaded async, check your networks tab in chrome devtools and you'll see funny js files load now & again. If this isn't crazy amazing to you, then go away. -####Production config +#### Production config Builds the website & saves it to the `build` folder. Maps the styles to the components, but uses the prerendered CSS from the server config (below) Separates the `vendor` packages and the `app` packages for a super quick, cachable second visit. Creates a webpack manifest to enable longterm caching (eg can push new vendor.js without pushing a new app.js) Optimizes the number of chunks, sometimes it's better to have the modules of 2 routes in the same chunk if they're small -####Server config +#### Server config A webpack config builds the entire contents of the routes on the server side. This is required because node doesn't know how to require `.css`. When a request is sent to the server, react-router matches the url to the correct route & sends it to the client. Any browser dependency is ignored & uglified away. To test this, disable javascript in the browser. You'll see the site & css loads without a FOUC. -##How it works +## How it works When the page loads, it checks your localStorage for `Meatier.token` & will automatically log you in if the token is legit. If not, just head to the 'Sign up' page. The 'Sign up' page uses redux-form, which handles all errors, schema validation, and submissions. Your credentials are set as variables in a GraphQL mutation & sent to the GraphQL endpoint and a user document (similar to Meteor's) and authToken is returned to your state. @@ -110,26 +110,26 @@ The kanban lane titles & notes are really basic, you click them & they turn into The notes can be dragged from lane to lane. This is to showcase a local state change that doesn't affect the persisted state. When the note is dropped to its new location, the change is persisted. -##Tutorials (not for beginners...but then again, neither is meatier) +## Tutorials (not for beginners...but then again, neither is meatier) - [A production-ready realtime SaaS with webpack](https://medium.com/@matt.krick/a-production-ready-realtime-saas-with-webpack-7b11ba2fa5b0#.bifdf5iz8) - [GraphQL Field Guide to Auth](https://medium.com/@matt.krick/graphql-field-guide-to-auth-ead84f657ab#.f3tg2sf3d) -##Similar Projects +## Similar Projects - https://github.com/erikras/react-redux-universal-hot-example (Really nice, but no auth or DB) - https://github.com/kriasoft/react-starter-kit (nice, I borrowed their layout, but no sockets, no DB) - https://github.com/GordyD/3ree (uses RethinkDB, but no optimistic UI) - http://survivejs.com/ (A nice alt-flux & react tutorial for a kanban) -##In Action +## In Action I don't know of any place that hosts RethinkDB for free...so here's a gif. ![Meatier](http://i.imgur.com/B3IErZr.gif) -##Contributing +## Contributing - Pull requests welcomed! - Use the gitter for any questions - No donations necessary (but if you know of any jobs that'll let me move back to San Diego, let me know :wink:) -##Changelog +## Changelog - 0.10 - Use the redux devtools chrome extension - Update just about all the deps @@ -144,5 +144,5 @@ I don't know of any place that hosts RethinkDB for free...so here's a gif. - Add graphiql (http://localhost:3000/graphql) as a component & pattern to create an admin site - Break out auth, landing page, kanban page, and admin into 4 separate modules in the folder hierarchy -##License +## License MIT