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Simple Type Safe Functional Programming in Golang with Generics!


type Collection[E any] []E

The Collection type is a slice of elements which allows functional operations to be performed. Many operations can be done in series with method chaining.

Some helpers functions are provided to construct collections

var collection fg.Collection[string] = fg.CollectionOf([]string{"1", "2"})
var collection fg.Collection[string] = fg.CollectionFrom("1", "2")


Filter lets you filter a collection with a provided predicate function

    func greaterThan2(e int) bool{
        if e > 2 {
            return true
        return false

    fg.CollectionFrom(1, 2, 3).Filter(greaterThan2) // []int{3}


FindFirst lets you find the first element that matches

    func greaterThan2(e int) bool{
        if e > 2 {
        return true
        return false

    fg.CollectionFrom(1, 2, 3).FindFirst(greaterThan2) // 3


Contains returns true if a list contains an element

    func greaterThan2(e int) bool{
        if e > 2 {
            return true
        return false

    fg.CollectionFrom(1, 2, 3).Contains(greaterThan2) // true
    fg.CollectionFrom(1, 2).Contains(greaterThan2) // false


Contains returns true if all elements match

    func greaterThan2(e int) bool{
        if e > 2 {
            return true
        return false

    fg.CollectionFrom(3, 4, 5).AllMatch(greaterThan2) // true
    fg.CollectionFrom(3, 2).AllMatch(greaterThan2) // false


Map allows you to map all elements in a collection with a mapping function

    func addPrefix(e string) string{
        return "prefix-" + e

    fg.CollectionFrom("a", "b").Map(addPrefix) // []string{"prefix-a", "prefix-b"}

Golang does not allow methods to have type parameters. Mapping a collection to another type is possible with the fg.Map method.

    func addPrefix(e int) string{
        return fmt.Sprintf("prefix-%d", e)

    fg.Map([]int{1, 2}, addPrefix) // []string{"prefix-1", "prefix-2"}


MapE allows map to be called with a mapping function that returns an error.

    func addPrefix(e string) (string, error) {
        if strings.Contains(e, "badword") {
			return "", errors.New("we don't accept bad words around here")
        return "prefix-" + e

    fg.CollectionFrom("a", "b", "badword").MapE(addPrefix) // error


FlatMap allows you to map all elements in a collection with a mapping function that returns a slice

    func split(e string) []string{
		return []strings.Split(e, ".")

    fg.CollectionFrom("a.b", "c.d").FlatMap(split) // []string{"a", "b", "c", "d"}


Reduce allows you to reduce a collection by running each result through the provided combiner function.

    func combine(sub string, e string) string {
        return sub + e

    fg.CollectionFrom("b", "c").Reduce("a", combine) // abc


To Map allows you to convert a collection to a Map with a key mapping function.

    func carToId(c Car) int {
        return c.Id

    fg.ToMap([]Car{{Name: "my-car", Id: 27}}, carToId) // map[int]Car{27: Car{{Name: "my-car", Id: 27}}

    func intToString(e int) string {
        return fmt.Sprintf("%d", e)

    fg.CollectionFrom(1, 2).ToStringMap(intToString) // map[string]int{"1": 1, "2": 2}


Sorts returns a copy of the list sorted with the provided compare function

    sorted := fg.CollectionFrom(3, 1, 2).Sort(func(i int, j int) bool {
        return i < j
	sorted // []int{1, 2, 3} 


Collection Methods can be chained to support multiple operations in a sequence

    positiveSum := fg.CollectionFrom(-1, 2, 4).
                Filter(func(e int) bool {
                    return e >= 0 
                }).Reduce(0, func(sum, e int) int {
                    return sum + e

Function Types

Function types are provided to help compose and combine functions


A predicate is a function that returns true or false from a given type. The methods negate, or, and, and xor are available.

    var containsA fg.Predicate[string] = func(s string) bool {
	    	return strings.Contains(s, "A")

    var containsB fg.Predicate[string] = func(s string) bool {
        return strings.Contains(s, "B")

    containsA("ABC") //true
    containsA.Negate()("ABC") // false
    containsA.Or(containsB)("BCD") // true
    containsA.And(containsB)("BCD") // false
    containsA.Xor(containsB)("ABC") // false


Compose allows functions to be composed

    func firstElement(s []string) string {
        return s[0]

    func lengthOfString(s string) int {
        return len(s)

    lenOfFirstElement := fg.Compose(firstElement, lengthOfString)

    lenOfFirstElement([]string{"ab", "bcd"}) //2