From 42f58f40434aa141929320fc77baeeb946968a45 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Matteo Delucchi <> Date: Fri, 20 Mar 2020 17:01:20 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] fix merge conflict --- ..._virus-virushost_parasite-parasitehost.Rmd | 65 ------------------- 1 file changed, 65 deletions(-) diff --git a/results/swissprot_virus-virushost_parasite-parasitehost.Rmd b/results/swissprot_virus-virushost_parasite-parasitehost.Rmd index 7761cdc..c32337a 100644 --- a/results/swissprot_virus-virushost_parasite-parasitehost.Rmd +++ b/results/swissprot_virus-virushost_parasite-parasitehost.Rmd @@ -19,11 +19,7 @@ rm(list = ls(all = TRUE)) gc() source("helpers.R") -<<<<<<< HEAD # colour setup: -======= -# colour setup: ->>>>>>> 78c72c2d39b33614f7a0c7a9d48137ed1e97323a #library(RColorBrewer); display.brewer.all() # to display available colour palettes colour_count = 13 # alternative: length(unique(sp_gathered$Kingdom)) getPalette = colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9, "Dark2")) @@ -61,7 +57,6 @@ tr_all_sp <- tr_all_sp %>% mutate(TR_id = row_number()) ``` -<<<<<<< HEAD ```{r general overview of viral proteins} # no. of viral proteins in Swissprot length(unique(sp_all$ID[which(sp_all$Superkingdom == "Viruses")])) @@ -83,25 +78,13 @@ sum(table(table(sp_all$Species[which(sp_all$Superkingdom == "Viruses")]))[1:31]) ``` -======= ->>>>>>> 78c72c2d39b33614f7a0c7a9d48137ed1e97323a From all Tandem Repeats, select only those which are viral (Superkingdom = Viruses) and have a known Virushost. ```{r "subset virushost == TRUE"} # filter all tandem repeat containing proteins from Swissprot which have annotated virushosts tr_all_sp_virus <- tr_all_sp[!(tr_all_sp$virus_hosts == ""),] ``` -<<<<<<< HEAD ```{r Viral Proteins with TR in general: summary statistics} -======= -```{r Viral Proteins in general: summary statistics} -# no. of viral proteins in Swissprot -length(unique(sp_all$ID[which(sp_all$Superkingdom == "Viruses")])) -nrow(sp_all[which(sp_all$Superkingdom == "Viruses"),]) -# %of viral proteins in swissprot -length(unique(sp_all$ID[which(sp_all$Superkingdom == "Viruses")]))/ length(unique(sp_all$ID)) - ->>>>>>> 78c72c2d39b33614f7a0c7a9d48137ed1e97323a # no. of viral proteins in Swissprot containing TRs length(unique(tr_all_sp$ID[which(tr_all_sp$Superkingdom == "Viruses")])) length(unique(tr_all_sp$ID[which(tr_all_sp$Superkingdom == "Viruses")])) / length(unique(sp_all$ID[which(sp_all$Superkingdom == "Viruses")])) @@ -113,7 +96,6 @@ nrow(tr_all_sp[which(tr_all_sp$Superkingdom == "Viruses"),]) tr_all_sp_virus$ID <- factor(tr_all_sp_virus$ID, levels = unique(tr_all_sp_virus$ID)) # drop unused levels table(table(tr_all_sp_virus$ID)) table(table(tr_all_sp_virus$ID)) / sum(table(table(tr_all_sp_virus$ID))) -<<<<<<< HEAD # Viral proteins function head(tr_all_sp_virus) @@ -136,10 +118,6 @@ tr_all_sp_virus[grepl(pattern = gene_names[9], x = tr_all_sp_virus$protein_name) tr_all_sp_virus[grepl(pattern = gene_names[10], x = tr_all_sp_virus$protein_name),] tr_all_sp_virus[grepl(pattern = gene_names[11], x = tr_all_sp_virus$protein_name),] ``` -======= -``` -Of the 16605 viral proteins in swissprot 44% contain at least one TR. Most (59%) of the viral proteins have a single TR. ->>>>>>> 78c72c2d39b33614f7a0c7a9d48137ed1e97323a ```{r Viral Proteins with annotated host species: summary statistics} # no. of viral proteins in Swissprot with annotated virus host @@ -412,10 +390,7 @@ table(sp_all.long$Superkingdom_virushost[which(sp_all.long$has_tr == TRUE)])[[3] From all viral proteins (which have a virushost), most of them have a eukaryotic virushost (25044, 92%) followed by bacterial virus host (6%) and archael (2%). Finally there were 3 Proteins from Staphylococcus phage Twort, which have itself as virushost. -> self produced viral proteins? Not reliable on host organism? Most of the viral proteins (10528, 72%) which can be associated with a host species, are found only in a single host species. Interestingly, some proteins can be found in up to 23 different host species. Those are capsid proteins and some replication assosiated proteins. 43% of all viral proteins contain TRs. Of all TR containing viral proteins, 44% have a eukaryotic virushost. -<<<<<<< HEAD 95.1\% of viral TR-containing proteins had an eukaryotic host organism but only few had a bacterial (3\%) or archaeal (1\%) host. -======= ->>>>>>> 78c72c2d39b33614f7a0c7a9d48137ed1e97323a # Combine Virus Protein information with Host-species Protein information ### Problematic: @@ -602,12 +577,8 @@ p2a <- ggplot(data=df_archaea, aes(x=factor(1), y=fraction_nTR, fill=nTR)) + facet_grid(~Superkingdom)+ # geom_text(aes(y=fraction_nTR, label=nTR), vjust=1.6, # color="white", size=3.5)+ -<<<<<<< HEAD # scale_fill_manual(values = c(cols1.4, "#5C7881"))+ scale_fill_manual(values = cols1.4.bright)+ -======= - scale_fill_manual(values = c(cols1.4, "#5C7881"))+ ->>>>>>> 78c72c2d39b33614f7a0c7a9d48137ed1e97323a # ggtitle("Archaea")+ labs(fill= "TR count")+ theme_minimal() @@ -759,11 +730,7 @@ p2b <- ggplot(data=df_bacteria, aes(x=factor(1), y=fraction_nTR, fill=nTR)) + facet_grid(~Superkingdom)+ # geom_text(aes(y=fraction_nTR, label=nTR), vjust=1.6, # color="white", size=3.5)+ -<<<<<<< HEAD scale_fill_manual(values = cols1.4.bright)+ -======= - scale_fill_manual(values = c(cols1.4, "#5C7881"))+ ->>>>>>> 78c72c2d39b33614f7a0c7a9d48137ed1e97323a # ggtitle("Bacteria")+ labs(fill= "TR count")+ theme_minimal() @@ -1018,11 +985,7 @@ p1e <- ggplot(data=df_eukaryota, aes(x=factor(1), y=fraction_nTR, fill=nTR)) + # color="white", size=3.5)+ # geom_label_repel(aes(label = nTR), size=4, show.legend = F, nudge_x = 1, # segment.size = .5, direction = 'x')+ -<<<<<<< HEAD scale_fill_manual(values = cols1.4.bright)+ -======= - scale_fill_manual(values = c(cols1.4, "#5C7881"))+ ->>>>>>> 78c72c2d39b33614f7a0c7a9d48137ed1e97323a ggtitle("Eukaryota")+ labs(x="", y="Fraction", fill= "TR count")+ theme_minimal() @@ -1046,11 +1009,7 @@ p2e <- ggplot(data=df_eukaryota, aes(x=factor(1), y=fraction_nTR, fill=nTR)) + # facet_grid(~Superkingdom)+ # geom_text(aes(y=fraction_nTR, label=nTR), vjust=1.6, # color="white", size=3.5)+ -<<<<<<< HEAD scale_fill_manual(values = cols1.4.bright)+ -======= - scale_fill_manual(values = c(cols1.4, "#5C7881"))+ ->>>>>>> 78c72c2d39b33614f7a0c7a9d48137ed1e97323a # ggtitle("Eukaryota")+ labs(fill= "TR count")+ theme_minimal() @@ -1208,11 +1167,7 @@ p <- ggplot(data=df_eukaryota, aes(x=factor(1), y=fraction_nTR, fill=nTR)) + # T facet_grid(~Superkingdom)+ # geom_text(aes(y=fraction_nTR, label=nTR), vjust=1.6, # color="white", size=3.5)+ -<<<<<<< HEAD scale_fill_manual(values = cols1.4.bright)+ -======= - scale_fill_manual(values = c(cols1.4, "#5C7881"))+ ->>>>>>> 78c72c2d39b33614f7a0c7a9d48137ed1e97323a # ggtitle("Eukaryota")+ labs(fill= "TR count")+ theme_minimal() @@ -1354,11 +1309,7 @@ pe <- ggplot(data=df_eukaryota, aes(x=factor(1), y=fraction_nTR, fill=nTR)) + facet_grid(~Superkingdom)+ # geom_text(aes(y=fraction_nTR, label=nTR), vjust=1.6, # color="white", size=3.5)+ -<<<<<<< HEAD scale_fill_manual(values = cols1.4.bright)+ -======= - scale_fill_manual(values = c(cols1.4, "#5C7881"))+ ->>>>>>> 78c72c2d39b33614f7a0c7a9d48137ed1e97323a # ggtitle("Eukaryota")+ labs(fill= "TR count")+ theme_minimal() @@ -1544,11 +1495,7 @@ p2h <- ggplot(data=df_human, aes(x=factor(1), y=fraction_nTR, fill=nTR)) + # TOD facet_grid(~Superkingdom)+ # geom_text(aes(y=fraction_nTR, label=nTR), vjust=1.6, # color="white", size=3.5)+ -<<<<<<< HEAD scale_fill_manual(values = cols1.4.bright)+ -======= - scale_fill_manual(values = c(cols1.4, "#5C7881"))+ ->>>>>>> 78c72c2d39b33614f7a0c7a9d48137ed1e97323a # ggtitle("Homo sapiens")+ labs(fill= "TR count")+ theme_minimal() @@ -1692,11 +1639,7 @@ p2h <- ggplot(data=df_human, aes(x=factor(1), y=fraction_nTR, fill=nTR)) + # TOD facet_grid(~Superkingdom)+ # geom_text(aes(y=fraction_nTR, label=nTR), vjust=1.6, # color="white", size=3.5)+ -<<<<<<< HEAD scale_fill_manual(values = cols1.4.bright)+ -======= - scale_fill_manual(values = c(cols1.4, "#5C7881"))+ ->>>>>>> 78c72c2d39b33614f7a0c7a9d48137ed1e97323a # ggtitle("Homo sapiens")+ labs(fill= "TR count")+ theme_minimal() @@ -1863,11 +1806,7 @@ p1p <- ggplot(data=df_parasite, aes(x=factor(1), y=df_parasite$fraction_nTR, fil # geom_label_repel(aes(label = nTR), size=4, show.legend = F, nudge_x = 1, # segment.size = .5, direction = 'x')+ # geom_text(data = ann_text, label=paste0(as.numeric(as.character(ann_text$fraction_nTR))*100,"%"))+ -<<<<<<< HEAD scale_fill_manual(values = cols1.4.bright)+ -======= - scale_fill_manual(values = c(cols1.4, "#5C7881"))+ ->>>>>>> 78c72c2d39b33614f7a0c7a9d48137ed1e97323a ggtitle("Homo sapiens")+ labs(x="", y="Fraction", fill= "TR count")+ theme_minimal() @@ -1891,11 +1830,7 @@ p2p <- ggplot(data=df_parasite, aes(x=factor(1), y=fraction_nTR, fill=nTR)) + # facet_grid(~organism)+ # geom_text(aes(y=fraction_nTR, label=nTR), vjust=1.6, # color="white", size=3.5)+ -<<<<<<< HEAD scale_fill_manual(values = cols1.4.bright)+ -======= - scale_fill_manual(values = c(cols1.4, "#5C7881"))+ ->>>>>>> 78c72c2d39b33614f7a0c7a9d48137ed1e97323a # ggtitle("Homo sapiens")+ labs(fill= "TR count")+ theme_minimal()