diff --git a/docs/node/initial.mdx b/docs/node/initial.mdx
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-id: initial
-sidebar_label: Initial node runners
-# Installing an Initial Node
-Congratulations !
-If your address has non-zero initial rolls [in this listing](https://github.com/Massa-Foundation/genesis-ledger/blob/main/node_initial_setup/initial_rolls.json)
-then you are among the happy initial node runners that were chosen to support the mainnet from day zero.
-This means that you will be running a node BEFORE the planned genesis that will happen January 15th, which implies that:
-* your node needs to be set up as soon as possible, at most on January 14th
-* there are no blocks before genesis, so no operations/transactions, and therefore no roll buys / roll sells. This means that the setup procedure is just slightly different compared to testnet.
-* only initial node runners like you will be present, so you will most likely have a lot of block production and rewards
-## Requirements
-You need to have a wallet for which the address has non-zero coins here [in this listing](https://github.com/Massa-Foundation/genesis-ledger/blob/main/node_initial_setup/initial_rolls.json).
-You will be using this wallet.
-You need a computer with 8 cores, 16 GB RAM, 1TB disk and a decent internet connection.
-More info in the [FAQ](/docs/node/faq).
-## Step 1: Installation
-### Installing from binaries (simple installation)
-If you just wish to run a Massa node without compiling it yourself, you can simply download the latest binary below:
-- [Windows executable](https://github.com/massalabs/massa/releases/download/MAIN.2.0/massa_MAIN.2.0_release_windows.zip)
-- [Linux binary](https://github.com/massalabs/massa/releases/download/MAIN.2.0/massa_MAIN.2.0_release_linux.tar.gz) - 
-only works with libc2.28 and higher (for example Ubuntu 20.04 and higher)
-- [MacOS binary](https://github.com/massalabs/massa/releases/download/MAIN.2.0/massa_MAIN.2.0_release_macos_aarch64.tar.gz)
-- Other binaries can be found on https://github.com/massalabs/massa/releases/tag/MAIN.2.0
-### Installing from source code (advanced installation)
-Otherwise, if you wish to run a Massa node from source code, here are the steps to follow:
-#### On Ubuntu / MacOS
-- on Ubuntu, these libs must be installed: ```sudo apt install pkg-config curl git build-essential libssl-dev libclang-dev cmake```
-- on MacOS: ```brew install llvm cmake```
-- install [rustup](https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install): ```curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh```
-- configure path: ```source $HOME/.cargo/env```
-- check rust version: ```rustc --version```
-- install rust stable version: ```rustup toolchain install 1.74.1```
-- set it as default: ```rustup default 1.74.1```
-- check rust version: ```rustc --version```
-- clone this repo: ```git clone https://github.com/massalabs/massa.git```
-#### On Windows
-**Set up your Rust environment**:
-- On Windows, you should first follow the indications from Microsoft to be able to run on a Rust environment [here](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-gb/windows/dev-environment/rust/setup).
-    - Install Visual Studio (recommended) or the Microsoft C++ Build Tools.
-    - Once Visual Studio is installed, click on C++ Build Tool. Select on the right column called "installation details" the following packages:
-        - MSCV v142 -- VS 2019
-        - Windows 10 SDK
-        - C++ CMake tools for Windows
-        - Testing Tools Core Feature
-    - Click install on the bottom right to download and install those packages
-- Install NASM: https://www.nasm.us/pub/nasm/releasebuilds/2.16.01/ choose win32 or win64 folder depending on your architecture and download then launch the installer.
-- Install Chocolatey and run: ```choco install llvm cmake```
-- Install Rust, to be downloaded [here](https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install)
-- Install Git for windows, to be downloaded [here](https://git-scm.com/download/win)
-**Clone the Massa Git Repository**:
-- Open Windows Power Shell
-    - Clone the latest distributed version: ```git clone https://github.com/massalabs/massa.git```
-    - Change default Rust to the following stable version: ```rustup default 1.74.1```
-## Step 2: Configuration
-Now that your node is installed, you need to configure it.
-### Routability
-Please configure your node as indicated [here](routability#how-to-make-your-node-routable).
-Without it, your node will be unstable through lack of connectivity.
-## Step 3: Launch your node
-### If your node was installed from binaries (simple installation)
-Simply run the binaries you downloaded in the previous step:
-- Open the massa-node folder and run the massa-node executable
-- Open the massa-client folder and run the massa-client executable
-#### On Ubuntu / MacOS
-**Start the node**
-In a first window:
-cd massa/massa-node/
-Launch the node, on Ubuntu:
-./massa-node -p <PASSWORD> |& tee logs.txt
-Replace `<PASSWORD>` with a password that you will need to keep to restart your node. You should leave the window open.
-**Start the client**
-In a second window:
-cd massa/massa-client/
-./massa-client -p <PASSWORD>
-Replace `<PASSWORD>` with a password that you will need to keep to restart your client
-### If your node was installed from source code (advanced installation)
-#### On Ubuntu / MacOS
-**Start the node**
-In a first window:
-cd massa/massa-node/
-Launch the node, on Ubuntu:
-RUST_BACKTRACE=full cargo run --release -- -p <PASSWORD> |& tee logs.txt
-Replace `<PASSWORD>` with a password that you will need to keep to restart your node
-Or, on MacOS:
-RUST_BACKTRACE=full cargo run --release -- -p <PASSWORD> > logs.txt 2>&1
-Replace `<PASSWORD>` with a password that you will need to keep to restart your node. You should leave the window open.
-**Start the client**
-On a second window:
-cd massa/massa-client/
-cargo run --release -- -p <PASSWORD>
-Replace `<PASSWORD>` with a password. You will need this password to restart your client. Please wait until the
-directories are built before moving to the next step.
-#### On Windows
-**Start the Node**
-- Open Windows Power Shell or Command Prompt on a first window
-    - Type: ```cd massa```
-    - Type: ```cd massa-node```
-    - Type: ```cargo run --release -- -p <PASSWORD>```
-Replace `<PASSWORD>` with a password. You will need this password to restart your node. You should leave the window
-**Start the Client**
-- Open Windows Power Shell or Command Prompt on a second window
-    - Type: cd massa
-    - Type: cd massa-client
-    - Type: ```cargo run --release -- -p <PASSWORD>```
-Replace `<PASSWORD>` with a password. You will need this password to restart your client. Please wait until the
-directories are built before moving to the next step.
-In case of crash of the Rust compiler or at runtime, please do not report bugs to the rustlang/rust repository, but
-[open an issue](https://github.com/massalabs/massa/issues/new/choose) on the Massa repository instead. We will triage
-the issues and open them on the Rust side if they are valid. This avoids polluting the main Rust repository with many
-reports of the same error.
-## Step 4: Activating the staking wallet
-Now that your node and client are running, you need to activate the staking wallet matching the one that has initial rolls.
-### Importing your wallet in the client
-You need to provide the wallet that matches your staking address (the one that has initial rolls) to the client.
-Any other wallet would result in your node not staking.
-The procedure depends on how you have saved your wallet in the first place.
-#### If you have saved your secret/private key
-Then you can import it in the client using the following command:
-wallet_add_secret_keys <your_secret_key>
-#### If you have saved an encrypted wallet file
-Then you can import it in the client by placing the corresponding `.yaml` file in the `massa/massa-client/wallets` folder.
-Make sure it is the only wallet in the folder.
-### Enabling staking on your node
-You now need to tell your node that it needs to stake using your initial staking wallet.
-Get the address that has initial rolls in your wallet:
-Register your address so that your node start to stake with it:
-node_start_staking <your_address>
-To check whether the address is registered for staking, you can run:
-Now you can leave the node running, and it will start producing blocks just after Genesis!
-## Step 5: Checking your node's status
-### Check your routability status
-You can use a service such as https://portchecker.co to check that the ports 31244 and 31245 are both opened for your public IP address.
-Additionally, in your massa-client, you can check that the `get_status` command shows your `Node's IP: <your_public_ip_address>`.
-If it shows `No routable IP set` instead, please check again your configuration.
-### Check your node staking address
-You can check that the staking address you obtain with the following command in massa-client:
-is present in the initial staker lists, available in `massa/massa-node/base_config/initial_rolls.json`.
-### Make sure you are connected to peers
-In order for your node to be running properly, you have to make sure you are connected to other peers on the network.
-The `get_status` command will show you which nodes you are connected too.
-You need to have both IN and OUT connections.
diff --git a/sidebars.js b/sidebars.js
index fec04ebc3..f19b269b1 100644
--- a/sidebars.js
+++ b/sidebars.js
@@ -408,11 +408,6 @@ const sidebars = {
       id: "node/all-configs",
       label: "Node and client configuration",
-    {
-      type: "doc",
-      id: "node/initial",
-      label: "Initial node runners",
-    },
       type: "html",
       value: "<hr/>",