Here's a longer example, from "Hunchentoot" version 1.2.18 (BSD license), file "make-docstrings.lisp".
First, we'll show a sweet-expression version, followed by the original s-expression form.
;; -*- Lisp -*- defpackage :make-docstrings :use(:cl) :export(#:parse-doc) in-package :make-docstrings defclass formatting-stream (trivial-gray-streams:fundamental-character-input-stream) \\ understream :initarg :understream :reader \\ understream width :initarg :width :initform \\ error "missing :width argument to formatting-stream creation" :reader \\ width column :initform 0 :accessor \\ column word-wrap-p :initform t :accessor \\ word-wrap-p word-buffer :initform \\ make-array 1000 :element-type 'character :adjustable \\ t :fill-pointer \\ 0 :reader \\ word-buffer defun write-char% (char stream) incf column(stream) write-char char understream(stream) defun print-newline (stream) write-char #\newline understream(stream) setf column(stream) 0 defun buffer-not-empty-p (stream) plusp length(word-buffer(stream)) defun maybe-flush-word (stream) when buffer-not-empty-p(stream) cond {width(stream) < {column(stream) + length(word-buffer(stream))}} print-newline stream plusp(column(stream)) write-char%(#\space stream) loop for char across word-buffer(stream) do write-char% char stream setf fill-pointer(word-buffer(stream)) 0 defmethod trivial-gray-streams:stream-write-char stream(formatting-stream) char if word-wrap-p(stream) cond eql(#\space char) maybe-flush-word(stream) eql(#\newline char) maybe-flush-word stream print-newline stream t vector-push-extend(char word-buffer(stream)) write-char char understream(stream) defmethod trivial-gray-streams:stream-line-column stream() {column(stream) + length(word-buffer(stream))} defmethod trivial-gray-streams:stream-write-string stream(formatting-stream) string &optional start end loop for i from {start or 0} below {end or length(string)} do write-char char(string i) stream defmethod trivial-gray-streams:stream-terpri (stream(formatting-stream)) write-char #\newline stream defmethod close stream(formatting-stream) &key abort unless abort maybe-flush-word(stream) defmethod setf(word-wrap-p) :before new-value stream(formatting-stream) maybe-flush-word stream when buffer-not-empty-p(stream) print-newline(stream) defun test-wrap-stream (text) with-output-to-string s() with-open-stream s $ make-instance 'formatting-stream :understream s :width 20 write-string text s setf word-wrap-p(s) nil format s "~&OFF~%" write-string text s format s "~&ON~%" setf word-wrap-p(s) t write-string text s defmacro replace-regexp (place regex replacement) ` setf ,place cl-ppcre:regex-replace-all ,regex ,place ,replacement defun collapse-whitespace (string) replace-regexp string "[ \\t]*\\n[ \\t]*" #.make-string(1 :initial-element #\newline) replace-regexp string "(? if eq(basic-type :function) if stp:attribute-value(node "generic") :generic-function :function basic-type defun skip-to (stream char) loop until eql(char peek-char(nil stream)) do read-char stream defun get-simple-def-docstring (source-string position) with-input-from-string s source-string :start 1+(position) read s read s read s skip-to s #\" list :start file-position(s) :text read(s) :end file-position(s) defun get-complex-def-docstring (source-string position) with-input-from-string s source-string :start 1+(position) read s read s read s loop let* <* start-of-clause $ file-position s \\ clause $ read s *> when eql(first(clause) :documentation) ! file-position s start-of-clause ! skip-to s #\( ! read-char s ! read s ! skip-to s #\" ! return ! list :start file-position(s) :text read(s) :end file-position(s) defun get-doc-function (type) case type :function(:special-variable) 'get-simple-def-docstring :generic-function(:class) 'get-complex-def-docstring defun source-location-flatten (location-info) apply #'append rest find(:location rest(location-info) :key #'first) defvar *files* defclass file () \\ file-pathname :initarg :file-pathname :reader file-pathname docstrings :initform nil :accessor docstrings contents :accessor contents defmethod initialize-instance :after file(file) &key file-pathname setf slot-value file 'contents alexandria:read-file-into-string file-pathname defun get-file (pathname) or gethash pathname *files* setf gethash pathname *files* make-instance 'file :file-pathname pathname defun record-docstring (doc-docstring get-doc-function symbol-name) let \\ definitions remove-if lambda definition() ! or ! cl-ppcre:scan "(?i)^\\s*\\(defmethod\\s" first(definition) ! eql first(second(definition)) :error swank:find-definitions-for-emacs symbol-name case length(definitions) 0 warn("no source location for ~A" symbol-name) 1 let* \\ source-location $ source-location-flatten first(definitions) file $ get-file getf(source-location :file) push list* :doc-docstring doc-docstring funcall get-doc-function contents file getf source-location :position docstrings file 2 warn("multiple source locations for ~A" symbol-name) defun parse-doc (pathname default-package-name) let <* *files* $ make-hash-table :test #'equal *> xpath:with-namespaces (("clix" "")) xpath:do-node-set node xpath:evaluate "//*[clix:description!='']" cxml:parse pathname stp:make-builder() let \\ type $ get-doc-entry-type node symbol-name maybe-qualify-name stp:attribute-value node "name" default-package-name xpath:do-node-set description xpath:evaluate("clix:description" node) alexandria:when-let get-doc-function get-doc-function(type) record-docstring xml-to-docstring description get-doc-function symbol-name *files*
;; -*- Lisp -*- (defpackage :make-docstrings (:use :cl) (:export #:parse-doc)) (in-package :make-docstrings) (defclass formatting-stream (trivial-gray-streams:fundamental-character-input-stream) ((understream :initarg :understream :reader understream) (width :initarg :width :initform (error "missing :width argument to formatting-stream creation") :reader width) (column :initform 0 :accessor column) (word-wrap-p :initform t :accessor word-wrap-p) (word-buffer :initform (make-array 1000 :element-type 'character :adjustable t :fill-pointer 0) :reader word-buffer))) (defun write-char% (char stream) (incf (column stream)) (write-char char (understream stream))) (defun print-newline (stream) (write-char #\Newline (understream stream)) (setf (column stream) 0)) (defun buffer-not-empty-p (stream) (plusp (length (word-buffer stream)))) (defun maybe-flush-word (stream) (when (buffer-not-empty-p stream) (cond ((< (width stream) (+ (column stream) (length (word-buffer stream)))) (print-newline stream)) ((plusp (column stream)) (write-char% #\Space stream))) (loop for char across (word-buffer stream) do (write-char% char stream)) (setf (fill-pointer (word-buffer stream)) 0))) (defmethod trivial-gray-streams:stream-write-char ((stream formatting-stream) char) (if (word-wrap-p stream) (cond ((eql #\Space char) (maybe-flush-word stream)) ((eql #\Newline char) (maybe-flush-word stream) (print-newline stream)) (t (vector-push-extend char (word-buffer stream)))) (write-char char (understream stream)))) (defmethod trivial-gray-streams:stream-line-column (stream) (+ (column stream) (length (word-buffer stream)))) (defmethod trivial-gray-streams:stream-write-string ((stream formatting-stream) string &optional start end) (loop for i from (or start 0) below (or end (length string)) do (write-char (char string i) stream))) (defmethod trivial-gray-streams:stream-terpri ((stream formatting-stream)) (write-char #\Newline stream)) (defmethod close ((stream formatting-stream) &key abort) (unless abort (maybe-flush-word stream))) (defmethod (setf word-wrap-p) :before (new-value (stream formatting-stream)) (maybe-flush-word stream) (when (buffer-not-empty-p stream) (print-newline stream))) (defun test-wrap-stream (text) (with-output-to-string (s) (with-open-stream (s (make-instance 'formatting-stream :understream s :width 20)) (write-string text s) (setf (word-wrap-p s) nil) (format s "~&OFF~%") (write-string text s) (format s "~&ON~%") (setf (word-wrap-p s) t) (write-string text s)))) (defmacro replace-regexp (place regex replacement) `(setf ,place (cl-ppcre:regex-replace-all ,regex ,place ,replacement))) (defun collapse-whitespace (string) (replace-regexp string "[ \\t]*\\n[ \\t]*" #.(make-string 1 :initial-element #\Newline)) (replace-regexp string "(?