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YC GitHub Runner

GitHub Action to deploy container to Yandex Cloud COI VM
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GitHub Action to On-demand self-hosted YC runner for GitHub Actions.

Start your Yandex Cloud self-hosted runner right before you need it. Run the job on it. Finally, stop it when you finish. And all this automatically as a part of your GitHub Actions workflow.

Table of Contents


name: do-the-job
on: pull_request
    name: Start self-hosted YC runner
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      label: ${{ steps.start-yc-runner.outputs.label }}
      instance-id: ${{ steps.start-yc-runner.outputs.instance-id }}
      - name: Start YC runner
        id: start-yc-runner
        uses: yc-actions/yc-github-runner@v1
          mode: start
          yc-sa-json-credentials: ${{ secrets.YC_SA_JSON_CREDENTIALS }}
          github-token: ${{ secrets.GH_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN }}
          folder-id: b1g*********
          image-id: fd80*********
          cores: 2
          memory: 2GB
          core-fraction: 100
          subnet-id: e9b*********
          ttl: PT24H
    name: Do the job on the runner
    needs: start-runner # required to start the main job when the runner is ready
    runs-on: ${{ needs.start-runner.outputs.label }} # run the job on the newly created runner
      - name: Hello World
        run: echo 'Hello World!'
    name: Stop self-hosted YC runner
      - start-runner # required to get output from the start-runner job
      - do-the-job # required to wait when the main job is done
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    if: ${{ always() }} # required to stop the runner even if the error happened in the previous jobs
      - name: Stop YC runner
        uses: yc-actions/yc-github-runner@v1
          mode: stop
          yc-sa-json-credentials: ${{ secrets.YC_SA_JSON_CREDENTIALS }}
          github-token: ${{ secrets.GH_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN }}
          label: ${{ needs.start-runner.outputs.label }}
          instance-id: ${{ needs.start-runner.outputs.instance-id }}

See action.yml for the full documentation for this action's inputs and outputs.

TTL input

If it is set, expires label will be added to the instance with the value of the current time plus TTL in seconds. Instance won't automatically be destroyed by Yandex.Cloud, you should handle it yourself. For example, by using Cron trigger that will call Cloud Function to destroy the instance.


To perform this action, it is required that the service account on behalf of which we are acting has granted the compute.admin role or greater.

License Summary

This code is made available under the MIT license.

YC GitHub Runner is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


GitHub Action to deploy container to Yandex Cloud COI VM

YC GitHub Runner is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.