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Upload to CurseForge

Uploads files to CurseForge via CurseForge API
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CurseForge Uploader

An action for interacting with the CurseForge file upload API


Name Description Default Value Required
token Token used to authenticate with CurseForge API. Use a repository secret for this. N/A
project_id Project id (numerical) to upload file to. You can get the numerical ID from the sidebar on a project page. N/A
game_endpoint The game subdomain of where the upload request will be made. (minecraft, bukkit, kerbal, etc.) N/A
file_path The path to the file you want to upload. N/A
game_versions The game version IDs to select on this file. Separate IDs with commas. See README for more info. []
release_type The type of this release. Allowed values: alpha, beta, release. release
display_name The display name for this file. Filename
changelog The changelog text to put on the file.
changelog_type The type of the changelog. Allowed values: text, html (aka. WYSIWYG), markdown. markdown
relations List of projects this file is related to and their relation type. Separate with commas. Format: projectslug:relationType (slug is found in project URL) - Valid relationTypes are: embeddedLibrary, incompatible, optionalDependency, requiredDependency, and tool []
parent_file_id The id of the parent file to put this file under. (File IDs are integers, found in the URL) None

Example Workflow

name: "Build Release"
on: push
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - { uses: actions/checkout@v2, with: { fetch-depth: 0 } }
      - {
          name: "Set up JDK 17",
          uses: actions/setup-java@v2,
          with: { distribution: "adopt", java-version: "17" },
      - {
          name: "Build with Gradle",
          id: build,
          run: "chmod +x gradlew && ./gradlew build publish",
      - name: "Upload to CurseForge"
        uses: itsmeow/curseforge-upload@v3
          file_path: "build/libs/examplemod-${{ }}.jar"
          game_endpoint: "minecraft"
          relations: "fabric-api:requiredDependency"
          game_versions: "Minecraft 1.18:1.18.1,Java 17,Fabric"
          project_id: "0"
          token: "${{ secrets.CF_API_TOKEN }}"

In this example, a file is uploaded with no custom title to project ID 0 in the Minecraft game category, with a dependency on Fabric API and game versions 1.18.1, Java 17, and Fabric loader.

The version in the filepath is not exported by default, so you can add this block to your buildscript to do so (this requires the Ubuntu runner):

exec {
    commandLine "echo", "##[set-output name=version;]${project.version}";

Getting an API token

Obtain them here:

Add the token to your repository's secrets tab to use it, found under Settings.

Game Version IDs Explained

You MUST namespace Minecraft version IDs as there are duplicates in the system for Bukkit.

API Method

You can use numerical IDs by making a request to and picking your versions from this API:

Using this method is more efficient request wise, as otherwise the Action will have to search this API before requesting the upload.

Inspect Element Method

Another method is using Inspect Element on the game version check boxes, the value field contains the version ID.

Convenience Method

However, this is not always convenient. You can also use names and slugs from that API, for example: "1.12.2" and "Java 8" will be automatically parsed into the proper id.

You may encounter issues with names/slugs that have multiple entries with different game version types. The minecraft endpoint has "1.12" 5 separate times with different game version types for Bukkit, Minecraft 1.12, etc. To fix this, you can prefix a game version with a Type's ID, slug, or name. For example "Minecraft 1.12:1.12" would get you ONLY the Minecraft 1.12 version and not the 4 others.

Another example is "java:Java 8". This filters to anything named "Java 8" with the type matching the slug/name "java".

You can get a list of game version type IDs from this API:

Upload to CurseForge is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


Uploads files to CurseForge via CurseForge API

Upload to CurseForge is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.