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PagerDuty Alert

GitHub Action to send a PagerDuty alert, e.g. on action failure
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PagerDuty Alert GitHub Action

Sends a PagerDuty alert, e.g. on action failure. Optionally, resolves on success.


  1. Create a service integration in PagerDuty:
    1. Go to PagerDuty > "Services" > Pick your service > "Integrations" > "Add a new integration";
    2. Choose a name (e.g. "Your GitHub CI/CD") and "Use our API directly" with "Events API v2";
    3. Copy the integration key.
  2. Set up a secret in your GitHub repo to store the integration key, e.g. "PAGERDUTY_INTEGRATION_KEY".



Required: the integration key for your PagerDuty service. See instructions above for how to obtain.


Optional: a dedup_key for your alert. This will enable PagerDuty to coalesce multiple alerts into one.
Default: None


Optional: A URL to a runbook for the alert. This will be included in the alert. Useful for providing instructions on how to troubleshoot/resolve the issue.
Default: None


Optional: If set to true, will resolve any active alerts with the dedup_key. This allows you to automatically resolve active alerts for a job once it succeeds. Requires a separate step in your GitHub Actions process; see below.
Default: false

More documentation on the above parameters is available here.

Example usage

Adding this to your steps will send a PagerDuty alert if the job fails. It is recommended to add this step at the end of your job to cover all possible failures.

- name: Send PagerDuty alert on failure
  if: ${{ failure() }}
  uses: Entle/[email protected]
    pagerduty-integration-key: '${{ secrets.PAGERDUTY_INTEGRATION_KEY }}'
    pagerduty-dedup-key: github_workflow_failed
    runbook-url: ''

Optionally, add the below step after the one above to resolve the alert if a subsequent job succeeds.

- name: Resolve PagerDuty alert on success
  if: ${{ !failure() && !cancelled() }}
  uses: Entle/[email protected]
    pagerduty-integration-key: '${{ secrets.PAGERDUTY_INTEGRATION_KEY }}'
    pagerduty-dedup-key: github_workflow_failed
    resolve: true

Adding both steps to your job will create an alert when the job fails, and resolve the alert when the job succeeds. Using ${{ github.workflow }} for pagerduty-dedup-key (or any other key that is unique per-workflow) allows multiple jobs that each trigger and resolve alerts independently, while customizing the logic within the if configs allows for more complex page and resolution behavior.

PagerDuty Alert is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.


GitHub Action to send a PagerDuty alert, e.g. on action failure



PagerDuty Alert is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.