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Machine Translated by Google to obtain the degree of Bachelor of Laws from the


Faculty of Law of the University of Brasilia –





Advisor: Prof. Dr Marcus Faro de Castro

Monograph presented as partial requirement



Machine Translated by Google Advisor

made up of the following professors:


Brasilia, December 2, 2015.

Monograph presented as a partial requirement to obtain the Bachelor of Law degree from


Faculty of Law of the University of Brasília (UnB) and approved by the examining board

Professor Doctor Paulo Burnier da Silveira



Professor Ana de Oliveira Frazão

Professor Doctor Marcus Faro de Castro


Machine Translated by Google To my father.



Machine Translated by Google I am also grateful to my family, who always renew my soul with sincere looks,

I thank Eduardo, my partner on long study afternoons. thanks for

And I thank the reader, you brighten this work.

academic advice, as well as for the words of support regarding the stubborn insecurities that I

It greatly inspired me on the path of economic law and helped me in researching and writing this

I thank my mother, my example of determination and passion for life, and my father,


support and guide me. my safe haven and wise guide on the paths of this world. I owe them the education and love that

tight hugs and shared laughter. My dear uncles and aunts, cousins and cousins, the


Brasilia. In particular, I thank my advisor, Prof. Dr. Marcus Faro de Castro, who I extend my gratitude to the masters I had at the Faculty of Law of the University of

Always welcoming is the sap that nourishes me.

accompanied on this journey.


Machine Translated by Google V

We refuse to believe that there are insufficient funds

in the great vaults of opportunity….

a check that will give us upon demand the riches of freedom and the security of justice."

Martin Luther King, 1969.

"We refuse to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt.

And so, we've come to cash this check,

Machine Translated by Google this domain. On the one hand, the outbreak of events such as the 2008 financial crisis undermines the

functioning of financial markets. Pistor (2012) argues that the known literature

Keywords: Regulation of financial markets; Law and Finance; New Law and

how “law and finance” dominates discussions of the purpose of law in regulating the

Development; Legal Analysis of Economic Policy; Legal Theory of Finance.

their influences is still the subject of intense global academic debate. This monograph is

led by jurists who, more than highlighting systemic asymmetries, seek to offer

objective is to analyze the main theories that intend to explain the role of law in relation to

international level, but also more cohesive with the imperatives of social and economic justice. regulatory responses not only more consistent with the current profile of the financial system

confidence in the efficiency of markets, the current regulatory architecture and current models


development and economic growth, the way in which this relationship is structured and exerts While there is little doubt about the influence of law on the promotion of

of corporate governance of the financial system. On the other hand, multidisciplinary analyzes emerge

global financial system and on a national scale. However, contemporary reality challenges


Machine Translated by Google events such as the 2008 financial crisis undermines confidence in market's efficiency, the

markets. Pistor (2012) argues that the Law and Finance literature dominates the discussions

Keywords: Financial markets regulation; Law and Finance; New Law and Development; Cool

about the purpose of the law in regulating the global financial system and also on a national

Analysis of Economic Policies; Legal Theory of Finance.

economy is still a matter of intense global academic debate. This paper aims to analyze the

than highlight systemic imbalances, seek to provide regulatory responses not only more

main theories that try to explain the role of law in relation to the functioning of the financial

with the imperatives of social and economic justice. consistent with the current profile of the international financial system, but also more cohesive

current regulatory architecture and the prevailing models of corporate governance of the


economic growth, how this relationship is structured and how law exerts its influence over Although there is little doubt about the influence of law on the promotion of development and

financial system. On the other, there are multidisciplinary analysis led by lawyers who, more

scale. But the contemporary reality challenges that domain. On the one hand, the emergence of


Machine Translated by Google LIST OF FIGURES

Figure 3 - Graphical overview of the Positional Analysis

Figure 4 – New contractual analysis

Figure 1 - Associations between Legal Institutions and Economic Institutions according to

Figure 5 – Transnational transmission of economic policy changes

Law and Finance literature

Figure 6 – Dynamics of expansion and contraction of the monetary system

Figure 2 - Interpretation of the theory of origins as an explanatory theory


Figure 7 - Empirical evidence of the Legal Theory of Finance

Machine Translated by Google 3. ALTERNATIVE THEORETICAL APPROACHES................................................ ..................60

1.3. Methodology ..................................................................... .................................................................. ............16

  1. REFERENCES ..................................................... .................................................................. ..................94

  2. DOMINANT THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK: LAW AND FINANCE..................................................18

1.1. Theme .................................................................. .................................................................. .....................10

3.3. Legal Theory of Finance (Law in Finance) .....................76

1.2. Justification ..................................................................... .................................................................. .............11

  1. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS ..................................................... ................................................................91

  2. SOME EVALUATIONS.................................................. .................................................................. 84

3.1. New Law and Development ..................................... 60


  1. INTRODUCTION................................................. .................................................................. .............10

3.2. Legal Analysis of Economic Policy ................................................... ...........................69

2.1. Theory of Origins ................................................................ .................................................................. ..24

2.2.1. Quantification of the right: debates on measurement and reductionism...............24 2.2.2. Legal families:

systematization and obsolescence of the debate.................................33 2.2.3. Expansion of the concept of

origins: social control and ideological nature..............40 2.2.4. Impact of law: economic performance and

varieties of capitalism.............44 2.2. Tripartite Interpretation of the Origins Theory ...............47 2.2.1. Theory

of origins as an explanatory theory .........47 2.2.2. Origins theory as predictive theory .............52 2.2.3. Theory

about origins as normative theory................................................. ...........54


Machine Translated by Google 1 Epstein (2005) conceptualizes financialization as the growth in the relevance of financial motivations, financial markets, actors and financial institutions in the

functioning and operation of domestic and international economies. two


theme the interactions between law, financial development and economic growth still

global integration and economic and social development around the world, as well as

This movement, spearheaded by international bodies and entities, such as Banco


supported the reduction of the right to an instrument of economic forces, and Max's analysis


Although there is a vast economic literature that supports the superiority argument

This debate exposes the promotion, in the last two decades, of legal reforms aimed at

development arouse the interest of scholars on the subject. In the 19th century, it was

importance in relation to traditional sectors of the economy, such as industry, thanks to the fall

raises questions on the part of jurists of comparative law and other scholars of

perpetuate through legal traditions and legal transplants (GLAESER and SHLEIFER, 2002;

considered the worst since the Great Depression of the 1930s

of Anglo-American legal institutions to attract financial capital (LEVINE, 2005), the

XVI to XVIII (in particular, the glorious and the French) continue to produce obstacles to the

But the contemporary reality is more complex: the financialization1 of the world economy

accompanied by the rise of market society2 compete with reverberations of

1.1. Theme

Weber, for whom the rationality of law was a fundamental ingredient for the birth of

(KREVER, 2013), is based on the assumption that styles of social control whose

improving the business environment in the world.

from borders to capital mobility (EPSTEIN, 2005). There was also the monetization of

The contrast between Karl Marx's economic determinism, which

2008 financial crisis3


development (ROE, 2007; MICHAELS, 2009a; PISTOR, 2013a). As a background

LA PORTA et al, 2008). It is not new that the intersections between law, economics and

(AKERLOF and SHILLER, 2009). Over the past thirty years, financial services have gained

origins refer to medieval historical events or to the liberal revolutions of the centuries

capitalism (GINSBURG, 2000; MILHAULPT and PISTOR, 2008).

Considered one of the key moments of the crisis, on September 15, 2008, one of the four largest investment banks in the United States, Lehmann Brothers, filed the largest bankruptcy petition in that country: more than US$639 billion in assets and US$619 billion in debt. The global financial crisis that took place that year was responsible for the erosion of approximately US$10 trillion in the stock market in October 2008 alone (WIGGINS, PIONTEK and METRICK, 2014).

Sandel (2013) defines market society as the place where the market mechanism stops being just a means of organizing economic activity, and takes precedence in society's moral choices.

Machine Translated by Google 4


This is the systemic risk known as “too big to fail”, according to which some financial institutions have become too critical for the economy to the point that the government has to help them with public resources in order to avoid possible requests of cascading bankruptcy, as well as the loss of confidence in the sustainability of the financial system (KHANDANI, LO and MERTON, 2013).

(GADINIS, 2013) and called into question the structure it adopted, based on measurement and

Brazil did not remain isolated from the effects of this international crisis. Despite

for future studies.

go bankrupt”

values replacing ethics and morals, which stems from the predominance of the conception of

made use of countercyclical policies – for example, tax exemptions (RABELO, 2010).


United States government, fall 2008: preventing the collapse of the financial system

in the slowdown of the international economy and in the increase in international liquidity, which

the most relevant criticisms of the analyzed approaches; observe the role reserved for

risk management by financial institutions (ROMANO, 2014). This crisis

vigorous growth in the two years that followed, in 2009 there was a retraction of 0.2% of

contemporary analytical panorama of the main theories that seek to explain the interweaving

'what is there' to be investigated. Popper (1963) maintains that it is absurd to think about observation

The 2008 crisis represented a general failure of financial system regulation

of that country (PISTOR, 2014b).

present study is to analyze the main theories that intend to explain the role of law in


superiority of the market as a mechanism for organizing life in society (SANDEL,

Given this scenario, accepted the assumption that the law matters for the

, through the multibillion-dollar bailout of financial institutions deemed “too big to

jurist for each of these theories; and identify any theoretical gaps to be filled

negatively affected the exchange rate, in the sense of appreciation of the national currency,

relation to the functioning of the financial market. The specific objectives are: to outline a


Theories matter: they are fundamental to guide any investigation, as they define

demanded a still not completely defined solution to a paradoxical problem faced by the

Bruno Domestic Product (GDP). The Government of Dilma Rousseff (2011-2014), based on

between legal institutions, financial development and economic performance; identify

even if at the expense of taxpayers, jobs, savings and homes of citizens

development, although not fully understood, the general objective of the


Machine Translated by Google problems. Popper therefore argues that theory, in the form of a hypothesis to be tested and

conceptual to the observer6 .

financial system for domestic and international politics, warns that, once

pure, without any prior selection of a certain object, a specific task, a problem, a point of view5 .

Specifically about the financial system and its regulation, the theory defines not only

within the scope of financial markets have happened in the last thirty years: (i) deregulation,

preview of the phenomenon to be observed implies the description of similarities, differences and

forbids, the better it is (POPPER, 1963).

through timeless elaborations, but also a perspective of the world, trapped in time

the market economy to efficiently allocate resources, all of which

possibly falsified, precedes observation. Every theory is also a prohibition to

Robert Cox (1981) goes further: theory always benefits someone and some purpose, because,

according to which markets are efficient and self-regulating: the traditional economy, based on

classifications that are based on interests, points of view and choices of

used to answer them, which compromises the entire research and can create a prison

substantiated significant changes in the financial system. Strange (1998) also argues

He says that “observation is always selective”. The conception

how the market is thought, but also determines the purpose of state regulation (PISTOR,

very restricted concepts of the research object – in her case, politics –, the questions

started in 1975, with the fall of restrictions on the differentiation of commissions in the brokerage of

Strange (1998), when criticizing the myopia of social theorists of not seeing the relevance of

supposedly benefit. According to Levinson (2014), four types of institutional change

space for past experiences and future expectations.

that the changes in the financial industry are largely due to the spread of the vision


evidence that goes against the horizon of the observer's expectations - let alone a theory

however sophisticated it may be, carries within it not only the attempt to transcend the present

in liberal economic theory, argues that the fall of barriers to capital is a prerequisite for

formulated in the investigation are also equally restricted, as is the methodology

2012). Gilpin (2001) argues that the rise of neoliberal theory in the 1980s

Popper (1963) questions the absence of meaning in the imperative “observe!”, without there being any prior understanding or mention of the direct object. This anecdote would illustrate the requirement for selectivity inherent in any observation. For Strange (1998), the literature of international relations and political science was incapable of understanding the functioning of politics due to the emphasis respectively on international conflicts and the promotion of liberal values. The adoption of excessively restricted concepts about what politics was, for Strange (1998), necessarily limited the scope of what could be found as an explanation.

6 5

Machine Translated by Google Shiller (2015) defines irrational exuberance as the psychological basis of speculative bubbles, which constitute a situation in which an increase in the price of shares fills the investor with enthusiasm, which psychologically infects other people and, in turn, reinforces the rise in shares and amplifies justifications for this rise, attracting more classes of investors through envy of other people's success, as well as excessive optimism.

7 bad: instead of reinforcing the potential benefits of open markets, policies that followed

they argue, human irrational exuberance and financial crises are seen as

the great growth of financial institutions, the deregulation of the financial market, the

thus marginalized the notion that financial crises find their cause in a supposed

stocks in the USA; (ii) liberalization, with a reduction in state barriers to foreign participation;

the 2008 financial crisis; and (iv) globalization, with the transnational operation of important

world economy, which manifested itself in four ways: (i) liquidity crises; (ii) preference

Financial Institution.

(MINSKY, 1986).

adoption of such a prescription would have been beneficial only to the financial elites of the economies

real world, taken by politicians, regulators and investors on a global scale (DAVIS and

ignore non-economic motivations, as well as disoriented choices – defined by them

influence the regulation of the financial sector in their favor (COFFEE, 2012; GADINIS, 2013).

managerial discretion of executives of banking entities. that was intimately

recommendations of liberal economic theory would have increased the fragility and risks of


adverse shocks, far from characteristics specific to the economic mechanism. Remains

The 2008 financial crisis would be a good illustration of this. Chefffins (2015) maintains that

by speculative investments; (iii) governments' inclination towards deflationary policies

(iii) consolidation, with the merger of financial institutions, which happened mainly after

natural and inevitable financial instability of the modern capitalist economy, arising from

diversification of financial services, as well as the differentiation of the governance system

specifically for banking institutions have contributed to too much

shocks, displacement of investments and dizzying expansions of bank credit

Akerloff and Shiller (2009) argue that this dominant economic theory fails to

Despite occasional incompleteness, the dominant theory influences decisions about the

(less growth and less inflation); and (iv) pressure for capital outflows. A

developed and under development (STRANGE, 1998; KREVER, 2013), capable of

linked with the assumption of excessive risks taken by financial institutions, which

as “animal spirits”, an element of uncertainty and ambiguity in the economy. That's why,

KRUSE, 2007). Including, for Strange (1998), bad theories can support policies


Machine Translated by Google $180 trillion that same year. Only the stock of transnational funding , which includes

financial institutions in the physiology of domestic and international economies (EPSTEIN,

Levinson (2014), the global total of financing carried out via the capital market amounted to

later enabled the emergence of the generalized crisis. This exposure to risk, however,

with greater returns, which, in turn, reinforced strategies

gains and losses, virtues and misfortunes of the financial system, ignoring boundaries between

sovereignties. This is the process that occurred over the last three decades in which there was expansion

benefited not only the chief executives, with bigger bonuses, but also large institutional investors8

US$6.5 trillion in 2011, excluding non-securitized and resold domestic credit. One

between 2008 and 2012 (US$1.841 trillion) (LEVINSON, 2014).

solutions found are not enough (SCHWARCZ, 2014), contemporary reality

national companies for international competition (DORE, 2008).

The globalization of finance, or the financialization of the global economy, enhances


presents a peculiar context: the greater importance of finance for the global economy. Second

in 2013. Another important change concerns the drop in the international use of debt securities (debt

funding9 ) of almost 70% (totaling US$705 billion), the increase in fundraising through equity funding10

of just under 80% (a total of

In addition to the uncertainties posed by the 2008 financial crisis regarding a new architecture,

2014), the accelerated growth in the complexity of financial intermediation, the rise of 2005), resulting from several factors, including: market deregulation (SAWYER,

defense of property rights, as well as the rise of a model for promoting

regulation capable of avoiding new losses (ROMANO, 2014), as well as the pessimism that

US$ 630 billion), and the stagnation of syndicated loans, an increase of 10% in the period


estimate of the value of all financial assets traded in these markets reached

of taking greater risks (CHEFFINS, 2015).

loans from international banks and issuance of debt securities, reached US$52 trillion

significant participation of financial motivations, financial markets, actors and

Cheffins (2013) recalls that institutional investors, such as pension funds, would be the investors capable of overcoming the monitoring disincentives suffered by individual shareholders. Therefore, in the 1980s and 1990s, they would have led an agenda for improving corporate governance and the rights of non-controlling shareholders, including lobbying for the relaxation of regulatory rules, in order to have access to investments with higher returns, which were based on greater risks, on the other hand. Refers to creditors' resources invested in the company, with the commitment to return fixed interest, accompanied by the right to execute the underlying guarantee in the event of non-payment of the debt. Refers to the capital invested by shareholders accompanied by the right to vote and receive dividends. 10 9


Machine Translated by Google economic impact directly affect the possibilities of enjoyment of rights (CASTRO, 2009).

In social life, groups and individuals may ascribe special considerations of value or

4.9% in 1980. The assets of the six largest US commercial banks grew

such as food and housing, are now made available on a daily basis only by

economic situation, referred to as “fiscal adjustment”, with the aim of reducing expenses and

available credit supply, including its costs, as the price of consumer goods

between 2001 and 2008, financial institutions listed on the S&P500 index showed

Financialization is also associated with the change in the main source of accumulation of

United States, at the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century, the growth of institutions

social constructions of relationships and goods, include beliefs, feelings, affective symbols or

financial institutions was higher than that of other companies (STRANGE, 1998; CHEFFINS, 2015).

global economy through the financial system: financial crises highlight the link between

value is only secondarily linked to economic price.

Every economy, according to Castro (2005) (who relies on Karl Polanyi), rests on

general economy: this is a relative gain in importance, in which entities in this sector

the right to work and the right to health, is also increasingly conditioned to flows

contracts to the final consumer (CASTRO, 2014). Consequently, policy decisions

Even so, in Brazil, the government introduced changes in its policy in 2015

protections – a certain circumstantial unavailability – on certain notions that apply


four times more in relation to that country's GDP between 1994 and 2009. Furthermore, in the period

monetary intermediation, which links the enjoyment of constitutionally guaranteed rights to

cultural. To these social relations, not always oriented in favor of the exchange of goods, the

profits: from trade and production to an emphasis on the financial sector (KRIPPNER, 2005). Us

superior performance to all others (CHEFFINS, 2015).

elementals has built-in the cost of credit used by the producer to make these available.

same goods and is passed on cumulatively in the production chain through aggregates

However, the theory has profoundly influenced not only the transformation of

According to Cheffins (2015), the rise of the financial sector not only follows the growth

capital flows and enjoyment of rights.

individuals of a given group can assign a meaning that cannot be specified at first – the

Castro (2014) observes that the empirical enjoyment of subjective fundamental rights, such as

financial institutions, which escape full control through the use of force. basic rights,

began to represent around 8.3% of North American GDP in 2006, compared to

a social substratum that is neither fixed nor immutable nor is it defined solely in economic terms.

Machine Translated by Google 11 FOLHA DE SÃO PAULO, 09/14/2015, Government announces cut of R$ 26 billion and wants to revive CPMF. Accessed at proximo-ar-26-bilhoes.shtml

Schumpeter (1911), who argue that the role of the financial system is essential for

scientific journals, as well as books, on corporate governance, finance

Law (Law and Economics); (ii) analysis guided by the Theory's propositions about the

from its three possible interpretations – explanatory, predictive and normative character.

with an emphasis on publications presented in the last twenty years. This investigation is based on

increase state revenues, without any prior discussion about the effects of these measures

not about the effects

that it is the intermediary institutions that identify and finance entrepreneurs with

on the effective enjoyment of constitutionally guaranteed rights

more appropriate to discuss changes in the financial system, as that environment brings together

financial market presents a scenario in which there is a prominent place for a theoretical framework

markets (STRANGE, 1998).

1.3. Methodology

Namely, the second section is dedicated to Law and Finance literature ,

interweaving between law, financial development and economic performance. Are they:

mobilization of financial flows towards economic development to the extent that


international institutions and the role of legal institutions in promoting economic development,

Origins, the most sophisticated formula in Law and Finance literature; and (iii) examination of this theory to

the best opportunities for innovation.

thinking of Strange (1998), for whom understanding the financial system requires

In the third section, it focuses on three alternative approaches, which stand out from the

other criticisms directed at the dominant framework for the holistic nature of understanding the

multidisciplinary approach. Likewise, it is assumed that the academy is the place

distributive over different social groups.

actors who are freer of interests, as opposed to politicians and the operators of

This monograph follows the structure designed by Pistor (2012), for whom the regulation of

largely supported by assumptions borrowed from mainstream economic theory.

which is analyzed from three perspectives: (i) its differentiation in relation to the current Economic Analysis

This study is the result of a bibliographic review of the main articles published in

The research carried out is also based on the intuition of Bagehot (1873), Hicks (1969) and


Machine Translated by Google 17

in the bibliographic review on the most relevant points of all these theoretical discourses and their

(i) the New Law and Development (NDD); (ii) the Legal Analysis of Economic Policy

respective impacts on the regulation of the financial system. The fifth section ends with

brief summary of this monograph.

Finally, the fourth section consolidates some brief evaluations based on (AJPE); and (iii) the Legal Theory of Finance (TJF).

Machine Translated by Google 12




for finance, in particular, gained space in the academic and legal debate to the point of becoming

company managers, Shleifer and Vishny (1997) concluded that competition, company reputation14 , as

well as excessive optimism15 on the part of investors are incapable factors

legal framework followed by a country, in the sense that the legal and institutional framework would have


determinants of financial development. Part of the economic literature maintains that the

of common law.

The study by LLSV (1997, 1998) followed the path set by a previous one, by Shleifer and Vishny

(1997), on corporate governance13 (KAPLAN and ZINGALES, 2014).

The link between finance and economic growth raises the question about the elements

causal effect on economic growth (LA PORTA et al. 1998; HARRIS, 2008;

comparison, which codified and measured the level of legal protection offered to investors,

empirical) by a current known as Law and Finance, which, in the last two

creditors and shareholders, by commercial laws of 49 countries, which follow the traditions of civil law and


decades, has defended financial and economic development as a product of the tradition

international scope (GAROUPA and PARGENDLER, 2014; PISTOR, 2012).

resources to these business companies and, seen on a large scale, the financial development

(JENSEN and MECKLING, 1976). This was the assumed assumption (and transformed into a hypothesis

The first – and, perhaps, most influential – study of this literature, presented by La Porta et al.12

in a pair of articles from 1997 and 1998, constitutes empirical legal research

legal protection of investors external to the company limits the possibility of deviation, on the part of

MALMENDIER, 2009). As a result, the relevance of law to economics, in general, and

agents internal to the organization, of the resources invested in it, which would ensure the offer of more

become the dominant theoretical paradigm in understanding the intersection of law and finance in

By analyzing the ways in which investors guarantee a return on investments with

The four authors of the study in question are generally cited using their initials, LLSV. According to Collison et al. (2011), the four authors are the most influential in the world in the area of economics related to banking activity: Shleifer, with 3,765 citations in Essential Science Indicators, followed by Lopez-de-Silanes, with 2,396, La Porta, with 2,394, and Vishny, with 1,531.

According to this explanation, managers return the income from invested resources because they hope to raise more resources in the future from the capital market. Therefore, establishing a good payment reputation is essential to influence future investors (SHLEIFER and VISHNY, 1997).

In the study A Survey of Corporate Governance (1997), Shleifer and Vishny conceptualize corporate governance as a way in which investors guarantee the return of resources invested in companies. Corporate governance mechanisms, in turn, are conceptualized as economic and legal institutions that can be changed through a political process.

According to this approach, investors would offer their resources, expecting appreciation in the company's short-term securities, without reflecting on the means of recovering their investments. An extremist possibility

Machine Translated by Google this would be the occurrence of a Ponzi Scheme, in which the company that raises funds uses resources in a fraudulent and sequential manner: it pays high returns to past investors with the resources of future investors (SHLEIFER and VISHNY, 1997). One of the conclusions reached by the study was that the three corporate governance systems analyzed, the United States, Germany and Japan, present significant combinations of legal protection for investors with concentration of ownership, whether through majority shareholders, corporate reorganizations or large bank creditors. According to Jensen and Meckling (1976, pp. 308), agency theory explains business behavior based on the difference in interests between company administrators, holders of managerial control, and investors, holders of company ownership. The agency relationship involves a contract by which the principal (individual or ownership group) delegates powers to another (the agent) so that he or she can carry out activities of interest to the principal. Starting from the premise that both are utility maximizers, the theory assumes that there are incentives for divergence between the agent's behavior and the principal's interest. Such divergence can be limited by the principal, but this implies costs (agency costs), which can be summarized as: (i) costs of monitoring the agent by the principal; (ii) costs (pecuniary or otherwise) of the agent himself to demonstrate compliance with his obligations to the principal; (iii) costs of drafting contracts aimed at reducing agency costs; and (iv) residual losses resulting from the reduction of wealth by the principal and resulting from unavoided divergences between the agent's decisions and the principal's interests. According to Demsetz (1967), property rights are understood as a bundle of rights over a thing, an instrument of society that allows an individual to form expectations of keeping that asset under their control in relationships with other participants in society. Despite this broad definition of property rights theory, Jensen and Meckling (1976, pp.307) restrict property rights to what is generally defined contractually regarding the determination of how gains and costs will be distributed among the participants of a business organization. .

According to Fama and Miller (1972), finance theory deals with how individuals and companies allocate resources over time. She explains how the existence of capital markets, which allow means of exchanging resources available at different points in time, facilitate solutions to resource allocation problems by companies.

is perceived as a unit through a legal fiction, it is in essence a


to fully explain fundraising in the financial market. In your place, Shleifer

shareholders and creditors, as essential approaches to a good governance system and Vishny (1997) suggest the concentration of ownership and legal protection of investors,

The theory of the firm's ownership structure integrates elements of economic theories

company, by Coase (1937), adopted in the theory of the structure of the ownership of the firm, by Jensen and


Meckling (1976), which was the theoretical perspective chosen by those authors to base their

opposite to the traditional view that sees the firm as just a market agent, a “box

organization of economic activity, in general, and corporate governance, in particular,

it also precedes the study by Shleifer and Vishny (1997): it is present in the contractual view of

black” (JENSEN and MECKLING, 1976). Although it was not the first study focusing on

corporate16 .

of agency17 , property rights18 and finances19 , and assumes that the company, although

The notion, however, that legal rules play a fundamental role in

complex of contractual ties between individuals with conflicting objectives. It's about theory





Machine Translated by Google Jensen and Meckling (1976) state that the principal-agent problem occurs in all organizations and in

Shleifer and Vishny (1997) cite the expropriation of assets by managers through the use of transfer prices as direct costs. They also mention Grossman and Hart (1988), who describe other forms of manifestation of this problem: private benefits of control, such as indirect gains and superfluous travel, irrational expansion of the company, the manager remaining in a management position even when contrary to the interests of shareholders.

The first analysis in this sense was carried out in The Modern Corporation and Private Property, by Berle and Means (1932), which dominated the research agenda of the North American commercial law academy in the 50 years following its publication. According to this approach, modern companies are characterized by the separation between those who have legal ownership over them and those who actually control them. The first group would be represented by shareholders, while the second by the board of directors and business managers. This division results in management groups that seek private benefits from control to the detriment of the interests of shareholders, who, as they are diffuse, have little incentive to monitor the companies to which they have allocated their resources. As a result, without robust regulation, shareholders would be harmed by powerful executives (CHEFFINS, 2013).

Cheffins (2013) states that the study by Jensen and Meckling (1976) is the most cited in research on corporate governance. The author, citing Ocasio and Joseph (2005), states that 1976 was also the year in which the term “corporate governance” was used for the first time in the official journal of the North American federal government.

See note 17.

all cooperative efforts, at all levels of administration. 24


23 22


more consistent with the interest of the principal, this type of relationship, even if there are ways

to limit this eventual divergence, presents a cost23 . Therefore, the separation between ownership

and control in companies24 places them within the context of the agency cost problem. In

to the Law and Economics literature and was used as a scientific basis for the conclusion that the

separation of ownership/control20 nor made express mention of “corporate governance”, the

For the theory of the structure of the firm's ownership, a peculiarity of the company

most financial market regulations would be unnecessary in terms of governance

The theory of the company's ownership structure became a starting point for research in this

area21 and is now considered a cornerstone of financial economics (SAITO and SILVEIRA, 2008).

in which one or more people

shareholders, suppliers, etc.).

(principal) assigns decision-making powers to a third party service provider (agent).

La Porta et al. (2000a) state that the approach of Jensen and Meckling (1976) belongs 20

Considering the possibility of divergence between the actions taken by the agent and those

delegation of decision-making powers, the principal-agent problem and the consequent costs

and Vishny (1997), it is about the separation between “finance” and “management”. Such a separation would bring

the firm from a “principal-agent” relationship

would emerge in all these contracts (between workers, creditors, administrators,

contemporary is the separation between “ownership of assets”, in the hands of external investors,


and “company control”, submitted to internal managers – in terms used by Shleifer

In other words, if companies are conceived as contractual complexes with some

corporate. La Porta et al. (2000a) note that this theoretical discourse presupposes that


Machine Translated by Google 25 Jensen and Meckling (1976) make a curious analogy between this conception of the company and the dominant conception of the market: in both, the final behavior would result from a complex balance process between

Financial contracts involve sophisticated and rational parties who, on average, recognize

disagreement with their expectations, these impositions through greater requirements of

securities . Thus, managers would have the incentive to restrict their own

To illustrate, when an investor allocates his resources in a certain company and

investors happen works in the theory of the firm's ownership structure as a

state jurisdiction and the form of conflict resolution between the contracting parties. The influence

its contractual obligations to disclose information about its activities and its

a blow to the company's reputation, which will be considered by other investors in Dali

argue that this occurs because companies internalize agency costs (the costs

of what can be contracted, in order to reduce agency costs: which contracts

that company fails to fulfill obligations assumed by it, such as disclosure obligations

ex ante incentive that disciplines the company manager's own behavior, in the sense of

Jensen and Meckling (1976) further argue that the law has an impact on the activity

good treatment of investors.

the functioning of the financial market. The possibility that such a sanction imposed by the

of agency and, consequently, by increasing investments in the company (JENSEN and

the risk of expropriation of their investments, penalize companies that fail so much with

control powers, through contracts with investors, in order to limit the chance

returns or even increasing credit to the company, for example.

of law arises from the fact that companies are not individuals, but rather legal fictions


of divergence between owners and controllers) when securities and securities are issued

on. Thus, investors would be able to impose sanctions on companies that acted in

MECKLING, 1976).

can be agreed between individuals and organizations, the hypotheses for triggering the

of accounting information, the theory of Jensen and Meckling (1976) considers that this represents

economic when it establishes the types of possible contracts, as well as regulating the scope

prevent the company from failing to meet its contractual obligations. Jensen and Meckling (1976)

Jensen and Meckling (1976) maintain, however, that this is only part of the explanation.

of expropriation and diversion of invested resources. This would be responsible for reducing costs

whose behavior can be understood as that resulting from the balance achieved by individuals with

conflicting objectives within a structure of contractual relationships25 . Per

Machine Translated by Google 26

conflicting interests. However, they notice a difference. For the company, the law confers a fiction of legal unity. As for the stock market, for example, the “error” is made of conceiving it as a person with its own motivations and intentions, even though there is no legal provision in this regard. Coase (1961) emphasizes transaction costs that refer to the process of economic exchange itself. In a cost-free scenario, private negotiation between two contracting parties could lead to an efficient decision from an economic point of view. However, given the existence of transaction costs, Coase (1961) maintains that courts, when deciding on individual cases, should take into account not only the benefits generated by this judicial decision, but also the possible transaction costs. generated, because of this same court decision, in activities outside the scope of the judicial process. That is, Coase (1961) defends the consideration of the total effect of the decision.

assumption (LA PORTA et al, 2000a).

Investors have a more developed capital market than their peers.

Despite such considerations about the importance of law for the economy, the literature

Therefore, the legal system would determine the productivity, profitability and viability of the various forms

Assuming that investors are able to sanction defaulting companies and

companies, as well as the allocation of resources in the financial system. Shleifer and Vishny

(1997) even observe that when two countries have judicial bodies capable of

of economic organization (JENSEN and MECKLING, 1976).

Law and Economics, represented here by the theory of the structure of the firm's ownership, of

judicial enforcement of contracts observed around the world play a central role in

necessary regulatory intervention on financial markets, in an environment of

highlights the role of law and regulation as a form of investor protection, which, in

would not be

corporate governance of each country and, consequently, on the ownership structure of


competition (STIGLER, 1971; LA PORTA et al. 2000a).

premise. On the other hand, they maintain that differences between the legal rules protecting

(1976) conclude that, as long as contracts agreed between investors and companies are

market competition as a sufficient factor to solve the problems arising from The authors, two of the four precursors of Law and Finance, thus discarded the

separation of ownership and control. Consequently, Shleifer and Vishny (1997) consider

duly applied by the Judiciary, as presupposed by Coase (1961),

investors found in different jurisdictions, as well as differences between the form of

that managers consider this capacity as an incentive to self-restrict control powers

Jensen and Meckling (1976), takes judicial enforcement of contracts as a given

control through contracts and the consequent reduction of agency costs, Jensen and Meckling

Shleifer and Vishny (1997) move away from Law and Economics when they abandon this

ensure equivalent contract compliance, the country that offers greater legal protection to


Machine Translated by Google 27


Faced with the perception of greater importance of corporate governance, scholars of financial economics would have started to place greater emphasis on the analysis of the political and regulatory environment, what Jensen (1993, pp. 872) calls “finance politics”. From that moment on, Jensen (1993) argues that economists inclined to normative theory would be more interested in making the internal control systems of companies seek efficiency and optimization of the value of companies, while economists focused on positive economics would have as their greatest challenge understand how these internal systems interact with market, legal, political and regulatory factors. In the 1990s, the best corporate governance system was discussed. On the one hand, there was the system of dispersed ownership, marked by a thriving capital market, with great transparency and strong governance mechanisms. On the other hand, there was a concentrated ownership system, characterized by weak capital markets and low transparency (COFFEE, 2000). Shleifer and Vishny (1997) found that successful systems of corporate governance, such as those practiced in the United States, Germany and Japan, combined characteristics of these two typical models: legal protection for minority investors and a relevant role for majority shareholders. Although these authors did not find evidence of superiority of one of these governance systems over the other two, these three systems together, according to Shleifer and Vishny (1997), were considered superior to the others, such as Italy and Russia, characterized as having low protection. minority investor or with companies controlled by families and internal managers.

Jensen (1993), economist of the Law and Economics approach , suggests a change in perception on the part of economists about the lack of regulation in financial markets in the early 1990s. For Jensen (1993), data collected until then would have corroborated failures in systems of internal control headed by boards of directors in large corporations. This would have prevented managers from maximizing the efficiency and value of these entities, which was one of the propositions of the theory of firm ownership. Jensen (1993) stated that conflicts between managers and investors would have played a central role in understanding finance.

judicial application of these same norms, which could have a great influence on the

(KAPLAN and ZINGALES, 2014), Shleifer and Vishny launch at the end of the study questions about

according to La Porta et al. (2000a), challenges the Law and Economics perspective , which advocates

the unnecessary need for regulation27 (STIGLER, 1964; EASTERBROOK and FISCHEL, 1991).

his finding that the protection of property rights would be fundamental to guaranteeing Based on the company's contractual vision, with its emphasis on agency costs and

the nature of the legal protection of investors provided by the different legal systems


investor, as well as the institutional character of corporate governance, opened the way for research on

what would be the best corporate governance system28 . However, given the


the fact that there was no systematized data on corporate governance around the world

subsequently answered by La Porta et al. (1998), for the studies that were inspired and

financial resources receive the due return on their investments, according to the risk

(CHEFFINS, 2013). In this way, the need for legal protection for the

for the consolidation of all this literature, the theory about the origins, elaborated by La Porta et al.

investments, Shleifer and Vishny (1997) identified corporate governance mechanisms

around the world, as well as differences in trade laws and variations in

as economic and legal institutions designed to ensure that suppliers of

corporate governance and, therefore, on investments. These questions that were

Machine Translated by Google 29

30 La Porta et al. (2008) divide these studies into three categories: (i) those that analyze the effects of origins on investor protection and of this on financial development; (ii) those that examine indices of state regulation on economic activities, such as the labor market; (iii) those who investigate the effects of origins on state institutions, such as the Judiciary, and of these on property rights and the application of law. La Porta et al. (2008, pp.3) hypothesize that such control is also reflected in other aspects of life.

private individuals and the abuse of rights by the State: the common law would strengthen the mechanisms

2009a), inaugurating what is now called “numerical comparative law” (SIEMS, 2005) or

quantitative". The second states that these “variations are due to the historical origins of the

2.1. Theory about origins

LLSV to the data found in the initial research, as well as the studies that followed29 - states that the origins,

conceptualized as systems of social control of economic life30

that it is possible to measure the right, with regression analysis, with scatter diagrams, being the

main technique used for this purpose. On the one hand, the method employed by this approach

The theory of origins - the name by which the interpretation given by

national legal system”. The third assumes that “the two main legal traditions, civil law and

2.1.1. Quantification of the right: debates on measurement and reductionism

summarized the theoretical building in four propositions. The first maintains that the “rights

quantitative analysis is the foundation stone”. On the other hand, the use of this method

The first supporting column of the theory about the origins consolidates the understanding


countries differ in a standardized way, making it possible to measure these differences in a

stipulates that “differences between legal rules would be relevant to the growth

Despite welcoming some of the criticisms that have emerged in the ten years since Law

on proposals to reform legal institutions around the world, to the point that Krever comparative law and finance (DEAKIN and SIEMS, 2010). This method has had so much influence

(2013, pp.132) state that “if law is the new church of development scholars, the

and Finance (1998), La Porta et al. (2008) maintained the essence (MICHAELS, 2009a) and

economic and for the regulation of society” (LA PORTA et al., 2008, pp. 326).

also raised criticism, mainly coming from jurists of traditional comparative law,

extremely persistent throughout history, have an impact on the normative framework of

common law, differ in the way they seek the balance between the disorder of agents

society as well as for economic activity.

market, while civil law would restrict them or replace them with state control”. The last

was responsible for the most important development in comparative law (MICHAELS,

Machine Translated by Google The CRI is an index that aggregates four variables: (i) existence of mandatory minimum requirements, such as creditor consensus, for requesting judicial recovery; (ii) possibility of liquidation of guarantees in case of approval of the request for judicial recovery; (iii) preference for secured creditors in the event of bankruptcy; and (iv) judicial appointment or by creditors of a new administrator in the event of judicial recovery. If the country analyzed had any of these provisions in its law, a value of 1 was noted. Otherwise, zero. The ADI therefore varies from zero to four (LA PORTA et al., 1997).

The ADI is an index that aggregates six variables indicative of the existence of six rules favorable to shareholders within a jurisdiction: (i) possibility for the shareholder to vote by means other than in person; (ii) possibility of trading company shares prior to general meetings; (iii) existence of proportional representation on the board of directors; (iv) existence of judicial mechanisms for challenging majority decisions; (v) minimum percentage of shares required to be less than or equal to 10% to call an extraordinary meeting; and (vi) existence of preference in the purchase of new issues (“anti-dilution” rights). If the country analyzed had any of these provisions in its law, a value of 1 was noted. Otherwise, zero. The ADI therefore varies from zero to six (LA PORTA et al., 1997; SPAMANN, 2010).

This is an average of the monthly “rule of law” measures, which vary from zero to ten, measured between 1982 and 1995, according to the International Country Risk Guide (ICRG), an index resulting from more than thirty metrics .

See note 9. 32



31 See note 10.


protects minority shareholders against majority shareholders in the corporate decision-making process

public offerings). In a second category, the legal protections provided to investors

accustomed to research with descriptive methods and studies with small scope (MICHAELS,

In the first work in the Law and Finance literature, La Porta et al. (1997) verify the

includes both the legal origin of each country’s legal system – the sample was divided into four

categories, common law countries , the French branch of civil law, the Germanic branch of civil law


by the commercial laws of those same 49 countries are quantified in two indices: one, referring to

most relevant right is the right to vote, the CRI assumes that the right to determine

domestic companies, using as indicators, for example, the number of firms listed on stock exchanges

(XU, 2011). While the ADRI assumes that the

the liquidation of guarantees in the event of non-compliance. A third category of variables


of securities and the number of new primary offerings of securities (IPOs - Initial

the protection provided to them, especially during the recovery and bankruptcy process

performed regressions with three categories of variables. The first corresponds to the value of these how much debt funding Therefore, .

capital markets in 49 countries, as well as the ease of access to them by companies

(CRI – Creditor Rights Index)

and another, related to the rights of creditors, which measures

there is a strong correlation between a country's legal system and the size and breadth of the

law and the Scandinavian branch of civil law – regarding the quality of application of law, verified from

indices on the normativity of law in the countries of the sample35 .

rights of minority shareholders, which measures how much a country's business laws

capital markets, including both equity funding

(ADRI – Antidirector Rights Index);

31 32



Machine Translated by Google According to the website of the PRS Group (Political Risk Services), publisher of the ICRG, this index is the product of research led by professors William Coplin and Micheal O'Leary, from the University of Syracuse, in partnership with the CIA/USA Department of State, whose objective was to develop a rigorous method for analyzing a country's risk components. Also according to the portal, the research gained strength during the Iranian Revolution, in the 1970s, with the nationalization of foreign companies. about-us/our-two methodologies/icrg. Accessed August 25, 2015.

The second version of the study presented by La Porta et al. (1998), although following the same

respectively: common law countries achieved an average of 4.00 and 3.11; the civil law countries

law in relation to those of civil law, especially those with jurisdictions influenced by the

nationalization or confiscation, by the government and (iv) risk of questioning contracts by the

comparative between 49 common law and civil law countries showed positive correlations

prepared in La Porta et al. (1998), has been used in more than one hundred quantitative studies on

number of indicators relating to the quality of law enforcement, in addition to normative strength

female entrepreneurs from each country in the sample. As for the ADRI and CRI indices, the

in the ten largest companies in each country with shares traded on stock exchanges (XU, 2011). There was,

or one of the explanatory variables, with the purpose of linking investor protection and

government. Other indicators on property dispersion in

significant differences between ADRI (shareholder protection), used as an independent variable, with

The indices that translate into numbers the rights of investors, whether they are shareholders

of law: (i) efficiency of the judicial system, (ii) corruption, (iii) risk of expropriation,

Based on the statistical analysis of the data and the correlations found, this research

between legal tradition and economic performance only with regard to the association between civil

structure of the previous year's work, presents distinct regressions, as well as a greater

French branch. The correlations found associated better economic performance and greater

from the Scandinavian branch, 3.00 and 2.00; the civil law countries of the Germanic branch, 2.33 and 2.33; and the

economy, business, finance (SPAMANN, 2010), establishing connections between the rights of


however, discrepancies regarding the data found when contrasting common countries

methodology of the previous study, from 1997, resulting in these two indices

French law and the concentration of corporate ownership.

influence of origins far beyond the field of finance. Only the ADRI, as

publicly traded companies, with analysis of the corporate composition of the ten largest entities

or creditors, have been used by other studies since then as a dependent variable

dependent variables such as the size of capital markets and ownership dispersion

French civil law countries , 2.33 and 1.58.

financial development with common law countries . The authors inferred a causal relationship

Machine Translated by Google 36 Spamann (2010) points out that the indexes elaborated in La Porta et al. (2006) and Djankov et al. (2007) would have already incorporated the methodological improvements he defended in his revisitation of the original ADRI, constructed by La Porta et al. (1998).

shareholders and, for example, stock returns and resource allocation (GIANNETTI and

level of share control to block the majority shareholder (NENOVA,

would not be effective in explaining debt levels between common law countries and those

LOPEZ-DE-SILANES and SHLEIFER, 1999); the payment of higher dividends (LA PORTA

laws index, Collective relations laws index (BOTERO et al., 2004), Public enforcement index (LA

PORTA et al., 2006)36 and Anti-self-dealing index (ASDI) (DJANKOV et al., 2008). One

full and accurate accounts about the corporate reality have more development

(DAHYA, DIMITROV and McCONNELL, 2008). Other studies have also established

LOVE, 2004); increase in the value of banking institutions (CAPRIO, LAEVER and LEVINE,

(SPAMANN, 2010).

accounting information, in the sense that jurisdictions that prioritize credit rights in

et al., 2000b); the greater appreciation of the company's assets (LA PORTA et al., 2002); better

Since these new indices measure different aspects of investor protection, they do not

address creditor rights and the development of financial intermediaries,

links between ADRI and: the dispersion of ownership in large companies (LA PORTA,

same orientation of quantification of rights, as Employment laws index, Social security

(1998), for example, found a link between the CRI, the origins and the determination of the

KOSKINEN, 2010) and the presence of independent executives on the board of directors of companies

of civil law. On the other hand, Xu (2011) cites later research that made use of this same index and


of these financial intermediaries (XU, 2011).


On the CRI, on the one hand, La Porta et al. (1997) come to the conclusion that the

2007); lower level of private benefits of control (DYCK and ZINGALES, 2004); smaller

banking development. In the same sense, Levine, Loyaza and Beck (2000), when

bankruptcy, effectively respect contracts and promote the communication of information

level of corporate governance, market value and operational performance (KLAPPER and

identified the impact of origins on the application of contracts and the quality of

make the original ADRI obsolete – this is a complementary relationship

At the same time, other studies in the literature constructed similar indices following the

identified its relevance to various aspects of financial development. Levine

Machine Translated by Google Spalmann (2010) illustrates this inconsistency with the following example: the difference between the values in Austria and Germany attributed to preemptive rights in issuing new shares to shareholders. Although the normative provisions in both countries were practically the same (right of preference as long as certain conditions were met, such as payment in currency), Germany was assigned a value of zero and Austria, one. The law of the State of Delaware, used as a parameter for the United States, allows companies to change all the rules used as variables in the ADRI in their respective articles of incorporation (SPALMANN, 2010).



SPAMANN, 2010); the excessive variation of values verified between countries of the same

cites: (i) the existence of dispositive norms, with the possibility of substitution, addition or

(COFFEE, 2001; DAM, 2006), the selection of variables studied for inclusion in the ADRI

While even critics of the application of quantitative methods to law admit

in an unprecedented scope of research (VAGTS, 2000; GRAFF, 2008; SPAMANN, 2010),

used in ADRI, in particular, were ambiguous enough to house binary values

(0 or 1) different for similar situations or too restricted to the point of not admitting any exception37 .

As the ADRI was intended to measure “commercial laws”, the unrealistic aspects

these studies are admirable for having found consistent and robust evidence,

(GRAFF, 2008); ignorance of administrative regulatory rules and case law

(2010). Considering that there is hardly any legal rule without exception, the accuracy of the data

following problems: ambiguities in the definitions of chosen variables (SPAMANN, 2010);

divergence between the “law of laws and books” and the “law of practice” (SPALMANN, 2010;

collected by LLSV has been questioned, in the sense that the original definitions of variables


the questionable relevance of the variables analyzed for measuring investor protection

A version of the ADRI with more accurate data for 33 of the 46 countries that

such as ADRI and CRI, focus both on the lack of functionality and effectiveness of these metrics

contrary to the formal prescription in law, and (iii) the existence of infralegal norms of a nature exclusion of rules, by the companies' articles of incorporation38 , (ii) business practices

regulatory framework with act as substitutes for legal prescriptions. In short, it would be the

and in methodological flaws (KREVER, 2013). Briefly, such criticisms refer to the

participated in the initial sample of La Porta et al. (1997, 1998) was built by Spamann

MICHAELS, 2009a).

the legal system is inherently complex and difficult to measure in quantitative terms

as functional substitutes for the existence of prescriptions in formal law (DAM, 2006;

(DAVIS and KRUSE, 2007; MICHAELS, 2009b). Criticisms regarding the creation of indexes,

legal family (DAM, 2006; GRAFF, 2008).

formal laws seem to have escaped their measurement – among these hypotheses, Spalmann (2010)

Machine Translated by Google 39 Spamann (2010) notes that while La Porta et al. (1998) made use of data compiled by jurists from the countries analyzed, the methodology he employed uses the completion of standard forms, which would provide greater conciseness in data collection.

The version constructed by Spamann (2010), although it maintained all the definitions of the

variables from the original index39 , no longer found significant correlations between the variables

how comparative research aimed at promoting pro-development reforms continues

reformable, such as legal tradition

check the conclusions reached by studies that made use of the original ADRI, generalize

for example, the security of private property does not depend only on legal protection, but

or even the issues to be resolved in general assemblies (COFFEE, 2001). The same

the conclusion of the superiority of the common law over the civil law, in particular that of

data collected (SPAMANN, 2010).

to offer sufficient subsidies for reforms on specific issues, such as guaranteeing

third parties without paying a premium – value above the market price –, which could

that data collected in other works would automatically suffer from the same

also support, or not, for expropriation by the State; (ii) numerical indicators on the

partial and surmountable protection, since the guarantees ensured by the assessed rights are not

French tradition with regard to financial development. Even though this could

some variables do not uniquely capture certain features of the legal system –

some aspects of the legal system (KREVER, 2013). In this sense, Deakin and Siems (2010)

“origin”, “capital market size” and “ownership dispersion”. It thus became

When an index intends to measure a certain object, it is essential to know exactly

almost the same orientation. According to Davis (2004), such quantitative efforts would not be

Thus, the variables analyzed by La Porta et al. (1998) in ADRI assume that shareholders


property rights; (iii) conclusions may arise from legal aspects not

The criticisms that refer to later studies of the Law and Finance literature, as well

argue, for example, that the variables chosen in one of the indices, the ADRI, offer

configure the main hypothesis of corporate reorganization to the detriment of the minority shareholder,

inconsistencies of the original ADRI would be inappropriate, although a revisitation of the

sufficient to protect minority shareholders against the takeover of corporate control by

quality of the system stem from overly broad system features such as rule of law,

able to capture all aspects of legal systems in a useful way for three reasons: (i)

which information should be aggregated (GRAFF, 2008), under penalty of implicitly privileging

Machine Translated by Google 42


41 Graff (2008) also demonstrates that the way in which the variables were aggregated in the indices, the types of tests carried out and the methodology for measuring values, as well as the exclusion of two variables “one share-one vote” and “mandatory dividends” were decisive for the conclusions reached by La Porta et al. (1998).

On the contrary, Siems (2005) states that other comparativists, such as Markesinis (2004), defend the

Combined as the author believes fit, the supremacy of common law countries disappears.

Cheffins (2013) states that even a defender of “shareholder democracy”, such as Schwartz (1983), admits the consensus on the part of the most careful observations in the sense that direct shareholder participation is impractical, due to their rational indifference towards of corporate affairs.

lack of fixed methodology for comparative law research.

The author does not, however, find the same inconsistencies in the CRI (creditors), an index that does not have as much explanatory power as the ADRI (LA PORTA et al., 1997; BECK and LEVINE, 2003).

comparative law prefer qualitative methods (REITZ, 2009; GAROUPA e

different, but that have the same purpose (norms with more than one function), or even

Porta et al. (1998) conducted research focused on the functioning of legal rules, the

minorities behave like residents of a village where decisions are made in

the variables “possibility of non-in-person voting” or “exemption from blocking

(DAVIS and KRUSE, 2007).

For this reason, the discipline of Comparative Law has long consolidated42 the functional approach

democratic procedures based on the majority criterion, in which any condition for participation necessarily

represents a 'non-protection' for the shareholder 40 (GRAFF, 2008). For example,

study is based on the codification of legal rules only by listing

DEAKIN and SIEMS, 2010), as well as the perception of uncertainty and the interactions between different

comparative law (SIEMS, 2005), although jurists in the area (MICHAELS, 2009a) and the

components of the legal system that can influence social and economic outcomes


legal academic environment (DAVIS and KRUSE, 2007) still ignore the debate. Despite her

terminology, cultural differences between legal systems, the risk of arbitrariness in the selection

and not an exclusion of minority shareholders from the decision-making process (GRAFF, 200841).

functional) (SIEMS, 2005; MICHAELS, 2009a). In this sense, some authors defend the extrajuridical phenomena that can exercise functions of legal rules (equivalent

need to understand the law within a context (DEAKIN and SIEMS, 2010), or at the same time

The translation of law into numerical values is also challenged by the perspective of

of objects of study, the eventual lack of knowledge of extralegal norms (MICHAELS, 2009b;

actions prior to meetings”. The existence of obstacles in these cases does not

similarities and differences between laws (DEAKIN and SIEMS, 2010). However, scholars of

necessarily a lack of protection - it can even prevent fraud, representing a protection

PARGENDLER, 2014) and indicate that it is fundamental to consider linguistic problems and

(MICHAELS, 2009a). According to this method, there may be legal solutions formally

Machine Translated by Google 44 43 MICHAELS (2009), pp. 787. An example that corroborates this observation is that in mid-1995 there were doubts about the best corporate governance system. The Japanese and German systems caught the attention of specialists precisely because they present other structures, with greater long-term financing, in the case of Japan – as opposed to the greater occurrence of mergers and acquisitions in the USA –, and greater participation of bank creditors, in Germany , compared to the dispersion of ownership among shareholders, as occurs in the USA (SHLEIFER and VISHNY, 1997).

elaborate question (MICHAELS, 2009a). On the other hand, the best solution to be found tends to

Bias also arises from the choice of categories analyzed:

least through other approaches that complement the reductionism of codifications

embedded in a legal framework. Michaels (2009a) maintains that this bias can, on the one hand, be

of one legal system over another, but rather of one discipline over another – what he calls

deeply understood when isolated from other factors such as history, politics, quantitative (MICHAELS, 2009a). The complexity of the law makes it impossible to be

manifest through the tendency to encourage issues posed by the legal system itself

economists – the questions raised are not legal in nature, but economic.

“economic bias”. Considering that the economic theoretical basis used in the research is

a given object, of neutral description, also ignores the asymmetry of its effects for the parties

Not only do norms have to be read within a context: the observer himself

Michaels (2009a) highlights that this worsens the problem of bias – not in the sense of superiority

affected by it (MILHAUPT and PISTOR, 2008).


analyzed based only on the presence or absence of specific rules in formal norms

should be questioned about a possible bias resulting from being himself

to be precisely that already internalized by the observer, about which he has greater knowledge.

indicators are not neutral, as they reflect previous conceptions of the role of law and

(MICHAELS, 2009a).

Because the authors of Law and Finance are not lawyers – the four are

its relationship with the law, which may be a reflection of its own ideology, such as the

economic neoliberalism (KREVER, 2013). Likewise, the perception of law as

economics and the social sciences (SIEMS, 2005). Therefore, the functional approach clashes with

domestic. In this way, the legal system in which the observer finds himself may appear to have

American origin and was developed within a US legal context, “the bias towards the economy would

easily become a bias in favor of American law”43 – an example of this would be the emphasis on

the rights of minority shareholders44 .

the methodology used in the first works of the Law and Finance literature: the law

the best legal solution to a given problem simply because it responds precisely to the

Machine Translated by Google 45 Reitz (2009) states that he himself reached conclusions similar to the origins literature regarding a more intrusive and regulatory conception of law in civil law compared to common law. (pp. 849) – results obtained in the study Political Economy and Abstract Review in Germany, France, and the United States (1999).

it by itself, which requires a non-quantitative theoretical framework to explain the relationship between

numbers offer, the use of numerical metrics as an analysis method is also

about the origins would be beneficial not only by enriching the discussions that come to

of law depends not only on knowledge of the physiology of the legal system, but also on the

quantitative analysis (KREVER, 2013). Despite this, studies such as La Porta et al. (1998) and

to perceive a certain institutional deterioration in that country.

of traditional jurists, but also for the possibility of confirming qualitatively formulated theories45 .

indicators formed from data on the perception of companies, business leaders and

that followed La Porta et al. (1998) can be very useful to comparative law (SPAMANN,

qualitative studies, such as the classification of legal families. By the way, this author, when citing Tufte

The quantification of the right is also contested based on the possibility, or not, of the

emerges as such perceptions of the legal-regulatory environment are influenced by

any adjustments made by scholars capable of recognizing the uncertainty of the law and the

organizes the data in such a way as to make any causality clear, however, it is unable to prove

objective descriptions. Combined with the appeal of objectivity and credibility in the judgments that

sense, Krever (2013) cites Ocampo and Vos (2008), who would have noted that the perception of the rule

(MICHAELS, 2009a). Reitz (2009) states that the use of quantitative methodology by theory

economic performance of the country – when an economy was in crisis, there would be a tendency

deal with the available data, bringing the challenge of demanding alternative explanations of the method

associated with rigor and universality – even critics do not disagree with these virtues of

others that were inspired by it, such as the World Bank's Doing Business , make use of

Despite the criticisms made, the use of large-scale quantitative research such as

Reitz (2009) also recalls that the literature on origins itself is based on


2009a), although the benefits of these research models are conditioned to

(1974), points out that the product of quantitative research – the statistical analysis of correlations –

other subjects of civil society. For Krever (2013), the problem in managing these indicators

complexity of the legal social phenomenon can be subjectively perceived and summarized as

ephemeral characteristics or not belonging to the legal system of the society analyzed. In that

existence of functionally equivalent institutions within the same jurisdiction

Machine Translated by Google Reitz (2009) cites the work of Milhaupt and Pistor (2008) who, using exclusively qualitative methods, study how six countries responded to the challenges of the 2008 global financial crisis. According to him, this highlights a certain bias on the part of legal academics comparative, in the sense that there is rejection of the quantitative method. In the same sense, Michaels (2009b) maintains that there is an opposition between the current tradition of Comparative Law in proceeding with detailed descriptions of jurisdictions against the possibility of statistical measurement of differences between countries. Siems (2005) assumes that law, as a complex system of dynamic and chaotic rules, is not capable of being divided and analyzed based on smaller categories. As a result, any analysis that does so is incapable of understanding irregularities and disorder, and is therefore superficial. On the other hand, the author highlights that this is also refutable, since statistics are also used in other areas of knowledge that study human behavior, such as psychology and political science.



al. (2008), maintains that the normative variations between the different jurisdictions of the world are

general. In short, comparativists claim that this is not an opposition between methods46

household); and (vi) the limitation of conclusions arising from statistical analyses, which do not

variables improved through qualitative analysis of their effects on the legal system,

2009; MICHAELS, 2009b; SPAMANN, 2009a).

six beacons that can avoid mistaken results resulting from the use of methods


according to which comparative research in law should observe certain limits in the use of the

descriptive data; (ii) methodological care, which includes awareness of the limitations of

. An example of this would be ADRI itself,

causality. Siems (2005) agrees with the virtue of numbers to reduce the complexity of

misinterpretations of results

selected variables; (iv) comparability, with an emphasis on insufficiency and impossibility,

The second proposition of the theory about origins, as explained by La Porta et

comparative research, specifically, and the practical value of comparative law, so

by Spamann (2010), a legal and comparative academic, had the accuracy of his

bias of favoring the rules of greater knowledge on the part of the observer (rules

as seen above. As a possible remedy to these potential errors, Siems (2005) highlights

rarely just mean a starting point for further research.

but of a complementary relationship to be better explored (SIEMS, 2005; REITZ,

Although there is a relationship of mutual benefit, arguments can be found in the literature

quantitative comparisons: (i) the strict necessity, in order to avoid an excessive volume of


numerical comparison; (iii) transparency, mainly in the description and justification of the

2.1.2. Legal families: systematization and obsolescence of the debate

quantitative method. Seims (2005) points out that this methodological reductionism can lead to

data on empirical reality and therefore increase the usefulness of the results of a

originally elaborated by La Porta et al. (1998), which, revisited in research undertaken

often, comparison between norms; (v) the search for functional equivalents, to avoid


Machine Translated by Google 48 CABRELLI and SIEMS, 2015, pp. 124.

specific and consistent theory. As this theory asserts that the growth of law is

qualitative aspects of comparative law regarding the classification of legal families (REITZ, 2009;

the adoption of a certain legal norm and the success of this reception depend on

The theoretical basis for this is found in La Porta et al. (1996), who refer this

The articles by La Porta et al. (1997, 1998) classify the 49 countries in the sample into four

and classification of jurisdictions from secondary sources such as language compilations

and SIEMS, 2015).

law of Scandinavian tradition. Common law countries make up a sample of 18 countries,

Watson's (1974) theory of legal transplants holds that the law is not

not only to comparative law, but also to legal sociology. This occurs to the extent that

systematic and are due to the historical origins of the national legal system, with a certain

Brazil, Philippines and Belgium. There are six countries identified as belonging to the civil tradition

other countries (LA PORTA et al. 1997, 1998, 2008). Cabrelli and Siems (2015) explain that, for

view of law as a mere reflection of society or some of its aspects in a

theory about origins has arisen from quantitative studies, the theory rests on methods

Scandinavian law – Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland.

jurisdiction in another, because “law is conceived there as an autonomous phenomenon and distinct from

the social, cultural, economic and political environment in which it operates”48 . As a consequence, both

mainly explained by factors internal to it, there is the extraordinary persistence of

three-frame classification: the theory of legal transplants, the reception of legal families

much more from internal factors of the legal tradition than from contextual factors (CABRELLI


categories: common law, civil law of French tradition, civil law of Germanic tradition and civil law


Ewald (1995) advances these ideas: Watson (1974) allows a revolutionary notion


usually written out of the blue, but rather the result of voluntary transplants, or not, of the right to

that the theory of legal transplants discards what Ewald (1995) calls “mirror theories”, the

such as Canada, Malaysia and Israel. The civil law countries of the French branch include 21 countries, such as

superior economic performance by common law countries . even though the

German law , including Japan, South Korea and Switzerland. There are four countries with a civil tradition

this approach, there are no social difficulties in copying norms from a given

Machine Translated by Google 49 Based on the advancement of Law and Finance literature, in order to identify that the influence on the origins of law is not restricted to finance, the works that followed La Porta et al. (1998) stopped highlighting voluntary adoption, instead emphasizing only the involuntary adoption of legal transplants, which would reinforce the exogenous nature of the origins.

In this sense, specifically in relation to commercial law, Roger Cotterrell (2001)

impossibility of reducing the right to another discipline, never claimed that the right is

as well as (ii) that those who adopted voluntarily did so considering

legal cultural.

relationship would be complex – Watson (1974) insists, moreover, on the notion of law as part of culture

as a solution to the problem of endogeny: good legal institutions and development

specifically the legal protection given to investors49 (LA PORTA, et al, 1998, 2008).

simple and direct, even if superficially. Any study of the interaction between society and

(GAROUPA and PARGENDLER, 2013). This problem implies that any differences between

as an exogenous variable with an impact on the economic environment. La Porta et al. (2008)

laws, although there is variation in the social context in which they operate - therefore, the reduction

legal systems and social changes, but also processes internal to each of these spheres

explained by exogenous factors (LA PORTA et al., 1998), such as political economy, culture and

as an explanatory variable, and not an instrumental one (of an exogenous nature).

Still, Ewald (1995) observes that Watson, although he defended the

of transplantation theory, by emphasizing positive legal rules at times, at times indeterminate ideas of

would have involuntarily adopted, via conquest or colonization, the legal system of other nations,

maintains that it is an instrumental right (as opposed to cultural branches, such as the right to

Still, the use of transplant theory is made by La Porta et al (1997, 1998)

broader concerns, such as linguistic proximity and political importance, than

totally disconnected from economics, politics, philosophy or society. Instead, this

(COTERRELL, 2006). Watson's ideas would imply the impossibility of causal relationships

economic may suffer mutual influence, with possible causality in both directions

As a result, the legal tradition to which a given jurisdiction belongs could be investigated


the characteristics of financial markets, in particular, and the economy, in general, are

highlight that more recent studies in the Law and Finance literature use the legal tradition

law, therefore, should take into account not only reciprocal influences between

from law to sociology, economics or politics would be just an illusion (EWALD, 1995).

(EWALD, 1995). For Cotterrell (2006), this position of Watson (1974) reveals the ambiguity

religion. To remedy the issue, La Porta et al. (1998) argue (i) that most countries

Machine Translated by Google 51 50

52 LA PORTA et al., 2008, pp. 286. LA PORTA et al., 2008, pp. 288. In fact, the concept of “origins” appears to have been imported from Merryman's (1985) concept of “legal tradition”, which proposes a conception of law as a partial expression of social culture, including a notion of both law and a set of historically rooted attitudes about the nature of law and about its purpose and form of operation. Merryman (1985), however, is quoted by La Porta et al. (1998, 2008) solely as a source for classifying legal traditions.

but rather as “a style of social control of economic life (and perhaps other aspects of life)”50 . This new

definition includes content beyond the positive law [or “basic legal infrastructure”51 human capital of the

mother system52 .

Porta et al. (2008) recognize that cultural, political, economic and other factors

family and administrative law) relatively culturally neutral, as it is

those only emphasize the possibility of rejection of transplants by the jurisdiction that

Nor would beliefs and ideologies be embedded in these laws. Michaels (2009a) illustrates this fact

would be a right with less chance of rejection of possible transplants by a intrinsically linked to economic interests and not to habits and emotions. Therefore,

has adopted (CABRELLI and SIEMS, 2015).

Michaels (2009a) observes that legal rules are compatible with different

with Germany during the 20th century, which went through five political regimes with characteristics

jurisdictions around the world from the legal traditions that provide the laws and codes

Legrand, state that every legal transplant is refined and reshaped by context and

ideologies, as the transplantation of laws from one system to another does not involve human capital,

transplanted (LA PORTA et al., 2008).


This use of the theory has not been immune from criticism. Cabrelli and Siems (2015) divide the

local jurisdictions, with little room for any real meaning in the expression “transplant”,

according to La Porta et al. (2008)]: ideology, general styles of the legal system and

local characteristics are responsible for adapting and individualizing legal systems between

opposing scholars into contextualists and culturalists. While these, led by Pierre


yes. This process of individualization, however, is considered by them insufficient to

eliminate the basic elements of every legal tradition. This would allow the classification of

jurisdiction contextually distinct from that which gave rise to the transplanted law

However, a new problem arises when La Porta et al. (2008) define “origin

radically different, while the law remained practically the same. Despite this, La

(CABRELLI and SIEMS, 2015).

legal” no longer as legal transplants that refer to common law and civil law traditions,

Machine Translated by Google La Porta et al. (1996, 1997, 1998, 2008) made use of Merryman's (1969) characterization of civil law. According to Merryman (1985), French law, because of its revolutionary roots, and German law, due to the influence of German jurists, would not be representative of the civil law tradition (apud MALMENDIER, 2009, pp. 1100). 54 53

Germanic, Anglo-American, Nordic, Far Eastern, Islamic and Hindu (PARGENDLER,

basically around the dichotomy between common law and civil law. According to La Porta et al.

French and Germanic traditions, as two of several possible subclasses of the civil law. Yet

of the area – in three other branches: French branch, Germanic branch and Scandinavian branch. Furthermore,

as founded on the use of codes and formal written laws as primary legal sources, with

chose secular legal traditions. This was done under the justification that the inheritance

thus, Merryman (1985) declared these traditions to be unrepresentative

in turn, originating from English law, aggregates jurisdictions in which the judge is called upon to resolve

Although La Porta et al. (1998) allude this quadripartite classification to Merryman

In fact, La Porta's classification (1998, 2008) is closer to Zweigert and

The second milestone was the acceptance of the categories of legal families, as

scholars in civil law (LA PORTA et al., 1998).

same authors. On the one hand, David and Brierley (1985) made use of a tripartite division of the

thought, legal sources and ideology, divide jurisdictions in the world into Romanistic,

et al., 1996, 2008). The classification of the 49 jurisdictions contained in the initial sample was performed

categories, as they branch the civil law - claiming to be a typical classification of scholars

Merryman (1985) carries out a tripartite division, in which he highlights the common law families and


although the authors recognized the prevalence of religious legal traditions in some countries analyzed, such

as India and Pakistan, La Porta et al. (1996, 1997, 1998, 2008)

(1998), the civil law, or Roman-Germanic tradition, originating from Roman law, has been described

relevant participation of jurists in the formulation of legal dogmatics53 . The common law, for

colonial status of these countries was more determinant on commercial law.



(1985) and David and Brierley (1985), this division was not exhaustively applied by these authors.

Kotz (1998). These authors, when using as a criterion a combination of history, mode of

specific disputes. In common law the body of precedent supersedes the relevance of

proposed by David and Brierley (1985), Merryman (1985) and Zweigert and Kötz (1998) (LA PORTA

However, La Porta et al. (1998, 2008) classify countries not into two, but into four

western law, in Roman-Germanic families, common law and socialist families. For another,


Machine Translated by Google Conversely, see Legrand (1996), apud Pargendler (2012a).

Pargendler (2012a) states that Beviláqua would have adopted a classification in which the Latin American systems as a fourth group, in addition to the three grouped by Glasson (1880), according to the influence of Roman law – they would be the Neo-Latin, the Germanic (a category that would include the United States and the United Kingdom) and Scandinavians. In Glasson's classification, there is no division between civil law and common law. See also Garoupa and Pargendler (2014).



legislation of each country (LA PORTA et al., 1996).

Pargendler (2014), classification does not claim to be static and timeless.

. Incidentally, the decline in relevance of this dichotomy in recent decades

despite the fact that the perception of differences between English and French rights is old, the categorization

al. (1998) not only made use of sources little used by jurists, but also did not

study on the history of the taxonomy of jurisdictions in comparative law, raises a bias

as a discipline in 1900. The dichotomous perception of legal traditions between common law and

including Kötz (GAROUPA and PARGENDLER, 2014).

scholars to confer independent group status on the legal system of their respective

of the twentieth century, with the work of David (1963) and Zweigert and Kötz (1969) (PARGENDLER,

et al. (1997, 1998, 2008) based on data collection obtained from sources in English on the laws and

The support of the quadripartite classification used by La Porta et al. (1998, 2008) on

Brazilian jurist Clóvis Beviláqua, who, in 1893, grouped the legal systems of America

among comparativists about the few differences that still justify the dichotomy between

as a source Reynolds and Flores (1989), who compiled the main

carried out is not considered exhaustive nor is it universally accepted. for grouper and

Putting this classification into a historical perspective, Pargendler (2012a) observes that,

Regarding the use of secondary sources in English, Spamann (2010) highlights that La Porta et

in distinct legal families has varied greatly since the establishment of comparative law

recent studies reaches the point of being treated as obsolete by a relevant portion of comparativists,

Specifically, regarding the subdivision of the civil law tradition, Pargendler (2012a), in his

nationalist on the part of comparative jurists. For her, there is a tendency on the part of these

civil law would be relatively recent, from the end of the 19th century, presenting its apogee in the middle

The third milestone is the classification of the countries that participated in the La Porta sample


2012a). Regarding more recent times, Spalmann (2009b) mentions that there is a growing consensus

commercial codes of jurisdictions around the world. Particularly, the authors used

countries, such as what happened with the Germans Zweigert and Kötz, with the Frenchman René David and even the

Comparative law literature has not been without criticism. For Malmendier (2009), the division

Latin America in an autonomous category of continental European law55 .

civil law and common law 56

Machine Translated by Google “law in practice”.

systematics between these two traditions. Malmendier (2009) stresses that legal systems

involved them in data collection. It states that, in this way, they restricted information from the

rights. Consequently, they argue that, for economies in transition, the impact of the “right

especially in commercial law, transplants and legal revisions of this type have always occurred,

they were restricted to the perception of the compilers of secondary sources; (ii) language barriers research in two harmful ways: (i) relevant data on corporate governance

in practice” is much greater than that of “law on the books”. On this point, La Porta et al.

law of French tradition, but which adopted common law rules in its commercial law of 197758 . In

these cases, researchers have placed greater emphasis on the origin of commercial laws and not on

which blurs any strict division between civil law and common law, on the other hand, La Porta et

which in itself was and is dynamic (MALMENDIER, 2009).

(1998) to transition economies, with an emphasis on Eastern European countries, concluded that

to the most recent revisions. In this regard, on the one hand, Vagts (2000) criticizes the fact that, 39

regarding data from civil law countries.

the collected data, what they called “law on the books”, offered investors a protection different from

that perceived from indices on the effectiveness57 of these same

La Porta et al. (1998) admit that some jurisdictions in the sample do not belong as

are dynamic and change over time, as well as the very origin of civil law, the

Pistor, Raiser and Gelfer (2000), in turn, when extending the research by La Porta et al.

clearly to a given legal tradition. An example would be Ecuador, included in the civil group

Roman legal system, migrated from an adaptive case-based system to a nonadaptable during the Roman Empire. Therefore, it would be inappropriate to take as fixed a tradition

of compilers may have made it difficult to understand and describe foreign systems,

(2008) respond that, although some indicators reflect only the “law of the books”, others

al. (2008) argue that mutual influence and possible convergence do not rule out differences

which, for Spamann (2010), may explain the greater lack of accuracy he verified by

were also built based on experience, which also tends to incorporate part of the

Pistor, Raiser and Gelfer (2000) used data from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the Central European Economic Review, a journal specializing in political and business coverage of Eastern and Central Europe. La Porta et al. (1998), pp. 1119. 58


Machine Translated by Google better investor protection, more efficient credit recovery and low participation

in pro-market and civilist actions in the implementation of public policies. This statement

that deal with the capital market, shareholders and corporate governance and (ib) those that

Law and Finance literature in these three groups: (i) studies that focus on the impact of

subsequent research, which empirically confirmed perceptions of

investigations into the impact of the level of state regulation on economic activities

all the criticisms outlined above regarding the assumptions of data collection by the research of the

that followed verified the influence on the origins – still in the initial sense given, of

level of unemployment, barriers to business creation and dispersion of ownership of means of

point to the association of civil law with: less protection for creditors and shareholders; any less

2.1.3. Expansion of the concept of origins: social control and ideological nature

institutional design of the Judiciary, as well as state regulation of the economy (LA PORTA et

institutions of the Judiciary, as well as these on property rights and respect

per capita income and greater productivity growth, in turn, would be related to

found in the civil law and common law traditions is due to the focus of the Anglo-American tradition

La Porta et al. (2008) aggregate the results achieved so far by research into

Regarding the impact on investments, research is divided between (ia) those

right to investor protection and financial development and growth; (ii)

are dedicated to analyzing the impact on the banking system and the credit market. Despite

does not only follow from the initial work of La Porta et al. (1997, 1998), but it is a product of

Hayek (1960)59 on the most relevant characteristics of these two systems. The investigations

specific issues, as well as on other economic issues, such as the job market,

Law and Finance literature , the results of these studies, according to La Porta et al. (2008)


communication; and (iii) studies on the impact of legal tradition on the characteristics

efficiency in credit recovery; greater state involvement in the banking system. Bigger

transplantation of laws from legal traditions – would not be restricted to finance, but would reach the

The third proposition of the theory on origins argues that systematic variation

al., 2008).

of private contracts.

Hayek (1960) suggests that the differences in the conception of economic freedom found in the civil law and in the common law, with decisive consequences for the performance of their economic ones, result from their respectively rationalist world views, in which freedom is attainable only through the search for a social, and empiricist, objective, according to which freedom is seen as the result of state abstention and the flow of spontaneity.


Machine Translated by Google this, it was possible to establish a system of independent judges, without risk of

carried out in different sectors: entry of new companies into the market, means of

belong to a fourth category of studies, far from the observation of empirical data and more

would tend to have less unemployment.

combined with the concentration of power in the hands of local forces. This prevented the consolidation of a

of civil law, a higher level of barriers to companies entering the market, greater regulation of the

assume that judicial independence and judicial control of constitutionality are aspects

law (MALMENDIER, 2009; XU, 2011). For Glaeser and Shleifer (2002), the differences

centralized in the State – at the time, the royal figure (GLEASER and SHLEIFER, 2002).

while higher per capita income was found to be linked to less regulation and less

higher levels of economic freedom, even though differences in political freedom

twelfth and thirteenth centuries, when there began to be a distinction between two forms of protection for decision-makers

government in the banking system. Civil law countries would be more interventionist, with

state regulation with higher levels of corruption and more informal economy. Regarding the

procedural formalism is greater in civil law countries , which was also linked to greater

environment of lower risk of coercion, less concentration of power in local authorities. Per

Regarding the level of regulation, La Porta et al. (2008) highlights studies that were

work and lower spending on social security than civil law. On the other hand, the common law

In addition to these three currents of study, it can be said that Glaeser and Shleifer (2002)

subversion by local interests. In France, on the other hand, there was the bellicosity of the region

Regarding the institutional design of the Judiciary and its practices, La Porta et al. (2004), when

related to the theoretical-historical investigation of the reasons for the superiority of the common

communication, job market. In these sectors, the results identified an association

Justice independent of the interests of these gentlemen, which fostered a more

job market and greater state participation as owner of media outlets,

important aspects of economic and political freedom, observe that common law countries have

systematics found between the two traditions, common law and civil law, originate from the


have been insignificant. Study by Djankov et al. (2003) also identified that the

against the coercion of the litigants, whether through violence or not. England offered

State participation in the media. Furthermore, a correlation was also verified between more

governments with lower overall performance, according to La Porta et al. (1999).

labor market, it was identified that common law would be associated with less protection of

expected length of proceedings, more corruption and less fairness in judicial decisions.

Machine Translated by Google civil law would increase state intervention, on the other hand, common law countries would strengthen

design of the Judiciary, its formalism and the speed of adaptation to changes in reality

PORTA et al., 2008).

on the origins emphasized the political mechanism, to the point of becoming one of the four

By adopting such a proposition, the theory about origins, for Graff (2008), highlights its

prioritization, or not, of private property over state action (GRAFF, 2008). In theory

It gains emphasis in La Porta et al. (2008) the point of view of Djankov et al. (2003), for

civil law and common law are due to these two distinct styles, each employed by a

like Hobbes' Leviathan, in the sense that the state entity always tries to take part in

ceased to be analyzed in an equivalent way, as in Beck, Demirguç-Kunt and

disorder and in which state control confers order, but also risks abuse of power, the

state-owned. As a consequence, the theory about origins would not only have an explanatory character

From these four types of studies, two species of

historical explanation of differences found between civil and common law – adaptability

relating to one or another risk in the search for solutions to society’s problems. While the

forecasting how countries would behave in times of crisis: on the one hand, countries of

adaptability mechanism (BECK and LEVINE, 2003). While this relates to the

liberal revolutions of the 17th to 19th centuries, Glorious and French Revolutions. On the other hand, the theory

law prefers solutions that avoid State abuse rather than the risk of disorder (LA

market mechanisms (DJANKOV et al., 2003; LA PORTA et al., 2008).

propositions that support this theoretical building.

Thus, the theory about origins states that the systematic differences found between

economic, the former refers to the distinct preferences of legal traditions about the

rooted in contemporary orthodox economics. This vision of the economy conceives the State

about the origins, however, as stated by La Porta et al. (2008), the mechanisms

who, in a tradeoff context where market failures pose a risk of unwanted

tradition, of dealing with social and economic problems, one pro-market and the other pro-regulation

society's resources, negatively interfering in the economic activity of agents


differentiating criterion of the styles of control of each legal tradition is the biggest concern

differences present between the data collected in comparative studies, but it would also imply

Levine (2003). On the one hand, the adaptability mechanism was relegated to a role only of

mechanisms through which the law influences the economy: the political mechanism and the

became a competing historical explanation with the explanation focused on the role of

civil law is more concerned with disorder relative to the risk of state abuse, the common

Machine Translated by Google according to Glaser, Scheinkman and Shleifer (2003). As an example of the advantages of civil law in

any causal inference of the relationship between legal institutions and financial development, as verified

by La Porta et al. (1998)61 , to accept a milder view of this

(GRAFF, 2008). As an example, Beck Demirguç-Kunt and Levine (2003) assume that the largest

absolute superiority of the common law. State regulation arising from civil law can be more

evidence that civil law countries establish climate change policies more

financial development, as they presuppose that a powerful state would have the possibility of support for state activism by civil law has adverse implications for the

efficient in its regulatory solutions instead of offering only the mere legal support of the

that civil law countries have lower deforestation rates compared to

stricter than common law countries.

since English law would prefer to limit state action (GRAFF, 2008).

those of common law. Also in this sense, Fredriksson and Wollscheid (2015) find


competitive. For Graff, (2008), such a conception of the State would imply the superiority of the common

However, La Porta et al. (2008) point out that the theory of origins does not stipulate a

regarding regulatory policies, Marchand (2012), when testing the hypothesis that differences in

link: legal rules matter for economic-social performance, with

law over civil law regarding financial development and good economic performance,

deforestation can be attributed to the origins of each country's legal system, finds

superiority of one system over another only in a relative way and conditioned on

certain circumstances, such as the level of disorder in the market (LA PORTA et al., 2008).

easily change the right in your favor and thus manipulate the distribution of resources according to

market, except when state action can be subverted by private interests (LA

For this reason, the enunciation of the fourth proposition of the theory on origins abandons60

its own objectives, which would be at odds with the conception of a financial market

PORTA et al. 2008) – which would be especially worrying in developing countries,

For Michaels (2011), the reason for this departure from the causality of law lies in the level of criticism directed at the initial statement by La Porta et al. (1998) that common law legal institutions would be more conducive to economic growth. Even though they found robust correlations between legal traditions – common law and the three –, investor Porta et al. (1998) protection, enforcement of legal rules and ownership structure, variations of civil law observe a causal relationship only in the sense that French civil law causes concentration of company ownership (pp. 1151).



Machine Translated by Google the new definition's emphasis on current systemic aspects weakens the theory because

economic. As stated above, this involves refining the conclusion initially reached

that common law is an absolutely superior system in terms of economic growth

economic: the common law approach would be more appropriate in times of calm, of

legal over the other, to embrace the relative advantages of each, depending on circumstances

offered by civil law would work better in the face of threats of war, financial crises

from being the result of legal transplants (LA PORTA et al, 1998) to becoming a kind of

La Porta et al. (2008) maintain that the origins would only determine distinct designs

the increased use of common law solutions by civil law countries , and vice versa, for example

Michaels (2009) highlights that the new definition of legal origins would be much more

2.1.4. Impact of law: economic performance and varieties of capitalism

organization of production, and the civil law model , coordinated and guided by state guidelines.

United States and with the pressure to reduce regulatory barriers in the labor market in countries

(1999), than with the law itself. Reitz (2009) argues that the new definition of legal origins would

have much more to do with political economy62 . Pistor (2009) notes that

between legal rules adopted in different countries would be relevant to the performance

Porta et al. (2008) state that one or another model would be linked to better performance

However, the abandonment movement by La Porta et al. (2008) of the idea of

intensification of globalization and integration of financial markets, while solutions

was also accompanied by a softening of the definition of legal origin – which left

by La Porta et al. (1998), with abandonment of any absolute superiority of a system


and other extraordinary shocks. A third way would be the convergence of the two systems, with

“social control of economic life” (LA PORTA et al, 2008, pp. 286).


of what happens with the adoption of more regulatory legislation in post-crisis times by States

identified with the political position of a government, as defined by La Porta et al.

of capitalism: the common law model, aimed at a type focused on the market as a means of

The last proposition of the theory about origins maintains that the differences found

Thus, faced with a context of economic growth interspersed with times of crisis, La

of civil law (LA PORTA et al, 2008).

Reitz (2009) uses his own definition of political economy: “the standard spectrum that runs from the most state centered political economies of state socialism and the command economy on the left to the true laissez-faire state at the extreme right or market- centered side of the spectrum” (pp. 855). 62

Machine Translated by Google diagram that shows the channels of influence of the origins on legal institutions and of these

of the problem of endogeneity between law and economics (there would be reverse causality, as the

this aspect to an economic institution, such as economic growth, larger economies

in turn, observes that the movement to expand the concept of legal origin results in a economic development would affect legal norms and practices). Pargendler (2012b), by

informal and economic freedom. For example, the Law and Finance strand of the theory on

that links origins to a specific economic, social or legal aspect, such as


absence of any direct link between economic origins and institutions. grouper and

financial development, level of bureaucracy or judicial independence, and another that associates

about economic institutions. This illustration is below with adaptations:

Pargendler (2014) remember that the theory about origins was conceived in two stages, one

practically unfalsifiable statement, moving away from the Popperian63 sense of theory.

origins would associate origins with financial development which in turn is associated with

The conclusion of the theory of origins deserves two remarks. The first refers to

economic growth (HARRIS, 2008). In this sense, La Porta et al. (2008) present

See Section 1.2. 63

Machine Translated by Google of a society, as well as on the set of solutions available to resolve

originally outlined by La Porta et al. (1998): increases in legal investor protection

at the micro level they are directly related to the development of financial markets

of social problems, as also defended by Djankov et al. (2003).

The second observation refers to the fact that the big idea of the theory is not

(PISTOR, 2009). This conception is based on the assumption that the market would be the sum of

However, especially in relation to financial development, despite

superiority of one system, but rather the effect of systemic and persistent style differences

individual contractual relationships, disregarding the complexity of both the current features of the

changes suffered by the main thesis, La Porta et al. (2008) keep the link unexplained


of regulation between the two systems, civil law and common law, on the institutions and purposes


Corporate Law

Legal Institutions

structure of


DJANKOV et al., 2002




LA PORTA et al., 2000


right of

private credit

Figure 1 – Associations between Legal Institutions and Economic Institutions according to Law literature

LA PORTA et al., 1997, 1998

level of corruption


Source: own elaboration based on La Porta et al. (2008)


LA PORTA et al., 2002.

Valuation of companies


LA PORTA et al., 2004

owned by

Affected Institutions


BOTERO et al., 2004


Barriers to market entry

State ownership of banks

LA PORTA et al., 1999



Economy interest rate

and Finance

DJANKOV et al., 2007.

unemployment rate

Machine Translated by Google also whether the richness and quality of laws are due to a third factor (SPAMANN, 2010;

Kevin Davis, on a panel at the 105th Annual Meeting of the American Society of International

of reverse causality as possible omission of other explanatory variables (hypothesis of

The topics below explore the main reflections on each of these three

possible interpretations of the results verified by the Law and Finance movement. A

2.2.1. Theory of origins as an explanatory theory

Reverse causality occurs when the laws of a country improve as a result of

last decades. The second is related to its predictive capacity to associate certain

country's past, for example between 1960 and 2000, based on the legal system adopted. Treat

economic development (PISTOR, 2009). In other words, even if one takes

market, permeated by multiple agency costs, and the law itself, incapable of being

or another rule of one of the great systems, civil law or common law. The third highlights its

(MILHAUPT and PISTOR, 2008). However, the method they used based on regressions

these nations are rich because they have better laws or if they have better laws because they are rich, or

2.2. Tripartite interpretation of the theory of origins

economic development.

variables, failure to provide reliable estimates of causality, because of both the problem

MICHAELS, 2009a). However, through the use of least squares regressions

interpretive prisms.

multicollinearity) (XU, 2011).

Law (ASIL), dedicated especially to the analysis of the theory of origins64 , maintains that there are three

The first refers to its explanatory capacity regarding the development of countries in

Davis points out that the explanatory version of the origins theory justifies the performance

political pressures from certain interest groups, whose power increases because of the greater


whether from a relationship assumed by LLSV in the unidirectional sense, from law to economy

It is true that the most developed countries have the best laws, it would be difficult to determine whether

empirical results, such as financial development and level of corruption, to the adoption of a

reduced to the enforcement of contracts and property rights (PISTOR, 2009).

normative bias, when determining what countries should do to improve the

with ordinary least squares, despite identifying the strength of the relationships between two

Panel Legal origins, Doing Business, and rule of law indicators: the economic evaluation of legal systems, held on March 24, 2011, Washington DC, United States. 64

Machine Translated by Google for investments in the face of increased protection of investors' property rights,

It is characterized by a complex endogeneity, with emphasis on legal responses constructed in

contexts of crises and economic growth65 . According to all these authors, the

ordinary two-stage studies, Law and Finance studies were incapable of

Porta and the co-authors of Law and Finance assume that the market is equivalent to

market members and informs ex ante the behavior of investors, thus

influence of origins is the legal system (XU, 2011). identify the existence, or not, of this third factor, nor to affirm that the only channel of

sum of the individual contractual relations of each company, as well as it with its

In fact, Pistor (2009) goes further: specifically regarding investor protection, the

law would determine the mode of market growth. Along the same lines, Berkowitz, Pistor

As seen above, Pistor (2009) observes that, in origins theory, causality

law, by offering more safeguards to investments, also presents incentives to


of law on financial development is asserted rather than explained. For the author, La

financial markets, even more so when contemporary markets are characterized by

real dynamics between legal institutions and economics denies the perspective of endowment of law

greater complexity than the mere sum of its agents (PISTOR, 2009).

Reverse causality challenges theory about origins, as illustrated below

investors. Although the origins theory explains how there would be an increase in incentives

and Richard (2003a) and Milhaupt and Pistor (2008) argue that the relationship between law and economics

from Graff (2008) and Xu (2011):

there is no demonstration of how this would necessarily imply the development of


Figure 2 - Interpretation of the theory of origins as an explanatory theory

Hypothesis explaining the theory of origins

Legal origin ÿ Legal rules ÿ Financial development ÿ Economic Growth Reverse causality hypothesis Legal origin ÿ Financial development ÿ Economic growth ÿ Legal rules Source: Own elaboration, based on Graff (2008) and Xu (2011) .

Especially regarding the regulation of financial markets, Gerding (2013) maintains that this law/economics endogeneity would be marked by the existence of “regulatory cycles” (or “regulatory instability hypothesis”) that accompany economic cycles interspersed with crises and periods of growth. These regulatory fluctuations would be responsible for the deterioration of financial regulation during times of extraordinary growth (speculative bubbles), in five stages that involve: stimulus regulations; loosening of compliance with regulatory rules; regulatory arbitrations; pro-cyclical regulations and pro-'herd behavior' regulations (GERDING, 2013).

Machine Translated by Google The problem of the correlation of multiple variables allows us to ask whether legal rules

market participants with the emergence of new demands for legal solutions.

(MILHAUPT and PISTOR, 2008). Corroborating this importance, Coffee (2001) proved that

Economics and Law.

truly independent, a factor that can go far beyond the law (COFFEE, 2001).

jurists, however, still remains a complex not understood. Deakin and Siems

regressions run by LLSV. In this sense, Licht, Goldschmidt and Schwartz (2007) observe

aid of strong legal protection of investors, which would have occurred thanks to institutions

candidates, such as the initial conditions of the colonies (colonial origins) where they went

legislative changes suffered by ten jurisdictions during the last decades, reached ambiguous

conclusions. In some cases, such as Indica, there was a significant correlation between the

economists. In this sense, Milhaupt and Pistor (2008) argue that LLSV is assumed to be the

of economic agents. An example of this would be the practice in the United States and the United Kingdom

of Law and Finance, in which the legal system is presented as a fixed datum, a

as in the case of the United States in relation to the profound alterations promoted by the Law

informal structures that shape economic activity, such as codes of conduct for better

administrators, even though there is no legal rule in both countries.

rolling relation between legal responses to economic problems and generation of incentives to

and Siems (2010) point out that there is still little understanding of the endogeny between Politics,

identification of these non-legal mechanisms and their fitting into formal mathematical models

that protect investors, for example, would not be mere products of a variable

Another problem refers to the possibility of omitting an explanatory variable in the

United States and the United Kingdom managed to develop their financial markets without the

The endogenous relationship between economic, political and legal factors, for others

Studies parallel to the development of Law and Finance literature offer potential

(2010), using comparative research methods and encoding the

that informal social institutions can have a relevant and totally ignored role by

informal, which, despite not being judicially applied, condition the behavior


law the only source of discipline in social life, devaluing the existence of norms

United Kingdom, that the majority of a company's board of directors be independent of

quality of law and financial development over time. In others, there was not,

sterilized social infrastructure. Instead, the appropriate model approximates a

Sarbanes-Oxley, US response to the Enron scandal in 2001. For this reason, Deakin

governance practices. This complete disregard is attributed to the difficulty of

Machine Translated by Google 66 Countries former members of the socialist bloc, mainly from Eastern Europe, such as Poland, Ukraine and Russia.

characterized, however, as a mere tool of a political nature, which would be highlighted in the civil

receive these same transplants. Such receptivity would be associated with contact with the system


different societies, with a profound impact on local development.

judges would limit this political power (RAJAN and ZINGALES, 2003). Pagano and Volpin (2005)

socialist (BERKOWITZ, PISTOR and RICHARD, 2003b).

investors, through emphasis on religion and language. They found a robust correlation between the

enough factors to neutralize the effects of origins. Harris (2008) names this current

Goldschmidt and Schwartz (2007), based on the analysis of the relationship between culture and three types of

in relation to origins, even though they consider them variables that are difficult to distinguish. The importance of

about financial development, in which the State is an arena in which groups, friendly

transplanted common law and civil law systems , as well as their association with strategies

rekindle the discussion about the importance of British colonization and the English language as a

it would encourage legislative changes in the sense of reducing barriers. In this way, the authors

groups would also be tempered by the level of transactions with other countries. the right is

conjunction between the transplanted legal institutions and the receptivity of the legal system that

cultural values would have a greater explanatory capacity about the dominant individual values in

defense of interests of specific groups, such as entrepreneurs, in Calvinist doctrine

law, where legislation is an instrument in the hands of politicians. In the common law system, the

Stulz and Williamson (2003) examine culture and its impact on the right to

Political institutions, in turn, are also conceived by some studies as

mother during the formation of the country's legal system prior to the adoption of the


Other studies highlight culture as the most relevant explanatory variable. licht,

creditors' rights, Protestantism and Catholicism, greater than that verified by LLSV

of Politics and Finance. Rajan and Zingales (2003) formulate a theory of interest groups


culture would be tempered, however, by the country's openness to international trade, which

or not to the rise of financial markets, fight for control. The relative power of these

governance norms – the rule of law, the level of corruption and democratic transparency

of colonization, which is carried out by Acemoglu, Johnson and Robinson (2001, 2002). Berkowitz, Pistor and

Richard (2003b), in turn, when analyzing transition economies66 , emphasize the

associated factors higher values in these three indicators. For these authors, the guidelines

speculate that culture and religion would be just a rationalization of political discourse, in

Machine Translated by Google formal law.

legal requirements of investors, majority judgment could be detrimental to investors when

legal. A politicized legislative process would have been responsible for voluntary choices and

initially drawn in relation to the high level of employment. This in turn would mark the

financial development. La Porta et al (2008), incidentally, admit that historical issues

In a similar vein, Roe (2003, 2007) argues that political economy

dominant political interests (ROE, 2000). More articulately, Roe (2006, 2007)

laws with rules from different legal traditions, later adapted to the needs of

recalls that Roman law, the basis of civil law, structured in the form of a flexible case law

secondary. For him, policies pursued by different governments, for example, the

financial markets, as well as the way in which these conflicts are resolved, are responsible for affecting

French civil law. In this process, Pargendler (2012b) emphasizes the importance of

demonstrate how the design of the democratic electoral system influences the rights

corporate characteristics that are specific to it, such as the concentration of ownership, as these mechanisms

Specifically in relation to Brazil, Pargendler (2012b) maintains that the construction of the

colonization and the conservation of expropriatory legal institutions, despite changes in the

homogeneous social rights on the part of political parties, is inclined to provide improvements in the protections

in its profit-maximizing behavior, which could jeopardize the policy

theory about the origins, even though it has carried out legal transplants from other systems

Other historical studies also reinforce the political economy view of the

development of financial markets in a particular sense, according to the

aware of the effects of legislators on the right to be adopted, which resulted in

these do not represent the interests of dominant social groups.

are the most challenging to origins theory. In this sense, Malmendier (2009)

generally surpasses institutions such as the legal tradition, which he considers an institution

notes that politics, conflicts between social groups and even between competitors in

local elites. This would distance Brazil from simplistic views of involuntary adoption of standards

– which calls into question the dichotomy of systems in theory about origins –, was able to shelter


the shape and effectiveness of financial markets.

political constitution of the country, with emphasis on the social inequalities originated from the strategy of

full employment in European social democracies, would be associated with governance arrangements

of investors. As proportional systems, by capturing the interests of groups

peculiarities are able, for example, to reduce the discretion of corporate managers

Commercial law since 1850 has observed a pattern completely different from the model envisaged by

Machine Translated by Google states that the initial conclusions of the literature on origins implied a very


motivation of groups that perceive reform proposals as improvements in the protection of their

of investors, as advocated by the Law and Finance literature. similar conclusion

financial institutions with sufficient liquidity, as, without reforms in their legal systems, they would be

by them in four, in each of these periods at least one civil law country grew more

corporate governance, suggest that contingency factors, such as military conflicts,

financial, then there is the emergence of lobbying from these organizations as a driving force for

legal rules from one system to another would not be a solution for most cases, as some

historical developments in the capital market in the United States, particularly among

origins in financial development.

2.2.2. Origins theory as predictive theory

a primitive legal-commercial institution, the societas publicanorum, only as long as there was

development, the competition of state laws in the United States led by the State of

Coffee (2000) notes that historical evidence suggests that developments in

of common law rules with more financial development, for example. Coffee (2001)

loss of this political support, this primitive form of “entrepreneurial society” disappeared

extralegal factors would have played a more important role than advances in legal protections

legal reforms are carried out, within a democratic context, in accordance with the

pessimistic regarding civil law countries that wanted to develop their markets

was achieved by Musacchio and Turner (2013), who, when examining the history of

interests. Therefore, groups benefiting from development emerge first

Milhaupt and Pistor (2008), in turn, observe that, from 1870 to 2000, a period divided

condemned to have a model of ownership concentration. Furthermore, transplantation of

faster than common law countries. Cheffins, Bank and Wells (2012), when analyzing the

political instability, inflation and disorder in the economy would have been more relevant than

change in formal law (COFFEE, 2000).


Bringing together explanations from the history and political economy of law change,

The second possible interpretation refers to the predictive capacity that associates the validity

1930 to 1970, note that, although this period was characterized by robust

political support during the Roman Republic. When Roman law became more sophisticated and there was

Delaware has eroded legal protections afforded to investors. The authors conclude that

Legal institutions tend to follow, not precede, financial development. To the

Machine Translated by Google in legislative responses, in addition to approaching another hallmark of civil law: growth of

restrict their economic performance. The examples of France and Belgium – countries of civilian

assistance. Fairfax (2009) highlights both the US government as the owner of 6% of

financial compensation to executives, as well as financial aid plans

debt structuring and mergers, such as the acquisition of Banco Bear Stearns by Banco JP

would be surmountable, although the exact factors necessary for this were not known (LA

billion in the banking system (US$125 billion just for the nine largest institutions

government for Chrysler's bankruptcy filing, with the aim of forcing its

mechanisms at their disposal and that laws enacted by common law countries tend to reflect

In order to test the theory of origins against its proposition that

in fact, he already owns 60% of Bank of America, as well as being the majority shareholder of Citigroup,

Fairfax (2009) states that the United States went in the opposite direction to what the

aspects of legal systems would be so linked to the essence of these systems that the transplant

analyzed the reaction of the United States to the financial turmoil of 2008.

their actions) (FAIRFAX, 2009). Davidoff & Zaring (2008) even state that these

the answer they formulated better. For the author, the American response to the crisis focused on

(2008) refuse to conclude that origins limit a country's capacity for change or that

companies in the financial and automotive sector, by, for example, limiting the payment of

Similar intervention also suffered the automotive sector, with another US$80 billion in

administrative power, with the American Treasury playing a leading role in structuring

government agencies to these same sectors. The US government injected more than US$200

General Motors, the largest of the companies, at the end of the 2008 crisis under pressure

law with well-developed economies – would indicate that the obstacles associated with the origins

Morgan. Although La Porta et al (2008) argue that each country has a mix of

PORTA ET AL., 1998).

financial institutions) and became the owner of shares in hundreds of banks – the government of that country,

acquisition by a foreign company, which actually occurred in 2010.

pro-market ideology, Fairfax (2009) notes that the new laws adopted a typical market bias.


as well as the insurance company AIG (an institution that received another US$173 billion, more than 8% of

theory about origins and suggests that other forces, social, political and economic explain

origins would be associated with different crisis response mechanisms, Fairfax (2009)

would entail high costs with dubious returns (PISTOR, 2009). On the other hand, La Porta et al.

several laws were enacted that articulated not only government intervention in

movements would represent the largest partial nationalization in the history of the United States.

Machine Translated by Google 67 Gadinis (2013) highlights that this movement was compensated with the increase in the power of the United States Congress. However, it highlights that the democratic responsiveness of the Treasury's administrative decisions poses the danger of greater influence from interest groups. Particularly this post-crisis movement of 2008 would therefore be opposite to that of the crisis that occurred in the early 2000s, with technology companies (“dot com” crisis), in which the scandals were followed by the strengthening of the model of regulatory agencies (GADINIS, 2013).

financial bailout67 .

For authors such as Fairfax (2009), common law countries increasingly depend

2.2.3. Theory about origins as normative theory

In this sense, they are evidence that the US trusts the market mechanism as

serious economic crises that require rapid responses. For others, however, like Pistor (2009),

explanatory and predictive theory about origins are valid, countries that aim

law: (i) acquisition of corporate shares without voting rights or with a commitment to abstain

mainly regarding commercial law, which is more uniform to account for more and more

social, political and economic stability, adopt legal institutions typical of common law.

civil law: increased the power of at least eight financial system regulators and

of rescues; (iii) use of financial devices to avoid the appearance of state control over

for financial development, which increases the relevance of transnational investments

about the origins, was mainly through research sponsored by

judicial decision-making by the US Treasury in the execution of its

regulatory; (v) difficulty in issuing laws and acts of administrative intervention in the economy.

common law and civil law (PISTOR, 2009).

However, the theory about origins maintains a certain relevance, according to Fairfax (2009).

The third interpretation emphasizes the normative bias: considering that the contents

of legislation to compensate for internal inconsistencies, even more so when faced with

organizing principle of economic activity, according to the model of commonwealth countries

financial development must, according to La Porta et al. (1998, 2008), in times of

the future points to a context in which talking about legal families will make less and less sense,


transnational transactions. Today globalization and internationalization are more important

governmental; (ii) absence of state guidelines regarding how resources are spent

Although the volume of academic citations largely reflects the relevance of this theory,

marginalized the role of the Courts and judicial rulemaking, through restricting review

and international corporate governance codes, which do not fit the distinction

Financial Institution; (iv) use of pro-market rhetoric when issuing new laws

Machine Translated by Google 68 Besley (2015) lists some of these studies, such as: Djankov et al. (2002); Djankov et al. (2003); Djankov et al. (2007); Djankov et al. (2008a); Djankov et al. (2008b).

GROUP, 2015). This dimension, accompanied by the credibility conferred by the Bank's seal

Asian, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) began promoting legal reforms

(PISTOR, 2002).

to reduce them, in 2002 it gave rise to the Doing Business Project. It is launched annually

because the quality of domestic rights in countries in that region was identified as

Finance Corporation), body to that subsidiary, sponsored comparative research in a way

Worldwide, with more than ten million annual accesses through the organization's website (DAVIS

contagion: countries with better quality formal laws and better enforcement would be more

associated with economic growth, as established by other surveys as well

The DB's influence is largely due to the grandeur of its scope: it brings together eleven

that normative influence has gained global strength (COLLISON ET AL., 2011;

investor protection (JOHNSON, BREACH and FRIEDMAN, 2000), which would be in line

constructed by these studies, as well as the main conclusions derived from them were

the performance of small and medium-sized companies in more than 189 economies (WORLD BANK

As a context, after the financial crisis of the late 1990s, which occurred in the East

was the harmonization of the different systems based on the development of legal standards

by De Soto (1989), who measured obstacles to entrepreneurs in Peru and suggested reforms

regarding corporate finance and corporate governance (PISTOR, 2002). this occurred

main publication, the Doing Business Report (DB), today the Bank Group's greatest success

Following a similar guideline, the World Bank, through the IFC (International

protagonist in inducing such turmoil in the markets, mainly in relation to the process of

and KRUSE, 2007; MICHAELS, 2009; BESLEY, 2015).

to identify the main obstacles to financial development (PISTOR, 2009), an element


promoted by World Bank economists, as in Levine (1997). The indicators

well prepared to deal with similar crises relative to countries offering weak

quantitative data sets, with historical series, about the regulations incident on

2011; CABRELLI and SIEMS, 2015).

used to categorize countries' legal systems (PISTOR, 2009). The sum of indicators and data compiled

by studies of the Law and Finance68 literature with the methodology

with the study by La Porta et al. (1998), contemporary to the crisis. The model proposed by the IMF

Machine Translated by Google 69


71 Michaels (2009) points out that one of the exponents of Law and Finance literature, Simeon Djankov, held the post of chief economist at the World Bank for years, leading the Doing Business Project. Djankov was also Chairman of the Board of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) as well as Minister of Finance of Bulgaria (2009-2013). Incidentally, the presence of the main authors of this literature is noted in highly visible positions in the 1990s and 2000s. La Porta and Lopez-de-Silanes were advisors to the Financial System Commission in Mexico, while Lopez-de-Silanes held a similar in the IMF and the World Bank (COLLISON ET AL., 2011). As an example, Besley (2015) cites Narendra Modi, Indian Prime Minister, who expressly stipulated the goal of reaching 50th place in the DB, and Vladimir Putin, Russian President, who in 2012 promised to raise Russia to 12th place by 2018 . Fauvarque-Cosson and Kerhuel (2009) note that the initial conclusions of Doing Business were so contrary to countries with greater civil law influence that France, although it suggested abandoning the one size fitz it all concept, a claim later accepted by the Bank World, carried out legislative reforms, with the edition of the Loi de Sauvegarde des entreprises (loi nº 2005-845) and the Loi de modernization de l'économie (loi nº 2008-776). In addition, the French reaction also included its own program of analysis of the efficiency of French law, the Attractivité Economique du Droit, a movement in defense of French legal culture, led by the Association Henri Capitant, the launch of the Fondation pour le Droit Continental, in addition to of a series of publications and studies, from academia, the Judiciary and the French administrative courts, aiming to respond to what had been identified as global legal competition (FAUVARQUE-COSSON AND KERHUEL, 2009).

lent its reputation to these studies, origins theory has sought to revisit

However, the DB is based on the conclusions of the theory about the legal origins, serving

Mundial69 made this project a reference for academics, politicians and investors. Over the

published in renowned journals, which is mainly due to the prior lack of this


In this regard, Pistor (2009) maintains that the DB borrows a lot from La Porta et al. (2008)

subject, there were more than 5 thousand working papers published online and more than 2 thousand articles

of propaganda to this academic literature and creating a relationship of symbiosis: while the Bank

once adopted by renowned international organizations and incorporated into the DB, the arguments and

assimilation, which facilitates its political use and is reinforced by structuring all countries in

prescriptions arising from certain conclusions obtained in research in the Law and Finance line start to be

directed to investors and legislators70 in a normative manner, in favor of the adoption of institutions typical of

the common law71


rankings, and, moreover, it is an English language publication.

This relationship is worrying, because if, on the one hand, in academia, the theory about the origins


2009). For Davis and Kruse (2007), the DB was successful because the clarity of the numbers is easy to

laws is interpreted in a descriptive and analytical way, subject to wide debate, on the other hand, a

type of data compilation (BESLEY, 2015). In addition, the DB serves as a model for

World Cup during the last decade financed the expensive surveys of researchers in the area and

legislative reforms, investment decisions and methods of analysis of financial institutions

scientificity the assumptions that underlie the DB (PISTOR, 2009; MICHAELS, 2009a).

who, while recognizing the limitations of possible transplants between systems of origins

Machine Translated by Google legal transplants accompanied by the absence of traces of familiarity awakens resistance

Djankov et al. (2002) do not identify the reasons that would justify the low costs of changes

desire all economic outcomes titled by the Law and Finance literature as

protectionism against foreign legal transplants. Furthermore, although it is easy to change

interdependence and self-referencing of rules (in the sense that only some rules are

notes that the foundation would be a mere presumption that all legal systems

this may not be universally valid. Michaels (2009) maintains that the theory about origins

It is no coincidence that the export of standards must always take into account the context

implicit and explicit references to others), legal terms or concepts with meanings

rent-seeking (gaining economic income derived from manipulating standards).

and that they are diverse from each culture.

economic (DEAKIN and SIEMS, 2010). Pistor (2002) highlights that it does not matter the quality of

different, claim that it is possible to change some legal rules without incurring great costs and

may reflect more diffuse values in society, such as the preference for avoiding harm

recommendations for legislative reforms. It can be an element that requires adaptations

citizens themselves – will always be the determining part of the meaning of the norm. the export of

of new companies in the market (regulation of entry). However, La Porta et al. (2008) and

highlights the normative bias of origins theory and its assumption that people

also represent a factor of restriction to advances, of conservatism, or even of mere

domestic, with the problems of different interpretation from each culture, the

of these institutions nor the certainty of benefits that would accompany them. Pistor (2009)

formal law, the values that inform legal norms are not.

“good” ones, for example, a larger financial market or a faster judicial system. But

understood completely without necessarily requiring deeper explanations about

function in the same way given the supposed decrease in behavioral incentives

particular to the place where they will be applied, such as historical, social, cultural and

connects the right to economic progress, neglecting that there are intrinsic values to things


In fact, observes Michaels (2009), culture has a dubious character when it comes to

This assumption, according to Pistor (2009), would neglect the fact that such barriers

laws offered: the demand side – represented by legislators, legal operators and

with certain returns in terms of economic efficiency, such as lowering barriers to entry

regulations and, therefore, the effectiveness of changes in law is fundamental. However, you can

subsequent barriers through ex ante barriers instead of resorting to ex post regulations. this illustration

Machine Translated by Google neutrality, universality and rigor (KREVER, 2013). It is highlighted which numbers would give the false

economic progress, given the possibility that gaps will be filled by substitutes

only that different adaptive strategies can be outlined for countries and sectors in

(PISTOR, 2002), which, for Krever (2013), occurs in DB, through the choice of indicators

DB, by seeing law as mere technology, reifies neoliberal institutions and reduces the

application costs than new formal legal norms applicable to the activity

The normative bias of the theory on origins reflected in the DB's conclusions also

development. This is because the incentives for legal changes reserve a secondary role

of information and the transmission of political guidelines, best code guidelines

that of the United States (DEAKIN and SIEMS, 2010). How commercial and financial transactions

to business and private contracts (KREVER, 2013).

different. Therefore, the new law needs to count on the interest and understanding of those who

capacity to increase the credibility of its political commitments. It is noted,

in a scenario in which there is no supranational authority with enforcement capacity,

discourse in politics, as numbers would have the virtue of appearing more objective,

More than that, the transplantation of formal legal institutions is not necessary to

that such functional equivalents can replace it adequately and completely, but as

Choosing a model that serves as a parameter has traces of legal dominance or imperialism

technical impression, which would sterilize the political decision-making process. O

functional. Milhautp and Pistor (2008) point out that some mechanisms sometimes offer less

of the quality of law that disseminate an “embedded” neoliberal ideology about whatever is

particular (COFFEE, 2001).

diversity of potentially contesting discourses of the development model

economic, such as: pacts between political leaders and political groups that facilitate the dissemination

to law, as a facilitator of the functioning of the market mechanism and as a platform

hides a benchmark: an economic development model close to that which is


transactions require a coordinated response from multiple jurisdictions, states Pistor (2002) who

practices that disseminate signals of desired behavior in the market, political leaders with

The quantitative character of the DB72 studies would have facilitated the entry of this type of

they want to make use of it to bring about effective social and legal change (PISTOR, 2002).

The construction of effective domestic institutions becomes essential. However, the process of

However, these alternatives do not mean reducing the importance of positive or

For a discussion of the use of quantitative methods, see Section 2.2.1. 72

Machine Translated by Google economies that normally depend on the resources of this banking entity (DEAKIN and

more considered conclusions regarding the validity of information for use in reforms

constitute an indirect governance mechanism. Creating a quality ranking

(KREVER, 2013). This would be convenient for the World Bank, since this organization

“technical” aspect, it becomes easier to pass on the idea that reform is needed or

scope of the World Bank to evaluate the study methodology, with special attention to the

labor market regulation (BESLEY, 2015). And, in fact, the 2015 edition of the study presents a

new methodological design73 , with changes in eight sets of indicators, to be

provides supposedly legal-technical assistance and, when the law is reduced to a

absolute rule of law in relation to a given function of norms puts pressure on countries to

2009a; PISTOR, 2009).

emphasize regulatory competition, through rankings and ready-made recommendations, which

Because of criticism like these, an independent panel was formed in 2012 at the


cease to be mere listings and take on the role of formulators of public opinion and

interconnected and multifunctional, in addition to relating to other aggregates of

(FABIANI, 2011).

be understood before being appropriately applied, under penalty of erosion of its effectiveness. legislative74 . This is in line with Pistor, Raiser and Gelfer (2000), for whom the law needs

Michaels (2009a) argues that DB also stifles potential political discussions by

formal and informal regulations, through their relative costs, for example (MICHAELS,

an assistance (TRUBEK AND GALANTER, 1974; MIHAUPT AND PISTOR, 2008). Indeed,

carry out reforms aimed at improving these same functions, many of which are even

political interference is prohibited, according to its own Constitutive Agreement

SIEMS, 2010). However, this conception of law ignores that legal institutions are

fully implemented only in 2016. Furthermore, the most recent versions of the study contain

According to the publication, the amendment has two objectives: to expand the scope of both the efficiency measure of a transaction or services to include aspects of service quality and the regulatory quality measure to include good practices in the surveyed sectors (WORLD BANK GROUP, 2015, pp. 24). Even so, the DB insists on highlighting the more than 600 legislative reforms that it would have given rise to since 2003 (WORLD BANK GROUP, 2015, pp.22, 33-45, 152-166).



Machine Translated by Google ended, what they call “Moments”. The first of these would have occurred in the 1990s.

fixed infrastructure and prior to finance, what Pistor (2009) calls “endowment model”. A

approaches – namely, respectively, Trubek and Santos (2006), Castro (2009) and Pistor (2013b).

causality between one and the other, but only imbued with the intention of understanding the interactions

about the conceptualization of development and the paths that would lead to it.

functional complexity of legal norms. For this reason, this third section focuses on

The New Law and Development (NDD) is identified by Trubek and Santos (2006)

support the non-existence of a circumscription of the exact content, describes the NDD as a

development agencies of developed countries, such as the United States, and targeted

strictly positivist law and open to a more holistic view of institutions

these authors less as a complete and robust theory, and more as the intersection of ideas

The conceptualization of this field also changes in historical perspective, according to


New Law and Development (NDD), the Legal Analysis of Economic Policy (AJPE),

development agencies. Trubek and Santos (2006) observe that the NDD would end a

Since World War II, the D&D doctrine has presented points of relative cohesion of ideas that

financial development and economic growth, reduces its role to that of a

chronological publication of the works identified as the main ones in each of these

by development, regardless of its definition and without the intention of inferring

1960, when what they call the “First Moment” emerged and there were not so many doubts

emphasis on statistical methods seems to have overshadowed the role of the jurist in analyzing the

between them. This diversity of ideas is also expanded by Prado (2010), who, despite

3.1. New Law and Development

At that time, legal assistance programs were promoted by foundations and

alternative approaches that place the jurist in a more central role, escape the perception

field of studies, with a variety of approaches, analyzes and topics.

as the Third Moment of the Theory of Law and Development (D&D), characterized by


belonging to the spheres of economic theory, law and practical policies adopted by

legal entities and their interaction with financial development. Among them were identified the

the type of interaction between law and development. Trubek and Santos (2006) maintain that the

The dominant theoretical framework, although it considers the relevance of law for the

bundle of ideas that attempts to guide and explain changes in legal systems carried out in the search

as well as the Legal Theory of Finance (TJF). The order of analysis follows the criteria

Machine Translated by Google 75




Brazil received one of these projects, which gave rise to the Center for Studies and Research in the Teaching of Law (CEPED), the result of a partnership between the Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV), the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Ford Foundation . CEPED trained 228 lawyers in its five years of existence (1967-1972), with innovation in legal education through an interdisciplinary curriculum, with teachers such as Mário Henrique Simonsen, and emphasis on the consequences of law for the economy and business (TRUBEK , 2007).

Trubek and Galanter (1974) define “paradigm of liberal legalism” as a set of premises about the interaction of law and society, among them: (i) centrality of the state in controlling and promoting social changes; (ii) legal norms as instruments of social transformation; (iii) presumption that there is equivalence between legal changes and changes in social behavior; (iv) presumption that legal professions always defend the public interest; (v) presumption of institutional convergence of the legal systems of less developed countries towards institutions from more developed countries. According to Davis and Trebilcock (2001), this is the view of development as the adoption of a pre-established model of society, which is later characterized as the theory of modernization. According to this approach, development implies institutional convergence of less developed countries with standards from Western developed countries, which can be summarized with the adoption of the rule of law through legal transplants.

necessary and sustainable. Trubek (2001) also observes that elites from these less

as a framework for the operation of government bureaucracy.

1950s and 1960s, defended the prominence of the State's managerial role in the economy, in the

to countries in Africa and Latin America. These programs were designed by the academy

legal system of that country – what Trubek and Galanter (1974) identify as the “legalistic paradigm

reason, the First Moment of the D&D doctrine can also be understood, according to Trubek and

Santos (2006), for “Law and Developmental State”, marked by the treatment

American legal system with the implicit theoretical assumption that the export of the model

sense of promoting the transformation of traditional societies towards their “modernization”.

in key sectors and control financial capital, and thus promote industrialization by

United States (TRUBEK AND SANTOS, 2006)77 .

through import substitution strategies (TRUBEK and SANTOS, 2006). For this


Furthermore, Trubek (2001, 2012) highlights the predominance of theories that, in the decades

capacity and interest on the part of dominant private groups, the State should be able to

– less developed societies would be sufficiently capable of promoting social progress76

(TRUBEK AND GALANTER, 1974). Therefore, the initial emphasis of D&D was

coming from the American academy itself regarding the legitimacy and scientificity of The outcome of the First Moment of the doctrine was due to questions

on legal education, with professional training of operators from these countries in

plan and reallocate surplus capital, combat resistance from dominant groups, invest

There was a notion that the private sector would be insufficient to provide investments

developed would also be refractory to social changes. To remedy the absence of


political instrument of law as a way of channeling economic and

Machine Translated by Google of property rights, which is partly explained by the influence of institutional economics

development began to be eroded by the failure of legal reforms promoted until

legal institutions do not play an autonomous role in development, as they would have their

of development, by assuming that the role of law would only be to provide the

building formal and informal institutions that create incentives for rational actors to

began to be questioned. In this way, critics and scholars in the field began to realize

argues that such conclusions about the role of law have attracted little attention from

thus from a protagonist state, with emphasis on administrative law, to the emphasis on

protect property rights and reduce transaction costs to promote credibility in the

law and economic development, but the movement also had a bias

Indeed, from the 1970s onwards, mainstream thinking about

form, what Trubek and Santos (2006) identify as the “Second Moment”

assistance programs, as well as because of the scarcity of resources previously injected by

criticism actually resulted in the death of the academic project, which converged with the loss

World, began to focus on pro-market reforms, which were later covered by the label

From the mid-1990s, the Segundo Momento began to place greater emphasis on defense

Krever (2013) narrate that the notion of importance of legal institutions for the

Davis and Trebilcock (2001) observe that this First Moment left the lesson that

The rise of neoliberal thought reserved a secondary position for the State in promoting

by Douglas North. For him, the development of a modern economy is linked to the

then. Furthermore, the application of this exported model to American society itself

legal foundations to promote the expansion and efficiency of markets. there was the migration

effectiveness linked to a wide range of other institutions. Still, Krever (2013)

engage in economic transactions. These institutions would aim, for example, to

that not only had very simplistic assumptions been adopted about the relationship between

private law and legal changes that would facilitate the integration of markets. Of that

and development entities, such as the World Bank.

enforcement of contracts. According to this theory, it is precisely the lack of these institutions in


economic development, supported by the Bank's financial and intellectual resources

ethnocentric (TRUBEK, 2001). Despite the call for in-depth empirical studies, the

of the D&D doctrine, by them also called “the Law and the Neoliberal Market”.

development agencies and foundations. On the part of academia, Trubek and Galanter (1974) and

“structural adjustment” (KREVER, 2013). In this context, according to Trubek and Santos (2006), the

of interest to development agencies (TRUBEK AND GALANTER, 1974).

Machine Translated by Google 78


See note 73 79 According to Davis and Trebilcock (2001), the view of development as aggregate economic growth welcomes scholars from three main groups: (i) those highlight the role of the State in solving market failures (developmental); (ii) those who defend the reduction of the state's role and the consequent increase in the importance of the market mechanism as an organizer of economic life (neoliberals); and (iii) those who understand that the State and institutions related to it have a fundamental role in the construction of institutions critical to economic development (institutionalists).

same, with reinforcement of property rights, legal security and the independence of the

from the female gender to politics, the promotion of gender equality and social empowerment

only from the perspective of modernization or economic growth

At the same time, in the 1990s, a deeper debate about

gender inequalities (DAVIS and TREBILCOCK, 2001). Humanism, which gained strength

Even so, in the Second Moment, ethnocentrism persisted, the emphasis on the

development. Davis and Trebilcock (2001) associate the origin of the expansion of the concept of

(GDP), would not be able to capture certain inequalities, for example those related to

means of developing markets and society (TRUBEK and SANTOS, 2006). A vision

less developed countries that explains their level of development. (TRUBEK, 2012).

rejected the notion that different countries should experiment with similar forms of

sustainability, in turn, emphasizes the link between environmental quality and development,

development would only consolidate after 2000.

emphasized the role of law also as a constitutive element of development itself

from D&D. On the other hand, feminism, one of the new conceptions, defends the need for greater access

competition of concepts, the path to development is no longer seen as

(DAVIS and



of women, so strictly economic concerns should be open to combat

legal reforms with the emergence of other perspectives on the definition of

technical support of legal reform programs, as well as the belief in legal transplants as a

with the ideas of Sen (1999), maintains that economic measures, such as the Gross Domestic Product 63

minorities and gender (DAVIS and TREBILCOCK, 2001). The development perspective

development to the emergence of dependency theorists, who in the 1960s and 1970s

broader view of Law and Development Theory that welcomes these other perspectives of

Therefore, the “Second Generation of Reforms”, as called by Davis and Trebilcock (2001),

emphasizing the search for the well-being of both current and future generations. Due to this

development. This is opposed to the theory of modernization78 , which inspired the First Moment

Machine Translated by Google more qualified belief as to the need for adequate regulation. The role of law

this perception, one of which refers precisely to the rise of holistic thinking

in a broader way they do so in order to include law as development itself

such diverse conceptions would represent a potential for conflicts within the field itself.

social objectives, such as poverty reduction. In this sense, the current orientation points to the

of the doctrine, NDD, conceives development as consisting of several dimensions, social,

been influenced by Amartya Sen's conception of development as freedom.

Trubek and Santos (2006) argue that a second brand of this new Moment should be

of the Judiciary (TRUBEK and SANTOS, 2006).

However, this holistic approach as one of the NDD consensuses is not exhaustive

From the diversity of development conceptions, Trubek and Santos (2006)

Economists today would be aware of the need to reduce transaction costs and

After the financial crises of the late 1990s and the beginning of the new millennium,

that assume development as economic growth as a premise, which makes it

(2011) believes that this same diversity, combined with the variation in conceptions about the relationship

point out, however, that this is not a question of total disbelief in the efficiency of markets, but rather

doctrine of Law and Development, a Third Moment. Three points would justify

of “right in development” (PRADO, 2011). Those who conceive development

of the field of New Law and Development. In the same sense, the reception of

also goes beyond the defense of property rights to include human and other rights

of development, in order to include other areas besides the economic one. the new moment

(PRADO, 2011).

– what Prado (2011) identifies as “law as development”. This group would

reduction of formalist legal thinking and increase of consequentialist thinking

political, cultural, with interdependencies between them (SANTOS and TRUBEK, 2006).

refers to the consensus on the need for state regulation of the economy, as most

view of law as both a means and an end in itself (PRADO, 2011).


highlight the growth of diversity sheltered by the Law and Development seal. Meadow

according to Prado (2011). For her, the Law and Development seal also covers studies

correction of market failures, such as information asymmetries. Trubek and Santos (2006)

Trubek and Santos (2006) defend the existence of a new consensus among scholars of

between law and development would be responsible for making it difficult to conceptualize precisely and

see law as a mere instrument in promoting development – what she calls

Machine Translated by Google Development is marked by the conception that such institutions are so interventionist

need to reduce the state's role in the judicial enforcement of contracts and the protection of

pre-existing institutional framework of each country. As a result of forming this perception, Trubek

about human behavior, such as culture, would be more refractory to the law's ability to

would play an important role in the distribution of economic resources and power in society

advocate greater regulation and direct state participation in the economy, with the aim of

as a certain self-criticism on the part of scholars.

Trubek and Santos (2006) finally highlight a particularity of the New Law and

A third consensual point of the NDD, according to Trubek and Santos (2006), is related to

diversity of methodological assumptions. According to her, these variations translate, in turn,

consolidated by developmental thinking itself. Among these questions,

Prado (2011), however, when emphasizing that Law and Development also welcomes

transfer of foreign legal institutions to developing countries. You

For example, the adoption of individual rationality, typical of neoclassical economic studies,

contracts and property and court decisions. For these authors, the New Law and

includes both supporters and opponents of state regulation. While these support the

shared view that the effectiveness of legal reforms depends on the

however, by taking as assumptions more structural views about the forces acting

in the economy as well as regulatory public law, as private legal institutions

property rights, for the best functioning of the market mechanism, those

of promoting social changes by itself (PRADO, 2011).

and Santos (2006) maintain that there has been a complete abandonment of the one size fits all notion, as well as

(TRUBEK and SANTOS, 2006).

implement public policies (PRADO, 2011).

Development: your critical sense, in the sense of being responsible for questioning assumptions

However, Prado (2011) points out that the Law and Development seal also includes


time, in different conclusions about the power of law to condition social behavior.

with the emphasis on local institutions allied to the perception about the limits of simple

lies the fight against the supposed neutrality of private law, of legal rules on

studies that deal with development as economic growth, maintains that this seal

would lead to the conclusion that law is capable of changing social behavior. Others,

failures of legal transplants performed in transitional economies gave rise to the

Machine Translated by Google all, the GPC also rules out the possibility of full adoption of pre-established regulatory models

Castro (2014) identifies the production of this approach as Public Capital Management

assuming that the law only serves as an instrument to protect the rights of

public banks allows not only correction of market failures, but also regulation

CASTRO, 2014). At this point, by advocating a nationally adequate path to

economic growth, but also the definition of development in a more

broader social conflicts, far from a politically neutral conception.

organization of the markets themselves). Thus, public banks can play a leading role in

regulatory frameworks for finance, as well as as a component of economic development

center occupied by the social and economic consequences of financial flows, in the sense

cost, reducing, in the sense of Fabiani (2011), the obstacles to the development of

Having traced the broad theoretical gradient sheltered by the New Law and Development seal,

Brazilian credit, from 1999 to 2006: the endowment model, according to which the right is a variable

implicitly considers in its argument the role of restricted credit volume and spread

In line with the D&D doctrine's rejection of the export of one size fits models

monograph, financial development.

suffer reciprocal market influence. By highlighting that the credit market has been reformed

valued. Schapiro (2010) argues that, in the national context, state activism through

conceived of the financial system from more developed countries (SCHAPIRO, 2010;

(GPC). This perspective not only embraces the vision of development in a way linked

financial system through the establishment of governance structures (creation and

creditors, Fabiani (2011) implicitly highlights other functions of law, as a mediator of

wide. In this way, law is seen both as an instrument, a means to achieve ends

concession of subsidized lines of credit in sectors where there is high private credit offer

The GPC is also characterized by two other aspects. The first refers to the role


whether or not to promote freedom and development. Castro (2014) suggests that Fabiani (2011)

(CASTRO, 2014). Fabiani (2011), for example, highlights the prevalence of a specific view of law in

official documents that suggested legislative changes80 in the market

aspirations of groups and individuals.

We move on to the analysis of theoretical discourses that specifically deal with the scope of this

high banking: they are obstacles to individuals and groups in achieving their objectives

exogenous to the economy, as a prior and fixed instrumental infrastructure, with no possibility of


February 2005. Fabiani (2011) points out that one of these suggestions resulted in the new Bankruptcy Law, Law No.

Machine Translated by Google corporate strategies focused on product and process innovations” – as well as

institutional alternatives. Therefore, it is based on the point of view of Bebchuk and Roe (2004),

based on knowledge (SCHAPIRO, 2009). This new reality, in turn, proposes new

development, the NDD would represent a refusal to accept recommendations

Finance presupposes a certain convergence of corporate financing models to the model

economy, which shapes the functioning of their respective financial systems.

Specifically, Schapiro (2009) examines the hypothesis of public banks, such as Banco

based on liberal growth models. According to Schapiro (2009), the Law and

challenges to be equated by law, to the extent that it not only requires a new

However, Schapiro (2009) starts from the premise that the alternatives to be offered

in a context different from that in which the development of the richest countries took place. While

these developed during the validity of the Fordist81 paradigm of industrial organization, the

privatization of several state public banks in the 1990s, the BNDES still

by law are linked to the legal-institutional trajectory of each regime


current economic context presents itself as an overcoming of this model, an economy

investments and absence of guarantees usually used in financial operations

deficiencies and the alternatives, as mistakes” (SCHAPIRO, 2009, pp.306).

public, the resistance of groups benefited by this same arrangement, such as for whom once a certain arrangement has been established, such as the financing model

means of preserving the established regime. This would explain, for example, the fact that, despite the

Instead, Schapiro (2010) argues that less developed countries are

(SCHAPIRO, 2009, pp.160).

maintain as a growing public financing agent (SCHAPIRO, 2009).

Anglo-American, characterized by an emphasis on private economic transactions. The utilization

corporate design – of “emerging companies, carriers of intangible assets and

of this parameter implies “the identification of institutional differences between countries as

involves new business characteristics – high risk, long maturity of

National Development Bank (BNDES) constitute one of these

81 Schapiro (2009, pp; 106) defines Fordism as the expression used to describe an industrial production organization model – a techno-productive paradigm – with the following characteristics: (i) a determined productive technique, constituted by the rationalization of production through segmentation the production process; (ii) a specific type of work relationship, based on the division of functions, without requiring multiple skills from the employee; (iii) an efficiency model, based on specific scale-up tasks; (iv) a characteristic manufacturing product, that is, standardized final products, in series; and (v) a spectrum of consumption, mass consumption.

Machine Translated by Google of institutions (SCHAPIRO, 2009).

While they are attached to a certain set of institutions, such as the stock market,

For this reason, even though there is abundant literature that argues the virtues of

American, Schapiro (2009) argues that such a solution belongs to a context

Schapiro (2009) cites as a source Charles Sabel, an economic historian, who argues that

high risk financed through the capital market, as in the model

dispersed capitals, and associates them with higher levels of development, those make

that lead to a minimum level of national development are conditions rather than

In contrast, Schapiro (2009) cites Magabeira Unger (2004), for whom this

result of adherence to international regulatory standards (SCHAPIRO, 2010). On the same line, 68

The unfeasibility of replicating institutional arrangements pits experimentalists against fetishists.

institutional framework appropriate to local needs. This is the guide suggested by

thriving capital market, with anonymous and dispersed investors, is not found in the

Brazil. Therefore, the use of similar institutional solutions, such as investments in venture capital82 ,

would be impossible to replicate83 (SCHAPIRO, 2009).

economists, such as Dani Rodrik, for whom specific organizational adaptation strategies

circumscribed, a legal-institutional arrangement, not always found in other locations.

use of law as an “instrument of institutional imagination” and open up to new combinations

Specifically, the author argues that the context of the United States, characterized by a

Schapiro (2009, 2010) thus preaches the need to manufacture an arrangement


83 Research carried out on the websites of the Chamber of Deputies and the Federal Senate on November 8, 2015, reveals that the only proposition to be processed in the National Congress on venture capital is the Complementary Law Project nº 446 of 2014, which, according to its summary, establishes incentives, including through the improvement of the business environment in the country, for investments made in business participation through venture capital. This is the result of a study carried out by the technicaladvisory body of the Chamber of Deputies, the Center for the Study of Strategic Debates (Cedes). The study deals with private equity and venture capital, or even venture capital or entrepreneurial capital, a form of investment whose objective is “to enable or accelerate the development of companies – often privately held and with high growth potential – through the effective involvement of a professional manager in the business”. On the occasion of its official presentation by Rep. Inocêncio Oliveira, then President of Cedes, a publication entitled “Capital Empreendedor” was launched, which in addition to conveying the text of the proposal of PLP 446/2014, exposes the results of the study. Among them, mention is made of “the identification of shortcomings in our legislation”, such as “insufficient legal protection for investors who direct their resources to temporary participation in privately held companies”. To illustrate, PLP 446/2014 proposes, as one of the solutions to the “deficiencies” identified, the improvement of the disregard of legal personality, in order to avoid that “investors are legally liable for amounts that significantly exceed the capital they invested” (CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES, 2014).

Schapiro (2009, pp. 197) defines venture capital as an investment tool in emerging companies, according to which the capital contribution occurs through concentrated equity participation, in charge of specialized investors, who have mechanisms to actively monitor the management of the invested company. Through this mechanism, the aim is to reduce the risks resulting from the asymmetry of information between entrepreneurs and investors, as well as any lack of managerial knowledge in new companies.

Machine Translated by Google thus, have access to a court of justice. Likewise, abstraction puts a veil over the different

to compensate for the gaps present in the structure of the domestic market compared to the

analytical tool for examining the legal consequences of decisions taken within the scope

include vectors equally pursued by law, such as “good” and “justice”. AJPE aims

include differences between participants, rules, and influences from informal institutions such as

alternative access to credit. This is a recommendation that is the opposite of what the Law literature preaches.

apprehension of the legal system and the legal formatting of policies. Part of the perception that

One of the cardinal assumptions of this approach is the denial of markets as mere

per capita and less developed financial systems (LA PORTA, LOPEZ-DE-SILANES,

they present flaws regarding the equitable enjoyment of fundamental rights (CASTRO, 2009).

of utility. These market agents carry out transactions based on information

essential to development is the ability to experiment with arrangements, a process capable of

largest capital market (LA PORTA et al, 1998, 1999; KLAPPER and LOVE, 2004).

which the current legal culture provides incapable resolution techniques, according to Castro

neoclassical approach to develop analysis of institutions based on their moral consequences and,

Thus, as an institutional alternative, Schapiro (2009) advocates greater state action

The Legal Analysis of Economic Policy (AJPE) is born as an alternative to

translated into terms of efficiency and, on the other hand, non-economic interests and values, which

empirical designs of market economies, making it difficult to examine their compositions that

from more developed countries, which could occur through public banks, as a way

fill this analytical gap of the legal operator.

of public policies in their economic aspect, as opposed to formalistic methods of

religious customs, moral codes, bureaucracies, etc. (CASTRO, 2010).

and Finance, which links state ownership in the banking system to lower income levels

abstractions, which embody the ideal of perfect competition between maximizing rational actors

market economies, while allowing innovation and general wealth to flourish,


This contradiction, when opposed to legal operators, puts them in a decision-making dilemma, to

SHLEIFER, 2002), or even reinforcement of investor protection, as a way of achieving

transmitted at freely agreed prices. Such an abstract conception prevents the economy from

give rise to solutions suited to the particularities of each country.

(2009), of reconciling, on the one hand, consequentialist concerns of an economic nature

3.2. Legal Analysis of Economic Policy

Machine Translated by Google of their conceptions of what their rights are or should be (CASTRO, 2005, 2009, 2014).

producers, traders or consumers of goods, services and other utilities of value

services and which consist of consumption practices that can acquire meaning not

legitimate to make the exchanges. On the other hand, AJPE allows the identification of changes

monetary and exchange rate measures

This approach also offers new legal categories for understanding the

economic, social and cultural” (DESCs) (CASTRO, 2009, 2014).

transmissions of these monetary values through intercontractual chains

different regulations, which occur, in turn, through due process of law, as in

identified from the fundamental rights that not only entitle, but mainly

practical consequences. On the one hand, it allows the lawyer to focus his analysis on the processes of

In this sense, economic policy is also understood in a peculiar way by AJPE:


The AJPE, on the other hand, asserts the empirical existence of markets, which are

trade are identified as production rights, always understood as a way

rules originating from institutions outside the market, such as States, courts and associations

differentiated the current and planned actions of individuals and groups, with reflections on the formation

that articulate patterns of cooperation between individuals and between these and groups, be they

refer to activities in which there is no intention of producing or commercially exchanging products and

can determine what can be exchanged and also the procedures considered valid and

According to Castro (2007), part of economic policy – understood, in economic discourse, as

economic, both locally, regionally or even globally (CASTRO, 2009).

of the original conditions of the contracts, through changes in relative prices, and possible

economic (cultural, moral, religious, etc.), which can be classified as “rights

is carried out through financial contracts submitted to

economic dynamics. Market agents are understood as economic actors

(CASTRO, 2007).

This notion of the economy as a fabric of empirical relationships presents two

issue of new laws that determine mandatory content clauses (legislative process) and


construction of these connections on an essentially contractual basis, as well as in the different types of

they take place empirically. Thus, legal activities of economic production and related to the exchange

it is a set of rules and principles issued by the State that affect in a

structured as sets of social practices and intertwined empirical normative links,

professionals, for example. Castro (2007) exemplifies that the rules that structure markets

“commercial property” (CASTRO, 2014). They are opposed to consumer rights, which

Machine Translated by Google 2007, 2014).

can be grouped by Castro (2005) into four categories of instruments. A

of the State in open markets for purchase and sale of financial securities, as well as

they can be discussed with relative breadth in the legislative and judicial spheres, for example. O

ignored by the strictly economic discourse, the AJPE starts from two assumptions. The first

administrative, in the production – or delegation of this production – of utilities for social consumption,

All these instruments are capable of altering the conditions in which individuals and

transaction with public debt securities. This unevenness can result in policy decisions

such as Economics, Economic Anthropology and Political Science, AJPE can broaden the views

(i) rules on individuals and groups authorized to carry out certain activities

– thus influencing the perception of what subjective rights are (CASTRO, 2005).

unavailability by law based on the symbolic, cultural and affective value they represent

in court decisions declaring the nullity or the obligation of certain contents

contents of obligatory observance in private contracts, such as salary requirements

public institutions, with broad visibility and representation of the plural interests of the

suitable for the enjoyment of their own rights of production and trade (CASTRO, 2005,

The ways in which the State conforms this set of rules that constitutes politics

appropriating private wealth through the collection of taxes. The last one refers to participation

autonomy of individuals. Direct interventions, such as administrative concession contracts,

However, in order to assess the non-priceable and potentially

The first of these is the direct interaction of the State with private groups, through its

The same does not occur in the definition of the basic interest rate of the economy determined through the

in exchange markets, in the purchase and sale of foreign currencies (CASTRO, 2005).

is the interdisciplinary openness. Through the dialogue of Law with other intellectual disciplines,

as public services. The second includes direct regulation of the economy through editing

economy that fail to provide legal protection not only for certain assets covered by

groups form their preferences regarding the production and consumption of goods and other utilities

on the dimensions of the impact of the economy on empirical social life. This allows a


These tools, however, are not subject to the same level of deliberation in spaces

economic restrictions or even prohibitions on the exercise of these same activities, as well as (ii)

for their holders and that are not priced by economic management, as well as protection


society, a deliberation capable of legitimizing state decisions through consensus

minimum in employment contracts. The third corresponds to the state's coercive power to

Machine Translated by Google related issues, such as the right to work. In the third, these rights are broken down into standards of

The second strategy is the rejection of metaphysical and formalist conceptions about the

the set of public and private contractual ties that also constitute the economy, the

institutional – conceived by the jurist as contractual aggregates

as a basis for legal texts or even surveys with the holders of these same rights regarding that

human being, which draws attention to the notion of the social construction of law. On the other hand, move away from

this perspective allows for more than one alternative to the formal treatment of the legal system:

institutional and social actions where the enjoyment of a right, be it production or consumption,

as well as the formulation

(CASTRO, 2014).

society, individuals and groups, whose practices allow, or not, the enjoyment of the rights

This Analysis is carried out through predetermined steps, which can be summarized in

the performance elements of the enjoyment of analytically decomposed rights can be seen in numbers.

more holistic understanding of non-economic aspects that so influence preferences

empirically by its titular subject. However, this is not a theoretical approach.

For this, AJPE makes use of complementary analytical strategies as a means of

a credit policy. In the second, the analyzed object is linked to subjective rights


combined, define the enjoyment of the right itself. Seen in another way, this beam is precisely

level of empirical fruition of a given right based on the analysis of social conduct standards and

institutional conduct necessary for the enjoyment of the right analyzed, an exercise that can take

own right. On the one hand, the jusnaturalist premise of rights inherent to the human being is denied.

of a fair fruition parameter. In the words of Castro (2014), position is “the intersection of

what Castro (2007, 2009, 2014) calls “programs or contractual aggregates”. The utilization

which they consider essential for the empirical enjoyment of the law examined. In the fourth, translate

formalism of legal positivism, which suppresses references to substantive legal content

acquires existence”.

envisions the law by considering the views of other members of the




AJPE, instead, understands the law from the lived social experience

six. In the first, an economic policy or a component thereof is identified, such as

In the fifth, the verified values are aggregated to result in a single index, the Index

and the social experience of the right by its holders when they are influenced by policies

access this information. The first one is the “Positional Analysis”, which tries to identify the

centered on the subject of law, but rather on the bundle of social relations and institutional practices that,

Machine Translated by Google 2nd stage Subjective Law Y



6th stage


Source: Own elaboration.


5th stage


Public Policy X


Institutional C



Legal Validation Index of

1st Stage

Institution B

Figure 3 - Graphical overview of the Positional Analysis

4th Stage

Institutional A


3rd Sta


unidirectional, “top-down”, aiming at the financial development of societies

of Empirical Fruition (IFE). On Friday, an index is defined based on values considered fair

Castro (2014) highlights that the focus on the empirical enjoyment of a right researched in a context

less developed.

The contrast between IFE and PVJ can reveal to the jurist discrepancies in the enjoyment of a

for each of the institutional conducts analyzed, giving rise to the Validation Standard

Legal (PVJ). The graph below attempts to provide an approximate illustration of this procedure:

social demands that such reforms be structured from the bottom up, “towards higher levels”

law, as well as offering insights into possible recommendations for improving

high' of normative references”. In this way, AJPE joins the NDD approach and

criticism of the dominant theoretical framework regarding the impropriety of legal reforms


social experience, through proposals for public policy reforms. In that regard,

Machine Translated by Google private or public, these defined as the result of institutionalized negotiations, in the

nationalities, according to AJPE, are also interconnected by these links, the

which are distinguished by containing content described in terms of monetary assets also in

The second analytical strategy is called “New Contractual Analysis” (CASTRO,

unit of analysis with the purpose of observing the conditions of enjoyment of a given

AJPE's second analytical strategy allows the translation into legal terms of the transmission

2010), or “Portfolio Analysis” (CASTRO 2014), which makes use of contractual aggregates as

utility clauses (CASTRO, 2010).

private (CASTRO, 2014). The figure below illustrates this organization of contractual clauses of the

these specify obligations translated into pecuniary values, those describe a

Considering that all market economies have contractual aggregates



utility of the economy. This situation changes only in cases of financial contracts,

mandatory minimum requirements (as provided for by law, administrative act or construction

All economically relevant contracts have two ideal types of clauses:

made up of different combinations of these four types of clauses and that the economies

actual content or utility clauses; and monetary content clauses. While

jurisprudential), without any possibility of removal through contractual negotiation

right taking into account how certain contents (especially monetary ones) and their

Furthermore, both types of clauses can convey content of interest

variation arising from intercontractual relationships may affect such enjoyment. According to AJPE,

scope of legislative, judicial and administrative processes, which often determine

Goods and services produced in the real economy (determination made through private negotiation).

legislative process, for example).

Figure 4 – New contractual analysis

legislative process, for example).


M' U' Provision of goods and services produced in the real economy (determination carried out through institutionalized negotiations –

M Monetary Clause

Amount of money or financial asset transacted (determination made through private negotiation). Private Interest

Source: Adapted from Castro (2010, 2014).

Public interest Provision of financial resources (determination made through institutionalized negotiations –

U Utility Clause

Machine Translated by Google contractual aggregates to maintain investment levels, which could mean

a powerful analytical tool to evaluate unilateral actions by foreign jurisdictions, in

United States (Locality A), as the amendment of clause M' in the United States

transnational impact of unilateral conduct by countries on interest clauses

The figure below illustrates this dynamic with the following hypothetical situation: the Locality

absence of instruments such as the AJPE leaves these connections between contractual aggregates to the

that foreign states intervene in a qualitatively different way in economic policy,


(Location A) may represent gains from regulatory arbitrage, which would force Group W,

contract between Groups Y and W, even if agreed under the jurisdiction of Location B, the

In this sense, Castro (2014) states that, with the AJPE, jurists now have


Brazil, for example, will also be affected by the unilateral change in M' promoted by the

as the consumption of families in Location B.

basic interest rate. The contractual aggregate that binds Groups X and Y – which can be

margin of any juridical argumentative opposition, relegating subjects such as “wars

financial institutions and investors, respectively – will be affected. However, the aggregate

exchange rates”, for example, to deliberation solely within the scope of politics and economics

A – a country like the United States, for example – changes through processes

and, in this way, there is a transmission of impacts originating from different monetary policies. A

Brazilian financial institutions, for example, having to realign the other clauses of their

institutionalized, such as the administrative process, the mandatory content of Clause M', the

credit enhancement. This, in turn, could affect the enjoyment of fundamental rights,

Location B

Group X

U-Clause U' clause

Group Y

M-Clause M'- Clause

Figure 5 – Transnational transmission of economic policy changes

Group W

Location A

Source: Own preparation.

Contractual Aggregates and their clauses:

Machine Translated by Google (credit, foreign exchange, derivatives, sovereign debt, etc.), whose conclusions identified gaps

Armed with these two strategies and guided by the search for justice, the jurist could,


The legal theory of finance founds the beginnings of a political economy of finance (PISTOR,

Legal Theory of Finance ( PISTOR, 2013a). All eleven

The Legal Theory of Finance (TJF) proposes greater importance of the legal structure

the time, form and conditions under which non-economic values and interests should

This theoretical discourse originates from the multidisciplinary effort of a research program

efficiency and cost/benefit analysis (CASTRO, 2005, 2009). AJPE intends to serve this way

funding through the market mechanism, strengthens dependence on economic relations

leadership by Katharina Pistor (Columbia University). After two years, the group, which includes

individual and the preservation of social values. By giving the jurist a form of access

(CASTRO, 2014). Castro (2007) illustrates the coordination of economic policies already taking place in

dependency would explain only part of the current complex intersection between finance and law.

joint effort: ten case studies on different segments of the financial market

wealth and consumption patterns.

theoretical and alternative approaches. The set of these analyzes inductively gave rise to a

distributive effects of legal rules, which puts it in an opposite position to the Law and

(law in finance) – both influenced by a hierarchical systemic structure of power.

in the face of decision-making dilemmas arising from economic policy, to access casuistry and analytically

3.3. Legal Theory of Finance (Law in Finance)

2013a, 2013b).

articles were published in a special edition of the Journal of Comparative Economics.

called Global Finance and Law Initiative, with academics from several universities, under the

prevail, or not, over economic considerations based strictly on criteria of

of financial markets: the reality of contemporary finance, marked by the rise of


of an instrument capable of guiding legal decisions aimed at both the promotion of freedom

in relation to the commitments capable of being compulsorily applied by the State. That

jurists, sociologists, political scientists and economists, presented in 2013 the result of the

It is, in fact, a symbiotic relationship in which the latter is part of those – law in finance

informal scope, although it may have, as seen, a wide impact on the creation and distribution

to inequalities in the enjoyment of rights, the AJPE completely discards the neutrality of the effects

Machine Translated by Google of rules, whether legal or not. TJF does not take them, however, as a mere sum of

markets and became influential from the 1970s onwards (SHAMOS, 2013; GILSON and

precaution is necessary to deal with possible liquidity shortages. On the other hand, the lack of

to the exacerbation of the also unstable nature of finance. The third asserts the existence of

Shamos (2013) observes that Pistor (2013b) builds the theory in a bottom-up view,

diversification of investments, which affects both banks and other intermediaries

market, which depends on the premise that all relevant information is available

finance hierarchy. The last draws an association between the position occupied within that

Information increases market efficiency, which diverts the search for a superior solution.

of financial contracts whenever necessary (PISTOR, 2013b).

increasing the farther from the center.

future (PISTOR, 2012).

The legal theory of finance, in general, is confronted with the premise of

stylized ones”, which, according to Pistor (2013b, pp. 317), should be understood as the ground for a

financial markets as primary units of analysis, without existence outside a context

– the scientific justification of a political ideology contrary to government regulation of

financial intermediary entities and agents, such as Law and Finance (PISTOR, 2009).

unique circumstances, not reducible to calculation of probabilities, prevent the adequate and

of highly complex financial assets. The second maintains that the law contributes

KRAAKMAN, 2014). Pistor (2012) maintains that even the hypothesis of the relative efficiency of

Liquidity is a risk that cannot be fully covered through the liquidity strategy.

a pre-established order of fulfillment of contractual obligations, which shows a

hierarchy, polarized between center and periphery, with the binding force of legal norms

to market participants, is counterproductive as it results in the false notion that more

vulnerable to such lack of liquidity. This fact prevents the occurrence of renegotiation


In fact, the level of information about the present and the past does not reduce uncertainty about the

This approach is also articulated around four initial perceptions, or “facts

The inductive and empirical construction of this theory has the particularity of welcoming the

new theoretical map for empirical observation of finance. The first emphasizes that nature

neoclassical economics of market efficiency, cornerstone – albeit in a distorted way

The TJF adopts, in contrast, two interconnected premises: the fundamental uncertainty of

the market and the volatility of its liquidity84 . On the one hand, an uncertain future, which presents

Liquidity is defined by Pistor (2013b) as the “ability to sell an asset for another or even for currency” (pp. 316). 84

Machine Translated by Google from these same institutions to monetary resources. In this sense, sovereignties would be the

legal between them.

conceived as a hybrid product of public and private rules (GELPERN and GULATI, 2013).

more renegotiations necessary to overcome a financial crisis, for example.

on their respective currencies and the greater part of their debts in currency terms

through contractual interconnections and self-references. It resonates by itself

connections, as a complex of interdependent contractual obligations (IOUs –

of this approach. Mehrling (2012) states that the various financial instruments, such as

issued both by private agents, such as derivatives, and by public entities, such as

depends on respect for the commitments set out therein, influenced by positive law and

quantitatively, but also qualitatively. It also maintains that the hierarchical position

domestic or foreign and also in terms of domestic or foreign currency (PISTOR, 2013b).

bottom-up, while neoclassical economics – here developed through the Law

equivalent to legal structures, composed of networks of links between contractual obligations

emit them. The position in the hierarchical structure, according to Mehrling (2012), depends on access

Law and Finance literature falls on the agents, while Law in Finance highlights the bonds

institutions with greater resources, since they are, in the last instance, the ones that have as much control

purely private contracts and those that include sovereign nations, markets are

form (PISTOR, 2013b). Furthermore, these legal commitments could further complicate

Pistor (2013b) notes that the legal nature of markets emerges as a network of

This approach would be able, therefore, to explain the scope and reaction of the markets,

A hierarchical and dynamic financial system is also part of the initial perceptions

national currency, foreign currencies, gold, Treasury bonds, are not only different

Interdependent web of contractual obligations), a category that includes financial instruments

conceptualization of financial asset, conceived, by Pistor (2013b), as a contract whose value


sovereign debt securities, which can be issued in state jurisdiction

interpretation of regulators and the judiciary. Once considered that the financial markets

between them reflects the different hierarchy between the bodies, entities and financial institutions that

self-referenced and predetermined, it would be possible to predict how chain reactions would take place.

and Finance – view markets from top to bottom, top-down. In this way, the emphasis of

Incidentally, because of this characteristic of inserting within the same analytical category

Machine Translated by Google quality of assets, there is debt execution and credit contraction. This oscillation between

lower risk of default, while the opposite side was composed of the private sector. In your

domestic85 – which would be linked to the debt socialization capacity of their sovereignties

hierarchically superior to securities issued by banking entities, which would be

The notion of hierarchy in the financial system goes beyond national borders. Mehling

(2012a) points out that, in times of financial crisis, when the qualitative hierarchy of assets

(MEHRLING, 2013). Thus, government bonds traded by the Treasury would be

expansion movement, there is a quantitative increase in credit and qualitative differences between

nationwide, is occupied by the institution with the greatest capacity to refinance its own


debts – in this case, a sovereignty represented by its own central bank –, that is, with

the Keynesian view at one pole and the monetarist view of the economy at the other (MEHRLING,

it is also a cardinal point of the theory of legal finance. The financial system is thought of as

a structure in constant movement, sometimes expanding, sometimes contracting, whose apex, in

2012). The figure below illustrates the dynamics of the monetary system:

higher than those issued by companies, for example (MEHRLING, 2012).

assets are irrelevant. In the reduction movement, the different hierarchies are accentuated

The dynamism of the financial system as conceived by Mehling (2012a, 2012b)

one movement and another would find a counterpart in business cycles, between the prevalence


Figure 6 – Dynamics of expansion and contraction of the monetary system

Source: Adapted from Mehrling (2012b).

Pistor (2013b) and Mehrling (2013) point out that discrepancies are observed regarding the perception of each country's ability to refinance its own debt. In this sense, Mehrling (2012) observes that the foreign exchange market is an indicator that there is also a hierarchy in terms of the resources available to each sovereignty, with a large advantage for the United States, since the dollar has become an international currency.

Machine Translated by Google Free translation of “probability that ex ante legal commitments will be relaxed or suspended in the future” (PISTOR, 2013b, pp. 320). 86

because of falling real estate prices. This process ended up spreading, in the case of

which, in turn, depends on having (i) control over its currency and (ii) the issuance of a majority of

and regulatory issues throughout this hierarchical system, particularly in times of crisis. That would be

The application of the concept of elasticity of law added to the conception of a system

found it more difficult to receive their payments (RONA-TAS and GUSEVA, 2013).

differentiated from law through the concept of elasticity, defined as “the probability of

between sovereignties is unequal (MEHLING, 2012a; PISTOR, 2013b). To illustrate, Mehling

hierarchical classes. For example, Rona-Tas and Guseva (2013) show that loans

there was questioning of its ability to pay, regarding the use of the dollar as currency

of divergence between what was foreseen and what actually happened in the future, the greater the

more costly as, with the emergence of the financial crisis of 2008, there was appreciation

The existence of hierarchy among financial assets raises the question about their

startles, investors change their investment portfolio, initially getting rid of

finance, where entities and institutions considered essential for the

prevented from refinancing debts and began to foreclose on such mortgages, with significant losses

sovereignties with large resources and capacity to refinance their own debts, the

Hungary, for other sectors of the real economy, such as telephony, in which companies

of financial market participants reveals the differentiated application of contractual rules

are fully applied, resulting in involuntary exits from the system (PISTOR, 2013b).

your debts in that same currency. Based on these criteria, the distribution of financial power

opposed to the uniform legal application of the rule of law. Pistor (2013b) conceives this application

hierarchical monetary system allows the visualization of the existence of hierarchies within the

Based on illustrations like this, Pistor (2013b) argues that the periphery of localities

real estate purchases made by Eastern European consumers in foreign currency have become

(2012a) cites both Ireland, which was unable to refinance itself using its own currency, as

a legal commitment to be relaxed or suspended in the future”. , so the greater the chance


international market and increased demand in times of crisis.

elasticity of law. While the right tends to be more elastic at the apex of the system

of these currencies, such as the Swiss franc, and banks, faced with the credit crunch, found themselves

structural survival, law tends to be inelastic at the periphery, where legal rules

those lower quality assets. In this sense, the best assets will be issued by

impacts on the effectiveness of legal rules. Pistor (2013b) maintains that behavior


Machine Translated by Google (Pistor, 2013b). The contemporary financial market presents dynamics that seek to increase

historical circumstances. Pistor (2013b) cites as an example the success in wars in the case of

those who push aside legal rules are also constituted by binding rules, only

the premise that non-state entities have limited resources by definition, therefore,

current situation of financial interdependence, is not capable of reducing the fragility of those before crises

2013). Furthermore, the TJF stipulates that the migration from a relationship-based finance model

direct control of the rules applicable to global finance and indirect control through intermediaries

guarantor of this asset will only remain as such until its own survival is

2013b). In this way, the law lends credibility to the system, by conferring

The Legal Theory of finance builds on these four premises a vision of how

by the financial system in relation to the enforcement capacity of legal systems

abandoned in times of crisis and consequent search for lower risk assets guaranteed by

monetary policy (PISTOR, 2013b). Its design is based on four other propositions. A

peripheral areas of the financial system carry, in the case of the real estate market, not only the risk

The second highlights the necessarily hybrid nature, public and private, of

The third consists of the suggestion of a paradoxical relationship between law and finance

However, the position occupied in the hierarchy of the financial system results from

of returns and dilution of risks through the diversification of investments which, due to the level

necessarily legal. This rejects the idea of markets "outside" the rules, because even

Sovereign State as guardian of the survival of the system. This essential hybridity

United States, in addition to highlighting that the strengthening of this superior position from the

built through the delegation of normative production to the private sector (HODGSON,

even if there is currency or financial assets in circulation not backed by a sovereign, the

systemic. This, in turn, harms compliance with legal stipulations (PISTOR, 2012,

at stake (PISTOR, 2013b). Furthermore, this asset not backed by sovereignty tends to be

domestic financial institutions with transnational operations.

personal to another organized through the market mechanism entails greater dependence

greater confidence for investors in the fulfillment of contracts. In times of crisis, however,


contemporary finance operates both in times of expansion and contraction

(GILPERN and GULATI, 2013; PISTOR, 2013b).

sovereignties capable of refinancing their own debts (MEHRLING, 2013).

financial markets, as a consequence of dependence, ultimately, on the performance of the

of the loan, but also the risk of the currency itself.

The first emphasizes that financial markets are systems of binding rules, not

Machine Translated by Google (CARRUTHERS, 2013, PISTOR, 2013a, 2013b)

(RONA-TAS and GUSEVA, 2013, PISTOR, 2013a, 2013b)

Theoretical Formulations

Financial markets are necessarily public and private.

Empirical Evidence The emergence of new highly complex financial assets, such as derivatives, although regulated by private rules,

Source: Own preparation.

(PISTOR, 2013a, 2013b)

Figure 7 - Empirical evidence of the Legal Theory of Finance

The position occupied by an entity within the hierarchy of the financial system determines the strength with which the law will be applied in the future, with changing circumstances. Countries with more access to resources, control of their currency and their debts, have greater political discretion.

(MEHRLING, 2013, PISTOR, 2013a, 2013b)

Crises show the existence of preferences regarding financial assets, based on the institution that guarantees them. The central banks of countries affected by the crisis acted as guardians of the survival of the financial system, even though the crisis originated in the private sector.

The complexity of financial assets requires legal protection. In times of crisis, however, the full application of the law represented a risk to the survival of the financial system. Law and Finance are paradoxically related.

Where right is elastic, power becomes prominent.

Financial markets are equivalent to systems of binding rules. it has limits, which was observed in the 2008 crisis. These limits put pressure on the legal acceptance of these new contractual forms in all jurisdictions.

global, determined by the five largest central banks, the US FED, the ECB,

by sovereignties with more access to resources, Pistor (2013b) argues that the

full enforcement of the law would result in the destruction of the financial system, even though

2013b). the suspension of previously stipulated standards mitigates the credibility of the system (PISTOR,

sovereignties with control of their currency and their own debt. In this sense, Mehling (2012)

TJF formulations.

(2013b) uses this differential relationship with law as the very definition of power.


In this way, combined with the premise that the apex of the hierarchy in the financial system is occupied

from Japan.

individuals and groups in the financial system, attention is drawn to the discretion of decision-making

state decision on who should be excluded from the general effectiveness of the right. By the way, Pistor

The figure below organizes the empirical evidence that supported the four

The fourth associates the elasticity of law with the political economy of finance. Before the

mentions that economic stabilization measures, for example, would depend on the policy, within the

existence of different legal treatments based on the hierarchical position occupied by

of the European Union, the Bank of England, of the United Kingdom, the SNB, of Switzerland, and Nippon Ginko,

Machine Translated by Google from a model guided by autonomous administrative agencies to another with greater

that will determine the future of the system (PISTOR, 2013b).

survival of the system, whether globally or domestically (PISTOR, 2013b).

The Legal Theory of Finance, as a predictive approach, still risks stipulating

financial system to be mutually beneficial to central countries, through the increase of

important to the survival of the system, and consequently the level of resources to be

eventually mobilized for its stabilization in a post-crisis moment. Still, in

future stages of the development of financial markets. First, despite the expansion of

This hypothesis is worrying as recent regulatory changes

Third, the TJF predicts that this proximity of financial market participants

decisions made by those at the center, market participants

in relation to the center of the financial system will increase the number of groups considered


financiers will seek to place themselves close to the group responsible for making crucial decisions to the

other financial market participants, known as interest groups with

periphery of the system (PISTOR, 2013b).

Second, as in financial turmoil the survival of the system depends on

great capacity for mobilizing resources (GADINIS, 2013; GERDING, 2013).

returns, and to peripheral countries, with a reduction in the cost of credit, the consequences of crises

promoted by the United States, with the enactment of the Dodd-Frank Act, represented the migration

financial resources are unequally distributed, with full application of the right only to the

political participation, which can increase the lobbying influence of financial institutions and

Ultimately, the TJF predicts that it will be the policy of the country occupying the apex of the global system

Machine Translated by Google involved identification and microeconomic analyzes of unprecedented scope, with results,

While limited to the academic environment, theories provide subsidies to the understanding of

may lose jobs and savings and, worst of all, faith in society and hope for the future

represent a turning point in empirical research in the study of finance, economics

of econometric modeling (DAM, 2006; KAPLAN and ZINGALES, 2014). Furthermore,

political position on top of a scientific tower, which not only disqualifies speeches

political actors to serve political goals (GILSON and KRAAKMAM, 2014). However,

from a geographical, thematic and methodological point of view, whether due to the impact on scientific production

institutional and legal and economic history (GLAESER and SHLEIFER, 2002; GRAFF,

studies, and the contradictions found are fundamental for progress in science (KUHN,

the mere progressive adoption of formal rules (PISTOR, 2009; KREVER, 2013).

This approach, for example, systematized previously non-existent data. To the

and regulatory policy.


in the academic production of the theme object of this study, seems to some extent to represent

to a small number of countries (KAPLAN and ZINGALES, 2014). Law and Finance literature

in general, and financial development in particular, matter in the real world.

most of the time, deciphered in accessible, robust and objective language, not depending

legal reforms can be the cause of serious damage, because when the law fails, people

academic debate, this theoretical perspective has proved influential, in large part, for

world, but when they enter political reality, theory is inevitably modified by

(MICHAELS, 2009a). The political appropriation of academic theories seems to isolate decision-making

comparative law and comparative law (SPAMANN, 2008; MICHAELS, 2009a), whether from the points

combined multidisciplinary thoughts, from corporate finance theory, economics

arising from it.

if in the academy the theoretical limitations find fertile ground for the deepening of

contrary to it, but also reduces the right, in democratic societies, to build



1996), this does not happen when theories are used as justification for political discourse

Law and Finance, an approach dealt with in the second section and which occupies a dominant position

comparative empirical research until then involved extensive and therefore restricted descriptions

example of improper mutation of explanatory theory into normative theory. When it comes to the

Theories that attempt to explain how legal institutions relate to the economy,

Theoretical approaches involving law raise specific ethical questions:

Machine Translated by Google 87 Although the Law and Finance methodology influenced the Doing Business World Bank Report, the study most relevant to the design of this Project was developed by economist Hernando de Soto, who analyzed the process of formalizing business and its impediments in Peru (WORLD BANK, 2015 ). See Section 2.2.3.

There was even an inference of causality in the sense that the civil law resulted in greater

of publicly traded companies as a continuous conflict between investors and shareholders

head of the institution) (MILHAUPT and PISTOR, 2008), reveals questionable symbiosis from the point of view

two studies were identified that can be pointed as the poles of this perspective

their scope, relied not only on the resources of the World Bank, but also on its

PORTA et al., 2008), and also contributed to the consolidation of two new fields of

most recent consolidation, by La Porta et al. (2008), more sophisticated version identified

Used, however, as a basis for legal recommendations from organizations

of this dominant framework already coincided with the positions then adopted by the World Bank

superiority of the common law legal tradition over the continental law tradition

Law and Finance approach abandoned the controversial and thought-provoking academic character to the

This literature was responsible for the significant increase in research on the role

Parallel to the political appropriation of academic theories, this study found that,

grounded in the idea of legal transplants from English and French legal traditions.

corporate, with an emphasis on investor protection (DAM, 2006). Inaugurated a conception

concentration of ownership.

and authors typically associated with this literature, such as Simeon Djankov (former economist

does not present itself in a monolithic manner. According to the literature review carried out,

controllers, whose balance is determined by legal variables (COFFEE, 2001; LA

view of the sociology of science. Quantitative research in Law and Finance, great in terms of

theory: on the one hand, the initial study by La Porta et al. (1997, 1998) and, on the other hand, the

expressly as a theory about origins. The earliest conclusions pointed to a certain

research, law and finance and the new comparative economy (MICHAELS, 2009).

prestige on the international stage for its advertising. Furthermore, the first conclusions


international institutions, whose renown inspires general credibility, such as the World Bank, the literature of

since the mid-1990s.

European in relation to financial development and economic performance, thesis

contrary to what is sometimes cited in works of the genre, the Law and Finance literature

of legal institutions on economic development, as well as on governance

in-depth research: it gained the status of a truth, a legal remedy for structural ills, through projects such as

Doing Business87 . In fact, the relationship between this institution

Machine Translated by Google which legal institutions are relevant to the process of economic development

state abuse and more adaptive solutions to market changes, while civil law would have its

static infrastructure that, once established, does not interact with social, economic,

refer to the political-social context: the concentration and decentralization of power that occurred,

Motivated by this literature, it fueled discussions about the strengths and weaknesses of the methods

legal and financial development as an upward linear graph where more rules


glorious and French, which occurred in the 17th and 18th centuries. Now, in both explanations, the

quantitative, attempts to translate the complexity of law into more malleable, transparent terms

that is, with the effectiveness of legal norms, the multifunctionality of rules is underestimated

financial markets and improved economic performance.

literature review carried out, the literature on the origins does not provide grounds for the

that inform legal norms. It is the implicit defense of a model that refers to

The most recent conclusions consolidated in La Porta et al. (2008) discard

variations in legal protections for investors – the legal tradition adopted by countries –

Despite these contradictions, Law and Finance was responsible for establishing the idea of

from social and economic circumstances – common law offers the best defense against

(MICHAELS, 2009a). It was found that the interdisciplinary dialogue between Law and Economics

economic. Pistor (2009) identified in Law and Finance the interpretation of law as a

Glaeser and Shleifer (2002) the two origins of variations between common law and French civil law

virtues with regard to the implementation of public policies and disorder control in the sector

and politicians. In this way, the literature on origins conceives the relationship between institutions

respectively, in France and England, from the Middle Ages, as well as the liberal revolutions,

quantitative and qualitative. On the one hand, the literature on origins, based on method

political-social context emerged as a determinant of the legal norms adopted at the time. At

Although origins theory embraces concerns that go beyond formal law,

in accordance with a given previous prescription would be associated with greater robustness of

and simple for the general public. Furthermore, the use of statistical quantification techniques in


and principles of law, as well as the role played by informal surrogates and values

However, the explanation given by this theoretical approach about the determining factor of

reasons why this same context would not produce more inflections on the legal system.

contradicts the very conception of law that is immune to the social changes underlying it. Second

any absolute superiority of these two traditions, preferring relative superiorities to

Max Weber, who saw law as a rational normative system prior to activity

Machine Translated by Google that politics may determine the timing of legislative changes, but it does not determine the

information about the growing integration of the global economy. Still, the method

et al, 2009; SPAMANN, 2008). In general, the globalization of law and its variations

policy (PAGANO and VOLPIN, 2005; ROE, 2000). Stulz and Williamson (2003), for example,

A second strand of competing theoretical approaches to Law was also identified.

KERHUEL, 2009).

different norms from different legal systems can perform the same functions, which

that religion is a more important determinant of creditor protection. La Porta et al.

main thesis asserted by it would not be sustained from some historical facts, such as the

As a result, the complementarity of methods was perceived in the sense that both

alternatives to the Law and Finance literature and its recipe for transnational legal transplants.

explanatory factor armed with the perception that the origins overlap with it, as they bring

began to pay greater attention to the functionality of legal rules (LA PORTA et al, 2008)

study of legal institutions allowed for an expansion of the scope of research, which had not previously been

were based on the codification of laws and a quantitative method similar to that used by

changes in the right to political and economic arrangements, the reply is based on the argument that

extensively descriptive method proved to be incapable of meeting the needs of systematization

format of institutional solutions, these would be the result of welcoming the origins.

concern with the empirical reality and the simplicity of exposing the results (ARMOUR

other factors such as culture (LICHT, GOLDSCHMIDT and SCHARWTZ, 2007) and economics

qualitative also proved to be essential for improving the precision of concepts and clarifying how

borders require a new approach for new analyzes (FAUVARQUE-COSSON and

compare religious traditions and their philosophical position on the charging of interest, to sustain

and Finance, which see the theory of origins as a product of history, as the

(2008), precursors of the dominant framework, refute studies focused on culture as a

dispels misunderstandings of the quantitative method.

This study outlined a descriptive overview of some of the main approaches

pragmatic origin of Roman Law (MALMENDIER, 2009) or even the apex of the force


quantitative research, usually carried out by economists, in the field of law and finance

Three lines of competing theoretical views were identified. The first refers to studies that

the definition of legal tradition from the concept of ideology. As for studies dealing with

LLSV. These studies, however, explore the hypothesis that the origins are mere proxies of

carried out by conventional comparative law. On the other hand, a qualitative approach

as qualitative research, generally carried out by jurists, began to have greater

Machine Translated by Google However, the lack of a single or even dominant concept of

of corporate governance and financial development are mediated by the characteristics

for their concern with the distributive effects of legal rules and which highlight the

of each country. In fact, this conclusion that legal transplants in themselves are not elements

researchers involved with this doctrine. Prado (2010), for example, suggests as a challenge

very different visions. The first of them, New Law and Development, clashes with

informal arguments that rule out the need for changes in positive law. That is, the impact of

version of Law and Development, around the beginning of the 1970s (TRUBEK and

He cites the right to property, which can mean different institutions from the perspective

of time. Coffee (2001), for example, shows that the British and Americans developed

interdisciplinary research involving economic institutions, legal institutions and the search

potential ethnocentrism and legal imperialism that involves the export of legal models


French economy at the beginning of the 20th century (RAJAN and ZINGALES, 2003). In that line,

Specifically with regard to financial development and performance

SANTOS, 2002) and even projects such as Doing Business.

It was found that the consequences of any legal reform with an impact on the structure

development in the reviewed literature of this theoretical approach hinders the union between

alternatives to Law and Finance. It is argued that this group brings together views that are similar

institutional design nationally appropriate to social, economic and political circumstances

institutional aspects of the system in which they are inserted, with the possibility of influencing norms

existence of systemic asymmetries in the effectiveness of legal norms, even though they are

sufficient to change economic institutions would have already been achieved by the first

the occurrence of different meanings for institutions that lead to development.

GALTANTER, 1974). Furthermore, this movement would also have already clarified the

reforms depends on the prior institutional arrangement and its parallel development over the course of

too much about its cohesion and structure. In fact, it appears to be more of a field of

adopted, like that of the rich or the poor. With the emergence of new concepts of


very different forms of corporate governance, despite belonging to the same tradition

by development.

between countries, which again gained strength with neoliberal legal globalization (SOUZA

economic, studies such as that of Schapiro (2011) support the need to build a

follow studies by Cheffins, Bank and Wells (2012), Roe (2006) and Coffee (2001) for example.

The present study dedicated a separate section to a third line of theoretical approaches

Machine Translated by Google However, the fact that AJPE focuses on empirical research as a way of accessing

and Development. Trubek (2012) points to the need for scholars in the area to open

inherently intertwined with other social and legal institutions. From this new perspective, the

systemic process of unilateral decisions that alter the contents of the contractual aggregates that

national and global macro design on financial development without first

finance, is perceived as vulnerable to distortions, with reduced ability to access the real


contract to four categories of clauses, subdivided, in general, into public/private and

insights into the legal paths for distributing benefits and costs resulting from

propositions. Two points of the AJPE seem to operate a certain revolution in legal thought

For financial development in a global perspective, it seems to matter more

that transversally affect an entire contractual aggregate, such as exchange rate, interest rate

right. This is conceived less as a metaphysical entity, autonomous from other

development, such as that of Jackson (2011), which separates economic growth from

transmissions of contractual amendments initiated by negotiated decisions take place


de Prado (2010) on the existing conflicting potential within the New Law doctrine itself

distributive effects of legal norms reduces the ability of this approach to draw a

to the conception of the subjective right as a gradient of fruition, centered on the holder of the right and

theoretical view, the jurist now has an analytical tool capable of visualizing the impact

eyes to those potential political conflicts that may arise from the normative vision inherent in the

binary criterion for coding laws into indices, basic to the method employed by Law and

constitute the economy. This approach allows this to happen by reducing the content

academic production on the subject. Even so, this vision is capable of launching relevant

in monetary/real. From this, it becomes possible to identify the relative weight of clauses

The second, the Legal Analysis of Economic Policy, presents greater cohesion of its

fruition of rights of creditors and shareholders, for example.

state decisions on issues today dominated only by economic discourse.


dominant. The first of them refers to the abandonment of formal categories for the treatment of

AJPE's second key point: its instrumental purpose for identifying how

basic income, taxes and minimum mandatory content, such as payment of dividends

institutionally (judicial, administrative-regulatory and legislative processes). Through this

development, to the point of suggesting that the former can prevent the latter, seems to strengthen the fear

social or legal institutions and obedient to a binary criterion of existence or not. What's wrong?

Machine Translated by Google empirical evidence, its propositions in their final version have not yet been fully

taken as an example the advances in expanding the scope of research in comparative law

same social order imbued by the sense of justice (CASTRO, 2012) – passively assists the double

compared (SPAMANN, 2008). However, this study found that there was still a slight reaction due to

These new conceptions challenge the dominant theoretical framework by abandoning the emphasis on

strictly on the criterion of economic optimization deteriorate advances already achieved in fruition

Economy, at domestic and global levels, as a continuous process in which these spheres

how the law works, but also regulations on how it should work. And what else

changes in the law itself. In this sense, Fauvarque-Cosson and Kerhuel (2009) warn that

Although there is still controversy about the relevance of the role of law in

The disadvantage of being recent and, therefore, still having reduced production

purely economic discourse and the degradation of objects protected by legal norms.

studies and the influence of their research on public opinion.

Legal Theory of Finance (TJF). Despite being a theory formulated inductively, based on

legal and economic institutions. The interdisciplinary dialogue proved to be beneficial for both,

as a maintainer of order and defense of already assured rights and as a transformer of that

tested. Even so, the TJF offers insights into the uneven structure of the financial system.

(DEAKIN and SIEMS, 2009) and the conceptual and functional correction of research in economics

dominance of economic discourse. On the one hand, legal changes that are based

of rights. On the other hand, the economic discourse seems to monopolize political discussions about

individual attitudes of countries and draw the structural interaction between Politics, Law and

part of jurists against strictly economic considerations, not just positive ones, on


influence each other.

What is surprising is that the silence of legal scholars comes at the cost of maintaining control over the

jurists should take economists as an example of how to improve the relevance of their

Faced with this situation, the jurist, who has a dual role towards society - both

academic can also be attributed to the third alternative approach discussed in Section 3.3, the

financial development, the certainty of interaction between institutions

Machine Translated by Google fixed or universal (MALMENDIER, 2009; PARGENDLER, 2012a). Search results

economic development in general and financial development in particular. Secondarily,

There was a connection both with the contractualist view of the company, which refers to Coase

support theories about the origins (LA PORTA et al., 2008), a sophisticated way that brought together

adopted legal tradition – argue that, faced with social problems, common law countries

(1976), from which the Law and Finance literature borrows the concern with agency costs

as possible gaps to be filled by research in the area. Based on the growing

1998 to 2008. The statement that the right can be quantified expanded the scope of research

state action (DJANKOV et al., 2003a). Finally, the theory of origins argues that there are

carried out took as a starting point the study by Pistor (2012) on the dominant theoretical view

theory, Law and Economics, Law and Finance departs from it by emphasizing that differences between

right (see Section 2.1.1.). Through statistical correlations considered robust, the literature

generically as Law and Finance.


would have a central influence on corporate governance and financial development

each country, such as common law and civil law, although such categorization is not definitive,

main theoretical views that explain how legal institutions interact with

under this theoretical framework also pointed to distinct state behaviors based on the

The first one was devoted to the origins of this discourse, based on the premises adopted by it.

Secondly, the four propositions that

we sought to identify the role reserved for the jurist by each of these theoretical discourses, as well as

(1937, 1960), as well as Jensen and Meckling's theory of the ownership structure of the firm

the main conclusions reached over ten years of academic research in the area,

reinforce pro-market legal institutions, while French civil law countries reinforce the

comparative studies on legal institutions, but has been criticized for providing an incomplete picture of the

importance of finance for development and for the enjoyment of rights, research

(see Section 2). Although this dual inheritance is also associated with another approach


about the regulation of the financial system, constant in the literature that became known

legal traditions and between the functioning of judicial bodies in different countries of the world

on origins associates variations of legal institutions with legal traditions followed by

(LA PORTA et al., 2000a).

This monograph was written with the aim of tracing a contemporary panorama of

This predominant theoretical framework (Law and Finance) was described in three moments.

Machine Translated by Google 88

between legal institutions and economic institutions, aiming at a policy model

. As an explanatory theory, the

to investors, in the period between 1930-1970 (see Section 2.2.1.); and (iii) theories that identify

projects from international organizations are supported, such as Doing Business, from the World Bank,

local circumstances in each country. The Legal Analysis of Economic Policy, approach

of legal changes (see Section 2.2.1.). As a predictive theory, the literature on the origins

about origins, as mentioned by Kevin Davis

The third section of this monograph described three theoretical approaches

aims to combine the institutional conditions for the enjoyment of rights with considerations on the

influence of origins. They face, however, three types of competition: (i) from theories that

welcomed by them, even though the 2008 financial crisis, for example, seems to have

Finance. The New Law and Development is presented as a doctrine or a field

(ACEMOGLU, JOHNSON and ROBINSON, 2001); (ii) of studies that highlight events

impact of law on economic performance, even though each legal tradition has,

adopted against the crisis, by authorities within different traditions (see Section

development, brings together authors who seem to share awareness about the interactions

In a third moment, the three possible interpretations of the theory were discussed.

economic drivers of development and that remains nationally adequate to the

growth in the American capital market even after the increase in legal protections

Financial development must embrace legal institutions typical of common law. In it

political economy and informal social institutions as primary factors for understanding

which recommends legal reforms based on theses arising from the Law and Finance literature.

also cohesive and structured, it is described as an analytical tool for jurists, who

holistic approach, which contrast with the assumptions and prescriptions belonging to the Law and

Law and Finance propositions aim to associate current financial development with

anticipates what types of solutions will be designed by States based on legal tradition

economic dynamics of economic policy (see Section 3.2.). Finally, the legal theory of


see origins as mere proxies for other factors, such as colonial past

represented an inflection point towards more convergence between medicines

of studies (see Section 3.1.), which, although harboring diversity of views on the

2.2.2.). As a normative theory, origins theory holds that countries that aspire to

in different circumstances, particular virtues (LA PORTA et al., 2008).

historical backgrounds contrary to the foundations of literature on origins, such as the small

88 See note 62.

Machine Translated by Google Finance, based on the premise of instability inherent to the financial system, in the progressive

Section 3.3.).

dependence of finance on the law, as well as on the existence of a monetary system

hierarchical with ramifications from the global to the national economy, it links all

With the presentation of the discussions throughout the sections above, and their evaluation (see

Section 4), the work sought to contribute to clarifying the terms of the contemporary debate

financial institutions to the same structure in which power is asymmetrically distributed


on relevant legal aspects concerning the regulation of financial markets.

according to the possibility of future suspension or relaxation of legal commitments (see

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