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Code repository for the paper:
3D Bird Reconstruction: a Dataset, Model, and Shape Recovery from a Single View
Marc Badger, Yufu Wang, Adarsh Modh, Ammon Perkes, Nikos Kolotouros, Bernd Pfrommer, Marc Schmidt, Kostas Daniilidis
ECCV 2020
[Project Page]


Installation instructions

virtualenv avian3d -p python3
source avian3d/bin/activate
pip install -U pip
pip install -r requirements.txt

In addition, you will need to install pytorch3D. Please follow the installation instructions, and we recommend installing with CUDA support if you want to utilize silhouettes in single view reconstruction. If you need offscreen rendering (e.g. over SSH), please look at these instructions for installing pyrender with OSMesa.

Fetch data

Download the cowbird dataset and place it under /data. To run our pipeline, you will also need to download the pretrained keypoint detector and place it in /keypoint_detection. If you want to try our MaskRCNN-based detector, download the finetuned weights into /models; this step is not required for reconstruction.

Dataset format

Within cowbird, most labels are kept in COCO format. Each image has a unique image id, which is also the name of that image. All annotations are stored in /cowbird/annotations/instance.json, including over 6355 segmented instances, a subset of which (about 1000) will also have keypoints. You will also find information regarding the exact ROS time and the camera from which it is captured. Beyond instance.json, we split the group of instances that have keypoint annotaitons into instance_train.json and instance_test.json for single view reconstruciton task. In the instance_splits folder, you will also find datasets split by different criteria (e.g. by season); these splits and labels can be used for instance level detection and tracking tasks. You can take a look at datasets/ as a quick guide in how to read the labels.

The only labels not in COCO format are in /cowbird/annotations/multiview_instance.pth, which contains instances that have multiview matching. These are used to recover a pose prior. We provide a dataset class datasets/ as a starting point to take advantage of these multiview data.

Run demo code

We provide demo codes for singleview reconstruction, multiview reconstruction, and a pretrained detector based on Mask R-CNN. The demo codes use the provided dataset classes describe above to load the cowbird dataset.

Demo for single view reconstruction with only keypoints

python tools/

or reconstruction with keypoints and silhouette

python tools/ --use_mask

Demo for instance level detection

python tools/

Run evaluation code

In addition to the demo code, we also provide evaluation codes for reconstruction and keypoint detection. The script tools/ will run complete single view reconstruciton on all instances in instance_test.json and evalutate IoU and PCK. The script runs a cross view evaluation of single view reconstruction, using instances that have multiview access multiview_instance.pth. For each instance, from each view, it will run reconstruction, perform global rigid alignment, and evaluate on non-source views.

Example usage:

python tools/ --use_mask


If you find this dataset and code useful for your research, or use data generated by our model, please consider citing the following paper:

  Title          = {3D Bird Reconstruction: a Dataset, Model, and Shape Recovery from a Single View},
  Author         = {Badger, Marc and Wang, Yufu and Modh, Adarsh and Perkes, Ammon and Kolotouros, Nikos and Pfrommer, Bernd and Schmidt, Marc and Daniilidis, Kostas},
  Booktitle      = {ECCV},
  Year           = {2020}